"1750"^^ . "Linux Phone Standards Forum"@it . . "3171468"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "LiPS"@fr . . "Das Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS) ist ein im November 2005 gegr\u00FCndetes Konsortium zur Schaffung eines offenen Standards f\u00FCr eine einheitliche Linux-Implementierung f\u00FCr Mobiltelefone als Alternative zu Microsofts Windows CE Plattform. Auch andere propriet\u00E4re Herstellersysteme sollen abgel\u00F6st werden. Derzeit sind Linux-Plattformen meist nur auf der f\u00FCr jeweilige Version angepassten Hardware einzelner Hersteller lauff\u00E4hig. Die Standardisierung betrifft daher sowohl Hardware als auch Softwareprodukte. Dabei sollen die Standards der (OMTP) ber\u00FCcksichtigt werden. Gr\u00FCndungsmitglieder sind unter anderem ARM, France T\u00E9l\u00E9com, Orange, , und PalmSource. Im November 2006 sind ZTE, Telecom Italia und Texas Instruments beigetreten. Im Dezember 2007 wurde mit dem 1.0 das erste LiPS Release vorgestellt. Die konkurrierende LiMo Foundation (unter anderem Motorola, NEC, NTT DoCoMo, Panasonic, Samsung und Vodafone) will einen Industriestandard schaffen, der nicht nur f\u00FCr Mobiltelefone, sondern f\u00FCr alle kompakten mobilen Endger\u00E4te geeignet ist. Dieser ist jedoch zu weiten Teilen kein offener Standard. Im Juni 2008 schlossen LiPS und die LiMo-Foundation eine Kooperation. LiPS wurde komplett in die LiMo Foundation eingegliedert."@de . . "Linux\u624B\u673A\u6807\u51C6\u8BBA\u575B\uFF08Linux Phone Standards Forum\uFF0C\u7F29\u5199LiPS Forum\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u591A\u516C\u53F8\u806F\u76DF\uFF0C\u65E8\u5728\u521B\u5EFA\u79FB\u52A8\u8BBE\u5907\u4E0A\u4F7F\u7528Linux\u7684\u6807\u51C6\u3002LiPS\u8BBA\u575B\u7684\u4E3B\u8981\u76EE\u6807\u662F\u521B\u5EFA\u5E94\u7528\u7A0B\u5E8F\u63A5\u53E3\uFF08API\uFF09\uFF0C\u5141\u8BB8\u5F00\u53D1\u4EBA\u5458\u6784\u5EFA\u7684\u5E94\u7528\u7A0B\u5E8F\u80FD\u4E0E\u6240\u6709\u5236\u9020\u5546\u5236\u4F5C\u7684\u624B\u673A\u4E92\u64CD\u4F5C \u3002 \u8054\u76DF\u7684\u521B\u59CB\u6210\u5458\u5305\u62EC\uFF1AARM Ltd\u3001\u3001\u3001\u6CD5\u56FD\u7535\u4FE1\u3001Telecom Italia\u3001\u3001\u534E\u4E3A\u3001\u3001\u3001MontaVista\u8F6F\u4EF6\u3001\u548CPalmSource\u3002 \u65B0\u8FDB\u6210\u5458\u5305\u62EC\uFF1A\u5FB7\u5DDE\u4EEA\u5668\u3001Trolltech ASA\u548C\u3002\u82F1\u570B\u96FB\u4FE1\u4E8E2007\u5E749\u6708\u52A0\u5165LiPS\u8BBA\u575B\u3002 2007\u5E749\u6708\uFF0CLiPS\u8BBA\u575B\u5BA3\u5E03\u5C06\u4E0E\u958B\u653E\u79FB\u52D5\u806F\u76DF\u5171\u540C\u52AA\u529B\uFF0C\u4FDD\u6301\u65B9\u5411\u4E00\u81F4\u3002 2008\u5E746\u6708\uFF0CLiPS\u8BBA\u575B\u5BA3\u5E03\u5C06\u4E0ELiMo\u57FA\u91D1\u6703\u5408\u4F5C\uFF0C\u4E0D\u518D\u4F5C\u4E3A\u4E00\u4E2A\u5355\u72EC\u7684\u7EC4\u7EC7\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . "Linux\u624B\u673A\u6807\u51C6\u8BBA\u575B\uFF08Linux Phone Standards Forum\uFF0C\u7F29\u5199LiPS Forum\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u4E2A\u591A\u516C\u53F8\u806F\u76DF\uFF0C\u65E8\u5728\u521B\u5EFA\u79FB\u52A8\u8BBE\u5907\u4E0A\u4F7F\u7528Linux\u7684\u6807\u51C6\u3002LiPS\u8BBA\u575B\u7684\u4E3B\u8981\u76EE\u6807\u662F\u521B\u5EFA\u5E94\u7528\u7A0B\u5E8F\u63A5\u53E3\uFF08API\uFF09\uFF0C\u5141\u8BB8\u5F00\u53D1\u4EBA\u5458\u6784\u5EFA\u7684\u5E94\u7528\u7A0B\u5E8F\u80FD\u4E0E\u6240\u6709\u5236\u9020\u5546\u5236\u4F5C\u7684\u624B\u673A\u4E92\u64CD\u4F5C \u3002 \u8054\u76DF\u7684\u521B\u59CB\u6210\u5458\u5305\u62EC\uFF1AARM Ltd\u3001\u3001\u3001\u6CD5\u56FD\u7535\u4FE1\u3001Telecom Italia\u3001\u3001\u534E\u4E3A\u3001\u3001\u3001MontaVista\u8F6F\u4EF6\u3001\u548CPalmSource\u3002 \u65B0\u8FDB\u6210\u5458\u5305\u62EC\uFF1A\u5FB7\u5DDE\u4EEA\u5668\u3001Trolltech ASA\u548C\u3002\u82F1\u570B\u96FB\u4FE1\u4E8E2007\u5E749\u6708\u52A0\u5165LiPS\u8BBA\u575B\u3002 2007\u5E749\u6708\uFF0CLiPS\u8BBA\u575B\u5BA3\u5E03\u5C06\u4E0E\u958B\u653E\u79FB\u52D5\u806F\u76DF\u5171\u540C\u52AA\u529B\uFF0C\u4FDD\u6301\u65B9\u5411\u4E00\u81F4\u3002 2008\u5E746\u6708\uFF0CLiPS\u8BBA\u575B\u5BA3\u5E03\u5C06\u4E0ELiMo\u57FA\u91D1\u6703\u5408\u4F5C\uFF0C\u4E0D\u518D\u4F5C\u4E3A\u4E00\u4E2A\u5355\u72EC\u7684\u7EC4\u7EC7\u3002"@zh . "The Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS Forum) is a consortium of a group of companies to create standards for the use of Linux on mobile devices. The main goal of the LiPS Forum is to create application programming interfaces (APIs) that will allow developers to build applications to inter-operate across Linux handsets made by all manufacturers. Founding members include ARM Ltd, Cellon, Esmertec, France Telecom, Telecom Italia, FSM Labs, Huawei, Jaluna, , MontaVista Software, Open-Plug and PalmSource (in March 2007, PalmSource changed its name to that of its parent company, Access Inc). Newer members include Texas Instruments, Trolltech ASA, and Movial Oy. British Telecom joined the LiPS Forum in September 2007. In September 2007, the LiPS forum announced that it was going to align its efforts with those of the Open Mobile Alliance. In June 2008, the LiPS forum announced that it would join with the LiMo Foundation and thereby cease to exist as a separate organization."@en . . . . . . . "The Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS Forum) is a consortium of a group of companies to create standards for the use of Linux on mobile devices. The main goal of the LiPS Forum is to create application programming interfaces (APIs) that will allow developers to build applications to inter-operate across Linux handsets made by all manufacturers. Founding members include ARM Ltd, Cellon, Esmertec, France Telecom, Telecom Italia, FSM Labs, Huawei, Jaluna, , MontaVista Software, Open-Plug and PalmSource (in March 2007, PalmSource changed its name to that of its parent company, Access Inc)."@en . . "Linux Phone Standards Forum"@de . "LiPS ou Linux Phone Standards est un consortium cr\u00E9\u00E9 par un groupe d'op\u00E9rateurs de t\u00E9l\u00E9phonie, de fabricant d'appareils et de composants et d'\u00E9diteurs de logiciels qui se focalisent sur Linux. LiPS rejoint la LiMo Foundation en juin 2008."@fr . . . . . . "Linux\u624B\u673A\u6807\u51C6\u8BBA\u575B"@zh . . . "LiPS ou Linux Phone Standards est un consortium cr\u00E9\u00E9 par un groupe d'op\u00E9rateurs de t\u00E9l\u00E9phonie, de fabricant d'appareils et de composants et d'\u00E9diteurs de logiciels qui se focalisent sur Linux. LiPS rejoint la LiMo Foundation en juin 2008."@fr . "1083889679"^^ . . . "Das Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS) ist ein im November 2005 gegr\u00FCndetes Konsortium zur Schaffung eines offenen Standards f\u00FCr eine einheitliche Linux-Implementierung f\u00FCr Mobiltelefone als Alternative zu Microsofts Windows CE Plattform. Auch andere propriet\u00E4re Herstellersysteme sollen abgel\u00F6st werden. Derzeit sind Linux-Plattformen meist nur auf der f\u00FCr jeweilige Version angepassten Hardware einzelner Hersteller lauff\u00E4hig. Die Standardisierung betrifft daher sowohl Hardware als auch Softwareprodukte. Dabei sollen die Standards der (OMTP) ber\u00FCcksichtigt werden."@de . . . . "Il Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS Forum) \u00E8 un consorzio di un gruppo di compagnie per creare standard per l'uso di Linux su dispositivi mobili. L'obiettivo principale del Forum LiPS \u00E8 di creare API che permettano agli sviluppatori di costruire applicazioni per operare su dispositivi Linux fabbricati da qualsiasi produttore. I membri fondatori sono: ARM Ltd, , , France T\u00E9l\u00E9com, Telecom Italia, , Huawei, , , , e (nel marzo 2007 PalmSource cambi\u00F2 il suo nome in quello della compagnia madre, Access Inc)."@it . . . . "Linux Phone Standards Forum"@en . . . "Il Linux Phone Standards Forum (LiPS Forum) \u00E8 un consorzio di un gruppo di compagnie per creare standard per l'uso di Linux su dispositivi mobili. L'obiettivo principale del Forum LiPS \u00E8 di creare API che permettano agli sviluppatori di costruire applicazioni per operare su dispositivi Linux fabbricati da qualsiasi produttore. I membri fondatori sono: ARM Ltd, , , France T\u00E9l\u00E9com, Telecom Italia, , Huawei, , , , e (nel marzo 2007 PalmSource cambi\u00F2 il suo nome in quello della compagnia madre, Access Inc)."@it . . . . . .