. . . "O Pr\u00EAmio Lilian Ida Smith tamb\u00E9m conhecido como NZSA Lilian Ida Smith Award \u00E9 um pr\u00EAmio liter\u00E1rio da Nova Zel\u00E2ndia da Sociedade de Autores da Nova Zel\u00E2ndia . O pr\u00EAmio \u00E9 nomeado ap\u00F3s Lilian Ida Smith, professora de m\u00FAsica de Whanganui. De 1986 a 1990, o pr\u00EAmio consiste em tr\u00EAs categorias, poesia, fic\u00E7\u00E3o e n\u00E3o fic\u00E7\u00E3o, com cada vencedor recebendo $ 1000. A partir de 1992, o pr\u00EAmio tornou-se pr\u00EAmio bienal com um fundo de pr\u00EAmios de US $ 3000 para projetos em qualquer g\u00EAnero. Entre 1986 e 1990, os ganhadores do pr\u00EAmio foram: A partir de 1992 os ganhadores do pr\u00EAmio foram:"@pt . . . . . . . "3466"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Lilian Ida Smith Award"@en . "O Pr\u00EAmio Lilian Ida Smith tamb\u00E9m conhecido como NZSA Lilian Ida Smith Award \u00E9 um pr\u00EAmio liter\u00E1rio da Nova Zel\u00E2ndia da Sociedade de Autores da Nova Zel\u00E2ndia . O pr\u00EAmio \u00E9 nomeado ap\u00F3s Lilian Ida Smith, professora de m\u00FAsica de Whanganui. De 1986 a 1990, o pr\u00EAmio consiste em tr\u00EAs categorias, poesia, fic\u00E7\u00E3o e n\u00E3o fic\u00E7\u00E3o, com cada vencedor recebendo $ 1000. A partir de 1992, o pr\u00EAmio tornou-se pr\u00EAmio bienal com um fundo de pr\u00EAmios de US $ 3000 para projetos em qualquer g\u00EAnero. Entre 1986 e 1990, os ganhadores do pr\u00EAmio foram: A partir de 1992 os ganhadores do pr\u00EAmio foram:"@pt . . "The Lilian Ida Smith Award also known as the NZSA Lilian Ida Smith Award is a New Zealand literary award from the New Zealand Society of Authors. The award is named after Lilian Ida Smith, a music teacher from Whanganui. She granted the New Zealand Society of Authors funds to \u2018assist people aged 35 yrs and over to embark upon or further a literary career\u2019. Between 1986 and 1990 recipients of the award were: From 1992 the recipients of the award are:"@en . . . "1088390366"^^ . . . . . . "Lilian Ida Smith Award"@en . . . "Lilian Ida Smith Award"@en . . . . . "Pr\u00EAmio Lilian Ida Smith"@pt . "The Lilian Ida Smith Award also known as the NZSA Lilian Ida Smith Award is a New Zealand literary award from the New Zealand Society of Authors. The award is named after Lilian Ida Smith, a music teacher from Whanganui. She granted the New Zealand Society of Authors funds to \u2018assist people aged 35 yrs and over to embark upon or further a literary career\u2019. From 1986\u20131990 the award consisted of three categories, poetry, fiction and non-fiction, with each recipient awarded $1000. From 1992 the award became biennial award with a prize fund of $3000 for a project in any genre, while after 2017 it was awarded every three years. Between 1986 and 1990 recipients of the award were: From 1992 the recipients of the award are:"@en . ""@en . . . . . . . "-->"@en . . "3000.0"^^ . "55894001"^^ . . . . . . . . . . .