. . . . . . . . . . "British Columbia 42nd Legislature Seating Plan.svg"@en . "Legislative Assembly of British Columbia"@en . . . . "\u4E0D\u5217\u985B\u54E5\u502B\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u662F\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u4E0D\u5217\u985B\u54E5\u502B\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7701\u7684\u7ACB\u6CD5\u673A\u5173\uFF0C\u7531\u4E0D\u5217\u985B\u54E5\u502B\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7701\u7ACB\u6CD5\u6703\u8B70\u548C\u4E0D\u5217\u985B\u54E5\u502B\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7701\u7701\u7763\u7EC4\u6210\u3002\u7701\u8BAE\u4F1A\u4F4D\u65BC\u7DAD\u591A\u5229\u4E9E\u3002\u6700\u8FD1\u4E00\u6B21\u9009\u4E3E\u662F2020\u5E74\u4E0D\u5217\u98A0\u54E5\u4F26\u6BD4\u4E9A\u7701\u9009"@zh . . "The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia is the deliberative assembly of the Parliament of British Columbia, in the province of British Columbia, Canada. The Legislative Assembly meets in Victoria. Members are elected from provincial ridings and are referred to as members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs). Bills passed by the legislature are given royal assent by the Canadian monarch, represented by the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia."@en . . . . . . . . . "Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de la Colombie-Britannique"@fr . "2020-10-24"^^ . . . . "87"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de la Colombie-Britannique (en anglais : Legislative Assembly of British Columbia) est l'unique chambre du parlement monocam\u00E9ral de la province canadienne de Colombie-Britannique qu'elle forme avec le lieutenant-gouverneur, le repr\u00E9sentant du souverain dans la province. L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative si\u00E8ge \u00E0 Victoria, dans les b\u00E2timents du Parlement de Colombie-Britannique. Elle se compose de 87 d\u00E9put\u00E9s \u00E9lus au scrutin uninominal majoritaire \u00E0 un tour pour un mandat de 4 ans."@fr . "1871-07-20"^^ . "48.4195 -123.3703" . . . "Legislativversammlung von British Columbia"@de . . . . "L'Assemblea legislativa della Columbia Britannica, composta da un vice-governatore e dalla Camera bassa, \u00E8 l'organo legislativo della Columbia Britannica. Le sedute hanno luogo nella Palazzo del Parlamento; \u00E8 un luogo di interesse storico nazionale ed \u00E8 il pi\u00F9 antico edificio legislativo del Paese. Apr\u00EC il 20 luglio 1871."@it . . "2020-12-07"^^ . "Opposition House Leader"@en . . . "A Assembleia legislativa da Col\u00FAmbia Brit\u00E2nica \u00E9 um dos dois componentes do Parlamento da Col\u00FAmbia Brit\u00E2nica, a (o outro \u00E9 a Rainha do Canad\u00E1, representado na sua aus\u00EAncia, pelo ). Parlamento re\u00FAne-se em Victoria. Os membros s\u00E3o referidos como (MLAs). O atual Parlamento \u00E9 o 39\u00BA Parlamento. A mais recente , foi o . Anais da Assembl\u00E9ia Legislativa s\u00E3o transmitidos por cabo para os telespectadores na prov\u00EDncia, pela ."@pt . . . . . "Parliament of British Columbia"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "160"^^ . "Legislative Assembly of British Columbia"@en . "\u4E0D\u5217\u985B\u54E5\u502B\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7701\u7701\u8B70\u6703"@zh . "87"^^ . . . "Zgromadzenie Legislacyjne Kolumbii Brytyjskiej"@pl . . . . . "2022-11-18"^^ . . . . "BCLegislature.png"@en . . . . . . "L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de la Colombie-Britannique (en anglais : Legislative Assembly of British Columbia) est l'unique chambre du parlement monocam\u00E9ral de la province canadienne de Colombie-Britannique qu'elle forme avec le lieutenant-gouverneur, le repr\u00E9sentant du souverain dans la province. L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative si\u00E8ge \u00E0 Victoria, dans les b\u00E2timents du Parlement de Colombie-Britannique. Elle se compose de 87 d\u00E9put\u00E9s \u00E9lus au scrutin uninominal majoritaire \u00E0 un tour pour un mandat de 4 ans. La 42e l\u00E9gislature a \u00E9t\u00E9 \u00E9lue le 24 octobre 2020 et le Nouveau Parti d\u00E9mocratique de la Colombie-Britannique forme le gouvernement en d\u00E9tenant la majorit\u00E9 absolue. L'opposition officielle est form\u00E9e par le Parti lib\u00E9ral de la Colombie-Britannique."@fr . "Legislative Assembly of British Columbia"@en . . "2022-05-16"^^ . . . . "42nd Parliament of British Columbia" . . . "330"^^ . . . "663889"^^ . . . . "BC Legislature Buildings.jpg"@en . . . . . "Assemblea legislativa della Columbia Britannica"@it . . . "2017-07-18"^^ . . . . "Parliament Buildings, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada"@en . "Assembleia Legislativa da Col\u00FAmbia Brit\u00E2nica"@pt . . . . . . . . . "Die Legislativversammlung von British Columbia (engl. Legislative Assembly of British Columbia) ist die Legislative der kanadischen Provinz British Columbia. Sie tagt im Parlamentsgeb\u00E4ude in Victoria. Die Legislativversammlung besteht aus 85 Mitgliedern, die in ebenso vielen Wahlkreisen nach dem Mehrheitswahlsystem gew\u00E4hlt werden. Der Anf\u00FChrer der Mehrheitspartei ist gleichzeitig Premierminister und steht der als Kabinett (cabinet) bezeichneten Regierung vor. Die drei Hauptaufgaben der Legislativversammlung sind der Erlass neuer Gesetze, das Genehmigen des Staatshaushaltes und die Kontrolle der Regierung."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "POINT(-123.37030029297 48.419498443604)"^^ . . . . "Die Legislativversammlung von British Columbia (engl. Legislative Assembly of British Columbia) ist die Legislative der kanadischen Provinz British Columbia. Sie tagt im Parlamentsgeb\u00E4ude in Victoria. Die Legislativversammlung besteht aus 85 Mitgliedern, die in ebenso vielen Wahlkreisen nach dem Mehrheitswahlsystem gew\u00E4hlt werden. Der Anf\u00FChrer der Mehrheitspartei ist gleichzeitig Premierminister und steht der als Kabinett (cabinet) bezeichneten Regierung vor."@de . . "\u4E0D\u5217\u985B\u54E5\u502B\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u662F\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u4E0D\u5217\u985B\u54E5\u502B\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7701\u7684\u7ACB\u6CD5\u673A\u5173\uFF0C\u7531\u4E0D\u5217\u985B\u54E5\u502B\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7701\u7ACB\u6CD5\u6703\u8B70\u548C\u4E0D\u5217\u985B\u54E5\u502B\u6BD4\u4E9E\u7701\u7701\u7763\u7EC4\u6210\u3002\u7701\u8BAE\u4F1A\u4F4D\u65BC\u7DAD\u591A\u5229\u4E9E\u3002\u6700\u8FD1\u4E00\u6B21\u9009\u4E3E\u662F2020\u5E74\u4E0D\u5217\u98A0\u54E5\u4F26\u6BD4\u4E9A\u7701\u9009"@zh . "2022-05-17"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Zgromadzenie legislacyjne Kolumbii Brytyjskiej \u2013 inaczej Parlament Kolumbii Brytyjskiej Legislative Assembly of British Columbia sk\u0142ada si\u0119 wsp\u00F3\u0142cze\u015Bnie z 79 deputowanych Members of Legislative Assembly, w skr\u00F3cie MLA. Deputowani wybierani s\u0105 w szeregu jedno- i wielomandatowych okr\u0119g\u00F3w. System taki jest wyj\u0105tkowy, gdy\u017C we wszystkich innych parlamentach w Kanadzie obowi\u0105zuje system okr\u0119g\u00F3w jednomandatowych. W chwili przyst\u0105pienia do Konfederacji Kanady w Brytyjskiej Kolumbii nie istnia\u0142 system partyjny. Samodzielne partie polityczne zacz\u0119\u0142y pojawia\u0107 si\u0119 dopiero od 1890 i sta\u0142y si\u0119 powszechne od 1903. Do tego momentu kandydaci na deputowanych szli do wybor\u00F3w identyfikuj\u0105c si\u0119 jako popieraj\u0105cy rz\u0105d sprawuj\u0105cy w danym momencie w\u0142adz\u0119, lub b\u0119d\u0105cy do niego w opozycji. Dawa\u0142o to rodzaj nieformalnego systemu dwupartyjnego."@pl . "Unicameral house"@en . . . "--10-19"^^ . . . . "Zgromadzenie legislacyjne Kolumbii Brytyjskiej \u2013 inaczej Parlament Kolumbii Brytyjskiej Legislative Assembly of British Columbia sk\u0142ada si\u0119 wsp\u00F3\u0142cze\u015Bnie z 79 deputowanych Members of Legislative Assembly, w skr\u00F3cie MLA. Deputowani wybierani s\u0105 w szeregu jedno- i wielomandatowych okr\u0119g\u00F3w. System taki jest wyj\u0105tkowy, gdy\u017C we wszystkich innych parlamentach w Kanadzie obowi\u0105zuje system okr\u0119g\u00F3w jednomandatowych."@pl . "L'Assemblea legislativa della Columbia Britannica, composta da un vice-governatore e dalla Camera bassa, \u00E8 l'organo legislativo della Columbia Britannica. Le sedute hanno luogo nella Palazzo del Parlamento; \u00E8 un luogo di interesse storico nazionale ed \u00E8 il pi\u00F9 antico edificio legislativo del Paese. Apr\u00EC il 20 luglio 1871."@it . "48.41949844360352"^^ . . "1122629723"^^ . . . "2020-12-07"^^ . "A Assembleia legislativa da Col\u00FAmbia Brit\u00E2nica \u00E9 um dos dois componentes do Parlamento da Col\u00FAmbia Brit\u00E2nica, a (o outro \u00E9 a Rainha do Canad\u00E1, representado na sua aus\u00EAncia, pelo ). Parlamento re\u00FAne-se em Victoria. Os membros s\u00E3o referidos como (MLAs). O atual Parlamento \u00E9 o 39\u00BA Parlamento. A mais recente , foi o . Anais da Assembl\u00E9ia Legislativa s\u00E3o transmitidos por cabo para os telespectadores na prov\u00EDncia, pela ."@pt . . . "The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia is the deliberative assembly of the Parliament of British Columbia, in the province of British Columbia, Canada. The Legislative Assembly meets in Victoria. Members are elected from provincial ridings and are referred to as members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs). Bills passed by the legislature are given royal assent by the Canadian monarch, represented by the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. The current Parliament is the 42nd Parliament. The most recent general election was held on October 24, 2020. Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly are broadcast to cable viewers in the province by Hansard Broadcasting Services."@en . . . "12087"^^ . . . . "Government House Leader"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Government\n* New Democratic \nOpposition\n* Liberal \nThird party\n* Green \nOther\n* Independent"@en . . . . "2020-10-24"^^ . "42"^^ . . . . . . . . . "-123.3703002929688"^^ . . .