. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hydroelectricity is a major source of electricity in Turkey, due to its mountainous landscape and many rivers. The country's main river basins are those of the Euphrates and the Tigris. Over 700 hydropower plants have been built, and hydroelectricity makes up about 30% of the country's electricity generating capacity. Annual generation varies greatly, and in rainy years lots of hydroelectric power can be generated. Government policies have generally supported dam construction, but some dams are controversial in neighbouring countries, while others raise concerns about damage to the environment and wildlife of Turkey."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "40679614"^^ . . . . . . . "1116079542"^^ . "Le secteur de l'hydro\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 en Turquie occupe une place importante dans l'\u00E9conomie du pays : sa part dans la production d'\u00E9lectricit\u00E9, tr\u00E8s variable selon l'abondance des pluies, \u00E9tait de 25,6 % en 2020 (29,2 % en 2019). La Turquie se classe en 2021 au 13e rang mondial des producteurs d\u2019hydro\u00E9lectricit\u00E9, avec 1,3 % de la production hydro\u00E9lectrique mondiale et au 4e rang europ\u00E9en derri\u00E8re la Norv\u00E8ge, la Su\u00E8de et la France. Sa puissance install\u00E9e hydro\u00E9lectrique est au 9e rang mondial avec 2,3 % du total mondial et au 2e rang europ\u00E9en derri\u00E8re la Norv\u00E8ge. Le potentiel hydro\u00E9lectrique n'est exploit\u00E9 qu'\u00E0 50 % environ, mais le d\u00E9veloppement de la production hydro\u00E9lectrique est tr\u00E8s rapide : elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 multipli\u00E9e par 3,8 entre 1990 et 2019 ; mais la production totale d'\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 a \u00E9t\u00E9 plus que quintupl\u00E9e, si bien que la part de l'hydro\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 a recul\u00E9 de 40,2 % \u00E0 29,2 %."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hydro\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 en Turquie"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "46013"^^ . . . "Hydroelectricity in Turkey"@en . . . . . . "Hydroelectricity is a major source of electricity in Turkey, due to its mountainous landscape and many rivers. The country's main river basins are those of the Euphrates and the Tigris. Over 700 hydropower plants have been built, and hydroelectricity makes up about 30% of the country's electricity generating capacity. Annual generation varies greatly, and in rainy years lots of hydroelectric power can be generated. Government policies have generally supported dam construction, but some dams are controversial in neighbouring countries, while others raise concerns about damage to the environment and wildlife of Turkey. In 2021, 56 terawatt-hours of hydroelectricity was generated, which was 17% of Turkey's total electrical generation, from 31 GW of nameplate capacity. According to analysts at S&P Global, when there is drought in Turkey during the peak demand for electricity in the month of August, the aim of the State Hydraulic Works to conserve water for irrigation can conflict with the Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation's goal of generating electricity. Although Turkey's energy strategy may change in the future, due to climate change causing more frequent droughts, hydropower is predicted to remain important for load balancing with solar and wind power. Converting existing dams to pumped storage has been suggested as more suitable than building new pumped storage."@en . "Le secteur de l'hydro\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 en Turquie occupe une place importante dans l'\u00E9conomie du pays : sa part dans la production d'\u00E9lectricit\u00E9, tr\u00E8s variable selon l'abondance des pluies, \u00E9tait de 25,6 % en 2020 (29,2 % en 2019). La Turquie se classe en 2021 au 13e rang mondial des producteurs d\u2019hydro\u00E9lectricit\u00E9, avec 1,3 % de la production hydro\u00E9lectrique mondiale et au 4e rang europ\u00E9en derri\u00E8re la Norv\u00E8ge, la Su\u00E8de et la France. Sa puissance install\u00E9e hydro\u00E9lectrique est au 9e rang mondial avec 2,3 % du total mondial et au 2e rang europ\u00E9en derri\u00E8re la Norv\u00E8ge."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . .