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Палата лордів Великої Британії Chambre des lords Camera dei lord House of Lords (banda) House of Lords Brittiska överhuset Палата лордов Izba Lordów Βουλή των Λόρδων مجلس اللوردات House of Lords (groupe) Hogerhuis (Verenigd Koninkrijk) 영국 상원 貴族院 (イギリス) 英國上議院 Cámara de los Lores Lorden Ganbera Dewan Bangsawan Britania Raya Sněmovna lordů Ĉambro de Lordoj Teach na dTiarnaí Cambra dels Lords House of Lords (Band) House of Lords (gruppo musicale) House of Lords House of Lords House of Lords (band) Câmara dos Lordes
House of Lords — американський рок-гурт, що сформувався у 1987 колишніми учасниками колективу Angel та клавішником Грегом Гуффрією. Izba Lordów (ang. House of Lords) – izba wyższa dwuizbowego parlamentu brytyjskiego, który oprócz tego składa się też z Izby Gmin i suwerena (monarchy). Nie jest to ciało wybieralne, lecz jego skład i struktura jest uwarunkowana wielowiekową tradycją. House of Lords is een Amerikaanse melodic-rockband, die in 1988 was ontstaan uit de band . 영국 상원 또는 귀족원(영어: House of Lords)은 특권층에 속하는 영국 의회의 상원이다. 하원하고 동일하게 웨스트민스터 궁전에서 만남을 가진다. 정식 명칭은 ‘그레이트브리튼 및 북아일랜드 연합왕국의 소집된 의회에 속한 대단히 명예로운 성직 및 세속 귀족들(the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled)’이다. 상원은 영국 의회의 하원하고 독립되어 있지만, 법안 제정이라든가 정부 운영을 감사하는 일에는 함께 책임을 나누어 진다. 하원의 의석 수가 650석으로 고정되어 있는 반면, 상원의 의석 수는 일정하지 않다. 영국 상원은 각각의 하원보다 의석 수가 많거나 적을 수 있는 세계에서 유일한 상원이다. 영국 의회 개회식 때, 여왕이 연설을 하기 위해 상원을 방문한다. 또한 2009년에 대법원이 별도로 설립되기 전까지, 상원은 영국 사법 제도의 최고 기구였다. 상원의원들의 일부가 성공회 주교들이라는 점에서, 영국의 국교인 성공회에도 매우 큰 영향을 받고 있다. The House of Lords, also known as the House of Peers, is the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Membership is by appointment, heredity or official function. Like the House of Commons, it meets in the Palace of Westminster in London, England. La Chambre des lords (en anglais : House of Lords) est la chambre haute du Parlement du Royaume-Uni. Le Parlement comprend également le roi et la chambre basse, la Chambre des communes du Royaume-Uni. La Chambre des lords se compose de membres nommés à vie par le roi sur proposition du Premier ministre, de 92 lords héréditaires élus parmi les membres des différentes pairies du Royaume-Uni et de 26 lords clercs de l'Église d'Angleterre, membres de droit. Le nombre de membres n'est pas fixe et dépend des nominations : il y en a aujourd'hui près de 800. Is é Teach na dTiarnaí teach uachtarach Pharlaimint na Ríochta Aontaithe. Tionóiltear i bPálas Westminster ar nós Theach na dTeachtaí é. Is féidir bille nua a thionscnamh sa cheachtar acu. Is féidir do theachtaí Theach na dTiarnaí bheith ina nAire Rialtais chomh maith. Tá seirbhís tacaíochta ag Teach na dTiarna féin, ar nós Leabharlann Theach na dTiarnaí. Het Hogerhuis (House of Lords) is een van de kamers van het Britse tweekamerstelsel. Het Hogerhuis was tot oktober 2009 ook het hoogste hof voor strafzaken in Engeland, Wales, Noord-Ierland en voor civielrechtelijke zaken in het hele Verenigd Koninkrijk. Het huis heeft niet veel macht; het kan besluiten van het Lagerhuis hooguit enige tijd tegenhouden. Wel wordt wetgeving regelmatig geamendeerd op initiatief van het Hogerhuis. Lorden Ganbera (ingelesez: House of Lords) Erresuma Batuko Legebiltzarreko goi ganbera da. Legebiltzarrak, Subiranoa eta behe ganbera edo Komunen Ganbera ere hartzen ditu. Westminster jauregian kokatzen da. A Câmara dos Lordes (em inglês: House of Lords) é a câmara alta do parlamento do Reino Unido. O parlamento também inclui a Coroa britânica (rei ou rainha) e a Câmara dos Comuns. A Câmara dos Lordes não tem um número determinado de membros, mas atualmente conta com 792 lordes. Ela é um corpo não eleito, formado por 2 arcebispos e 24 bispos da Igreja Anglicana (Lordes Espirituais), e 766 membros da nobreza britânica (Lordes Temporais). Os Lordes Espirituais mantêm-se no cargo enquanto ocuparem suas funções eclesiásticas, enquanto os Lordes Temporais são vitalícios. Os membros da Casa dos Lordes são às vezes chamados Lordes do Parlamento. Sněmovna lordů (House of Lords) je horní komora Parlamentu Spojeného království, do kterého dále patří panovník a Dolní sněmovna. Obě sněmovny zasedají ve Westminsterském paláci. V červnu 2017 měla tato komora parlamentu 800 členů (dolní komora 650 členů). Das House of Lords (auch House of Peers, deutsch Herrenhaus) ist das Oberhaus des britischen Parlaments. Während es einst die mächtigste Parlamentskammer war und auch judikative Aufgaben besaß, hat es heute insbesondere eine beratende Funktion und kann Gesetze lediglich aufschieben, jedoch nicht mehr verhindern. Пала́та ло́рдов (англ. The House of Lords of the United Kingdom; House of Peers; полное наименование — Достопочте́нные ло́рды, духо́вные и све́тские, Соединённого короле́вства Великобрита́нии и Се́верной Ирла́ндии, собра́вшиеся в Парла́менте, англ. The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled) — верхняя палата парламента Великобритании. 貴族院(きぞくいん、英語: House of Lords)は、イギリスの議会を構成する議院のひとつで、上院に相当する。 中世にイングランド議会から庶民院が分離したことで成立した。貴族によって構成される本院は、庶民院と異なり非公選かつ聖職貴族を除き終身任期制である。議会法制定以降は、立法機関としての権能は庶民院に劣後する。1999年以降は世襲貴族の議席が制限されており、一代貴族が議員の大半を占めている。かつては最高裁判所としての権能も有していたが、2009年に連合王国最高裁判所が新設されたことでその権能は喪失した。 英國上議院(英語:House of Lords of the United Kingdom),直譯為貴族院,是英國國會的上議會。英國國會同時也由英國君主與下議院組成。上議院有大約700多名非選舉產生之議員,當中包括英國國教會的26名大主教或主教(即神職貴族)以及600多名貴族(即世俗貴族)。神職貴族於其保有神職人員身份時續任,而世俗貴族則為終身職。 上議院始創於14世紀,1544年始用「上議院」(House of Lords)之名。1649年曾一度遭到由英國內戰取得政權的英格蘭聯邦廢止,復於1660年。上議院之權力曾一度凌駕由選舉產生的下議院。然而,自19世紀以後,上議院之權勢逐漸衰退,至今已遠不如由選舉產生之下議院。據1911年至1949年間通過的多條國會法令規定,除包括預算案在內之各種撥款案外,所有由下議院通過的法令最多可於上議院擱置十二個月,但不可駁回。這項權力於政治學中稱為延宕性否決(suspensive veto)。據由《1999年上議院法令》(House of Lords Act 1999)所制定進行的革新,世襲貴族的席位予以廢除,僅保留兩席給國務重臣,以及另外90席由選舉產生之。現今的聯合王國政府正審慎考慮作進一步革新,但尚未通過成為法律。 House of Lords ist eine US-amerikanische Melodic-Rock-Band, die 1988 aus der Gruppe Giuffria hervorging. House of Lords est un groupe américain de hard rock, originaire de Los Angeles, en Californie. Il est formé en 1988 des cendres de Giuffria. À l'occasion de la signature d'un contrat d'enregistrement avec sa compagnie Simmons Records, Gene Simmons rebaptise le groupe Giuffria en House of Lords, marque déposée appartenant à Gene Simmons et utilisée par le groupe avec sa permission. Malgré une débauche de moyens promotionnels, House of Lords n'atteindra jamais le niveau de succès atteint par Giuffria et se séparera en 1992 après avoir publié trois albums d'une qualité inégale. Gli House of Lords sono una band heavy metal formata nel 1987 a Los Angeles, California. La band nacque nel tardo 1987 dalle ceneri dei Giuffria ed era composta da Gregg Giuffria, ex tastierista degli Angel e Giuffria, l'ex chitarrista dei Giuffria , l'ex batterista dei Fifth Angel e Alice Cooper Ken Mary, l'ex cantante degli L.A. Rocks James Christian e l'ex bassista dei Quiet Riot e Giuffria Chuck Wright. La band nacque da un'idea di Gene Simmons, bassista dei Kiss, che gli trovò il nome e li accolse sotto la sua etichetta, la Simmons Records. Brittiska överhuset (engelska: The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled eller House of Lords) är den ena av det brittiska parlamentets två kamrar. Палата лордів (англ. House of Lords; повне найменування — Поважні Лорди духовні та світські Сполученого королівства Великої Британії і Північної Ірландії, які зібралися в парламенті) — верхня палата Парламенту Великої Британії. La Cambra dels Lords (en anglès House of Lords) és la Cambra alta del Parlament del Regne Unit. El Parlament també inclou el Sobirà i la Cambra baixa, anomenada la Cambra dels Comuns. La Cámara de los Lores (en inglés: House of Lords), oficialmente Los Muy Honorables Lores Espirituales y Temporales del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte reunidos en Parlamento (The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled), es la Cámara Alta del parlamento del Reino Unido. El parlamento también incluye al Supremo, y a la Cámara Baja, llamada la Cámara de los Comunes. Ambas Cámaras celebran sus sesiones en el Palacio de Westminster. La House of Lords (Ĉambro de lordoj), foje konata kiel Upper House aŭ Upper Chamber (Supera ĉambro), estas la dua ĉambro de la brita parlamento, la Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Parlamento de la Unuiĝinta Reĝlando de Britujo kaj Nordirlando). House of Lords es una banda de hard rock proveniente de Los Ángeles, California, Estados Unidos. Dewan Bangsawan (bahasa Inggris: House of Lords) adalah sebutan bagi majelis tinggi dalam Parlemen Britania Raya. bersama majelis tinggi dan majelis rendah (Dewan Rakyat Britania Raya) membentuk Parlemen Kerajaan Bersatu. Sekarang ini, jumlah kursi House of Lords (800) melebihi jumlah kursi House of Commons (650). Η Βουλή των Λόρδων (αγγλικά: House of Lords, επίσημα: The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled) είναι ένα από τα δύο Σώματα (άνω βουλή) του Βρετανικού Κοινοβουλίου με μη αιρετά μέλη. Μαζί με τη Βουλή των Κοινοτήτων αποτελούν το Κοινοβούλιο του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, το οποίο βρίσκεται στα Ανάκτορα του Ουεστμίνστερ στο Λονδίνο. La Camera dei lord (House of Lords), chiamata anche Camera dei pari, è una delle due assemblee parlamentari che costituiscono, insieme alla Camera dei comuni, il parlamento del Regno Unito, di cui rappresenta la camera alta. Il nome completo e formale della Camera dei Lord è The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled, ovvero Gli Onorevoli Signori Spirituali (i prelati) e Temporali (i nobili) del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord riuniti in Parlamento.
dbr:Acts_of_Parliament dbr:Women dbr:The_House_of_Lords dbr:The_United_Kingdom
The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled
The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled
n43:The_size_of_the_United_Kingdom_House_of_Lords_since_1998.png n43:Thrones_in_the_House_of_Lords_c1902.jpg n43:Flag_House_of_Lords.svg n43:1911-New-Perrs-UK-Punch.jpg n43:Chamber_of_the_House_of_Lords_benches.jpg n43:David_Lloyd_George_1902.jpg n43:Charles_Pepys,_1st_Earl_of_Cottenham_by_Charles_Robert_Leslie.jpg n43:Passing_of_the_Parliament_Bill,_1911_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_19609.jpg n43:Lord_Judge_(51111275854).jpg n43:House_of_Lords_2011.jpg n43:House_of_Lords_composition.svg n43:House_of_Lords_logo_2020.svg n43:House_of_lords_and_princes_chamber.jpg n43:House-of-lords-diagram.jpg n43:Queen_Anne_in_the_House_of_Lords_by_Peter_Tillemans.jpeg
dbr:England dbr:Palace_of_Westminster dbr:London dbr:City_of_Westminster
dbc:House_of_Lords dbc:Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom dbc:National_upper_houses
dbr:John_Gardiner,_Baron_Gardiner_of_Kimble dbr:List_of_trials_of_peers_in_the_House_of_Lords dbr:Feudalism dbr:Conservative_Party_(UK) dbr:Jonathan_Caine,_Baron_Caine dbr:James_Mackay,_Baron_Mackay_of_Clashfern dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Foreign_and_Commonwealth_Affairs dbr:European_Convention_on_Human_Rights dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Defence dbr:Salisbury_Convention dbr:House_of_Peers_(Japan) dbr:History_of_reform_of_the_House_of_Lords dbr:Royal_Assent dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Transport dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_International_Development dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Justice dbr:Parliamentary_Under-Secretary_of_State_for_Justice dbr:Magnum_Concilium dbr:Disestablishment_of_the_Church_in_Wales dbr:Disestablishment_of_the_Church_of_Ireland dbr:January_1910_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:List_of_hereditary_peers_elected_under_the_House_of_Lords_Act_1999 dbr:Palace_of_Westminster dbr:William_IV_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Middlesex_Guildhall dbr:Duke_of_Denver dbr:President_of_the_Board_of_Trade dbr:Irene_Curzon,_2nd_Baroness_Ravensdale dbr:Parliamentary_Under-Secretary_of_State_for_the_Home_Department n13:Chamber_of_the_House_of_Lords_benches.jpg dbr:List_of_legislatures_by_number_of_members dbr:Gunpowder_Plot dbr:Ken_Maginnis dbr:Peter_Truscott,_Baron_Truscott n13:Take_a_tour_of_the_House_of_Lords.webm n13:The_size_of_the_United_Kingdom_House_of_Lords_since_1998.png dbr:Lord_Spiritual n13:Charles_Pepys,_1st_Earl_of_Cottenham_by_Charles_Robert_Leslie.jpg dbr:Life_Peerages_Act_1958 dbr:Attorney_General_for_England_and_Wales dbr:Black_Rod dbr:Monarchy_of_the_United_Kingdom n13:Thrones_in_the_House_of_Lords_c1902.jpg dbr:Woolsack dbr:Richard_Benyon dbr:Lords_of_Appeal_in_Ordinary dbr:Public_bill_committee dbr:Dissolution_Honours dbr:Church_of_Scotland dbr:Elect_the_Lords dbr:Lords_Spiritual dbr:Lords_Spiritual_(Women)_Act_2015 dbr:Government_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Lords_Temporal dbr:National_People's_Congress dbr:Commonwealth_citizen dbr:Tony_Benn dbr:Peerage_of_Scotland dbr:Immanuel_Jakobovits dbr:Leader_of_the_House_of_Lords dbr:Lord_Privy_Seal dbr:English_Civil_War dbr:Commonwealth_of_England dbr:Edward_Russell,_26th_Baron_de_Clifford dbr:Frederick_Curzon,_7th_Earl_Howe dbr:Captain_of_the_Honourable_Corps_of_Gentlemen-at-Arms dbr:Department_for_Business,_Energy_and_Industrial_Strategy dbr:Edward_III_of_England dbr:Felony dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Employment dbr:Edward_II_of_England dbr:Paul_Tyler dbr:Barons dbr:Tony_Blair dbr:Viscount dbr:Lord_Speaker dbr:Westminster_system dbr:Frances_D'Souza,_Baroness_D'Souza dbr:York dbr:Margaret_Thatcher dbr:Lord_High_Steward dbr:Irish_Free_State dbr:Shadow_Leader_of_the_House_of_Lords dbr:Manifesto dbr:By-elections_to_the_House_of_Lords dbr:Betty_Boothroyd dbr:Speech_from_the_throne dbr:Oliver_Cromwell dbr:First_Secretary_of_State dbr:People's_peer dbr:Dewan_Negara dbr:European_Court_of_Human_Rights dbr:Church_in_Wales dbr:European_Court_of_Justice dbr:Alec_Douglas-Home 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dbr:Nazir_Ahmed,_Baron_Ahmed dbr:Advocate_General_for_Scotland dbr:Bishopric_of_Manchester_Act_1847 dbr:David_Verney,_21st_Baron_Willoughby_de_Broke dbr:Non-affiliated_members_of_the_House_of_Lords dbr:Single_Transferable_Vote dbr:Joanna_Penn,_Baroness_Penn dbr:Midlands dbr:Earl_of_Chester dbr:Wars_of_the_Roses dbr:Robin_Cook dbr:Minister_of_State_for_Defence dbr:Margaret_of_Mar,_31st_Countess_of_Mar dbr:Prussian_House_of_Lords dbr:Court_of_last_resort dbr:Baron dbr:Minister_of_State_for_Overseas_Territories,_Commonwealth,_Energy,_Climate_and_Environment dbr:Mitre dbr:English_Reformation dbr:Jack_Straw dbr:List_of_Church_of_England_Measures dbr:Robin_Eames dbr:Henry_Dundas,_1st_Viscount_Melville dbr:Cormac_Murphy_O'Connor dbr:Bill_(law) dbr:James_Younger,_5th_Viscount_Younger_of_Leckie dbr:Holy_See dbr:Bill_(proposed_law) dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Business,_Innovation_and_Skills dbr:Archbishop dbr:Great_Britain dbr:Parliament_of_Great_Britain dbr:Northern_Ireland dbr:Holy_orders dbr:Marquess dbr:Parliament_of_England dbr:Prior dbr:Clouds_of_Witness dbr:Life_peer dbr:Chamber_of_Peers_(Portugal) dbr:Chamber_of_Peers_(Spain) dbr:Duke dbr:Byron_Davies dbr:Wakeham_Commission dbr:Archbishop_of_Armagh_(Church_of_Ireland) dbr:Department_of_Energy_(United_Kingdom) dbr:Andrew_Sharpe,_Baron_Sharpe_of_Epsom dbr:Chief_Rabbi dbr:Parliament_of_Scotland dbr:House_of_Ariki dbr:Prince_Philip,_Duke_of_Edinburgh dbr:Peerage_Act_1963 dbr:Northern_Ireland_Office dbr:Church_of_England dbr:Cook_Islands dbr:Treaty_of_Union dbr:Martin_Callanan,_Baron_Callanan dbr:Historic_counties_of_Wales dbr:Church_of_Ireland dbr:Nick_Clegg dbr:Life_peers dbr:Chief_Whip_of_the_Labour_Party dbr:Michael_Foot n13:Lord_Judge_(51111275854).jpg dbr:Deborah_Stedman-Scott,_Baroness_Stedman-Scott dbr:Henry_VIII_of_England dbr:Diocese dbr:Prince_Richard,_Duke_of_Gloucester dbr:Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Cash_for_Honours dbr:Division_(vote) dbr:December_1910_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:House_of_Commons_Disqualification_Act_1975 dbr:Diocese_of_Gibraltar_in_Europe dbr:Helene_Hayman,_Baroness_Hayman dbr:Ireland dbr:George_III_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Senate_of_the_Kingdom_of_Italy dbr:Statutory_instrument dbr:Minister_of_State_for_the_Middle_East,_South_Asia_and_the_United_Nations dbr:Dissolution_of_the_Monasteries dbr:Convention_Parliament_(1660) dbr:Speaker_of_the_House_of_Commons_(United_Kingdom) dbr:United_Kingdom_parliamentary_expenses_scandal dbr:Constitutional_convention_(political_custom) dbr:Tony_Wright_(Staffordshire_politician) dbr:England dbc:Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Member_of_Parliament_(United_Kingdom) dbr:List_of_Acts_of_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom_enacted_without_the_House_of_Lords'_consent n13:House_of_lords_and_princes_chamber.jpg dbr:Enoch_Powell dbr:Irish_nationality_law dbr:Motions_of_no_confidence_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Parliamentary_Under-Secretary_of_State_for_Work_and_Pensions dbr:Manchester dbr:Select_committee_(United_Kingdom) dbr:Parliamentary_Under-Secretary_of_State_for_Scotland dbr:George_Robertson,_Baron_Robertson_of_Port_Ellen dbr:Minister_of_State_at_the_Cabinet_Office dbr:Keith_Stewart,_Baron_Stewart_of_Dirleton dbr:Acts_of_Union,_1707 n13:Passing_of_the_Parliament_Bill,_1911_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_19609.jpg dbr:Department_for_Education dbr:Bishop_of_Durham dbr:Introduction_(House_of_Lords) dbr:2009_cash_for_influence_scandal dbr:Representative_peer n13:David_Lloyd_George_1902.jpg dbr:Historic_counties_of_England dbr:House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Canon_law dbr:Department_for_Transport dbr:Minister_without_portfolio_(United_Kingdom) dbr:London dbr:High_treason dbr:Annabel_Goldie dbr:Bishop_of_Gloucester dbr:London,_England dbr:Patrick_Stopford,_9th_Earl_of_Courtown dbr:Lord-in-waiting dbr:Department_for_Levelling_Up,_Housing_and_Communities dbr:Order_of_Merit_(Commonwealth) dbr:Malcolm_Offord dbr:2005_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:Devolution dbr:British_House_of_Commons dbr:Treason dbr:Harold_Wilson dbr:Northern_Ireland_peace_process dbr:Roy_Kennedy,_Baron_Kennedy_of_Southwark dbr:Senior_Deputy_Speaker_of_the_House_of_Lords dbr:Diana_Barran,_Baroness_Barran dbr:Charles_III dbr:Nobility dbr:Susan_Williams,_Baroness_Williams_of_Trafford dbr:Appellate_Jurisdiction_Act_1876 dbr:Charles_Grey,_2nd_Earl_Grey dbr:Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York dbr:Impeachment n13:House-of-lords-diagram.jpg dbr:Dennis_Stevenson,_Baron_Stevenson_of_Coddenham dbr:Julia_Neuberger dbr:John_McFall,_Baron_McFall_of_Alcluith dbr:Manchester_University_Press dbr:Parliament_in_the_Making dbr:Bicameralism dbr:Rotten_borough dbr:Clergy_Act_1661 dbr:Rachel_Treweek dbr:Birmingham dbr:Merlin_Hanbury-Tracy,_7th_Baron_Sudeley dbr:Charles_I_of_England dbr:Lord_Protector dbr:Feudal dbr:Ordination_of_women_in_the_Anglican_Communion dbr:Lord_Peter_Wimsey n13:Queen_Anne_in_the_House_of_Lords_by_Peter_Tillemans.jpeg dbr:Constitution_Committee dbr:Supreme_Court_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Labour_Party_(UK) dbr:Kenneth_Clarke dbr:Single_transferable_vote dbr:Oxford_University_Press dbr:City_of_Westminster dbr:Jane_Scott,_Baroness_Scott_of_Bybrook dbr:Senate_(Lesotho) dbr:Senate dbr:George_V dbr:Tom_Taylor,_Baron_Taylor_of_Blackburn dbr:David_Young,_Baron_Young_of_Graffham dbr:Bishop_of_Winchester dbr:Parliamentary_Joint_Committee dbr:Viscount_Stansgate dbr:Honours_(Prevention_of_Abuses)_Act_1925 dbr:Old_Sarum_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Public_Administration_and_Constitutional_Affairs_Select_Committee dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Trade_and_Industry dbr:Act_of_Settlement_1701 dbr:Andrew_Adonis,_Baron_Adonis dbr:Debating_chamber dbr:European_Union_Committee dbr:Supreme_People's_Assembly dbr:Earl dbr:House_of_Elders_(Somaliland) dbr:House_of_Lords_(Austria) dbr:House_of_Lords_(Expulsion_and_Suspension)_Act_2015 dbr:House_of_Lords_Act_1999 dbr:Clerk_of_the_Parliaments dbr:Voice_vote dbr:Hereditary_peer dbr:House_of_Lords_Library dbr:Peter_Carington,_6th_Baron_Carrington dbr:Relocation_of_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Bishops_in_the_Church_of_Scotland dbr:Lord_Chancellor dbr:Serjeant-at-Arms dbr:Senate_of_Zimbabwe dbr:Olivia_Bloomfield,_Baroness_Bloomfield_of_Hinton_Waldrist dbr:European_Union_law dbr:People's_Budget dbr:Peter_Mandelson dbr:Donald_Soper dbc:National_upper_houses dbr:Instant-runoff_voting dbr:British_Politics_(journal) dbr:New_Zealand_Legislative_Council dbr:Parliamentary_Under-Secretary_of_State_for_Rural_Affairs,_Access_to_Nature_and_Biosecurity dbr:White_paper dbr:Parliamentary_borough dbr:United_Kingdom dbr:Reform_Act_1832 dbr:Chancellor_of_the_Exchequer dbr:Constitutional_Reform_Act_2005 dbr:Simon_Murray,_Baron_Murray_of_Blidworth dbr:Rowan_Williams dbr:Prince_Edward,_Duke_of_Kent dbr:Sir_George_Young,_6th_Baronet dbr:Upper_house dbr:Chamber_of_Peers_(France) dbr:Lucy_Neville-Rolfe dbr:Resignation_from_the_British_House_of_Commons dbr:State_Opening_of_Parliament dbr:Archbishop_of_Canterbury dbr:Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex dbr:Diocese_of_Sodor_and_Man dbr:David_Cameron dbr:Brexit dbr:Judicial_Committee_of_the_Privy_Council dbr:Archbishop_of_York dbr:Basil_Hume dbr:Earl_Marshal dbr:Janet_Royall,_Baroness_Royall_of_Blaisdon dbr:Secretary_General_of_NATO dbr:Valerie_Amos,_Baroness_Amos dbr:Church_of_England_Assembly_(Powers)_Act_1919 dbr:2021_Lord_Speaker_election dbr:Lord_Great_Chamberlain dbr:High_Court_of_Justiciary dbr:House_of_Lords_Reform_Act_2014 dbr:House_of_Lords_Reform_Bill_2012 dbr:Anthony_Lester,_Baron_Lester_of_Herne_Hill dbr:British_Nationality_Act_1948 dbr:Dorothy_L._Sayers dbr:H._H._Asquith dbr:Christopher_Bellamy,_Baron_Bellamy dbr:Tudor_dynasty dbr:Parliamentary_Archives dbr:Arthur_Cockfield,_Baron_Cockfield dbr:International_Monarchist_League dbr:Dan_Byles dbr:Curia_Regis dbr:Norman_Fowler,_Baron_Fowler dbr:The_Lord_McFall_of_Alcluith dbr:Law_Lords dbr:Parliament_Act_1911 dbr:Parliament_Act_1949 dbr:Loss_of_supply dbr:Conservative_Monday_Club
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Wood-panelled room with high ceiling containing comfortable red padded benches and large gold throne.
dbt:Infobox_legislature dbt:United_Kingdom_topics dbt:Use_British_English dbt:As_of dbt:Use_dmy_dates dbt:Efn dbt:Officers_of_the_Lords_and_Commons dbt:Color_box dbt:Commons_category dbt:Coord dbt:Citation_needed dbt:Cite_book dbt:Clarify dbt:Larger dbt:Party_index_link dbt:Further dbt:About dbt:Peerage dbt:Judicial_functions_of_the_House_of_Lords dbt:Main dbt:Webarchive dbt:Wikibooks dbt:Wikiquote dbt:Authority_control dbt:See_also dbt:Short_description dbt:Party_color dbt:Official_website dbt:National_upper_houses dbt:HOL dbt:UK_legislatures dbt:Refbegin dbt:More_citations_needed_section dbt:Reflist dbt:Refend dbt:!
House of Lords 2011.jpg
Peerage held for life
Parliament of the United Kingdom
House of Lords logo 2020.svg
2013-03-03 2015-04-02
2021-05-01 2021-05-11 2022-09-06 2015-05-27 2022-09-07 2021-06-01
dbr:Nicholas_True,_Baron_True dbr:Susan_Williams,_Baroness_Williams_of_Trafford dbr:John_McFall,_Baron_McFall_of_Alcluith dbr:Roy_Kennedy,_Baron_Kennedy_of_Southwark dbr:John_Gardiner,_Baron_Gardiner_of_Kimble dbr:Angela_Smith,_Baroness_Smith_of_Basildon
Flag of the House of Lords
Flag of the House of Lords
House of Lords Chamber, Palace of Westminster, City of Westminster, London, England
dbr:Conservative_Party_(UK) dbr:Labour_Party_(UK)
: ; : Bishops ; ;HM Government : ;HM Most Loyal Opposition : ;Other groups : : : : : : Non-affiliated ;Crossbench :
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House of Lords est un groupe américain de hard rock, originaire de Los Angeles, en Californie. Il est formé en 1988 des cendres de Giuffria. À l'occasion de la signature d'un contrat d'enregistrement avec sa compagnie Simmons Records, Gene Simmons rebaptise le groupe Giuffria en House of Lords, marque déposée appartenant à Gene Simmons et utilisée par le groupe avec sa permission. Malgré une débauche de moyens promotionnels, House of Lords n'atteindra jamais le niveau de succès atteint par Giuffria et se séparera en 1992 après avoir publié trois albums d'une qualité inégale. Le chanteur James Christian reforme House of Lords au début des années 2000, en étant le seul musicien rescapé de la formation originelle de 1988. Izba Lordów (ang. House of Lords) – izba wyższa dwuizbowego parlamentu brytyjskiego, który oprócz tego składa się też z Izby Gmin i suwerena (monarchy). Nie jest to ciało wybieralne, lecz jego skład i struktura jest uwarunkowana wielowiekową tradycją. Pełna nazwa Izby Lordów to The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled, co można przetłumaczyć jako „wielmożni lordowie duchowni i świeccy Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej w parlamencie zgromadzeni”.Izba Lordów, podobnie jak Izba Gmin, spotyka się w Pałacu Westminsterskim. Jej obrady plenarne odbywają się w sali czerwonej (obrady Izby Gmin mają miejsce w sali zielonej). Η Βουλή των Λόρδων (αγγλικά: House of Lords, επίσημα: The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled) είναι ένα από τα δύο Σώματα (άνω βουλή) του Βρετανικού Κοινοβουλίου με μη αιρετά μέλη. Μαζί με τη Βουλή των Κοινοτήτων αποτελούν το Κοινοβούλιο του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, το οποίο βρίσκεται στα Ανάκτορα του Ουεστμίνστερ στο Λονδίνο. La Camera dei lord (House of Lords), chiamata anche Camera dei pari, è una delle due assemblee parlamentari che costituiscono, insieme alla Camera dei comuni, il parlamento del Regno Unito, di cui rappresenta la camera alta. Il nome completo e formale della Camera dei Lord è The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled, ovvero Gli Onorevoli Signori Spirituali (i prelati) e Temporali (i nobili) del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord riuniti in Parlamento. In passato l'appartenenza alla Camera dei lord era per tutti i membri (i pari) un diritto ereditario. In seguito sono state approvate numerose riforme, come il Life Peerages Act 1958 e l'House of Lords Act 1999, in forza delle quali il numero dei membri ereditari è stato ridotto notevolmente. A differenza della Camera dei comuni, il numero dei membri della Camera dei lord non è fisso; il 14 febbraio 2022 era composta da 767 eligible members (membri idonei, che possono partecipare alle sedute).Dei membri idonei, 655 sono membri a vita (il cui titolo non passerà ai figli), 87 sono membri ereditari e 25 sono Lord spirituali. La Camera dei lord, così come la Camera dei comuni, si riunisce nel Palazzo di Westminster. Пала́та ло́рдов (англ. The House of Lords of the United Kingdom; House of Peers; полное наименование — Достопочте́нные ло́рды, духо́вные и све́тские, Соединённого короле́вства Великобрита́нии и Се́верной Ирла́ндии, собра́вшиеся в Парла́менте, англ. The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled) — верхняя палата парламента Великобритании. 英國上議院(英語:House of Lords of the United Kingdom),直譯為貴族院,是英國國會的上議會。英國國會同時也由英國君主與下議院組成。上議院有大約700多名非選舉產生之議員,當中包括英國國教會的26名大主教或主教(即神職貴族)以及600多名貴族(即世俗貴族)。神職貴族於其保有神職人員身份時續任,而世俗貴族則為終身職。 上議院始創於14世紀,1544年始用「上議院」(House of Lords)之名。1649年曾一度遭到由英國內戰取得政權的英格蘭聯邦廢止,復於1660年。上議院之權力曾一度凌駕由選舉產生的下議院。然而,自19世紀以後,上議院之權勢逐漸衰退,至今已遠不如由選舉產生之下議院。據1911年至1949年間通過的多條國會法令規定,除包括預算案在內之各種撥款案外,所有由下議院通過的法令最多可於上議院擱置十二個月,但不可駁回。這項權力於政治學中稱為延宕性否決(suspensive veto)。據由《1999年上議院法令》(House of Lords Act 1999)所制定進行的革新,世襲貴族的席位予以廢除,僅保留兩席給國務重臣,以及另外90席由選舉產生之。現今的聯合王國政府正審慎考慮作進一步革新,但尚未通過成為法律。 除了立法功能以外,上議院昔日尚擁有司法權,對聯合王國內所有民事案件及除蘇格蘭以外的刑事案件擁有終審權。歷史上,上議院的司法職能並不由全院共同行使,而是交由院內具法律經驗的議員們,即。至於對於英聯邦地區案件的終審權,則基本上由聯合王國樞密院行使之。不過在 通過後,於2009年10月成立的聯合王國最高法院已接收上議院司法職能。 雖然英國下議院有限定的席位數目,上議院卻沒有相關限制。另一方面,英國是所有實行兩院制的國家當中,唯一一個上議院規模大過下議院的國家。除此之外,英國上議院是世界第二大國會議院,僅次於中國的全國人民代表大會。 上議院之官式全稱為「與會大不列顛與北愛爾蘭聯合王國國會之受尊崇的神職貴族與世俗貴族們」(The Right Honourable The Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled)。上議院與下議院皆在西敏宮召開會議。 La Cambra dels Lords (en anglès House of Lords) és la Cambra alta del Parlament del Regne Unit. El Parlament també inclou el Sobirà i la Cambra baixa, anomenada la Cambra dels Comuns. Gli House of Lords sono una band heavy metal formata nel 1987 a Los Angeles, California. La band nacque nel tardo 1987 dalle ceneri dei Giuffria ed era composta da Gregg Giuffria, ex tastierista degli Angel e Giuffria, l'ex chitarrista dei Giuffria , l'ex batterista dei Fifth Angel e Alice Cooper Ken Mary, l'ex cantante degli L.A. Rocks James Christian e l'ex bassista dei Quiet Riot e Giuffria Chuck Wright. La band nacque da un'idea di Gene Simmons, bassista dei Kiss, che gli trovò il nome e li accolse sotto la sua etichetta, la Simmons Records. House of Lords is een Amerikaanse melodic-rockband, die in 1988 was ontstaan uit de band . Het Hogerhuis (House of Lords) is een van de kamers van het Britse tweekamerstelsel. Het Hogerhuis was tot oktober 2009 ook het hoogste hof voor strafzaken in Engeland, Wales, Noord-Ierland en voor civielrechtelijke zaken in het hele Verenigd Koninkrijk. Het uit de 14e eeuw daterende Hogerhuis is de tegenhanger van het Lagerhuis (House of Commons, vergelijkbaar met de Nederlandse Tweede Kamer of de Belgische Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers). Er heerst een ingetogener sfeer dan in het Lagerhuis; de leden spreken elkaar tijdens zittingen aan met my noble friend of my noble lady, het is bij uitstek een belichaming van oude tradities. De voorzitter, de Lord Speaker, zit nog altijd op een wolzak, omdat in de middeleeuwen de schapenteelt werd beschouwd als de economische basis van Engeland. Het huis heeft niet veel macht; het kan besluiten van het Lagerhuis hooguit enige tijd tegenhouden. Wel wordt wetgeving regelmatig geamendeerd op initiatief van het Hogerhuis. The House of Lords, also known as the House of Peers, is the upper house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Membership is by appointment, heredity or official function. Like the House of Commons, it meets in the Palace of Westminster in London, England. The House of Lords scrutinises bills that have been approved by the House of Commons. It regularly reviews and amends bills from the Commons. While it is unable to prevent bills passing into law, except in certain limited circumstances, it can delay bills and force the Commons to reconsider their decisions. In this capacity, the House of Lords acts as a check on the more powerful House of Commons that is independent of the electoral process. While members of the Lords may also take on roles as government ministers, high-ranking officials such as cabinet ministers are usually drawn from the Commons. The House of Lords does not control the term of the prime minister or of the government. Only the lower house may force the prime minister to resign or call elections. While the House of Commons has a defined number of members, the number of members in the House of Lords is not fixed. Currently, it has 786 sitting members. The House of Lords is the only upper house of any bicameral parliament in the world to be larger than its lower house, and is the second-largest legislative chamber in the world behind the Chinese National People's Congress. The King's Speech is delivered in the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament. In addition to its role as the upper house, until the establishment of the Supreme Court in 2009, the House of Lords, through the Law Lords, acted as the final court of appeal in the United Kingdom judicial system. The House of Lords also has a Church of England role, in that Church Measures must be tabled within the House by the Lords Spiritual. Палата лордів (англ. House of Lords; повне найменування — Поважні Лорди духовні та світські Сполученого королівства Великої Британії і Північної Ірландії, які зібралися в парламенті) — верхня палата Парламенту Великої Британії. Dewan Bangsawan (bahasa Inggris: House of Lords) adalah sebutan bagi majelis tinggi dalam Parlemen Britania Raya. bersama majelis tinggi dan majelis rendah (Dewan Rakyat Britania Raya) membentuk Parlemen Kerajaan Bersatu. Sekarang ini, jumlah kursi House of Lords (800) melebihi jumlah kursi House of Commons (650). Nama resmi untuk House of Lords adalah ''The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled (translasi literal: Yang Termulia Bangsawan Keduniawian dan Spiritualitas Kerajaan Bersatu Britania Raya dan Irlandia Utara dalam Parlemen yang bersidang). Gelar formal untuk anggota House of Lords adalah "Yang Termulia Bangsawan ... dari ..." (The Right Honourable the Lord ... of ...). Bangsawan yang menjadi anggota badan penasihat berhak menambahkan gelar "PC" yang ditulis setelah nama lengkap. Semua anggota Privy Council juga berhak atas gelar The Right Honourable. Hasil pemungutan suara di House of Commons 7 Maret 2007 memutuskan penggantian anggota House of Lords dengan anggota yang dipilih lewat pemilihan umum (dengan opsi 100% hasil pemilu atau 80% hasil pemilu dan 20% hasil pengangkatan). Namun seminggu kemudian, House of Lords menolak usulan tersebut, dan memutuskan seluruh anggota House of Lords tetap berasal dari pengangkatan. House of Lords ist eine US-amerikanische Melodic-Rock-Band, die 1988 aus der Gruppe Giuffria hervorging. 貴族院(きぞくいん、英語: House of Lords)は、イギリスの議会を構成する議院のひとつで、上院に相当する。 中世にイングランド議会から庶民院が分離したことで成立した。貴族によって構成される本院は、庶民院と異なり非公選かつ聖職貴族を除き終身任期制である。議会法制定以降は、立法機関としての権能は庶民院に劣後する。1999年以降は世襲貴族の議席が制限されており、一代貴族が議員の大半を占めている。かつては最高裁判所としての権能も有していたが、2009年に連合王国最高裁判所が新設されたことでその権能は喪失した。 Lorden Ganbera (ingelesez: House of Lords) Erresuma Batuko Legebiltzarreko goi ganbera da. Legebiltzarrak, Subiranoa eta behe ganbera edo Komunen Ganbera ere hartzen ditu. Westminster jauregian kokatzen da. Is é Teach na dTiarnaí teach uachtarach Pharlaimint na Ríochta Aontaithe. Tionóiltear i bPálas Westminster ar nós Theach na dTeachtaí é. Is féidir bille nua a thionscnamh sa cheachtar acu. Is féidir do theachtaí Theach na dTiarnaí bheith ina nAire Rialtais chomh maith. Tá seirbhís tacaíochta ag Teach na dTiarna féin, ar nós Leabharlann Theach na dTiarnaí. Ceaptar an chuid is mó dá theachtaí nua ina bpost. Tiarnaí Eaglaise agus Tiarnaí Tuata atá sa Teach. Tá suíocháin ann do 26 Tiarnaí Eaglaise a shuíonn sa Teach de bhua a ngnó eaglasta in Eaglais Shasana. Is iad na Tiarnaí Tuata an chuid eile de na baill. La House of Lords (Ĉambro de lordoj), foje konata kiel Upper House aŭ Upper Chamber (Supera ĉambro), estas la dua ĉambro de la brita parlamento, la Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Parlamento de la Unuiĝinta Reĝlando de Britujo kaj Nordirlando). A Câmara dos Lordes (em inglês: House of Lords) é a câmara alta do parlamento do Reino Unido. O parlamento também inclui a Coroa britânica (rei ou rainha) e a Câmara dos Comuns. A Câmara dos Lordes não tem um número determinado de membros, mas atualmente conta com 792 lordes. Ela é um corpo não eleito, formado por 2 arcebispos e 24 bispos da Igreja Anglicana (Lordes Espirituais), e 766 membros da nobreza britânica (Lordes Temporais). Os Lordes Espirituais mantêm-se no cargo enquanto ocuparem suas funções eclesiásticas, enquanto os Lordes Temporais são vitalícios. Os membros da Casa dos Lordes são às vezes chamados Lordes do Parlamento. A Câmara dos Lordes foi estabelecida no século XIV. Foi abolida em 1649 pelo governo revolucionário que tomou o poder durante a Guerra Civil Inglesa, mas foi restaurada em 1660. A Casa dos Lordes era mais poderosa que a eleita Casa dos Comuns. Porém, desde o século XIX, os poderes da Casa dos Lordes começaram a declinar: atualmente, a casa superior é muito menos relevante do que sua contraparte eleita. Sob os atos do parlamento (instituídos em 1911 e em 1949), toda legislação, excluindo as "contas monetárias" (mas incluindo o orçamento), aprovada pela Câmara dos Lordes poderia ser adiada por doze meses, mas não poderia ser vetada. Esse poder é chamado de na Ciência Política. Reformas foram decretadas sob o ato da Câmara dos Lordes de 1999, que removeu o direito hereditário automático dos nobres de ocupar a casa superior. Um número pequeno de lordes retém assentos porque ocupam cargo de Oficiais de Estado, e outros 92 foram eleitos como pares representativos. Mais reformas são contempladas pelo último governo trabalhista, mas nenhuma foi ainda aprovada por lei. Além de executar funções legislativas, a Câmara dos Lordes mantinha até 1 de outubro de 2009 alguns poderes judiciais: ela era a mais alta corte de apelação para a maioria dos processos no Reino Unido. Estas funções judiciais não eram executadas por toda a câmara, mas por um grupo de membros com experiência legal conhecidos como Lordes da Lei. A Câmara dos Lordes não era a única corte de último recurso no Reino Unido; em alguns casos, esse papel era cumprido pelo Muito Honorável Conselho Privado de Sua Majestade. O ato da reforma constitucional 2005 transferiu as funções judiciais dos lordes à Suprema Corte do Reino Unido. Assim como a Casa dos Comuns, a Câmara dos Lordes reúne-se no Palácio de Westminster. House of Lords — американський рок-гурт, що сформувався у 1987 колишніми учасниками колективу Angel та клавішником Грегом Гуффрією. La Cámara de los Lores (en inglés: House of Lords), oficialmente Los Muy Honorables Lores Espirituales y Temporales del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte reunidos en Parlamento (The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled), es la Cámara Alta del parlamento del Reino Unido. El parlamento también incluye al Supremo, y a la Cámara Baja, llamada la Cámara de los Comunes. Ambas Cámaras celebran sus sesiones en el Palacio de Westminster. Al contrario de lo que ocurre en la Cámara de los Comunes, los miembros de la Cámara de los Lores no se eligen mediante elecciones, dividiéndose según su derecho a formar parte de la Cámara en «lores espirituales» y «lores temporales». Los lores espirituales son 26 obispos elegidos por su prestigio y dilatada carrera eclesiástica dentro de la Iglesia anglicana. Los lores temporales conforman el resto, siendo la mayoría miembros con derecho vitalicio no hereditario, nombrados por el Rey con el asesoramiento del primer ministro. Esto es así porque, antiguamente, el derecho a formar parte de la Cámara de los Lores como lores temporales era exclusivamente hereditario; pero actualmente, y tras sucesivas reformas, los miembros por herencia de esta Cámara son solo una pequeña porción. Desde marzo de 2010, la Cámara de los Lores cuenta con 788 miembros, 138 más que la Cámara de los Comunes, que cuenta con 650. El Lord Speaker (presidente de la Cámara) desde 2021 es John McFall. Das House of Lords (auch House of Peers, deutsch Herrenhaus) ist das Oberhaus des britischen Parlaments. Während es einst die mächtigste Parlamentskammer war und auch judikative Aufgaben besaß, hat es heute insbesondere eine beratende Funktion und kann Gesetze lediglich aufschieben, jedoch nicht mehr verhindern. Das House of Lords besteht aus zwei Mitgliederklassen: Den geistlichen Lords (Lords Spiritual), welche ursprünglich die Mehrheit der Mitglieder stellten (seit 1847 maximal 26), und den weltlichen Lords (Lords Temporal), wobei letztere wiederum seit 1958 unterteilt sind in den Erbadel (Hereditary Peers; seit 1999 maximal 92) und Adlige auf Lebenszeit (Life Peers). Heutzutage besteht die große Mehrheit der derzeit 794 Mitglieder des Oberhauses (Stand 2020) aus Life Peers – zumeist ehemalige hochrangige Politiker, welche in den Adelsstand erhoben wurden. Das House of Lords bildete sich im 14. Jahrhundert heraus und besteht seitdem beinahe ununterbrochen; der heutige Name wurde jedoch nicht vor 1544 verwendet. Es wurde 1649 durch die Revolutionsregierung abgeschafft, die während des Englischen Bürgerkriegs an die Macht kam, jedoch 1660 wieder eingerichtet. Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert wurde es, etwa mit dem Parliament Act, schrittweise entmachtet. Der volle Titel des House of Lords ist: „Die sehr ehrenwerten geistlichen und weltlichen Lords des Vereinigten Königreichs von Großbritannien und Nordirland, im Parlament versammelt“ (The Right Honourable The Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled). Das House of Lords tritt wie das House of Commons im Palace of Westminster in London zusammen. House of Lords es una banda de hard rock proveniente de Los Ángeles, California, Estados Unidos. 영국 상원 또는 귀족원(영어: House of Lords)은 특권층에 속하는 영국 의회의 상원이다. 하원하고 동일하게 웨스트민스터 궁전에서 만남을 가진다. 정식 명칭은 ‘그레이트브리튼 및 북아일랜드 연합왕국의 소집된 의회에 속한 대단히 명예로운 성직 및 세속 귀족들(the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled)’이다. 상원은 영국 의회의 하원하고 독립되어 있지만, 법안 제정이라든가 정부 운영을 감사하는 일에는 함께 책임을 나누어 진다. 하원의 의석 수가 650석으로 고정되어 있는 반면, 상원의 의석 수는 일정하지 않다. 영국 상원은 각각의 하원보다 의석 수가 많거나 적을 수 있는 세계에서 유일한 상원이다. 영국 의회 개회식 때, 여왕이 연설을 하기 위해 상원을 방문한다. 또한 2009년에 대법원이 별도로 설립되기 전까지, 상원은 영국 사법 제도의 최고 기구였다. 상원의원들의 일부가 성공회 주교들이라는 점에서, 영국의 국교인 성공회에도 매우 큰 영향을 받고 있다. La Chambre des lords (en anglais : House of Lords) est la chambre haute du Parlement du Royaume-Uni. Le Parlement comprend également le roi et la chambre basse, la Chambre des communes du Royaume-Uni. La Chambre des lords se compose de membres nommés à vie par le roi sur proposition du Premier ministre, de 92 lords héréditaires élus parmi les membres des différentes pairies du Royaume-Uni et de 26 lords clercs de l'Église d'Angleterre, membres de droit. Le nombre de membres n'est pas fixe et dépend des nominations : il y en a aujourd'hui près de 800. Depuis le XIXe siècle, les pouvoirs de la Chambre des lords ont considérablement diminué et son pouvoir est aujourd'hui nettement inférieur à celui de la Chambre des communes. Elle examine les projets de loi approuvés par la Chambre des communes et peut les modifier mais ne dispose pas, sauf dans des cas limités, du pouvoir d'empêcher leur adoption. Toutefois la Chambre des lords peut retarder l'adoption d'un projet de loi et inviter le gouvernement à le revoir. Sněmovna lordů (House of Lords) je horní komora Parlamentu Spojeného království, do kterého dále patří panovník a Dolní sněmovna. Obě sněmovny zasedají ve Westminsterském paláci. V červnu 2017 měla tato komora parlamentu 800 členů (dolní komora 650 členů). Brittiska överhuset (engelska: The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled eller House of Lords) är den ena av det brittiska parlamentets två kamrar. Den brittiska parlamentarismen utgörs av de tre fristående delarna underhuset (House of Commons), överhuset (House of Lords) och monarken. Överhuset kan inte fatta några egna beslut, men har rätt att för viss tid skjuta upp lagförslag beslutade av underhuset. Oftast lägger överhuset sedan fram samma förslag med ändringar inför underhuset, som därefter får fatta nytt beslut.
Crowned portcullis in Pantone 7427 C
Flag House of Lords.svgborder
No annual salary, but tax-free daily allowance and expenses paid.
dbr:Government_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Non-affiliated_members_of_the_House_of_Lords dbr:Official_Opposition_(United_Kingdom) dbr:The_Lord_McFall_of_Alcluith
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