. . "Higgins Industries"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Higgins Industries Inc. var ett amerikanskt verkstadsf\u00F6retag som producerade fartyg, flygplan, helikoptrar m.m. F\u00F6retaget grundades av under 1930 och kom att expandera mycket kraftigt under Andra v\u00E4rldskriget f\u00F6r att sedan drabbas av diverse problem efter kriget. Efter Higgins d\u00F6d 1952 kvarstod f\u00F6retaget som ett sj\u00E4lvst\u00E4ndigt s\u00E5dant till 1959 d\u00E5 det f\u00F6rv\u00E4rvades av New York Ship. Slutgiltigt nedlades f\u00F6retaget 1975. 1938 hade f\u00F6retaget en fabrik med 75 anst\u00E4llda, 1943 hade detta v\u00E4xt till 7 fabriker med sammanlagt 25 000 anst\u00E4llda. F\u00F6retaget var s\u00E4llsynt f\u00F6r sin tid i och med att kvinnor och afroamerikaner anst\u00E4lldes med samma l\u00F6n och villkor som vita m\u00E4n. Mest k\u00E4nd bland f\u00F6retagets produkter torde den s.k. Higginsb\u00E5ten, (LVCP), som producerades under andra v\u00E4rldskriget, vara. Bland andra v\u00E4rldskrigsproduktioner m\u00E4rks (LCM) i varianterna och LCM-6."@sv . . "Higgins Industries was the company owned by Andrew Higgins based in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. Higgins Industries is most famous for the design and production of the Higgins boat, an amphibious landing craft referred to as LCVP (landing craft, vehicles, personnel), which was used extensively in the Allied forces' D-Day Invasion of Normandy. Higgins also manufactured PT boats, and produced the first American airborne lifeboat, the model A-1 lifeboat. The company also had a subsidiary architectural firm that designed manufacturing buildings - most famously the Michoud Assembly Facility. Andrew Higgins also owned the New Orleans-based Higgins Lumber and Export Co., and Higgins Aircraft, which contracted to provide aircraft for the US military during World War II."@en . . . . "Higgins Industries was the company owned by Andrew Higgins based in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. Higgins Industries is most famous for the design and production of the Higgins boat, an amphibious landing craft referred to as LCVP (landing craft, vehicles, personnel), which was used extensively in the Allied forces' D-Day Invasion of Normandy. Higgins also manufactured PT boats, and produced the first American airborne lifeboat, the model A-1 lifeboat. The company also had a subsidiary architectural firm that designed manufacturing buildings - most famously the Michoud Assembly Facility."@en . . . . . "1648421"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1116099272"^^ . . . . . . "7072"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Higgins Industries"@sv . . "Higgins Industries Inc. var ett amerikanskt verkstadsf\u00F6retag som producerade fartyg, flygplan, helikoptrar m.m. F\u00F6retaget grundades av under 1930 och kom att expandera mycket kraftigt under Andra v\u00E4rldskriget f\u00F6r att sedan drabbas av diverse problem efter kriget. Efter Higgins d\u00F6d 1952 kvarstod f\u00F6retaget som ett sj\u00E4lvst\u00E4ndigt s\u00E5dant till 1959 d\u00E5 det f\u00F6rv\u00E4rvades av New York Ship. Slutgiltigt nedlades f\u00F6retaget 1975."@sv . . . . . . .