. . . . . . "-128.3000030517578"^^ . . . . "La Haworth Mesa (in lingua inglese: Mesa Haworth) \u00E8 una mesa antartica, cio\u00E8 un tavolato caratterizzato da ripide pareti rocciose e con la parte sommitale coperta di ghiaccio. La mesa \u00E8 alta 3.610 m, lunga 9 km e larga 6 km; \u00E8 situata tra la Sisco Mesa e il Monte McNaughton, dove forma la linea di divisione tra il Ghiacciaio Norfolk e il Ghiacciaio Olentangy, nel settore occidentale del Wisconsin Range della catena dei Monti Horlick, nei Monti Transantartici, in Antartide."@it . . . "-85.90000152587891"^^ . "-85.9 -128.3" . . "Haworth Mesa \u00E4r en plat\u00E5 i Antarktis. Den ligger i V\u00E4stantarktis. Inget land g\u00F6r anspr\u00E5k p\u00E5 omr\u00E5det."@sv . . . . . . . . "1079"^^ . . . . . "POINT(-128.30000305176 -85.900001525879)"^^ . "Haworth Mesa"@sv . . . "Haworth Mesa"@en . "Haworth Mesa (85\u00B054\u2032S 128\u00B018\u2032W\uFEFF / \uFEFF85.900\u00B0S 128.300\u00B0W) is an ice-capped mesa with steep rock walls whose summit area is 5 nautical miles (9 km) long and 3 nautical miles (6 km) wide and rises to 3,610 metres (11,840 ft), standing between Sisco Mesa and Mount McNaughton where it forms part of the divide between Norfolk Glacier and Olentangy Glacier in the western Wisconsin Range of Antarctica. It was mapped by the United States Geological Survey from surveys and U.S. Navy air photos, 1960\u20131964, and was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names for Leland J. Haworth, Director of the National Science Foundation and a member of the Antarctic Policy Group."@en . . . . "Haworth Mesa \u00E4r en plat\u00E5 i Antarktis. Den ligger i V\u00E4stantarktis. Inget land g\u00F6r anspr\u00E5k p\u00E5 omr\u00E5det."@sv . "\u970D\u6C83\u601D\u5C71\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AHaworth Mesa\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u5357\u6975\u6D32\u7684\u5C71\u5CF0\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u746A\u9E97\u4F2F\u5FB7\u5730\uFF0C\u95779\u516C\u91CC\u3001\u5BEC6\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u8655\u65BC\u932B\u65AF\u79D1\u5C71\u548C\u9EA5\u514B\u8AFE\u9813\u5C71\u4E4B\u9593\uFF0C\u6D77\u62D4\u9AD8\u5EA63,610\u7C73\uFF0C\u7F8E\u570B\u5730\u8CEA\u8ABF\u67E5\u5C40\u6839\u64DA\u6E2C\u91CF\u548C\u8A72\u570B\u6D77\u8ECD\u7684\u7A7A\u4E2D\u7167\u7247\u7E6A\u5165\u5730\u5716\uFF0C\u73FE\u6642\u7531\u5357\u6975\u689D\u7D04\u9AD4\u7CFB\u7BA1\u7406\u3002"@zh . . . "1116887618"^^ . . "29576848"^^ . . . . "Haworth Mesa (85\u00B054\u2032S 128\u00B018\u2032W\uFEFF / \uFEFF85.900\u00B0S 128.300\u00B0W) is an ice-capped mesa with steep rock walls whose summit area is 5 nautical miles (9 km) long and 3 nautical miles (6 km) wide and rises to 3,610 metres (11,840 ft), standing between Sisco Mesa and Mount McNaughton where it forms part of the divide between Norfolk Glacier and Olentangy Glacier in the western Wisconsin Range of Antarctica. It was mapped by the United States Geological Survey from surveys and U.S. Navy air photos, 1960\u20131964, and was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names for Leland J. Haworth, Director of the National Science Foundation and a member of the Antarctic Policy Group."@en . "Die Haworth Mesa ist ein 3610 m hoher und vereister Tafelberg mit felsigen Steilh\u00E4ngen im westantarktischen Marie-Byrd-Land. In der westlichen Wisconsin Range der Horlick Mountains ragt er 8 km lang und 5 km breit zwischen der Sisco Mesa und Mount McNaughton auf, wo er einen Teil der Wasserscheide zwischen dem Norfolk- und dem Olentangy-Gletscher bildet. Der United States Geological Survey kartierte den Berg anhand eigener Vermessungen und mittels Luftaufnahmen der United States Navy aus den Jahren von 1960 bis 1964. Das Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names benannte ihn 1967 nach dem US-amerikanischen Teilchenphysiker Leland John Haworth (1904\u20131979), Direktor der National Science Foundation von 1963 bis 1969."@de . . "\u970D\u6C83\u601D\u5C71\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AHaworth Mesa\uFF09\uFF0C\u662F\u5357\u6975\u6D32\u7684\u5C71\u5CF0\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u746A\u9E97\u4F2F\u5FB7\u5730\uFF0C\u95779\u516C\u91CC\u3001\u5BEC6\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u8655\u65BC\u932B\u65AF\u79D1\u5C71\u548C\u9EA5\u514B\u8AFE\u9813\u5C71\u4E4B\u9593\uFF0C\u6D77\u62D4\u9AD8\u5EA63,610\u7C73\uFF0C\u7F8E\u570B\u5730\u8CEA\u8ABF\u67E5\u5C40\u6839\u64DA\u6E2C\u91CF\u548C\u8A72\u570B\u6D77\u8ECD\u7684\u7A7A\u4E2D\u7167\u7247\u7E6A\u5165\u5730\u5716\uFF0C\u73FE\u6642\u7531\u5357\u6975\u689D\u7D04\u9AD4\u7CFB\u7BA1\u7406\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . "Haworth Mesa"@de . "\u970D\u6C83\u601D\u5C71"@zh . . . "Haworth Mesa"@it . . . . . . . . . "Die Haworth Mesa ist ein 3610 m hoher und vereister Tafelberg mit felsigen Steilh\u00E4ngen im westantarktischen Marie-Byrd-Land. In der westlichen Wisconsin Range der Horlick Mountains ragt er 8 km lang und 5 km breit zwischen der Sisco Mesa und Mount McNaughton auf, wo er einen Teil der Wasserscheide zwischen dem Norfolk- und dem Olentangy-Gletscher bildet."@de . . . . . "La Haworth Mesa (in lingua inglese: Mesa Haworth) \u00E8 una mesa antartica, cio\u00E8 un tavolato caratterizzato da ripide pareti rocciose e con la parte sommitale coperta di ghiaccio. La mesa \u00E8 alta 3.610 m, lunga 9 km e larga 6 km; \u00E8 situata tra la Sisco Mesa e il Monte McNaughton, dove forma la linea di divisione tra il Ghiacciaio Norfolk e il Ghiacciaio Olentangy, nel settore occidentale del Wisconsin Range della catena dei Monti Horlick, nei Monti Transantartici, in Antartide. La mesa \u00E8 stata mappata dall'United States Geological Survey (USGS) sulla base di rilevazioni e foto aeree scattate dalla U.S. Navy nel periodo 1960-64. La denominazione \u00E8 stata assegnata dall'Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN), in onore di Leland J. Haworth, direttore della National Science Foundation dal 1963 al 1969 e membro dell' \"Antarctic Policy Group\"."@it .