. . . "Gabriel Liiceanu (ur. 23 maja 1942 w R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea) \u2013 rumu\u0144ski pisarz i dzia\u0142acz kulturalny. W czasach komunistycznych interpretowa\u0142 dzie\u0142a niemieckiego filozofa Martina Heideggera. W 1965 uko\u0144czy\u0142 studia na Wydziale Filozofii, a w 1973 na Wydziale Filologii Klasycznej uniwersytetu Bukareszte\u0144skiego. W 1976 uzyska\u0142 tam stopie\u0144 doktora filozofii. W latach 1965-1975 pracowa\u0142 naukowo w Instytucie Filozofii, a nast\u0119pnie w Instytucie Historii Sztuki Akad. W latach 1982-1984 przebywa\u0142 w Heidelbergu jako stypendysta Fundacji Humboldta. W 1983 wyda\u0142 Jurnalul de la P\u0103ltini\u0219. Un model paideic in cultura umanist\u0103 (Dziennik z P\u0103ltini\u0219u. Pajdeja jako model w kulturze humanistycznej). W 1990 zosta\u0142 szefem wydawnictwa politycznego Editura Humanitas. Po 2000 roku wsp\u00F3\u0142pracuj\u0105c z Andrei Ple\u015Fu realizowa\u0142 t"@pl . . . . . "4205987"^^ . . "Gabriel Liiceanu"@de . . . . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu, n\u00E9 le 23 mai 1942 \u00E0 R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea, est un philosophe et \u00E9crivain roumain."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu (ur. 23 maja 1942 w R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea) \u2013 rumu\u0144ski pisarz i dzia\u0142acz kulturalny. W czasach komunistycznych interpretowa\u0142 dzie\u0142a niemieckiego filozofa Martina Heideggera. W 1965 uko\u0144czy\u0142 studia na Wydziale Filozofii, a w 1973 na Wydziale Filologii Klasycznej uniwersytetu Bukareszte\u0144skiego. W 1976 uzyska\u0142 tam stopie\u0144 doktora filozofii. W latach 1965-1975 pracowa\u0142 naukowo w Instytucie Filozofii, a nast\u0119pnie w Instytucie Historii Sztuki Akad. W latach 1982-1984 przebywa\u0142 w Heidelbergu jako stypendysta Fundacji Humboldta. W 1983 wyda\u0142 Jurnalul de la P\u0103ltini\u0219. Un model paideic in cultura umanist\u0103 (Dziennik z P\u0103ltini\u0219u. Pajdeja jako model w kulturze humanistycznej). W 1990 zosta\u0142 szefem wydawnictwa politycznego Editura Humanitas. Po 2000 roku wsp\u00F3\u0142pracuj\u0105c z Andrei Ple\u015Fu realizowa\u0142 telewizyjne kulturowe programy."@pl . . "Gabriel Liiceanu (Romanian pronunciation: [\u0261abri\u02C8el li.i\u02C8t\u0361\u0283e\u032Fanu]; b. May 23, 1942, R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea) is a Romanian philosopher. He graduated from the University of Bucharest's Faculty of Philosophy in 1965, and from Faculty of Classical Languages in 1973. He earned a doctorate in philosophy at the University of Bucharest in 1976. Between 1965 and 1975, Liiceanu was a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, and between 1975 and 1989 at the Institute of Art History. He received a fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation between 1982 and 1984. He has been the manager of Humanitas publishing house since 1990. He has been professor at the University of Bucharest's Faculty of Philosophy since 1992. Liiceanu is also a founding member of the Group for Social Dialogue (1990), president of the Romanian Publishers' Association (since 2000), and member of the scientific council of New Europe College. Between 1998 and 2001, he was a member of the Romanian National Television's Administrative Board. He was greatly influenced by his mentor, Constantin Noica, especially during the time spent at P\u0103ltini\u0219, an experience that he evokes in \"Jurnalul de la P\u0103ltini\u0219\" (\"The P\u0103ltini\u0219 Diary\"). Noica, a Romanian philosopher known abroad as well as in the country, used to take his most valuable students and followers to his small house at P\u0103ltini\u0219, where he would teach them what they afterwards called \"not philosophy lessons, but spiritual experiences\". Another Noica follower who was invited to P\u0103ltini\u0219 was Andrei Ple\u0219u (Liiceanu and Ple\u0219u are still friends today). Liiceanu refers to that experience in his books as the \"P\u0103ltini\u0219 School\" and the term began to be widely accepted and used in Romanian, as well as European, philosophy. Liiceanu continued to publish well into the 2000s, and he remains a mainstream figure in Romanian intellectual public life, with close connections with Andrei Ple\u0219u, Monica Lovinescu, and Virgil Ierunca. One critic, Gabriel Andreescu, suggested that Liiceanu allegedly facilitated extremism by allowing his publishing house to edit the works of inter-war (Communist-persecuted) Romanian figures whom Andreescu accused of being \"ideologues of right-wing extremism\"."@en . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu"@ca . . . . . . . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu (R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea, 23 de maig de 1942) \u00E9s un fil\u00F2sof, int\u00E8rpret i escriptor roman\u00E8s. Deixeble del fil\u00F2sof Constantin Noica, durant el per\u00EDode comunista fou conegut sobretot com a interprete del fil\u00F2sof alemany Martin Heidegger. Des del 1990 \u00E9s el director de l', una de les m\u00E9s importants institucions culturals romaneses, projecte ideat durant els anys de l'Escola de P\u0103ltini\u0219. Despr\u00E9s de la Revoluci\u00F3 de 1989 ha participat en els principals espais p\u00FAblics de l'espai cultural i pol\u00EDtic roman\u00E8s, adquirint l'estatus d'intel\u00B7lectual p\u00FAblic d'import\u00E0ncia, per\u00F2 alhora sent objecte de fortes cr\u00EDtiques. El 1995 va apar\u00E8ixer en el documentari Apocalipsa dup\u0103 Cioran, narrada i escrita per ell mateix, que cont\u00E9 l'\u00FAnica entrevista en roman\u00E8s filmada del fil\u00F2sof Emil Cioran. Despr\u00E9s del 2000, ha realitzat amb Andrei Ple\u0219u diferents emissions televisives d'\u00E0mbit cultural (Altfel, la Realitatea TV i 50 de minute cu Ple\u0219u \u0219i Liiceanu a la TVR1). Actualment \u00E9s membre de la Societat Romanesa de Fenomenologia i del Grup per al Di\u00E0leg Social."@ca . . "Gabriel Liiceanu, n\u00E9 le 23 mai 1942 \u00E0 R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea, est un philosophe et \u00E9crivain roumain."@fr . "Gabriel Liiceanu"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu (R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea, 23 de maig de 1942) \u00E9s un fil\u00F2sof, int\u00E8rpret i escriptor roman\u00E8s. Deixeble del fil\u00F2sof Constantin Noica, durant el per\u00EDode comunista fou conegut sobretot com a interprete del fil\u00F2sof alemany Martin Heidegger. Des del 1990 \u00E9s el director de l', una de les m\u00E9s importants institucions culturals romaneses, projecte ideat durant els anys de l'Escola de P\u0103ltini\u0219."@ca . . . . . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu (Romanian pronunciation: [\u0261abri\u02C8el li.i\u02C8t\u0361\u0283e\u032Fanu]; b. May 23, 1942, R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea) is a Romanian philosopher. He graduated from the University of Bucharest's Faculty of Philosophy in 1965, and from Faculty of Classical Languages in 1973. He earned a doctorate in philosophy at the University of Bucharest in 1976. Between 1965 and 1975, Liiceanu was a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, and between 1975 and 1989 at the Institute of Art History. He received a fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation between 1982 and 1984."@en . . "8251"^^ . "Gabriel Liiceanu (* 23. Mai 1942 in R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea, Rum\u00E4nien) ist ein rum\u00E4nischer Philosoph und Schriftsteller."@de . . . . . "1113066392"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu (R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea, 23 maggio 1942) \u00E8 un filosofo, saggista, giornalista e regista rumeno."@it . "Gabriel Liiceanu (R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea, 23 maggio 1942) \u00E8 un filosofo, saggista, giornalista e regista rumeno."@it . . "Gabriel Liiceanu"@fr . . . . . . . "Gabriel Liiceanu (* 23. Mai 1942 in R\u00E2mnicu V\u00E2lcea, Rum\u00E4nien) ist ein rum\u00E4nischer Philosoph und Schriftsteller."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .