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Combahee River Collective Coletivo Combahee River Combahee River Collective Combahee River Collective Combahee River Collective Combahee River Collective Combahee River Collective
El Combahee River Collective (en español: Colectivo del río Combahee) fue una organización feminista negra y lésbica que operó en Boston entre 1974 y 1980,​​ conocida por su declaración de principios, Combahee River Collective Statement (Declaración del Colectivo del río Combahee),​ un documento clave para la historia del feminismo negro contemporáneo y el desarrollo de conceptos de identidad como los que usaban las organizaciones políticas y los teóricos sociales.​​ Dicha declaración también aglutinará a mujeres asiáticas y chicanas.​ El Combahee River Collective (en català: Col·lectiu del riu Combahee) va ser una organització feminista negra i lèsbica que va operar a Boston entre 1974 i 1980. Principalment coneguda per la seva declaració de principis, Combahee River Collective Statement (Declaració del Col·lectiu del riu Combahee) un document clau per a la història del feminisme negre contemporani i el desenvolupament de conceptes d'identitat com els que utilitzaven les organitzacions polítiques i els teòrics socials. Das Combahee River Collective war eine US-amerikanische Gruppe, die vom Standpunkt schwarzer lesbischer Feministinnen den Diskurs um Mehrfachunterdrückung mitprägte. Sie wurde 1974 in Boston gegründet. Gründerin war Barbara Smith, die auch den Namen gab. Benannt wurde die Gruppe nach dem , an welchem 1863 750 schwarze Sklaven unter der Führung von Harriet Tubman befreit wurden. Die Gruppe vertrat die Strategie des strategischen Essentialismus, der ihnen eine multiple Identitätspolitik erlaubte. Sie forderten eine Diskussion um Rassismus in der US-amerikanischen feministischen Bewegung ein. Le Combahee River Collective était une organisation féministe lesbienne radicale, active de 1974 à 1980 à Boston. Elle est notamment connue pour sa « Déclaration du Combahee River Collective » (1977), un des textes clés du Black feminism, qui aurait notamment été le premier à utiliser l'expression identity politics (« politique identitaire »). Il Combahee River Collective è un collettivo di femministe e lesbiche nere nato negli Stati Uniti nei primi anni 1970 per iniziativa di Barbara Smith. O Coletivo Combahee River foi uma organização negra feminista ativa em Boston de 1974 a 1980, fundada por . Seu nome é um reconhecimento simbólico pelo heroico ato de Harriet Tubman, que em 1863 libertou 750 escravos perto do Rio Combahee, na Carolina do Sul. O coletivo foi instrumental em destacar que o movimento feminista branco não estava se dirigindo a suas necessidades específicas. É talvez mais conhecido por desenvolver a Declaração do Coletivo Combahee River, um documento fundamental na história do feminismo negro contemporâneo e do desenvolvimento dos conceitos de identidade, usado entre os organizadores políticos e teóricos sociais. The Combahee River Collective (/kəmˈbiː/ kəm-BEE) was a Black feminist lesbian socialist organization active in Boston from 1974 to 1980. The Collective argued that both the white feminist movement and the Civil Rights Movement were not addressing their particular needs as Black women and, more specifically, as Black lesbians. Racism was present in the mainstream feminist movement, while Delaney and Manditch-Prottas argue that much of the Civil Rights Movement had a sexist and homophobic reputation.
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dbr:Audre_Lorde dbr:South_Carolina dbr:Social_class dbr:Black_nationalist dbr:Identity_politics dbc:Lesbian_feminist_organizations dbc:Lesbian_organizations_in_the_United_States dbr:Chirlane_McCray dbc:LGBT_in_Massachusetts dbr:Frontiers_(magazine) dbr:Classist dbr:Black_Marxism dbr:Essence_(magazine) dbc:LGBT_culture_in_Boston dbr:New_Jersey dbc:Defunct_African-American_LGBT_organizations dbc:1974_establishments_in_Massachusetts dbc:Intersectional_feminism dbr:The_Black_Scholar dbr:Black_lesbian_literature dbr:Consciousness_raising dbc:Women_in_Boston dbr:Barbara_Smith dbr:Raid_at_Combahee_Ferry dbr:Harriet_Tubman dbr:New_York_City dbc:Defunct_LGBT_organizations_in_the_United_States dbr:Conditions_(magazine) dbc:Post–civil_rights_era_in_African-American_history dbr:Herstory dbr:Karl_Marx dbr:Anti-racism dbr:National_Black_Feminist_Organization dbr:Boston dbr:Public_school_(government_funded) dbr:Margo_Okazawa-Rey dbc:Anti-racist_organizations_in_the_United_States dbc:LGBT_socialism dbr:Materialism dbc:Socialist_feminist_organizations dbr:Gloria_Akasha_Hull dbc:African-American_women's_organizations dbr:Black_Nationalist dbr:Gender dbr:Demita_Frazier dbr:Lesbian_feminism dbr:Strategic_essentialism dbr:Becky_Thompson dbr:Alexis_De_Veaux dbc:LGBT-related_mass_media_in_the_United_States dbr:Socialism dbr:Homophobia dbr:Lesbian dbr:Prostitution dbr:Simmons_University dbr:Earl_Conrad dbr:Beverly_Smith dbc:Organizations_established_in_1974 dbr:Desegregation dbr:Port_Royal,_South_Carolina dbr:Civil_Rights_Movement dbc:Organizations_disestablished_in_1980 dbr:Womanism dbr:Black_feminism dbr:Cheryl_Clarke n29:_Women_of_Color_Press dbr:Combahee_River dbr:Cambridge,_Massachusetts dbr:Feminist_movement dbr:Race_(classification_of_human_beings) dbr:African-American dbc:1974_in_LGBT_history dbc:1980_disestablishments_in_Massachusetts dbr:Sojourner_Truth dbc:Feminist_collectives dbr:African_American dbr:Massachusetts dbr:Frances_Harper dbr:South_Hadley dbr:Ida_B._Wells dbr:Lorraine_Bethel dbr:Keeanga-Yamahtta_Taylor dbr:African_American_Studies dbr:African-American_literature dbr:Intersectionality dbc:History_of_women_in_Massachusetts dbr:Angela_Davis dbc:Lesbian_history_in_the_United_States dbr:Anti-capitalism dbr:Police_brutality dbc:African-American_feminism dbr:Violence_against_women dbr:Boston_Police_Department dbr:Critical_social_theory dbr:Roderick_Ferguson dbr:Mary_Church_Terrell
n12:combrivercoll.html n25:Black%20%26%20Gay%20Timeline%2C%20until%201992.pdf n33:
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O Coletivo Combahee River foi uma organização negra feminista ativa em Boston de 1974 a 1980, fundada por . Seu nome é um reconhecimento simbólico pelo heroico ato de Harriet Tubman, que em 1863 libertou 750 escravos perto do Rio Combahee, na Carolina do Sul. O coletivo foi instrumental em destacar que o movimento feminista branco não estava se dirigindo a suas necessidades específicas. É talvez mais conhecido por desenvolver a Declaração do Coletivo Combahee River, um documento fundamental na história do feminismo negro contemporâneo e do desenvolvimento dos conceitos de identidade, usado entre os organizadores políticos e teóricos sociais. El Combahee River Collective (en català: Col·lectiu del riu Combahee) va ser una organització feminista negra i lèsbica que va operar a Boston entre 1974 i 1980. Principalment coneguda per la seva declaració de principis, Combahee River Collective Statement (Declaració del Col·lectiu del riu Combahee) un document clau per a la història del feminisme negre contemporani i el desenvolupament de conceptes d'identitat com els que utilitzaven les organitzacions polítiques i els teòrics socials. Das Combahee River Collective war eine US-amerikanische Gruppe, die vom Standpunkt schwarzer lesbischer Feministinnen den Diskurs um Mehrfachunterdrückung mitprägte. Sie wurde 1974 in Boston gegründet. Gründerin war Barbara Smith, die auch den Namen gab. Benannt wurde die Gruppe nach dem , an welchem 1863 750 schwarze Sklaven unter der Führung von Harriet Tubman befreit wurden. Die Gruppe vertrat die Strategie des strategischen Essentialismus, der ihnen eine multiple Identitätspolitik erlaubte. Sie forderten eine Diskussion um Rassismus in der US-amerikanischen feministischen Bewegung ein. Das Combahee River Collective prägte den Begriff Identitätspolitik. Identitätspolitik sei, so heißt es im Manifest des Kollektivs vom April 1977, das beste Mittel, um gegen „rassische, sexuelle, heterosexuelle und Klassenunterdrückung“ und deren vielfache Überlagerungen anzukämpfen The Combahee River Collective (/kəmˈbiː/ kəm-BEE) was a Black feminist lesbian socialist organization active in Boston from 1974 to 1980. The Collective argued that both the white feminist movement and the Civil Rights Movement were not addressing their particular needs as Black women and, more specifically, as Black lesbians. Racism was present in the mainstream feminist movement, while Delaney and Manditch-Prottas argue that much of the Civil Rights Movement had a sexist and homophobic reputation. The Collective are perhaps best known for developing the Combahee River Collective Statement, a key document in the history of contemporary Black feminism and the development of the concepts of identity politics as used among political organizers and social theorists, and for introducing the concept of interlocking systems of oppression, a key concept of intersectionality. Gerald Izenberg credits the 1977 Combahee statement with the first usage of the phrase "identity politics". Through writing their statement, the CRC connected themselves to the activist tradition of Black women in the 19th Century and to the struggles of Black liberation in the 1960s. Le Combahee River Collective était une organisation féministe lesbienne radicale, active de 1974 à 1980 à Boston. Elle est notamment connue pour sa « Déclaration du Combahee River Collective » (1977), un des textes clés du Black feminism, qui aurait notamment été le premier à utiliser l'expression identity politics (« politique identitaire »). El Combahee River Collective (en español: Colectivo del río Combahee) fue una organización feminista negra y lésbica que operó en Boston entre 1974 y 1980,​​ conocida por su declaración de principios, Combahee River Collective Statement (Declaración del Colectivo del río Combahee),​ un documento clave para la historia del feminismo negro contemporáneo y el desarrollo de conceptos de identidad como los que usaban las organizaciones políticas y los teóricos sociales.​​ Dicha declaración también aglutinará a mujeres asiáticas y chicanas.​ Il Combahee River Collective è un collettivo di femministe e lesbiche nere nato negli Stati Uniti nei primi anni 1970 per iniziativa di Barbara Smith.