. . . "22670884"^^ . "Niezgodno\u015B\u0107 Dobzhansky\u2019ego-Mullera, niezgodno\u015B\u0107 Batesona-Dobzhansky\u2019ego-Mullera \u2013 niedopasowanie do siebie alleli r\u00F3\u017Cnych loci b\u0119d\u0105ce przyczyn\u0105 izolacji postzygotycznej gatunk\u00F3w. Ewolucja przebiega przez wiele r\u00F3\u017Cnych proces\u00F3w, mi\u0119dzy innymi dzi\u0119ki specjacji, czyli powstawaniu nowych gatunk\u00F3w. W wyniku tego procesu powstaj\u0105 z poprzednio jednej populacji dwa odr\u0119bne od siebie gatunki, kt\u00F3re mo\u017Cna rozumie\u0107 jako odr\u0119bne grupy organizm\u00F3w, mog\u0105ce swobodnie krzy\u017Cowa\u0107 si\u0119 mi\u0119dzy sob\u0105, ale nie z przedstawicielami innych podobnych grup. Skoro wcze\u015Bniej przep\u0142yw gen\u00F3w zachodzi\u0142 pomi\u0119dzy osobnikami nale\u017C\u0105cymi do ancestralnej populacji, a teraz ma by\u0107 ograniczony, to musia\u0142y wytworzy\u0107 si\u0119 jakie\u015B bariery, kt\u00F3re ten przep\u0142yw ograniczaj\u0105. Wyr\u00F3\u017Cnia si\u0119 bariery zapobiegaj\u0105ce kojarzeniom, w szczeg\u00F3lno\u015Bci izolacj\u0119 ekologiczn\u0105, czasow\u0105 i przestrzenn\u0105, izolacj\u0119 behawioraln\u0105, a tak\u017Ce izolacj\u0119 przez zapylaczy, , jak , r\u00F3\u017Cnice w zachowaniach zwi\u0105zanych z kopulacj\u0105 i , w ko\u0144cu za\u015B . Te ostatnie zachodz\u0105 ju\u017C, jak sama nazwa wskazuje, po powstaniu zygoty, a wi\u0119c nowego, miesza\u0144cowego organizmu. Ograniczaj\u0105 jego dostosowanie. Wyr\u00F3\u017Cnia si\u0119 tutaj zewn\u0119trzne bariery postzygotyczne, jak stabilno\u015B\u0107 ekologiczna i sterylno\u015B\u0107 behawioralna, oraz bariery postzygotyczne wewn\u0119trzne, jak zmniejszona \u017Cywotno\u015B\u0107 b\u0105d\u017A sterylno\u015B\u0107 miesza\u0144c\u00F3w. Sterylno\u015B\u0107 miesza\u0144c\u00F3w obserwowa\u0142 w latach 30. XX wieku Theodosius Dobzhansky. Zmniejszona \u017Cywotno\u015B\u0107 miesza\u0144c\u00F3w powodowana jest niedopasowaniem do siebie wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych u nich alleli. Przyk\u0142adowo, populacja ancestralna mog\u0142a cechowa\u0107 si\u0119 genotypem a nast\u0119pnie podzieli\u0107 si\u0119 na dwie populacje potomne. W wyniku utrwalaj\u0105cych si\u0119 mutacji, w tych populacjach dominuj\u0105 odmienne genotypy \u2013 w pierwszej oraz w drugiej. R\u00F3\u017Cnice genotyp\u00F3w charakterystycznych dla populacji r\u00F3\u017Cni\u0105 si\u0119 w wi\u0119cej ni\u017C jednej parze alleli. W przypadku doj\u015Bcia do hybrydyzacji, organizm potomny b\u0119dzie mia\u0142 genotyp . Po\u0142\u0105czenia czy mog\u0105 zwi\u0119ksza\u0107 dostosowanie, dlatego te\u017C utrwali\u0142y si\u0119 w swoich populacjach \u2013 przesz\u0142y test doboru naturalnego. W przypadku jednak, gdy allele i razem takiego testu nie przesz\u0142y, mo\u017Ce si\u0119 okaza\u0107, \u017Ce nie wsp\u00F3\u0142pracuj\u0105 dobrze ze sob\u0105. Mog\u0105 zachodzi\u0107 pomi\u0119dzy nimi procesy epistatyczne, kt\u00F3rych skutkiem mo\u017Ce by\u0107 np. zmniejszenie \u017Cywotno\u015Bci organizmu lub redukcja jego p\u0142odno\u015Bci. Tak\u0105 w\u0142a\u015Bnie niezgodno\u015B\u0107 okre\u015Bla si\u0119 mianem niezgodno\u015Bci Dobzhansky\u2019ego-Mullera. Co wi\u0119cej, z biegiem czasu up\u0142ywaj\u0105cego od rozdzielenia si\u0119 populacji, niezgodno\u015Bci te ulegaj\u0105 akumulacji. Jej tempo jest wprost proporcjonalne do kwadratu tempa pojawiania si\u0119 mutacji w obu rozdzielonych populacjach. Gromadzenie si\u0119 niezgodno\u015Bci powoduje efekt kuli \u015Bnie\u017Cnej."@pl . . . . "1101843427"^^ . . . "Bateson\u016Fv\u2013Dobzhansk\u00E9ho\u2013Muller\u016Fv model"@cs . "Bateson\u016Fv\u2013Dobzhansk\u00E9ho\u2013Muller\u016Fv model (n\u011Bkdy t\u00E9\u017E jen Dobzhansk\u00E9ho-Muller\u016Fv) je modelem evoluce genetick\u00E9 nekompatibility. Tato teorie byla poprv\u00E9 pops\u00E1na Williamem Batesonem v roce 1909,, a n\u00E1sledn\u011B v roce 1934 zcela nez\u00E1visle Theodosiem Dobzhansk\u00FDm. Pozd\u011Bji byla rozpracov\u00E1na Hermanem Mullerem."@cs . . "\u591A\u5E03\u7136\u65AF\u57FA-\u99AC\u52D2\u57FA\u56E0\u4E0D\u76F8\u5BB9\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ADobzhansky-Muller incompatibility\uFF09\uFF0C\u53C8\u7A31\u70BA\u8C9D\u7279\u68EE-\u591A\u5E03\u7136\u65AF\u57FA-\u99AC\u52D2\u57FA\u56E0\u4E0D\u76F8\u5BB9\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ABateson-Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibility\uFF09\u662F\u89E3\u91CB\u57FA\u56E0\u4E0D\u76F8\u5BB9\u5982\u4F55\u6F14\u5316\u51FA\u4F86\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u6A21\u578B\uFF0C\u5C0D\u65BC\u7406\u89E3\u7A2E\u5316\u904E\u7A0B\u4E2D\u7684\u5408\u5B50\u5F8C\u751F\u6B96\u9694\u96E2\u6709\u91CD\u8981\u7684\u5730\u4F4D\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "The Bateson\u2013Dobzhansky\u2013Muller model, also known as Dobzhansky\u2013Muller model, is a model of the evolution of genetic incompatibility, important in understanding the evolution of reproductive isolation during speciation and the role of natural selection in bringing it about. The theory was first described by William Bateson in 1909, then independently described by Theodosius Dobzhansky in 1934, and later elaborated in different forms by Herman Muller, H. Allen Orr and Sergey Gavrilets. The Dobzhansky\u2013Muller model describes the negative epistatic interactions that occur between different alleles (versions) of different genes with a different evolutionary history. These genetic incompatibilities can occur when populations are hybridising. When two populations diverge from a common ancestor and become isolated from each other, thus meaning there is no interbreeding between the two, mutations can accumulate in both populations. These changes represent evolutionary change in the populations. When the populations are reintroduced to each other, these diverged genes can interact with each other in the hybridising species. For example, an ancestral species has the alleles a and b fixed in its population, resulting in all individuals having the aabb genotype. When two descendant populations are separated from each other and each undergo several mutations the allele A can occur in one population while the allele B occurs in the second population. When the two populations start hybridising the genotypes AAbb and aaBB hybridise with each other resulting in AaBb (figure 1). Interactions between A and B are introduced which have never occurred before. These two alleles can turn out to be incompatible, which are the Dobzhansky\u2013Muller incompatibilities. The model states that genetic incompatibility is most likely evolved by alternative fixation of two or more loci instead of just one, so that when hybridisation occurs, it is the first time for some of the alleles to co-occur in the same individual. The Dobzhansky\u2013Muller incompatibilities can result from purely random, neutral or non-selected differences between the populations. They can also be driven by natural selection in at least two ways. When two populations diverge from each other and encounter new - and different - environments they may adapt to these environments. These adaptations can result in hybrid sterility as a side effect. The genes that have arisen to adapt to different ecological surroundings can thus cause hybrid incompatibilities. A second way is when the two diverging populations adapt to a same or similar environment but they do that in a genetically different way. This can result in the populations having different genotypes, that can cause Dobzhansky\u2013Muller incompatibilities. Genes that are incompatible according to the Dobzhansky\u2013Muller model require three criteria. 1. The gene reduces the fitness of the hybrid, 2. The gene has functionally diverged in each of the hybridising species and, 3. The hybrid incompatibility is only present in combination with a partner gene. Whether the genes are actually incompatible is also dependent on whether the genes are dominant or recessive. Incompatibility will only occur if both alleles are expressed and not if one is recessive. The genetic changes that are accumulated when populations diverge from a common ancestor will not severely decrease viability or fertility because natural selection influences these strongly deleterious alleles. However, natural selection cannot act when alleles have never occurred together, as they would in the genome of a hybrid. Therefore, it is possible that when these alleles interact, these alleles prove to be incompatible. An incompatible gene prevents the populations from successfully hybridising. These Dobzhansky\u2013Muller incompatibilities can therefore also increase the chance of speciation. Certain patterns in the Dobzhansky\u2013Muller incompatibilities can provide information of modes of divergence. For instance, if divergence is due to different selection pressures, thus causing natural selection to act, or to random genetic drift. Therefore, Dobzhansky\u2013Muller incompatibilities can also provide information on the time and type of divergence which can help in phylogenetic studies."@en . . "\u591A\u5E03\u7136\u65AF\u57FA-\u99AC\u52D2\u57FA\u56E0\u4E0D\u76F8\u5BB9"@zh . . "Bateson\u2013Dobzhansky\u2013Muller model"@en . "A Teoria de Dobzhansky-Muller (ou Teoria da Incompatibilidade de Dobzhansky-Muller) \u00E9 uma teoria que trata do isolamento reprodutivo p\u00F3s-zig\u00F3tico, explicando-o por mecanismos gen\u00E9ticos. Nela, tentou-se esclarecer como podem se manter, em uma popula\u00E7\u00E3o, alelos que posteriormente consigam atuar na diminui\u00E7\u00E3o da viabilidade/fertilidade de indiv\u00EDduos h\u00EDbridos, no contexto de especia\u00E7\u00E3o, se a origem de qualquer alelo \u00E9 obrigatoriamente em um indiv\u00EDduo heterozigoto para determinado gene, que tenderia a n\u00E3o conseguir manter o alelo na popula\u00E7\u00E3o. A solu\u00E7\u00E3o a esse paradoxo foi trazer mais uma dimens\u00E3o \u00E0 hip\u00F3tese constru\u00EDda, ao levar em conta a intera\u00E7\u00E3o que diferentes genes podem ter uns com os outros (epistasia). Assim, ficou claro que diversos alelos, mesmo que envolvidos na perda de fertilidade ou viabilidade de h\u00EDbridos em algum momento, podem surgir e se propagar em uma popula\u00E7\u00E3o, j\u00E1 que a perda no sucesso reprodutivo, nesse caso, n\u00E3o est\u00E1 relacionada \u00E0 heterozigose para determinado gene, e sim, \u00E0 determinada combina\u00E7\u00E3o dos diferentes alelos em conjuntos de genes epist\u00E1ticos. Atualmente, tamb\u00E9m \u00E9 chamada por Incompatibilidade de Bateson-Dobzhansky\u2013Muller (BDMI)."@pt . . . . . . . . . "Niezgodno\u015B\u0107 Dobzhansky\u2019ego-Mullera, niezgodno\u015B\u0107 Batesona-Dobzhansky\u2019ego-Mullera \u2013 niedopasowanie do siebie alleli r\u00F3\u017Cnych loci b\u0119d\u0105ce przyczyn\u0105 izolacji postzygotycznej gatunk\u00F3w. Ewolucja przebiega przez wiele r\u00F3\u017Cnych proces\u00F3w, mi\u0119dzy innymi dzi\u0119ki specjacji, czyli powstawaniu nowych gatunk\u00F3w. W wyniku tego procesu powstaj\u0105 z poprzednio jednej populacji dwa odr\u0119bne od siebie gatunki, kt\u00F3re mo\u017Cna rozumie\u0107 jako odr\u0119bne grupy organizm\u00F3w, mog\u0105ce swobodnie krzy\u017Cowa\u0107 si\u0119 mi\u0119dzy sob\u0105, ale nie z przedstawicielami innych podobnych grup. Skoro wcze\u015Bniej przep\u0142yw gen\u00F3w zachodzi\u0142 pomi\u0119dzy osobnikami nale\u017C\u0105cymi do ancestralnej populacji, a teraz ma by\u0107 ograniczony, to musia\u0142y wytworzy\u0107 si\u0119 jakie\u015B bariery, kt\u00F3re ten przep\u0142yw ograniczaj\u0105. Wyr\u00F3\u017Cnia si\u0119 bariery zapobiegaj\u0105ce kojarzeniom, w szczeg\u00F3lno\u015Bci iz"@pl . "\u591A\u5E03\u7136\u65AF\u57FA-\u99AC\u52D2\u57FA\u56E0\u4E0D\u76F8\u5BB9\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ADobzhansky-Muller incompatibility\uFF09\uFF0C\u53C8\u7A31\u70BA\u8C9D\u7279\u68EE-\u591A\u5E03\u7136\u65AF\u57FA-\u99AC\u52D2\u57FA\u56E0\u4E0D\u76F8\u5BB9\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ABateson-Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibility\uFF09\u662F\u89E3\u91CB\u57FA\u56E0\u4E0D\u76F8\u5BB9\u5982\u4F55\u6F14\u5316\u51FA\u4F86\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u6A21\u578B\uFF0C\u5C0D\u65BC\u7406\u89E3\u7A2E\u5316\u904E\u7A0B\u4E2D\u7684\u5408\u5B50\u5F8C\u751F\u6B96\u9694\u96E2\u6709\u91CD\u8981\u7684\u5730\u4F4D\u3002"@zh . . . "A Teoria de Dobzhansky-Muller (ou Teoria da Incompatibilidade de Dobzhansky-Muller) \u00E9 uma teoria que trata do isolamento reprodutivo p\u00F3s-zig\u00F3tico, explicando-o por mecanismos gen\u00E9ticos. Nela, tentou-se esclarecer como podem se manter, em uma popula\u00E7\u00E3o, alelos que posteriormente consigam atuar na diminui\u00E7\u00E3o da viabilidade/fertilidade de indiv\u00EDduos h\u00EDbridos, no contexto de especia\u00E7\u00E3o, se a origem de qualquer alelo \u00E9 obrigatoriamente em um indiv\u00EDduo heterozigoto para determinado gene, que tenderia a n\u00E3o conseguir manter o alelo na popula\u00E7\u00E3o. A solu\u00E7\u00E3o a esse paradoxo foi trazer mais uma dimens\u00E3o \u00E0 hip\u00F3tese constru\u00EDda, ao levar em conta a intera\u00E7\u00E3o que diferentes genes podem ter uns com os outros (epistasia). Assim, ficou claro que diversos alelos, mesmo que envolvidos na perda de fertilidade "@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Bateson\u2013Dobzhansky\u2013Muller model, also known as Dobzhansky\u2013Muller model, is a model of the evolution of genetic incompatibility, important in understanding the evolution of reproductive isolation during speciation and the role of natural selection in bringing it about. The theory was first described by William Bateson in 1909, then independently described by Theodosius Dobzhansky in 1934, and later elaborated in different forms by Herman Muller, H. Allen Orr and Sergey Gavrilets."@en . "9290"^^ . "Teoria de Dobzhansky-Muller"@pt . "Niezgodno\u015B\u0107 Dobzhansky\u2019ego-Mullera"@pl . . "Bateson\u016Fv\u2013Dobzhansk\u00E9ho\u2013Muller\u016Fv model (n\u011Bkdy t\u00E9\u017E jen Dobzhansk\u00E9ho-Muller\u016Fv) je modelem evoluce genetick\u00E9 nekompatibility. Tato teorie byla poprv\u00E9 pops\u00E1na Williamem Batesonem v roce 1909,, a n\u00E1sledn\u011B v roce 1934 zcela nez\u00E1visle Theodosiem Dobzhansk\u00FDm. Pozd\u011Bji byla rozpracov\u00E1na Hermanem Mullerem. Tento model se pokou\u0161\u00ED vysv\u011Btlit, jak se vytv\u00E1\u0159\u00ED nekompatibilita mezi bl\u00EDzce p\u0159\u00EDbuzn\u00FDmi druhy v situaci, kdy ani jeden z druh\u016F neproch\u00E1z\u00ED . Ve sv\u00E9 nejjednodu\u0161\u0161\u00ED form\u011B n\u00E1m tento model ukazuje, \u017Ee je t\u0159eba alespo\u0148 dvou zm\u011Bn v lokusu genu k vytvo\u0159en\u00ED hybridn\u00ED nekompatibility nebo alespo\u0148 k poklesu biologick\u00E9 zdatnosti potomk\u016F jedinc\u016F z dvou ancestr\u00E1ln\u011B identick\u00FDch, av\u0161ak alopatrick\u00FDch populac\u00ED. Tato teorie vych\u00E1z\u00ED z my\u0161lenky, \u017Ee by jedna alela nov\u011B vze\u0161l\u00E1 alela v jedn\u00E9 populaci nem\u011Bla v druh\u00E9 populaci zp\u016Fsobovat pokles biologick\u00E9 zdatnosti, m\u00E1li tato druh\u00E1 populace shodn\u00E9 genetick\u00E9 pozad\u00ED. K vytvo\u0159en\u00ED nekompatibility mus\u00ED ve druh\u00E9 populaci vzniknout dal\u0161\u00ED alela, kter\u00E1 bude s alelou p\u0159enesenou nekompatibiln\u00ED."@cs . . . . . . .