. . "Sam Horta"@en . . . . . . . . "10098"^^ . . . "Banjo, le chat malicieux"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Banjo the Woodpile Cat"@en . . . "Banjo, das Katzenkind"@de . . . . "Original theatrical poster"@en . "Banjo the Woodpile Cat"@en . . . . . . . . . "1117297717"^^ . . . . . . . . "7133848"^^ . . . . . . . "Robert F. Brunner"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Don Bluth"@en . . "Don Bluth"@en . . . . . "Banjo il gattino ribelle (Banjo the Woodpile Cat) \u00E8 un film del 1979 diretto da Don Bluth. \u00C8 un cortometraggio animato che segue la storia di Banjo, un gattino troppo curioso e ribelle che, dopo essere finito nei guai per aver verificato se poteva atterrare sulle zampe da un tetto, fugge dalla catasta di legna della fattoria dei suoi proprietari a Payson (Utah) salendo su un camion diretto a Salt Lake City."@it . . . . . "1560.0"^^ . . . "Rob Maine"@en . . . . "Banjo il gattino ribelle"@it . . . . . . . . . . "Banjo the Woodpile Cat is a 1979 animated short film directed by Don Bluth. It follows the story of Banjo, an overly curious and rebellious kitten who, after getting into trouble for falling from a house to see if he could land on his feet, runs away from his woodpile home in his owners' farm in Payson, Utah by catching a truck to Salt Lake City. Produced on a shoestring budget, and created in Bluth's garage, the film took four years to make and it was the first production of Don Bluth Productions, later Sullivan Bluth Studios. It premiered theatrically on November 16, 1979, and at the USA Film Festival one year later. It was released on DVD by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment on May 20, 2014."@en . . . . "Banjo, le chat malicieux (titre original : Banjo the Woodpile Cat) est un court m\u00E9trage d'animation de 1979 r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par Don Bluth. Il suit l'histoire de Banjo, un chaton trop curieux et rebelle qui, apr\u00E8s avoir eu des ennuis pour \u00EAtre tomb\u00E9 d'une maison pour voir s'il pouvait atterrir sur ses pieds, s'enfuit de sa maison de tas de bois dans la ferme de ses propri\u00E9taires \u00E0 Payson, Utah par attraper un camion \u00E0 Salt Lake City. Produit avec un budget limit\u00E9 et cr\u00E9\u00E9 dans le garage de Bluth, le film a pris quatre ans \u00E0 faire et c'\u00E9tait la premi\u00E8re production de Don Bluth Productions, plus tard Sullivan Bluth Studios. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 cr\u00E9\u00E9 en salle en 1979 et au Festival du film am\u00E9ricain un an plus tard. Il est sorti en DVD par 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment en 2014."@fr . "English"@en . . . . . . "John Pomeroy"@en . . . . . . . . "26.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gary Goldman"@en . . . . . . . . "Banjo, das Katzenkind (Banjo the Woodpile Cat) ist ein Zeichentrickfilm von Don Bluth aus dem Jahre 1979. Er war einer der ersten Filme von Don Bluth, der aufgrund seiner relativ kurzen Laufzeit von 27 Minuten vor allem im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt wurde."@de . . . "Banjo the Woodpile Cat"@en . "Banjo il gattino ribelle (Banjo the Woodpile Cat) \u00E8 un film del 1979 diretto da Don Bluth. \u00C8 un cortometraggio animato che segue la storia di Banjo, un gattino troppo curioso e ribelle che, dopo essere finito nei guai per aver verificato se poteva atterrare sulle zampe da un tetto, fugge dalla catasta di legna della fattoria dei suoi proprietari a Payson (Utah) salendo su un camion diretto a Salt Lake City. Il film, prodotto nell'arco di quattro anni, fu la prima produzione della Don Bluth Productions, in seguito rinominata . Ebbe una distribuzione cinematografica limitata a Los Angeles, venendo proiettato dal 21 al 28 dicembre 1979 al Grauman's Egyptian Theatre di Hollywood e al Peppertree di Northridge. In seguito venne trasmesso in TV sotto forma di special televisivo, nel febbraio 1980 sulla HBO e il 1\u00BA maggio 1982 sulla ABC (quest'ultima fu di fatto la prima distribuzione a un pubblico generale)."@it . . "United States"@en . . . . . . . "Banjo, das Katzenkind (Banjo the Woodpile Cat) ist ein Zeichentrickfilm von Don Bluth aus dem Jahre 1979. Er war einer der ersten Filme von Don Bluth, der aufgrund seiner relativ kurzen Laufzeit von 27 Minuten vor allem im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt wurde."@de . . . . . "1560.0"^^ . . . . "Banjo the Woodpile Cat is a 1979 animated short film directed by Don Bluth. It follows the story of Banjo, an overly curious and rebellious kitten who, after getting into trouble for falling from a house to see if he could land on his feet, runs away from his woodpile home in his owners' farm in Payson, Utah by catching a truck to Salt Lake City. Produced on a shoestring budget, and created in Bluth's garage, the film took four years to make and it was the first production of Don Bluth Productions, later Sullivan Bluth Studios. It premiered theatrically on November 16, 1979, and at the USA Film Festival one year later. It was released on DVD by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment on May 20, 2014."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Banjo, le chat malicieux (titre original : Banjo the Woodpile Cat) est un court m\u00E9trage d'animation de 1979 r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par Don Bluth. Il suit l'histoire de Banjo, un chaton trop curieux et rebelle qui, apr\u00E8s avoir eu des ennuis pour \u00EAtre tomb\u00E9 d'une maison pour voir s'il pouvait atterrir sur ses pieds, s'enfuit de sa maison de tas de bois dans la ferme de ses propri\u00E9taires \u00E0 Payson, Utah par attraper un camion \u00E0 Salt Lake City."@fr . . . . "Banjo \u2013 en kattunge p\u00E5 rymmen"@sv . . . . . . . "Don Bluth"@en . . . .