. "USS Vileehi \u2013 kecz o drewnianym kad\u0142ubie wyposa\u017Cony w pomocniczy silnik. Zosta\u0142 zaprojektowany przez Edsona B. Schocka i zbudowany w 1930 w San Diego przez firm\u0119 . Jednostka zosta\u0142a nabyta przez US Navy od Hirama T. Hortona z San Diego 23 grudnia 1941. Jednostka zosta\u0142a przydzielona do 11 Dystryktu Morskiego (ang. 11th Naval District) 17 lutego 1942. \"Vileehi\" otrzyma\u0142 numer klasyfikacyjny IX-62 i wszed\u0142 do s\u0142u\u017Cby 26 lutego 1942. Operowa\u0142 na wodach lokalnych w pobli\u017Cu San Diego przez reszt\u0119 II wojny \u015Bwiatowej. Zosta\u0142 wycofany ze s\u0142u\u017Cby 20 wrze\u015Bnia 1945. Wr\u00F3ci\u0142 do poprzedniego w\u0142a\u015Bciciela 27 wrze\u015Bnia. Nazwa okr\u0119tu zosta\u0142a skre\u015Blona z listy jednostek floty 24 pa\u017Adziernika 1945."@pl . "1091940034"^^ . . "1945-09-20"^^ . "USS Vileehi (IX-62)"@en . "54"^^ . . . "24384.0"^^ . . "1942-02-26"^^ . "14217547"^^ . "1941-12-23"^^ . "3.3528"^^ . . . . . . "7"^^ . . . . "United States"@en . . . . . . "1941-12-23"^^ . . . "Returned to owner 27 September 1945, sunk 2019" . . . . . . "--09-27"^^ . . . . . "2384"^^ . "USS Vileehi (IX-62)"@pl . . . "1930"^^ . . . . . "1945-09-20"^^ . . "The USS Vileehi a wooden-hulled ketch with an auxiliary engine was designed by and built in 1930 at San Diego, California by the . The vessel was acquired by the Navy from Hiram T. Horton of San Diego on 23 December 1941. Assigned to the 11th Naval District on 17 February 1942, Vileehi was given the designation IX-62 and placed in service on 26 February. She operated locally out of San Diego for the remainder of World War II and was placed out of service on 20 September 1945. Returned to her owner on 27 September, Vileehi was struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 24 October 1945."@en . . "USS Vileehi \u2013 kecz o drewnianym kad\u0142ubie wyposa\u017Cony w pomocniczy silnik. Zosta\u0142 zaprojektowany przez Edsona B. Schocka i zbudowany w 1930 w San Diego przez firm\u0119 . Jednostka zosta\u0142a nabyta przez US Navy od Hirama T. Hortona z San Diego 23 grudnia 1941."@pl . . . "1942-02-26"^^ . . . "24.384"^^ . . . . . . . . "5.7912"^^ . . . . . "1945-10-24"^^ . "The USS Vileehi a wooden-hulled ketch with an auxiliary engine was designed by and built in 1930 at San Diego, California by the . The vessel was acquired by the Navy from Hiram T. Horton of San Diego on 23 December 1941. Assigned to the 11th Naval District on 17 February 1942, Vileehi was given the designation IX-62 and placed in service on 26 February. She operated locally out of San Diego for the remainder of World War II and was placed out of service on 20 September 1945. Returned to her owner on 27 September, Vileehi was struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 24 October 1945. Under the British flag colors, London's port, the boat with a new Owner it's moored in Sardinia ( Italy ), Mediterranean Sea, well maintenanced and restored. Unfortunately the Vileehi sunk in December 2019 in the harbour of Port Napoleon, Port Saint Louis du Rhone, France."@en .