. . "1067918400"^^ . . . . . . "The Seekers (rapturists)"@en . . . "The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Seekers, also called The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, were a group of rapturists or a UFO religion in mid-twentieth century Midwestern United States. The Seekers met in a nondenominational church, the group originally organized in 1953 by Charles Laughead, a staff member at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. They were led by Dorothy Martin from the Chicago area (also called Sister Thedra), who believed a UFO would save them from a catastrophe on December 21, 1954. They are believed to be the earliest UFO religion, and were the subject of the book When Prophecy Fails by Leon Festinger, in which Laughead was given the pseudonym Dr. Armstrong and Martin the name Marian Keech."@en . . "The Seekers, also called The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, were a group of rapturists or a UFO religion in mid-twentieth century Midwestern United States. The Seekers met in a nondenominational church, the group originally organized in 1953 by Charles Laughead, a staff member at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. They were led by Dorothy Martin from the Chicago area (also called Sister Thedra), who believed a UFO would save them from a catastrophe on December 21, 1954. They are believed to be the earliest UFO religion, and were the subject of the book When Prophecy Fails by Leon Festinger, in which Laughead was given the pseudonym Dr. Armstrong and Martin the name Marian Keech. Festinger infiltrated the Seekers with the goal of studying their cognitive reactions and coping mechanisms when their beliefs failed, a thought-process which Festinger named cognitive dissonance. When the UFO did not come, a majority of the members became convinced that the UFO would arrive on Christmas Eve, at which time their second disappointment produced even greater dissonance. In the book, Festinger and his colleagues write, \"The experiences of this observer well characterize the state of affairs following the Christmas caroling episode\u2014a persistent, frustrating search for orders.\" After this incident, many of the members returned home and abandoned their initial belief. Those who did not claimed that their group's belief and faith had saved the world from the disaster the aliens had warned of. From this study, Festinger and his colleagues developed the Cognitive Dissonance Theory. Cognitive dissonance results when two cognitions contradict each other, creating psychological discomfort. There are four main principles on which cognitive dissonance is based. The most important is whether any two cognitions are relevant or not. If they are relevant, then they are either dissonant or consonant \u2013 if dissonant, psychological discomfort arises. People are ultimately motivated to diffuse this arousal. There are a few ways to reduce dissonance. One can change one's behavior to bring it in line with dissonant cognitions. Alternatively, one can change the dissonant cognition. One can also add new consonant cognitions, or subtract dissonant cognitions, thus either reducing the perception of choice or the importance of the conflict. In The Seekers, members changed their dissonant cognition the first time the UFO didn't come, and reduced the importance of the conflict by going home the second time."@en . . . "The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays (em portugu\u00EAs, algo como \"A Irmandade dos Sete Raios\"), mais conhecidos por The Seekers (em portugu\u00EAs, \"Os Buscadores\"), foram um grupo de arrebatadores ou Religi\u00E3o OVNI formada em meados do S\u00E9culo XX no Centro-Oeste dos Estados Unidos. Acredita-se que eles sejam a primeira Religi\u00E3o OVNI a existir. A discrep\u00E2ncia entre aquilo em que acreditavam e a realidade transformou-se na base para que Festinger e seus colegas elaborassem a Teoria da Disson\u00E2ncia Cognitiva."@pt . "59709014"^^ . . . . "The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays (em portugu\u00EAs, algo como \"A Irmandade dos Sete Raios\"), mais conhecidos por The Seekers (em portugu\u00EAs, \"Os Buscadores\"), foram um grupo de arrebatadores ou Religi\u00E3o OVNI formada em meados do S\u00E9culo XX no Centro-Oeste dos Estados Unidos. Acredita-se que eles sejam a primeira Religi\u00E3o OVNI a existir. Originalmente organizado em 1953 por Charles Laughead, eles foram liderados por Dorothy Martin (tamb\u00E9m chamada Irm\u00E3 Thedra), que alegava ter recebido uma mensagem do planeta Clarion de que um disco voador viria buscar o grupo antes de uma gigantesca inunda\u00E7\u00E3o prevista para acontecer antes do amanhecer do dia 21 de dezembro de 1954. O grupo se tornou not\u00F3rio ap\u00F3s terem sido alvos de estudo do psic\u00F3logo estadunidense Leon Festinger. Festinger e seus colegas leram uma nota num jornal local intitulada \"Prophecy from planet clarion call to city: flee that flood\", onde um grupo de pessoas dizia que uma tempestade de propor\u00E7\u00F5es catastr\u00F3ficas destruiria o Planeta Terra. Festinger e seus colegas viram nesse fato algo que levaria o tal grupo a sentimentos dissonantes/divergentes quando a profecia falhasse. Fingindo ser adepto da seita, Festinger e membros de sua equipe de pesquisadores conseguiram se infiltrar no grupo, e registrar seus estudos no livro \"When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World\". Leon Festinger se infiltrou nos Seekers com o objetivo de estudar suas cogni\u00E7\u00F5es e rea\u00E7\u00F5es quando suas cren\u00E7as falham, da\u00ED o nome de seu livro \"When Prophecy Fails\". Ele se concentrou neles principalmente para estudar um processo de pensamento conhecido como disson\u00E2ncia cognitiva. Festinger e seus colegas essencialmente objetivavam estudar as rea\u00E7\u00F5es de membros do culto e mecanismos de enfrentamento quando o OVNI de fato n\u00E3o aparecesse para peg\u00E1-los em 21 de dezembro de 1954. Quando a profecia revelou-se falsa, o grupo n\u00E3o abandonou suas cren\u00E7as e, em vez disso, buscou explica\u00E7\u00F5es para a sua n\u00E3o-realiza\u00E7\u00E3o, apegando-se mais ainda \u00E0s suas ideias. A \"sa\u00EDda cogitiva\" encontrada pela l\u00EDder do grupo foi dizer que, em uma esp\u00E9cie de psicografia, uma mensagem afirmava que o pequeno grupo ali reunido tinha emitido tanta luz que o Deus da Terra decidira salvar o mundo da eminente destrui\u00E7\u00E3o. A discrep\u00E2ncia entre aquilo em que acreditavam e a realidade transformou-se na base para que Festinger e seus colegas elaborassem a Teoria da Disson\u00E2ncia Cognitiva."@pt . . . . . . "4729"^^ .