. "The Life That I Have est le titre d'un court po\u00E8me \u00E9crit par Leo Marks pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et remis \u00E0 Violette Szabo, agent secret du Special Operations Executive, juste avant son d\u00E9part pour la France le 24 mars 1944, pour qu'il lui serve \u00E0 chiffrer les messages secrets qu'elle enverrait. Auparavant, ce sont des po\u00E8mes c\u00E9l\u00E8bres que les agents du SOE utilisaient pour chiffrer les messages. Mais leur c\u00E9l\u00E9brit\u00E9 m\u00EAme constituait un \u00E9l\u00E9ment d'ins\u00E9curit\u00E9, les cryptographes ennemis \u00E9tant en mesure de d\u00E9terminer l'original \u00E0 partir des sources publi\u00E9es. Leo Marks contra cet inconv\u00E9nient en utilisant ses propres po\u00E8mes, par d\u00E9finition inconnus. \u00C0 l'origine, Leo Marks avait \u00E9crit le po\u00E8me The Life That I Have au moment des f\u00EAtes de No\u00EBl 1943 en m\u00E9moire de son amie Ruth qui venait de mourir dans un accident d'avion au Canada. En 1958, le po\u00E8me fut rendu c\u00E9l\u00E8bre lorsqu'il fut utilis\u00E9 dans le film Carve Her Name with Pride consacr\u00E9 \u00E0 l'action de Violette Szabo. Le po\u00E8me a \u00E9t\u00E9 lu au mariage de Chelsea Clinton et de Marc Mezvinsky. Nicolas Grenier, po\u00E8te fran\u00E7ais, a adapt\u00E9 le po\u00E8me en fran\u00E7ais."@fr . . "The Life That I Have"@en . . . . . . "1082820791"^^ . . . . "The Life That I Have (sometimes referred to as Yours) is a short poem written by Leo Marks and used as a poem code in the Second World War. In the war, famous poems were used to encrypt messages. This was, however, found to be insecure because enemy cryptanalysts were able to locate the original from published sources. Marks countered this by using his own written creations. The Life That I Have was an original poem composed on Christmas Eve 1943 and was originally written by Marks in memory of his girlfriend Ruth, who had just died in a plane crash in Canada. On 24 March 1944, the poem was issued by Marks to Violette Szabo, a British agent of Special Operations Executive who was eventually captured, tortured and killed by the Nazis. It was made famous by its inclusion in the 1958 movie about Szabo, Carve Her Name with Pride, where the poem was said to be the creation of Violette's husband Etienne. (Marks allowed it to be used under the condition that its author not be identified.) The text of the poem: The life that I haveIs all that I haveAnd the life that I haveIs yours.The love that I haveOf the life that I haveIs yours and yours and yours. A sleep I shall haveA rest I shall haveYet death will be but a pause. For the peace of my yearsIn the long green grassWill be yours and yours and yours."@en . . "3057613"^^ . . . . . . . . "The Life That I Have (sometimes referred to as Yours) is a short poem written by Leo Marks and used as a poem code in the Second World War. In the war, famous poems were used to encrypt messages. This was, however, found to be insecure because enemy cryptanalysts were able to locate the original from published sources. Marks countered this by using his own written creations. The Life That I Have was an original poem composed on Christmas Eve 1943 and was originally written by Marks in memory of his girlfriend Ruth, who had just died in a plane crash in Canada. On 24 March 1944, the poem was issued by Marks to Violette Szabo, a British agent of Special Operations Executive who was eventually captured, tortured and killed by the Nazis."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "3653"^^ . . "The Life That I Have"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "The Life That I Have est le titre d'un court po\u00E8me \u00E9crit par Leo Marks pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et remis \u00E0 Violette Szabo, agent secret du Special Operations Executive, juste avant son d\u00E9part pour la France le 24 mars 1944, pour qu'il lui serve \u00E0 chiffrer les messages secrets qu'elle enverrait. \u00C0 l'origine, Leo Marks avait \u00E9crit le po\u00E8me The Life That I Have au moment des f\u00EAtes de No\u00EBl 1943 en m\u00E9moire de son amie Ruth qui venait de mourir dans un accident d'avion au Canada. Le po\u00E8me a \u00E9t\u00E9 lu au mariage de Chelsea Clinton et de Marc Mezvinsky."@fr . . . .