. . . . . "Hidden tracks"@en . . "221.0"^^ . . "2001"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Kanye West"@en . . . "NME"@en . . "The Blueprint (englisch f\u00FCr Die Blaupause) ist das sechste Studioalbum des US-amerikanischen Rappers Jay-Z. Es erschien am 11. September 2001 \u00FCber die Labels Roc-A-Fella und Def Jam."@de . . . . "The Blueprint"@en . . . . . . . "The Blueprint \u2013 sz\u00F3sty solowy album Jaya-Z, kt\u00F3ry zosta\u0142 wydany 11 wrze\u015Bnia 2001 roku przez wytw\u00F3rni\u0119 Roc-A-Fella Records. Za sfer\u0119 muzyczn\u0105 odpowiadali tacy producenci jak Kanye West, Timbaland czy Just Blaze. Sfera tekstowa skupia si\u0119 g\u0142\u00F3wnie wok\u00F3\u0142 tematyki gangstersko-mafijnej. W\u015Br\u00F3d fan\u00F3w p\u0142yta przyj\u0119\u0142a si\u0119 dobrze i uwa\u017Cana jest za najlepszy po Reasonable Doubt album Jay-Z. Na p\u0142ycie jest 13 utwor\u00F3w. Single to: Izzo (H.O.V.A), Girls Girls Girls, Jigga That Nigga, Song Cry. W 2003 album zosta\u0142 sklasyfikowany na 464. miejscu listy 500 album\u00F3w wszech czas\u00F3w magazynu Rolling Stone, a w 2012 w poprawionej li\u015Bcie na miejscu 252."@pl . . "The Blueprint \u00E9 o sexto \u00E1lbum de est\u00FAdio do rapper Jay-Z lan\u00E7ado em 11 de setembro de 2001. Este \u00E1lbum est\u00E1 na lista dos 200 \u00E1lbuns definitivos no Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Seu lan\u00E7amento foi posto para uma semana antes do planejado para combater a pirataria. As se\u00E7\u00F5es de grava\u00E7\u00E3o para o \u00E1lbum aconteceram durante 2001 no Manhattan Center Studios e Baseline Studios em Nova Iorque. Em contraste com o som feito para o r\u00E1dio do trabalho anterior de Jay-Z, The Blueprint apresenta sampling baseado em soul e produ\u00E7\u00E3o tratada primeiramente por Kanye West e Just Blaze. Na \u00E9poca da grava\u00E7\u00E3o, Jay-Z estava esperando dois julgamentos, um por porte de armas e outro por agress\u00E3o, e havia se tornado um dos artistas de hip hop mais insultados, recebendo insultos de rappers como Nas, Prodigy, e Jadakiss."@pt . . . . . . . "Gold"@en . . . . "212000"^^ . . "Entertainment Weekly"@en . . . . "Tyrone Thomas"@en . "The Blueprint is het zesde studioalbum van de Amerikaanse rapper Jay-Z, uitgebracht op 11 september 2001 door Roc-A-Fella Records en Def Jam Recordings. Het album kenmerkt zich door de producties van Just Blaze, Kanye West, Timbaland en Eminem. Ondanks dat de release samenviel met de aanslagen van 11 september, verkocht het meer dan 427.000 exemplaren in de openingsweek en debuteerde het op nummer \u00E9\u00E9n in de Amerikaanse Billboard 200, en hield deze plaats drie weken vast. Het werd later door de RIAA dubbel platina gecertificeerd voor de verkoop van twee miljoen exemplaren."@nl . . "Canada"@en . "The Blueprint je \u0161est\u00E9 studiov\u00E9 album americk\u00E9ho rappera Jay-Z. Album bylo nahr\u00E1no u vydavatelstv\u00ED a Def Jam Recordings, a vyd\u00E1no 11. z\u00E1\u0159\u00ED 2001."@cs . . "8.699999999999999"^^ . . . . "Dan Walsh"@en . . . "Phil Hurtt"@en . "Carter"@en . "United Kingdom"@en . . . "featuring Eminem"@en . "Los Angeles Times"@en . . "2001"^^ . "204.0"^^ . . "Platinum"@en . . . . . . "88"^^ . "The Village Voice"@en . . "chipmunk soul"@en . "JAY Z"@en . "Breathe Easy"@en . . . . "3805.0"^^ . . . "The Blueprint is the sixth studio album by American rapper Jay-Z, released on September 11, 2001, through Roc-A-Fella Records and Def Jam Recordings. Its release was set a week earlier than initially planned in order to combat bootlegging. Recording sessions for the album took place during 2001 at Manhattan Center Studios and Baseline Studios in New York City. Contrasting the radio-friendly sound of Jay-Z's previous work, The Blueprint features soul-based sampling and production handled primarily by Kanye West, Just Blaze, and Bink, as well as Timbaland, Trackmasters, and Eminem, who also contributes the album's sole guest feature."@en . . "Blender"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A\u2212"@en . . "Bink"@en . . . "Jennica"@en . . . . . "Michael Price"@en . . . . "Robert Poindexter"@en . . . "All I Need"@en . . . . . "Douglas Gibbs"@en . . "Pitchfork"@en . "Just Blaze Broccoli City 2014 .jpg"@en . . "239.0"^^ . . . "The Blueprint is het zesde studioalbum van de Amerikaanse rapper Jay-Z, uitgebracht op 11 september 2001 door Roc-A-Fella Records en Def Jam Recordings. Het album kenmerkt zich door de producties van Just Blaze, Kanye West, Timbaland en Eminem. Ondanks dat de release samenviel met de aanslagen van 11 september, verkocht het meer dan 427.000 exemplaren in de openingsweek en debuteerde het op nummer \u00E9\u00E9n in de Amerikaanse Billboard 200, en hield deze plaats drie weken vast. Het werd later door de RIAA dubbel platina gecertificeerd voor de verkoop van twee miljoen exemplaren."@nl . . "Rolling Stone"@en . "June 2017"@en . . . "West"@en . "The Blueprint"@fr . . . . . ""@en . . "2"^^ . "The Blueprint es el sexto \u00E1lbum de estudio del rapero Jay-Z, lanzado el 11 de septiembre de 2001. Seg\u00FAn Nielsen SoundScan, hasta agosto de 2012, The Blueprint hab\u00EDa vendido 2 730 000 copias en Estados Unidos.\u200B"@es . . "Baseline Studios"@en . . . . . . . . . "Kanye West at Stockholm Jazz Festival 1.jpg"@en . "The Blueprint.png"@en . . . . "2000"^^ . . "The Blueprint (englisch f\u00FCr Die Blaupause) ist das sechste Studioalbum des US-amerikanischen Rappers Jay-Z. Es erschien am 11. September 2001 \u00FCber die Labels Roc-A-Fella und Def Jam."@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Michael Garson"@en . . "The Blueprint"@cs . . ""@en . . . . "269"^^ . . . "273.0"^^ . "Producer"@en . "Robert Eugene Miller"@en . "38131"^^ . . . "240.0"^^ . "Smith"@en . "Harrell"@en . "The Blueprint"@en . . ""@en . . . . . . "The Ruler's Back"@en . . . . . . . . . "254.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . "The Blueprint is the sixth studio album by American rapper Jay-Z, released on September 11, 2001, through Roc-A-Fella Records and Def Jam Recordings. Its release was set a week earlier than initially planned in order to combat bootlegging. Recording sessions for the album took place during 2001 at Manhattan Center Studios and Baseline Studios in New York City. Contrasting the radio-friendly sound of Jay-Z's previous work, The Blueprint features soul-based sampling and production handled primarily by Kanye West, Just Blaze, and Bink, as well as Timbaland, Trackmasters, and Eminem, who also contributes the album's sole guest feature. At the time of the album's recording, Jay-Z was awaiting two criminal trials, one for gun possession and another for assault, and had become one of hip hop's most dissed artists, receiving insults from rappers such as Nas, Prodigy, and Jadakiss. The album is also famous for both its producers Kanye West and Just Blaze's breakouts as major producers. West produced four of the thirteen tracks on the album, including the songs \"Izzo (H.O.V.A.)\" and the controversial \"Takeover\", which included diss lyrics aimed at rappers Nas and Prodigy, while Just Blaze produced three tracks, \"Girls, Girls, Girls\", \"Song Cry\", and \"U Don't Know\", also including the hidden bonus track \"Breathe Easy (Lyrical Exercise)\". The Blueprint received universal acclaim from music critics, with praise being directed at Jay-Z's lyricism and the production. It is considered one of his best albums and has also been labeled as one of the greatest hip-hop albums of all time. Despite its release coinciding with the September 11 attacks, it sold over 427,000 copies in its opening week and debuted at number one in the US, holding the spot for three weeks. It was later certified 2x Multi-Platinum by the RIAA. In 2019, the album was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the United States National Recording Registry for being \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant,\" being the first entry created in the 21st century."@en . . "The Blueprint \u00E8 il sesto album del rapper statunitense Jay-Z, pubblicato nel 2001 dalla Roc-A-Fella e dalla Def Jam. Distribuito una settimana prima rispetto a quanto previsto al fine di prevenire il bootlegging, \u00E8 stato registrato a New York. A differenza dei precedenti prodotti del rapper, The Blueprint \u00E8 composto da produzioni e campioni basati sulla soul music degli anni settanta. All'epoca della registrazione del disco, Jay-Z era in attesa di due processi, uno per possesso di arma da fuoco e uno per aggressione, divenendo uno degli artisti pi\u00F9 dissati nell'hip hop (ricevendo dissing da Nas, Prodigy e Jadakiss). L'album riceve un plauso universale da parte degli autori musicali, che elogiano la produzione e il lirismo dell'artista. \u00C8 considerato uno dei suoi album migliori e uno dei dischi hip hop migliori di sempre. Uscito il giorno dell'attentato alle Torri Gemelle, The Blueprint vende 426 000 copie nella sua prima settimana, debuttando al primo posto nella Billboard 200 e ottenendo la certificazione di doppio platino negli Stati Uniti. Nel 2012 la rivista Rolling Stone l'ha inserito al 252\u00BA posto della sua lista dei 500 migliori album. Nella revisione del 2020 della stessa classifica, l'album sale fino alla posizione numero 50. Jay-Z devolve parte dei suoi guadagni derivanti dal tour di The Blueprint alle organizzazioni di soccorso per l'11 settembre."@it . "Heart of the City"@en . . . . "The Blueprint"@sv . . . "Uncut"@en . . "230.0"^^ . . . . "Blueprint"@en . . "May\u2013July 2001"@en . . . "225.0"^^ . . . "Raymond Gomez"@en . "album"@en . . "Luis Resto"@en . "199.0"^^ . . "Jay-Z sitting on top of a table smoking a cigar while wearing glasses and a jacket reading \"Rocawear\" at the back. On the table, an ashtray a pack of cigars, microphone, and other items. Out-of-background, people are seen, with the shoes only viewable."@en . "The Blueprint \u00E9 o sexto \u00E1lbum de est\u00FAdio do rapper Jay-Z lan\u00E7ado em 11 de setembro de 2001. Este \u00E1lbum est\u00E1 na lista dos 200 \u00E1lbuns definitivos no Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Seu lan\u00E7amento foi posto para uma semana antes do planejado para combater a pirataria. As se\u00E7\u00F5es de grava\u00E7\u00E3o para o \u00E1lbum aconteceram durante 2001 no Manhattan Center Studios e Baseline Studios em Nova Iorque. Em contraste com o som feito para o r\u00E1dio do trabalho anterior de Jay-Z, The Blueprint apresenta sampling baseado em soul e produ\u00E7\u00E3o tratada primeiramente por Kanye West e Just Blaze. Na \u00E9poca da grava\u00E7\u00E3o, Jay-Z estava esperando dois julgamentos, um por porte de armas e outro por agress\u00E3o, e havia se tornado um dos artistas de hip hop mais insultados, recebendo insultos de rappers como Nas, Prodigy, e Jadakiss. Apesar de seu lan\u00E7amento ter coincidido com os ataques de 11 de setembro, The Blueprint vendeu mais de 420.000 c\u00F3pias na semana de lan\u00E7amento, se tornando o quarto \u00E1lbum consecutivo de Jay-Z a chegar ao n\u00FAmero um da parada musical Billboard 200. Foi certificado platina dupla j\u00E1 que as vendas chegaram a mais de dois milh\u00F5es de unidades nos E.U.A. O \u00E1lbum recebeu a perfeita avalia\u00E7\u00E3o \"XXL\" da revista , enquanto a revista The Source premiou The Blueprint com a cl\u00E1ssica nota de 5 microfones. The Blueprint recebeu aclama\u00E7\u00E3o geral da maioria dos cr\u00EDticos de m\u00FAsica, baseado em uma m\u00E9dia de 88/100 do Metacritic. Em 2003, o \u00E1lbum foi eleito o n\u00FAmero 464 na lista dos 500 melhores \u00E1lbuns de todos os tempos da revista Rolling Stone. Em 2010, Pitchfork Media elegeu o \u00E1lbum o n\u00FAmero 5 na sua lista dos Top 200 \u00C1lbuns dos Anos 2000. As vendas do \u00E1lbum eram de 2.711.000 at\u00E9 Fevereiro de 2012."@pt . . . . "The Blueprint"@es . "Jackie Members"@en . "The Blueprint \u00E8 il sesto album del rapper statunitense Jay-Z, pubblicato nel 2001 dalla Roc-A-Fella e dalla Def Jam. Distribuito una settimana prima rispetto a quanto previsto al fine di prevenire il bootlegging, \u00E8 stato registrato a New York. A differenza dei precedenti prodotti del rapper, The Blueprint \u00E8 composto da produzioni e campioni basati sulla soul music degli anni settanta. Nel 2012 la rivista Rolling Stone l'ha inserito al 252\u00BA posto della sua lista dei 500 migliori album. Nella revisione del 2020 della stessa classifica, l'album sale fino alla posizione numero 50."@it . "Michael D. Monroe"@en . . "313.0"^^ . "1123423651"^^ . . . "Girls, Girls, Girls"@en . . . "The Blueprint je \u0161est\u00E9 studiov\u00E9 album americk\u00E9ho rappera Jay-Z. Album bylo nahr\u00E1no u vydavatelstv\u00ED a Def Jam Recordings, a vyd\u00E1no 11. z\u00E1\u0159\u00ED 2001."@cs . "518542"^^ . "B\u2212"@en . . . . . "yes"@en . "304.0"^^ . "Hola' Hovito"@en . . . . . . "The Blueprint \u00E4r ett studioalbum av rapparen Jay-Z som sl\u00E4pptes 11 september 2001, en vecka innan det officiella datumet f\u00F6r att motverka bootlegging."@sv . . . "USA Today"@en . . . "The Blueprint es el sexto \u00E1lbum de estudio del rapero Jay-Z, lanzado el 11 de septiembre de 2001. Seg\u00FAn Nielsen SoundScan, hasta agosto de 2012, The Blueprint hab\u00EDa vendido 2 730 000 copias en Estados Unidos.\u200B"@es . "United States"@en . . "2001-09-11"^^ . . . "Just Blaze"@en . . . . . . "\u300AThe Blueprint\u300B\uB294 2001\uB144 9\uC6D4 11\uC77C\uC5D0 \uBC1C\uB9E4\uB41C \uC81C\uC774 \uC9C0\uC758 \uC74C\uBC18\uC774\uB2E4. \uB77D\uCEE4\uD3A0\uB77C \uB808\uCF54\uB4DC\uC5D0 \uC758\uD574 \uBC1C\uB9E4\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . "U Don't Know"@en . "The Blueprint \u00E4r ett studioalbum av rapparen Jay-Z som sl\u00E4pptes 11 september 2001, en vecka innan det officiella datumet f\u00F6r att motverka bootlegging."@sv . . . "The Blueprint"@pl . "267.0"^^ . . . . . . "The Blueprint"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . "studio"@en . . . . "338.0"^^ . "The Blueprint"@de . . . . . . "--07-28"^^ . . "223.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Relf"@en . . . "\u300AThe Blueprint\u300B\uB294 2001\uB144 9\uC6D4 11\uC77C\uC5D0 \uBC1C\uB9E4\uB41C \uC81C\uC774 \uC9C0\uC758 \uC74C\uBC18\uC774\uB2E4. \uB77D\uCEE4\uD3A0\uB77C \uB808\uCF54\uB4DC\uC5D0 \uC758\uD574 \uBC1C\uB9E4\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4."@ko . "275.0"^^ . "The Blueprint \u2013 sz\u00F3sty solowy album Jaya-Z, kt\u00F3ry zosta\u0142 wydany 11 wrze\u015Bnia 2001 roku przez wytw\u00F3rni\u0119 Roc-A-Fella Records. Za sfer\u0119 muzyczn\u0105 odpowiadali tacy producenci jak Kanye West, Timbaland czy Just Blaze. Sfera tekstowa skupia si\u0119 g\u0142\u00F3wnie wok\u00F3\u0142 tematyki gangstersko-mafijnej. W\u015Br\u00F3d fan\u00F3w p\u0142yta przyj\u0119\u0142a si\u0119 dobrze i uwa\u017Cana jest za najlepszy po Reasonable Doubt album Jay-Z. Na p\u0142ycie jest 13 utwor\u00F3w. Single to: Izzo (H.O.V.A), Girls Girls Girls, Jigga That Nigga, Song Cry."@pl . . . . . . . "Never Change"@en . . "The Blueprint"@ko . . . . ""@en . . . "August Moon"@en . . . . . . "The Blueprint"@nl . . . "left"@en . . . "The Blueprint"@en . . "The Blueprint established Kanye West and Just Blaze as major hip hop producers."@en . . . . . . . . "Gerald Brown"@en . . "The Blueprint est le 6e album studio de Jay-Z, sorti en 2001, sur le label Roc-A-Fella. Malgr\u00E9 leurs \u00E9normes succ\u00E8s commerciaux, ses pr\u00E9c\u00E9dents opus (In My Lifetime, Vol. 1, Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life et Vol. 3... Life And Times Of S. Carter) n'avaient pas rencontr\u00E9 le succ\u00E8s critique de son premier album, Reasonable Doubt. Avec la sortie de The Blueprint, sa carri\u00E8re prend un grand tournant. The Blueprint conna\u00EEtra deux suites : The Blueprint\u00B2: The Gift & The Curse en 2002 et The Blueprint 3 en 2009."@fr . . . "The Blueprint est le 6e album studio de Jay-Z, sorti en 2001, sur le label Roc-A-Fella. Malgr\u00E9 leurs \u00E9normes succ\u00E8s commerciaux, ses pr\u00E9c\u00E9dents opus (In My Lifetime, Vol. 1, Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life et Vol. 3... Life And Times Of S. Carter) n'avaient pas rencontr\u00E9 le succ\u00E8s critique de son premier album, Reasonable Doubt. Avec la sortie de The Blueprint, sa carri\u00E8re prend un grand tournant. Cet album marque par l'originalit\u00E9 des productions de Just Blaze, Kanye West ou Timbaland, qui livrent \u00E0 l'artiste des ambiances homog\u00E8nes et riches, qui font aussi bien l'unicit\u00E9 du disque que sa profondeur artistique. Eminem produit et partage la vedette dans le titre Renegade, chanson d\u00E9sormais \u00E9lev\u00E9 au rang de classique du genre. The Blueprint a \u00E9t\u00E9 certifi\u00E9 double disque de platine. Il s'est vendu \u00E0 2 millions d'exemplaires aux \u00C9tats-Unis. En 2003, l'album est class\u00E9 num\u00E9ro 464 par le magazine Rolling Stone parmi les 500 plus grands albums de tous les temps. The Blueprint conna\u00EEtra deux suites : The Blueprint\u00B2: The Gift & The Curse en 2002 et The Blueprint 3 en 2009. En d\u00E9cembre 2013, Jay-Z fait une r\u00E9trospective de sa carri\u00E8re et \u00E9tablit un classement de ses propres albums studio : il classe The Blueprint \u00E0 la 2e place sur 12, juste derri\u00E8re Reasonable Doubt, en pr\u00E9cisant que c'est un \u00AB classique \u00BB."@fr . . ""@en . . . . . . . "The Blueprint"@pt .