"Terebridae es una familia de gaster\u00F3podos del orden Neogastropoda.\u200B Se distribuyen por los mares tropicales."@es . "The Terebridae, commonly referred to as auger shells or auger snails, is a group or family of small to large predatory marine gastropods in the superfamily Conoidea. These gastropods have extremely high spired shells with numerous whorls, and the common name refers to the resemblance of their shells to rock drill-type drill bits. There are more than 400 known recent species worldwide."@en . "Terebridae"@en . . "12680"^^ . . . . . . . . "Terebridae \u00E4r en familj av sn\u00E4ckor. Terebridae ing\u00E5r i ordningen Neogastropoda, klassen sn\u00E4ckor, fylumet bl\u00F6tdjur och riket djur. Enligt Catalogue of Life omfattar familjen Terebridae 26 arter. Kladogram enligt Catalogue of Life:"@sv . . "M\u00F6rch, 1852"@en . "Les Terebridae forment une famille de mollusques appartenant \u00E0 l'ordre des Neogastropoda."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "6457614"^^ . . . . . "Terebridae is een familie van weekdieren uit de klasse van de Gastropoda (slakken)."@nl . "\u7B0B\u87BA\u79D1\uFF08\u5B78\u540D\uFF1ATerebridae\uFF09\u662F\u828B\u87BA\u7E3D\u79D1\u4E4B\u4E0B\u4E00\u7D44\u5C0F\u578B\u5230\u5927\u578B\u6D77\u87BA\u7D44\u6210\u7684\u79D1\u7D1A\u6355\u98DF\u6027\u6D77\u6D0B\u8179\u8DB3\u7EB2\u8EDF\u9AD4\u52D5\u7269\u7684\u5206\u985E\u55AE\u5143\u3002"@zh . . . . . "Terebridae \u00E4r en familj av sn\u00E4ckor. Terebridae ing\u00E5r i ordningen Neogastropoda, klassen sn\u00E4ckor, fylumet bl\u00F6tdjur och riket djur. Enligt Catalogue of Life omfattar familjen Terebridae 26 arter. Kladogram enligt Catalogue of Life:"@sv . . . . . "Terebridae"@pt . "Terebridae es una familia de gaster\u00F3podos del orden Neogastropoda.\u200B Se distribuyen por los mares tropicales."@es . "Les Terebridae forment une famille de mollusques appartenant \u00E0 l'ordre des Neogastropoda."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Die Schraubenschnecken (Terebridae) sind eine Familie ausschlie\u00DFlich mariner Schnecken, die in den tropischen Meeren beheimatet ist. Es sind fast ausschlie\u00DFlich r\u00E4uberisch lebende Formen."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "Terebridae"@es . . "Terebridae"@nl . . . . . . . "Terebridae"@en . . . . "Terebridae is een familie van weekdieren uit de klasse van de Gastropoda (slakken)."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "See text."@en . . . . "\u7B0B\u87BA\u79D1"@zh . . . . . "Die Schraubenschnecken (Terebridae) sind eine Familie ausschlie\u00DFlich mariner Schnecken, die in den tropischen Meeren beheimatet ist. Es sind fast ausschlie\u00DFlich r\u00E4uberisch lebende Formen."@de . . "more than 400 species"@en . . . . . "Terebridae"@fr . . . "Schraubenschnecken"@de . . . . . . . "\u7B0B\u87BA\u79D1\uFF08\u5B78\u540D\uFF1ATerebridae\uFF09\u662F\u828B\u87BA\u7E3D\u79D1\u4E4B\u4E0B\u4E00\u7D44\u5C0F\u578B\u5230\u5927\u578B\u6D77\u87BA\u7D44\u6210\u7684\u79D1\u7D1A\u6355\u98DF\u6027\u6D77\u6D0B\u8179\u8DB3\u7EB2\u8EDF\u9AD4\u52D5\u7269\u7684\u5206\u985E\u55AE\u5143\u3002"@zh . "Terebridae (nomeadas, em ingl\u00EAs, auger -sing. e, em portugu\u00EAs e espanhol, terebra -sing.) \u00E9 uma fam\u00EDlia de moluscos gastr\u00F3podes marinhos predadores, classificada por Otto Andreas Lowson M\u00F6rch, em 1852, e pertencente \u00E0 subclasse Caenogastropoda, na ordem Neogastropoda. Sua distribui\u00E7\u00E3o geogr\u00E1fica abrange principalmente os oceanos tropicais da Terra (particularmente nas costas dos oceanos Pac\u00EDfico e \u00CDndico). S\u00E3o cerca de 20 g\u00EAneros viventes e mais de 250 esp\u00E9cies conhecidas, nesta fam\u00EDlia."@pt . . "Genera"@en . . . . "The Terebridae, commonly referred to as auger shells or auger snails, is a group or family of small to large predatory marine gastropods in the superfamily Conoidea. These gastropods have extremely high spired shells with numerous whorls, and the common name refers to the resemblance of their shells to rock drill-type drill bits. There are more than 400 known recent species worldwide."@en . . "1069096593"^^ . . . "Terebridae"@sv . . . . "live Oxymeris maculata"@en . . . . "* Acusidae\n* Pervicaciidae"@en . . . . . "Terebridae (nomeadas, em ingl\u00EAs, auger -sing. e, em portugu\u00EAs e espanhol, terebra -sing.) \u00E9 uma fam\u00EDlia de moluscos gastr\u00F3podes marinhos predadores, classificada por Otto Andreas Lowson M\u00F6rch, em 1852, e pertencente \u00E0 subclasse Caenogastropoda, na ordem Neogastropoda. Sua distribui\u00E7\u00E3o geogr\u00E1fica abrange principalmente os oceanos tropicais da Terra (particularmente nas costas dos oceanos Pac\u00EDfico e \u00CDndico). S\u00E3o cerca de 20 g\u00EAneros viventes e mais de 250 esp\u00E9cies conhecidas, nesta fam\u00EDlia."@pt .