. . "4142"^^ . . . . "Tej Singh"@es . . "Tej Singh"@en . . "Tej Singh or Raja Teja Singh was a Sikh commander in the Sikh Empire. He was appointed as Commander in chief of the Sikh Khalsa Army during the First Anglo-Sikh War. After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh court became fractious and the various agents acted at cross purposes to each other. Tej Singh appears to have had loyalties to the Raja Gulab Singh of Jammu and he, along with Gulab Singh, believed it to be a mistake to be warring with the British. However, Rani Jindan, the Regent acting on behalf of the anointed prince Duleep Singh, ordered him to march the troops against the British. He did so reluctantly. In the Battle of Sobraon, General Tej Singh crossed a pontoon bridge on the Sutlej river and ordered its destruction. According to historian Amar Pal Sidhu, this incident led to the defeat of the Sikh Army, possibly as intended by Tej Singh. After the defeat of Sikhs, the Treaty of Lahore was signed by which Kashmir was sold to Gulab Singh to pay war indemnities to the British as well as the army was regulated."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "1114775866"^^ . "Tej Singh (Nagpur- ), fue un comandante del ej\u00E9rcito sij. Fue nombrado Comandante en jefe del ej\u00E9rcito durante la Primera guerra anglo-sij, y facilit\u00F3 la eventual victoria brit\u00E1nica traicionando la causa sij. Tras la muerte del maraj\u00E1 Ranjit Singh, la corte sij fue fr\u00E1gil y sus diversos integrantes actuaron con prop\u00F3sitos cruzados entre s\u00ED. Tej Singh profesaba lealtad al Raj\u00E1 Gulab Singh de Jammu y juntos consideraban que era un error entrar en guerra con los brit\u00E1nicos. Sin embargo, la regente Jind Kaur, actuando en nombre del pr\u00EDncipe ungido Duleep Singh, le orden\u00F3 marchar contra los brit\u00E1nicos. Lo que hizo a rega\u00F1adientes. En la , el general Tej Singh cruz\u00F3 el puente pont\u00F3n que une los dos flancos del r\u00EDo Sutlej y orden\u00F3 su destrucci\u00F3n. Seg\u00FAn el historiador , este incidente condujo a la"@es . . . . . . . . . "Tej Singh or Raja Teja Singh was a Sikh commander in the Sikh Empire. He was appointed as Commander in chief of the Sikh Khalsa Army during the First Anglo-Sikh War. After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh court became fractious and the various agents acted at cross purposes to each other. Tej Singh appears to have had loyalties to the Raja Gulab Singh of Jammu and he, along with Gulab Singh, believed it to be a mistake to be warring with the British. However, Rani Jindan, the Regent acting on behalf of the anointed prince Duleep Singh, ordered him to march the troops against the British. He did so reluctantly."@en . . . . . . "38993046"^^ . . . "Tej Singh (Nagpur- ), fue un comandante del ej\u00E9rcito sij. Fue nombrado Comandante en jefe del ej\u00E9rcito durante la Primera guerra anglo-sij, y facilit\u00F3 la eventual victoria brit\u00E1nica traicionando la causa sij. Tras la muerte del maraj\u00E1 Ranjit Singh, la corte sij fue fr\u00E1gil y sus diversos integrantes actuaron con prop\u00F3sitos cruzados entre s\u00ED. Tej Singh profesaba lealtad al Raj\u00E1 Gulab Singh de Jammu y juntos consideraban que era un error entrar en guerra con los brit\u00E1nicos. Sin embargo, la regente Jind Kaur, actuando en nombre del pr\u00EDncipe ungido Duleep Singh, le orden\u00F3 marchar contra los brit\u00E1nicos. Lo que hizo a rega\u00F1adientes. En la , el general Tej Singh cruz\u00F3 el puente pont\u00F3n que une los dos flancos del r\u00EDo Sutlej y orden\u00F3 su destrucci\u00F3n. Seg\u00FAn el historiador , este incidente condujo a la derrota del Ej\u00E9rcito Sij, posiblemente como lo pretend\u00EDa Tej Singh. Tras la derrota de los sij se firm\u00F3 el en el cual Cachemira fue vendida a Gulab Singh para pagar las indemnizaciones de guerra a los brit\u00E1nicos."@es . . .