"1054786730"^^ . . "5918623"^^ . . "Taira no Sadayoshi"@fr . . . . . "Taira no Sadayoshi (\u5E73\u8C9E\u7FA9) est gouverneur des provinces de Higo et Chikugo dans le Ky\u016Bsh\u016B et commandant de samoura\u00EFs pour le clan Taira au cours de la guerre de Genpei des ann\u00E9es 1180. Apr\u00E8s la guerre, sa vie est \u00E9pargn\u00E9e \u00E0 la suite d'une intercession d'Utsunomiya Tomotsuna. Il passe donc sa retraite en tant que moine bouddhiste, sous le nom de \u00AB Higo-Ny\u016Bdo \u00BB. Son p\u00E8re est Taira no Iesada. Lorsque Kikuchi Takanao, assist\u00E9 de Minamoto no Yoritomo, commence \u00E0 lever des troupes dans Ky\u016Bsh\u016B en 1180 au d\u00E9but de la guerre de Genpei, Sadayoshi marche \u00E0 sa rencontre et le d\u00E9fait. Sadayoshi se rend alors \u00E0 Kyoto et rencontre Taira no Munemori en compagnie de l'empereur Antoku sur la route Saikaid\u014D en provenance de la capitale. Il tente en vain de convaincre Munemori de retourner \u00E0 la ville mais finalement le laisse prendre soin de la d\u00E9pouille de Taira no Shigemori qui est amen\u00E9e au mont Koya. Sadayoshi rejoint ensuite Munemori et sert sous son autorit\u00E9 pendant le reste de la guerre. Il est le seul membre du clan Taira \u00E9pargn\u00E9 par les Minamoto apr\u00E8s la bataille de Dan-no-ura qui met fin \u00E0 la guerre (bien que beaucoup d'autres samoura\u00EFs Taira ne sont pas pr\u00E9sents \u00E0 la bataille ou \u00E9chappent autrement \u00E0 la mort)."@fr . . . . . . . "1449"^^ . "Taira no Sadayoshi (\u5E73 \u8C9E\u80FD) was a governor of Higo and Chikugo provinces in Ky\u016Bsh\u016B, and a samurai commander for the Taira clan during the Genpei War of the 1180s. Following the war, his life was spared as a result of an intercession by . He thus spent his retirement as a Buddhist monk, going by the appellation Higo-Ny\u016Bdo. His father was . When Kikuchi Takanao sided with Minamoto no Yoritomo and began levying troops in Ky\u016Bsh\u016B in 1180, at the beginning of the Genpei War, Sadayoshi marched against him and defeated him. Sadayoshi then traveled to Kyoto, and met up with Taira no Munemori along with the Emperor Antoku on the Saikaid\u014D road from the capital. He tried in vain to convince Munemori to return to the city, but ultimately left him to take care of the remains of Taira no Shigemori, which were brought to the sacred Mount K\u014Dya. Sadayoshi then reunited with Munemori and served under him for the remainder of the war. He was the only member of the Taira clan to be spared by the Minamoto after the war-ending battle of Dan-no-ura (though many other Taira samurai were not present at the battle or otherwise escaped death)."@en . "Taira no Sadayoshi (\u5E73 \u8C9E\u80FD) was a governor of Higo and Chikugo provinces in Ky\u016Bsh\u016B, and a samurai commander for the Taira clan during the Genpei War of the 1180s. Following the war, his life was spared as a result of an intercession by . He thus spent his retirement as a Buddhist monk, going by the appellation Higo-Ny\u016Bdo. His father was ."@en . . . . "\u5E73 \u8C9E\u80FD\uFF08\u305F\u3044\u3089 \u306E \u3055\u3060\u3088\u3057\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u5E73\u5B89\u6642\u4EE3\u672B\u671F\u306E\u6B66\u5C06\u3002\u4F0A\u8CC0\u56FD\u3092\u672C\u62E0\u3068\u3059\u308B\u5E73\u6C0F\u8B5C\u4EE3\u306E\u6709\u529B\u5BB6\u4EBA\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u7236\u306F\u5E73\u6C0F\u306E\u300C\u4E00\u30CE\u90CE\u7B49\u300D\uFF08\u300E\u611A\u7BA1\u6284\u300F\uFF09\u3067\u3042\u308B\u5E73\u5BB6\u8C9E\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . "\u5E73 \u8C9E\u80FD\uFF08\u305F\u3044\u3089 \u306E \u3055\u3060\u3088\u3057\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u5E73\u5B89\u6642\u4EE3\u672B\u671F\u306E\u6B66\u5C06\u3002\u4F0A\u8CC0\u56FD\u3092\u672C\u62E0\u3068\u3059\u308B\u5E73\u6C0F\u8B5C\u4EE3\u306E\u6709\u529B\u5BB6\u4EBA\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u7236\u306F\u5E73\u6C0F\u306E\u300C\u4E00\u30CE\u90CE\u7B49\u300D\uFF08\u300E\u611A\u7BA1\u6284\u300F\uFF09\u3067\u3042\u308B\u5E73\u5BB6\u8C9E\u3002"@ja . "Taira no Sadayoshi"@en . "Taira no Sadayoshi (\u5E73\u8C9E\u7FA9) est gouverneur des provinces de Higo et Chikugo dans le Ky\u016Bsh\u016B et commandant de samoura\u00EFs pour le clan Taira au cours de la guerre de Genpei des ann\u00E9es 1180. Apr\u00E8s la guerre, sa vie est \u00E9pargn\u00E9e \u00E0 la suite d'une intercession d'Utsunomiya Tomotsuna. Il passe donc sa retraite en tant que moine bouddhiste, sous le nom de \u00AB Higo-Ny\u016Bdo \u00BB. Son p\u00E8re est Taira no Iesada."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "\u5E73\u8C9E\u80FD"@ja .