"2424"^^ . "TT67"@en . "The Theban Tomb TT66 is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. It forms part of the Theban Necropolis, situated on the west bank of the Nile opposite Luxor. The tomb is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian Vizier Hepu, who served during the reign of Tuthmosis IV. The hallway is decorated with scenes showing several workshops. Workers include sculptors, leather and metal workers and vase makers. Scenes depicting the construction of chariots are also included. The text in the tomb includes the installation of the vizier. Hepu's text is a (partial) replica of the text in the tomb of Rekhmire (TT100), and a similar text appears in the tomb of User. The inner room includes scenes of a funeral processions, an offering list ritual and a scene showing a son offering to his parents Hepu and his wife Rennai."@en . . . . "TT66 (Theban Tomb 66) \u00E8 la sigla che identifica una delle Tombe dei Nobili ubicate nell\u2019area della cosiddetta Necropoli Tebana, sulla sponda occidentale del Nilo dinanzi alla citt\u00E0 di Luxor, in Egitto. Destinata a sepolture di nobili e funzionari connessi alle case regnanti, specie del Nuovo Regno, l'area venne sfruttata, come necropoli, fin dall'Antico Regno e, successivamente, sino al periodo Saitico (con la XXVI dinastia) e Tolemaico."@it . . "32.59999847412109"^^ . "The Theban Tomb TT66 is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. It forms part of the Theban Necropolis, situated on the west bank of the Nile opposite Luxor. The tomb is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian Vizier Hepu, who served during the reign of Tuthmosis IV. The hallway is decorated with scenes showing several workshops. Workers include sculptors, leather and metal workers and vase makers. Scenes depicting the construction of chariots are also included."@en . . . . . "1121436814"^^ . "TT66"@it . "La tombe th\u00E9baine TT 66 est situ\u00E9e \u00E0 Cheikh Abd el-Gournah, dans la n\u00E9cropole th\u00E9baine, sur la rive ouest du Nil, face \u00E0 Louxor en \u00C9gypte. C'est la s\u00E9pulture d'H\u00E9pou, vizir pendant le r\u00E8gne de Thoutm\u00F4sis IV."@fr . . . "TT66"@fr . . . "25.7333 32.6" . . . "La tombe th\u00E9baine TT 66 est situ\u00E9e \u00E0 Cheikh Abd el-Gournah, dans la n\u00E9cropole th\u00E9baine, sur la rive ouest du Nil, face \u00E0 Louxor en \u00C9gypte. C'est la s\u00E9pulture d'H\u00E9pou, vizir pendant le r\u00E8gne de Thoutm\u00F4sis IV."@fr . . . . "POINT(32.599998474121 25.733299255371)"^^ . "TT66"@en . . . . "yes"@en . . . "Hepu"@en . . "31787634"^^ . . . . . . "TT65"@en . . . . . . . "TT66 (Theban Tomb 66) \u00E8 la sigla che identifica una delle Tombe dei Nobili ubicate nell\u2019area della cosiddetta Necropoli Tebana, sulla sponda occidentale del Nilo dinanzi alla citt\u00E0 di Luxor, in Egitto. Destinata a sepolture di nobili e funzionari connessi alle case regnanti, specie del Nuovo Regno, l'area venne sfruttata, come necropoli, fin dall'Antico Regno e, successivamente, sino al periodo Saitico (con la XXVI dinastia) e Tolemaico."@it . "TT66"@en . . "25.73329925537109"^^ . . . . . . . . . . .