. . . . . . . . "Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling (SFS) \u00E4r en kronologisk sammanst\u00E4llning av Sveriges f\u00F6rfattningar, som utg\u00F6rs av lagar och f\u00F6rordningar. Riksdagen beslutar om lagar och de utf\u00E4rdas d\u00E4refter av regeringen, som ocks\u00E5 fastst\u00E4ller f\u00F6rordningar. En f\u00F6rordning kan till exempel inneh\u00E5lla till\u00E4mpningsregler f\u00F6r myndigheter avseende en viss lag."@sv . . "Swedish Code of Statutes"@en . . "The Swedish Code of Statutes (Swedish: Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling; SFS) is the official law code of Sweden which contains the statutes and ordinances enacted and designated by the Government, including a publication of all new Swedish laws enacted by the Riksdag. Every law shall be cited an SFS number, including legislation amending already existing law. The number contained in the citation consists of a four digit year, a colon and then an incrementing number by year. For instance, the Instrument of Government is SFS 1974:152, with each amendment having its own SFS number. The amendments are usually referred to as (year:number) in the main law text."@en . . "3419"^^ . "Die Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling (abgek\u00FCrzt SFS) ist die amtliche Sammlung von Gesetzen und Verordnungen des schwedischen Reichstags. Die SFS entspricht etwa dem deutschen Bundesgesetzblatt, dem Bundesgesetzblatt f\u00FCr die Republik \u00D6sterreich oder dem schweizerischen Bundesblatt. Gesetze bzw. Verordnungen erhalten eine gleichbleibende SFS-Nummer, durch die sie identifizierbar sind. So hat beispielsweise die Tryckfrihetsf\u00F6rordningen (Gesetz \u00FCber die Pressefreiheit) von 1949 die SFS-Nummer 1949:105."@de . . "The Swedish Code of Statutes (Swedish: Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling; SFS) is the official law code of Sweden which contains the statutes and ordinances enacted and designated by the Government, including a publication of all new Swedish laws enacted by the Riksdag. Every law shall be cited an SFS number, including legislation amending already existing law. The number contained in the citation consists of a four digit year, a colon and then an incrementing number by year. For instance, the Instrument of Government is SFS 1974:152, with each amendment having its own SFS number. The amendments are usually referred to as (year:number) in the main law text. Unlike most continental European countries, however, Sweden's codified statutes do not include a comprehensive Civil Code comparable to the German BGB or the French Civil Code and instead set forth statutory law in a piecemeal fashion. For example, rather than addressing the law of obligations in one major title of a comprehensive civil code, Sweden addresses the subset of the law of obligations pertaining to torts in an isolated statute passed piecemeal in 1972 that is not itself comprehensive or complete. Similarly, Sweden's contract act just addresses selected topics in contract law leaving the rest to case law, rather than comprehensively addressing all facets of contract law as a civil code on the subject would. In other words, Swedish statutes are more similar in character to statutes in the United States and other Commonwealth nations than to the comprehensive civil codes that predominate in continental European civil law systems and similar systems in Asia and Latin America based upon the continental European civil law systems. The Swedish Code of Statutes is enacted into statutory law, but is enacted into its own unified legal code, which contains all of the laws enacted by the Swedish government, and includes the criminal law, criminal procedure, government regulations, legal information, civil law, agriculture, and many other major topic areas and subject matter that are important to the development and society of Sweden. The code is derived into positive law, with a mix of statutory law and civil law, and is amended from time to time. It also contains the Constitution of Sweden."@en . "1115263004"^^ . . . "O C\u00F3digo das Leis da Su\u00E9cia (em sueco:Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling, SFS) \u00E9 uma compila\u00E7\u00E3o oficial de todas as leis da Su\u00E9cia. Inclui a legisla\u00E7\u00E3o emanada do Parlamento e a legisla\u00E7\u00E3o complementar decretada pelo governo, ao abrigo das decis\u00F5es parlamentares."@pt . . . . . "Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling"@de . . . . . . . . . "7122269"^^ . "Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling (SFS) \u00E4r en kronologisk sammanst\u00E4llning av Sveriges f\u00F6rfattningar, som utg\u00F6rs av lagar och f\u00F6rordningar. Riksdagen beslutar om lagar och de utf\u00E4rdas d\u00E4refter av regeringen, som ocks\u00E5 fastst\u00E4ller f\u00F6rordningar. En f\u00F6rordning kan till exempel inneh\u00E5lla till\u00E4mpningsregler f\u00F6r myndigheter avseende en viss lag. D\u00E5 en lag utf\u00E4rdas eller en f\u00F6rordning fastst\u00E4lls, publiceras den i Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling. F\u00F6rfattningen f\u00E5r d\u00E5 ett eget SFS-nummer, som best\u00E5r av \u00E5rtalet f\u00F6r utf\u00E4rdandet f\u00F6ljt av ett kolon (:) samt ett l\u00F6pnummer som tilldelas i kronologisk ordning alltefter utf\u00E4rdandet. Exempelvis var merv\u00E4rdesskattelagen (1994:200) den tv\u00E5hundrade f\u00F6rfattningen som publicerades i Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling under \u00E5r 1994. I juridisk text anges alltid SFS-numret p\u00E5 detta s\u00E4tt vid h\u00E4nvisning till en viss lag, med undantag av grundlagar och de centrala lagar som ben\u00E4mns balkar. \u00C4ven lag\u00E4ndringar f\u00E5r egna SFS-nummer, eftersom en lag\u00E4ndring i sig \u00E4r en lag. Den redan existerande lagen beh\u00E5ller dock sitt ursprungliga SFS-nummer \u00E4ven efter \u00E4ndringen och publiceras i konsoliderad form. N\u00E4r en lag har upph\u00E4vts \u00E4r det m\u00F6jligt att inf\u00F6ra en ny lag med samma namn men alltid med ett nytt SFS-nummer."@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Die Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling (abgek\u00FCrzt SFS) ist die amtliche Sammlung von Gesetzen und Verordnungen des schwedischen Reichstags. Die SFS entspricht etwa dem deutschen Bundesgesetzblatt, dem Bundesgesetzblatt f\u00FCr die Republik \u00D6sterreich oder dem schweizerischen Bundesblatt. Gesetze bzw. Verordnungen erhalten eine gleichbleibende SFS-Nummer, durch die sie identifizierbar sind. So hat beispielsweise die Tryckfrihetsf\u00F6rordningen (Gesetz \u00FCber die Pressefreiheit) von 1949 die SFS-Nummer 1949:105."@de . . . . . . . "Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling"@sv . "O C\u00F3digo das Leis da Su\u00E9cia (em sueco:Svensk f\u00F6rfattningssamling, SFS) \u00E9 uma compila\u00E7\u00E3o oficial de todas as leis da Su\u00E9cia. Inclui a legisla\u00E7\u00E3o emanada do Parlamento e a legisla\u00E7\u00E3o complementar decretada pelo governo, ao abrigo das decis\u00F5es parlamentares. O conte\u00FAdo desta compila\u00E7\u00E3o est\u00E1 acess\u00EDvel ao p\u00FAblico, em forma pr\u00E1tica, no livro Lei do Reino da Su\u00E9cia (em sueco: Sveriges Rikes Lag).Cada lei tem uma designa\u00E7\u00E3o abreviada, come\u00E7ando por SFS e contendo o ano da sua emana\u00E7\u00E3o, seguido de dois pontos e de um n\u00FAmero corrente. Por exemplo a lei do imposto sobre o valor acrescentado (merv\u00E4rdesskatten) \u00E9 designada por SFS 1974:200."@pt . . . . . . "C\u00F3digo das Leis da Su\u00E9cia"@pt .