"Space Camp Turkey est un parc \u00E0 th\u00E8me scientifique orient\u00E9 vers l'espace et la conqu\u00EAte spatiale. Situ\u00E9 \u00E0 Izmir, Space Camp Turkey a \u00E9t\u00E9 fond\u00E9 le 12 juin 2000 par M. Kaya Tuncer, pr\u00E9sident d\u2019ESBAS (\u00AB Aegean Free Zone Operating and Developing Company \u00BB), une industrie moderne situ\u00E9e \u00E0 Izmir."@fr . . . . . . "1077807606"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Space Camp Turkey is located in the Aegean Free Zone, a high-tech industrial park in Gaziemir metropolitan district of Izmir, Turkey, operated by ESBAS the Aegean Free Zone Development and Operating Company. Izmir is a Mediterranean city on the western coast of Turkey with a population of over 4 million people. Space Camp Turkey is one of three space camps in the world, and one of two in Asia. It is affiliated with the United States Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama."@en . . . . "2248"^^ . . . . . . . . "Space Camp Turkey is located in the Aegean Free Zone, a high-tech industrial park in Gaziemir metropolitan district of Izmir, Turkey, operated by ESBAS the Aegean Free Zone Development and Operating Company. Izmir is a Mediterranean city on the western coast of Turkey with a population of over 4 million people. Space Camp Turkey is one of three space camps in the world, and one of two in Asia. It is affiliated with the United States Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Kaya Tuncer, president of ESBAS, established a Space Camp in Turkey after visiting Huntsville with his Turkish friend Ismail Akbay, an Apollo Project Engineer who worked for Dr. Wernher von Braun. Space Camp Turkey opened on 12 June 2000. American astronaut Scott Carpenter and Ismail Akbay were honored guests at the ceremony. Space Camp Turkey has hosted over 160,000 children and adults from 50 countries and developed space science-related programs that consist of 2-Day Outer Space Adventure during the school year, 5-Day Space Camp and 5-Day Space Camp with Robotics during semester breaks, and 6-Day International Summer Camp with robotic class option."@en . . "Space Camp Turkey est un parc \u00E0 th\u00E8me scientifique orient\u00E9 vers l'espace et la conqu\u00EAte spatiale. Situ\u00E9 \u00E0 Izmir, Space Camp Turkey a \u00E9t\u00E9 fond\u00E9 le 12 juin 2000 par M. Kaya Tuncer, pr\u00E9sident d\u2019ESBAS (\u00AB Aegean Free Zone Operating and Developing Company \u00BB), une industrie moderne situ\u00E9e \u00E0 Izmir. En plus de faire la promotion des sciences de l\u2019espace, SCT s\u2019est donn\u00E9 comme mission de promouvoir le travail d\u2019\u00E9quipe et d\u2019initier les campeurs aux technologies de l\u2019espace \u00E0 travers diff\u00E9rents types de simulations. Des jeunes de 7 \u00E0 15 ans peuvent donc assister \u00E0 divers programmes de dur\u00E9e variable tels le programme de 6 jours. SCT offre \u00E9galement un \u00AB programme acad\u00E9mique \u00BB souple, permettant \u00E0 chaque groupe d\u2019ajuster le contenu soit en ajoutant des activit\u00E9s \u00E0 caract\u00E8re scientifique ou en organisant la visite d\u2019attractions telles que la ville d\u2019\u00C9ph\u00E8se et la Maison de la Vierge Marie. Le Camp Spatial de la Turquie offre \u00E9galement des programmes pour les adultes. Le Programme de D\u00E9veloppement Corporatif de 2 jours r\u00E9pond aux besoins sp\u00E9cifiques de chaque entreprise, mettant l\u2019accent, \u00E0 travers une animation dynamique, sur le travail d\u2019\u00E9quipe, la gestion du temps, la r\u00E9solution de probl\u00E8mes et l\u2019aptitude \u00E0 communiquer. Un autre programme est l\u2019Acad\u00E9mie Spatiale d\u2019un jour pour adultes; celui-ci inclut une simulation d\u2019astronaute en participant \u00E0 une mission au bord de la navette spatiale Discovery, et d\u2019un repas en \u00E9quipe. Depuis son ouverture le 12 juin 2000, SCT a accueilli 170 000 jeunes de partout dans le monde dans le cadre de ses diff\u00E9rents programmes en anglais et en Turc. Ainsi, des jeunes des \u00C9tats-Unis, de l\u2019Allemagne, du Portugal, de la Roumanie, du Kazakhstan, des \u00C9mirats arabes unis, de la Chine, etc., gardent le souvenir d\u2019une exp\u00E9rience m\u00E9morable."@fr . . . . . "Space Camp Turkey"@fr . . "Space Camp Turkey"@en . . . . . . . . . "14257222"^^ . . . . . . . .