. . . . . . . "Society of Women Musicians"@en . . . . . . . . . "Society of Women Musicians"@es . . . . . "Society of Women Musicians"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La Society of Women Musicians est un groupe britannique fond\u00E9 en 1911 pour la coop\u00E9ration mutuelle entre les femmes compositrices et interpr\u00E8tes, en r\u00E9ponse aux opportunit\u00E9s professionnelles limit\u00E9es pour les femmes musiciennes \u00E0 l'\u00E9poque."@fr . "La Society of Women Musicians (Sociedad de Mujeres M\u00FAsicas) fue un grupo ingl\u00E9s fundado en 1911 para la cooperaci\u00F3n mutua entre mujeres compositoras e int\u00E9rpretes, en respuesta a las limitadas oportunidades profesionales para las mujeres m\u00FAsicas en ese momento. Las fundadoras incluyeron a la compositora , la music\u00F3loga y la cantante . 37 mujeres asistieron a la primera reuni\u00F3n, celebrada el 11 de julio de 1911 en el Instituto de la Mujer, en 92 Victoria Street, incluidas Rebecca Helferich Clarke, y , quien m\u00E1s tarde se convirti\u00F3 en la primera presidenta del grupo.\u200B El primer concierto se celebr\u00F3 el 25 de enero de 1912 en la sala peque\u00F1a del Queen's Hall.\u200B Siguieron conciertos regulares en el mismo lugar y en las salas y Wigmore. Presentaron estrenos de compositoras tales como , Rebecca "@es . "La Society of Women Musicians est un groupe britannique fond\u00E9 en 1911 pour la coop\u00E9ration mutuelle entre les femmes compositrices et interpr\u00E8tes, en r\u00E9ponse aux opportunit\u00E9s professionnelles limit\u00E9es pour les femmes musiciennes \u00E0 l'\u00E9poque."@fr . . . . . "1112305721"^^ . . "The Society of Women Musicians was a British group founded in 1911 for mutual cooperation between women composers and performers, in response to the limited professional opportunities for women musicians at the time. The founders included Katharine Emily Eggar, a composer, Marion Scott, a musicologist, and Gertrude Eaton, a singer. 37 women came to the first meeting, held on 11 July 1911 at the Women's Institute, 92 Victoria Street, including Rebecca Helferich Clarke, Alma Haas, and Liza Lehmann, who later became the group's first president. The first concert was held on 25 January 1912 in the small room of Queen's Hall. Regular concerts followed at the same venue and at the Aeolian and Wigmore Halls. They featured premieres from women composers such as Ethel Barns, Rebecca Clarke, Kathari"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Society of Women Musicians"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Society of Women Musicians was a British group founded in 1911 for mutual cooperation between women composers and performers, in response to the limited professional opportunities for women musicians at the time. The founders included Katharine Emily Eggar, a composer, Marion Scott, a musicologist, and Gertrude Eaton, a singer. 37 women came to the first meeting, held on 11 July 1911 at the Women's Institute, 92 Victoria Street, including Rebecca Helferich Clarke, Alma Haas, and Liza Lehmann, who later became the group's first president. The first concert was held on 25 January 1912 in the small room of Queen's Hall. Regular concerts followed at the same venue and at the Aeolian and Wigmore Halls. They featured premieres from women composers such as Ethel Barns, Rebecca Clarke, Katharine Eggar, Dorothy Howell, Liza Lehmann, Fiona McCleary (1900\u20131986), Marion Scott, Elna Sherman, and Ethel Smyth. In later years there were also premieres from Ruth Gipps, Elisabeth Lutyens, Elizabeth Maconchy and Elizabeth Poston. The group had a number of influential musicians as presidents, including C\u00E9cile Chaminade, Astra Desmond, Alma Goatley, Myra Hess, Rosa Newmarch, Evelyn Suart and Elizabeth Poston. The post of vice-president was largely honorary, and was held by woman musicians such as Nadia Boulanger, Imogen Holst, Elisabeth Lutyens, Elizabeth Maconchy and Fanny Waterman. Although the group was aimed at women, men were not excluded, and were included in the membership and attended conferences. Male members included Thomas Dunhill and Walter Willson Cobbett. Theodore Holland attended a concert of his recent songs held by the Society on 28 October 1947, the day before his death. Activities included collecting a library, starting a choir and orchestra which gave public and private concerts of works by members of the Society, lectures, and a composers conference. The Society was also active in advocating for professional women musicians in symphony orchestras. The Society disbanded in 1972, and its archives were given to the Royal College of Music."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "3687"^^ . . . "10020035"^^ . . . . . "La Society of Women Musicians (Sociedad de Mujeres M\u00FAsicas) fue un grupo ingl\u00E9s fundado en 1911 para la cooperaci\u00F3n mutua entre mujeres compositoras e int\u00E9rpretes, en respuesta a las limitadas oportunidades profesionales para las mujeres m\u00FAsicas en ese momento. Las fundadoras incluyeron a la compositora , la music\u00F3loga y la cantante . 37 mujeres asistieron a la primera reuni\u00F3n, celebrada el 11 de julio de 1911 en el Instituto de la Mujer, en 92 Victoria Street, incluidas Rebecca Helferich Clarke, y , quien m\u00E1s tarde se convirti\u00F3 en la primera presidenta del grupo.\u200B El primer concierto se celebr\u00F3 el 25 de enero de 1912 en la sala peque\u00F1a del Queen's Hall.\u200B Siguieron conciertos regulares en el mismo lugar y en las salas y Wigmore. Presentaron estrenos de compositoras tales como , Rebecca Clarke, Katharine Eggar, Dorothy Howell, Liza Lehmann, , Marion Scott y Ethel Smyth. En a\u00F1os posteriores tambi\u00E9n hubo estrenos de Ruth Gipps, Elisabeth Lutyens, Elizabeth Maconchy y . El grupo tuvo varias m\u00FAsicas influyentes como presidentes, entre ellos C\u00E9cile Chaminade, , Myra Hess, , y Elizabeth Poston. El cargo de vicepresidente era en gran parte honorario y lo ocupaban mujeres m\u00FAsicas como Nadia Boulanger, Imogen Holst, Elisabeth Lutyens, Elizabeth Maconchy y .\u200B Aunque el grupo estaba dirigido a mujeres, los hombres no fueron excluidos y fueron incluidos en la membres\u00EDa y asistieron a conferencias. Los miembros masculinos incluyeron a y .\u200B asisti\u00F3 a un concierto de sus canciones recientes celebrado por la Sociedad el 28 de octubre de 1947, el d\u00EDa antes de su muerte.\u200B Las actividades incluyeron la recolecci\u00F3n de una biblioteca, la creaci\u00F3n de un coro y una orquesta que ofreci\u00F3 conciertos p\u00FAblicos y privados de obras de miembros de la Sociedad, conferencias y una conferencia de compositores. La Sociedad tambi\u00E9n particip\u00F3 activamente en la defensa de las mujeres m\u00FAsicas profesionales en las orquestas sinf\u00F3nicas.\u200B La Sociedad se disolvi\u00F3 en 1972 y sus archivos se entregaron al Royal College of Music.\u200B"@es . . . .