. . "S\u00E9amas Dall Mac Cuarta"@en . . . . . . "Ba mh\u00F3rfhile \u00E9 S\u00E9amas Dall Mac Cuarta (t. 1647 \u2013 1733) sa 17 agus sa 18 haois d\u00E9ag a bhain le lucht Oirialla. Mar aon lena chomharsana Peadar \u00D3 Doirn\u00EDn, Art Mac Cumhaigh agus Cathal Bu\u00ED Mac Giolla Ghunna, ba dhl\u00FAthchuid \u00E9 Mac Cuarta de thraidisi\u00FAn Oirialla na fil\u00EDochta is na n-amhr\u00E1n."@ga . . . . . . . . "S\u00E9amas Dall Mac Cuarta"@pt . . . . . . . . . "5238117"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "S\u00E9amas Dall Mac Cuarta"@ga . . . . . . . . . . . . "S\u00E9amas Dall Mac Cuarta (c. 1647? \u2013 1733) was an Irish poet. He was the originator of a seventeenth and eighteenth century Irish language school of poets, centred on the south-east of the province of Ulster and north of Leinster. Mac Cuarta's work emerged from a region in which there was no previous strong poetic tradition, unlike in north-western Ulster, and inspired a number of followers such as Peadar \u00D3 Doirn\u00EDn and Art Mac Cumhaigh: the emergence of the work of Mac Cuarta and his followers may have been a conscious response to local pressures of anglicisation, and the collapse of the traditional Gaelic social order."@en . . . . "S\u00E9amas Dall Mac Cuarta (c. 1647? - 1733) foi um poeta irland\u00EAs. Foi o fundador duma escola de poetas irlandeses dos s\u00E9culos XVII e XVIII, no sudeste da prov\u00EDncia do Ulster e ao norte de Leinster. O trabalho de Mac Cuarta surgiu numa regi\u00E3o sem tradi\u00E7\u00E3o na poesia, ao contr\u00E1rio do noroeste do Ulster, e inspirou v\u00E1rios seguidores, como Peadar \u00D3 Doirn\u00EDn e Art Mac Cumhaigh: A obra de Mac Cuarta e os seus seguidores pode ter sido uma resposta consciente \u00E0s press\u00F5es impostas pela angliciza\u00E7\u00E3o e ao subsequente colapso da ordem social ga\u00E9lica tradicional do Eire. Tradu\u00E7\u00F5es mais antigas das suas obras para o ingl\u00EAs, usam a forma inglesa do seu nome, James McCuairt, ou ocasionalmente James Courtney."@pt . . . . . . . . "S\u00E9amas Dall Mac Cuarta (c. 1647? - 1733) foi um poeta irland\u00EAs. Foi o fundador duma escola de poetas irlandeses dos s\u00E9culos XVII e XVIII, no sudeste da prov\u00EDncia do Ulster e ao norte de Leinster. O trabalho de Mac Cuarta surgiu numa regi\u00E3o sem tradi\u00E7\u00E3o na poesia, ao contr\u00E1rio do noroeste do Ulster, e inspirou v\u00E1rios seguidores, como Peadar \u00D3 Doirn\u00EDn e Art Mac Cumhaigh: A obra de Mac Cuarta e os seus seguidores pode ter sido uma resposta consciente \u00E0s press\u00F5es impostas pela angliciza\u00E7\u00E3o e ao subsequente colapso da ordem social ga\u00E9lica tradicional do Eire."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "S\u00E9amas Dall Mac Cuarta (c. 1647? \u2013 1733) was an Irish poet. He was the originator of a seventeenth and eighteenth century Irish language school of poets, centred on the south-east of the province of Ulster and north of Leinster. Mac Cuarta's work emerged from a region in which there was no previous strong poetic tradition, unlike in north-western Ulster, and inspired a number of followers such as Peadar \u00D3 Doirn\u00EDn and Art Mac Cumhaigh: the emergence of the work of Mac Cuarta and his followers may have been a conscious response to local pressures of anglicisation, and the collapse of the traditional Gaelic social order. Older English translations of his works often use the English form of his name, James McCuairt, or occasionally James Courtney."@en . . "1123986465"^^ . . "Ba mh\u00F3rfhile \u00E9 S\u00E9amas Dall Mac Cuarta (t. 1647 \u2013 1733) sa 17 agus sa 18 haois d\u00E9ag a bhain le lucht Oirialla. Mar aon lena chomharsana Peadar \u00D3 Doirn\u00EDn, Art Mac Cumhaigh agus Cathal Bu\u00ED Mac Giolla Ghunna, ba dhl\u00FAthchuid \u00E9 Mac Cuarta de thraidisi\u00FAn Oirialla na fil\u00EDochta is na n-amhr\u00E1n."@ga . . . . . . . . "6234"^^ . . .