. . . . "The Royal Household of Spain, officially the Household of His Majesty the King, is the constitutional body whose primary function is to provide aid and support to the King of Spain in the exercise of his royal duties and prerogatives. These include his role as Head of state and as Supreme Commander of the Spanish Armed Forces. It functions as the king's executive office. The household is under the direct authority of the king, who personally selects the individuals he chooses to aid him in his constitutional duties. It is a constitutional institution, as laid down in Spain\u2019s constitution of 1978. While the household is part of Spain\u2019s governmental structure, it is not under the control or influence of any other state institution. The household ensures that the king has the independent means to perform all of his state functions. In particular, it is not under the administrative control of the Prime Minister or the Council of Ministers. The only authority to whom it answers is the king himself. One of the household's primary functions is to facilitate communications between the king and the other state authorities. It is responsible for written and oral communications between the king and the government departments. It organizes and schedules meetings between the king, the Prime Minister, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, State Secretaries, Under Secretaries and other officials. Its budget, like those of the Office of the Prime Minister, the Council of Ministers, the Supreme Court, the Armed Forces and many others, is approved by the houses of the Spanish Parliament on a yearly basis."@en . . . "16"^^ . . "Court Marshal and Aides-de-Champ"@en . . "Previous name"@en . "Berorren Maiestate Espainiako Erregearen Etxea edo besterik gabe Espainiako Errege Etxea (gaztelaniaz: Casa de Su Majestad el Rey de Espa\u00F1a) espainiar estatuko erakundea publikoa da, zuzenean Espainiako erregearen agindupean dagoena. Erakunde honen xedea Espainiako erregeari, estatuburua den aldetik, bere eginkizunetan laguntzea da. Halaber, bizilekuaren antolakuntzaz eta funtzionamenduaz arduratzen da."@eu . "Country"@en . . "\u00DA\u0159ad \u0161pan\u011Blsk\u00E9ho kr\u00E1le"@cs . . . "Insignia of the Royal Household"@en . . . . . . "1118613980"^^ . "Head of the Household"@en . . "La Casa de Su Majestad el Rey es el organismo espa\u00F1ol que, bajo la dependencia directa del rey, \u00ABtiene como misi\u00F3n servirle de apoyo en cuantas actividades se deriven de sus funciones como jefe de Estado\u00BB.\u200B Tambi\u00E9n atiende a la organizaci\u00F3n y funcionamiento del r\u00E9gimen interior de la residencia privada de la familia real espa\u00F1ola en el Palacio de la Zarzuela."@es . "Casa de Su Majestad el Rey (Espa\u00F1a)"@es . "Executive office of the king"@en . "La Maison du roi (officiellement : Maison de Sa Majest\u00E9 le roi) est, en Espagne, l'organisme qui, plac\u00E9 sous l'autorit\u00E9 directe du roi, \u00AB a pour mission de lui servir d'appui dans toutes les activit\u00E9s d\u00E9riv\u00E9es de ses fonctions en tant que chef de l'\u00C9tat \u00BB. Il g\u00E8re \u00E9galement l'organisation et le fonctionnement de la r\u00E9sidence de la famille royale, le palais de la Zarzuela."@fr . . . "Espainiako Errege Etxea"@eu . "Lt Gen. Domingo Mart\u00EDnez Palomo"@en . . "Royal Household of Spain"@en . "La Casa de Sa Majestat el Rei \u00E9s l'organisme p\u00FAblic espanyol que, sota la depend\u00E8ncia directa del rei d'Espanya, t\u00E9 com a missi\u00F3 servir-li de suport a totes les activitats que es derivin de les seves funcions com a cap d'Estat. Tamb\u00E9 at\u00E9n l'organitzaci\u00F3 i funcionament del r\u00E8gim intern del Palau de la Zarzuela, resid\u00E8ncia de la fam\u00EDlia reial. Els Pressupostos Generals de l'Estat hi destinen una assignaci\u00F3 directa de 9.339.150 milions d'euros (2019) per al sosteniment de la seva Fam\u00EDlia i Casa, si b\u00E9 \u00E9s cert que aquesta quantitat representa una \u00EDnfima part dels comptes reals, car mai no s'han fet p\u00FAbliques les partides que van a compte d'altres ministeris (Defensa, Exteriors, Presid\u00E8ncia, Interior o Hisenda), un volum de diners que podria multiplicar per m\u00E9s de 40 el pressupost reconegut."@ca . . "La Maison du roi (officiellement : Maison de Sa Majest\u00E9 le roi) est, en Espagne, l'organisme qui, plac\u00E9 sous l'autorit\u00E9 directe du roi, \u00AB a pour mission de lui servir d'appui dans toutes les activit\u00E9s d\u00E9riv\u00E9es de ses fonctions en tant que chef de l'\u00C9tat \u00BB. Il g\u00E8re \u00E9galement l'organisation et le fonctionnement de la r\u00E9sidence de la famille royale, le palais de la Zarzuela."@fr . . . . . . . "23238938"^^ . . "Casa de Sa Majestat el Rei (Espanya)"@ca . . . . . . "The Royal Household of Spain, officially the Household of His Majesty the King, is the constitutional body whose primary function is to provide aid and support to the King of Spain in the exercise of his royal duties and prerogatives. These include his role as Head of state and as Supreme Commander of the Spanish Armed Forces. It functions as the king's executive office. Its budget, like those of the Office of the Prime Minister, the Council of Ministers, the Supreme Court, the Armed Forces and many others, is approved by the houses of the Spanish Parliament on a yearly basis."@en . . . . . . . . "Responsible to"@en . . . . "Constitution instrument"@en . . "Jaime Alfons\u00EDn Alfonso"@en . . . . . . "1978"^^ . . "Website"@en . . . "Panovnick\u00FD d\u016Fm Jeho V\u00FDsosti kr\u00E1le, \u0161pan\u011Blsky Casa de Su Majestad el Rey, je \u00FA\u0159ad, spadaj\u00EDc\u00ED pod p\u0159\u00EDmou osobn\u00ED spr\u00E1vu kr\u00E1le \u0161pan\u011Blsk\u00E9ho a je\u017E je mu k dispozici jako m\u00E1 za \u00FAkol b\u00FDt mu n\u00E1pomocn\u00FD v mnoha aktivit\u00E1ch, je\u017E jsou odvozeny z jeho funkc\u00ED coby hlavy st\u00E1tu. Z\u00E1rove\u0148 m\u00E1 na starosti organizaci a fungov\u00E1n\u00ED vnit\u0159n\u00EDho chodu soukrom\u00E9 rezidence \u0161pan\u011Blsk\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovsk\u00E9 rodiny v pal\u00E1ci Zarzuela."@cs . . . . "Maison du roi (Espagne)"@fr . . . . "La Casa de Su Majestad el Rey es el organismo espa\u00F1ol que, bajo la dependencia directa del rey, \u00ABtiene como misi\u00F3n servirle de apoyo en cuantas actividades se deriven de sus funciones como jefe de Estado\u00BB.\u200B Tambi\u00E9n atiende a la organizaci\u00F3n y funcionamiento del r\u00E9gimen interior de la residencia privada de la familia real espa\u00F1ola en el Palacio de la Zarzuela."@es . . "Royal Household"@en . "15090"^^ . . . . . "Established"@en . . "La Casa de Sa Majestat el Rei \u00E9s l'organisme p\u00FAblic espanyol que, sota la depend\u00E8ncia directa del rei d'Espanya, t\u00E9 com a missi\u00F3 servir-li de suport a totes les activitats que es derivin de les seves funcions com a cap d'Estat. Tamb\u00E9 at\u00E9n l'organitzaci\u00F3 i funcionament del r\u00E8gim intern del Palau de la Zarzuela, resid\u00E8ncia de la fam\u00EDlia reial. Els Pressupostos Generals de l'Estat hi destinen una assignaci\u00F3 directa de 9.339.150 milions d'euros (2019) per al sosteniment de la seva Fam\u00EDlia i Casa, si b\u00E9 \u00E9s cert que aquesta quantitat representa una \u00EDnfima part dels comptes reals, car mai no s'han fet p\u00FAbliques les partides que van a compte d'altres ministeris (Defensa, Exteriors, Presid\u00E8ncia, Interior o Hisenda), un volum de diners que podria multiplicar per m\u00E9s de 40 el pressupost reconegut."@ca . . "Secretary-General"@en . . "Berorren Maiestate Espainiako Erregearen Etxea edo besterik gabe Espainiako Errege Etxea (gaztelaniaz: Casa de Su Majestad el Rey de Espa\u00F1a) espainiar estatuko erakundea publikoa da, zuzenean Espainiako erregearen agindupean dagoena. Erakunde honen xedea Espainiako erregeari, estatuburua den aldetik, bere eginkizunetan laguntzea da. Halaber, bizilekuaren antolakuntzaz eta funtzionamenduaz arduratzen da."@eu . . . . . . . . "Role"@en . . . . "Gen. of Air Emilio Gracia Cirugeda"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Panovnick\u00FD d\u016Fm Jeho V\u00FDsosti kr\u00E1le, \u0161pan\u011Blsky Casa de Su Majestad el Rey, je \u00FA\u0159ad, spadaj\u00EDc\u00ED pod p\u0159\u00EDmou osobn\u00ED spr\u00E1vu kr\u00E1le \u0161pan\u011Blsk\u00E9ho a je\u017E je mu k dispozici jako m\u00E1 za \u00FAkol b\u00FDt mu n\u00E1pomocn\u00FD v mnoha aktivit\u00E1ch, je\u017E jsou odvozeny z jeho funkc\u00ED coby hlavy st\u00E1tu. Z\u00E1rove\u0148 m\u00E1 na starosti organizaci a fungov\u00E1n\u00ED vnit\u0159n\u00EDho chodu soukrom\u00E9 rezidence \u0161pan\u011Blsk\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovsk\u00E9 rodiny v pal\u00E1ci Zarzuela."@cs . . . . .