. "Rizp\u00E0 (in ebraico: \u05E8\u05B4\u05E6\u05B0\u05E4\u05B8\u05BC\u05D4; trasl.: riz'-pa o Ritsp\u00E0h), romanizzato anche come Rispa, \u00E8 un personaggio femminile della Bibbia. Fu la figlia di e una delle concubine di Saul dal quale concep\u00EC Armon\u00EC e Merib-B\u00E0al."@it . . . . . . "Rizp\u00E0 (in ebraico: \u05E8\u05B4\u05E6\u05B0\u05E4\u05B8\u05BC\u05D4; trasl.: riz'-pa o Ritsp\u00E0h), romanizzato anche come Rispa, \u00E8 un personaggio femminile della Bibbia. Fu la figlia di e una delle concubine di Saul dal quale concep\u00EC Armon\u00EC e Merib-B\u00E0al."@it . . . . "Rizpah (riz'-pa, \"coal\", \"hot stone\") was the daughter of Aiah, and one of Saul's concubines. She was the mother of Armoni and Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 3:7; 21:8\u201311). After the death of Saul, according to the Bible, Abner was implicitly accused of having aspirations to the throne by taking Rizpah as his wife, resulting in a quarrel between him and Saul's son and successor, Ishbosheth. (2 Samuel 3:7\u20138) The quarrel led to Abner's defection to David, (2 Samuel 3:17\u201321) who was then king of the breakaway Kingdom of Judah. This incident led to the downfall of Ishbosheth and the rise of David as king of a reunited Kingdom of Israel."@en . . "Rizpa"@in . "Rizp\u00E0"@it . . . . . "Rizpah"@en . "x"@en . . . "Rizpah"@en . . . . . . . . "Rizpah (riz'-pa, \"coal\", \"hot stone\") was the daughter of Aiah, and one of Saul's concubines. She was the mother of Armoni and Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 3:7; 21:8\u201311). After the death of Saul, according to the Bible, Abner was implicitly accused of having aspirations to the throne by taking Rizpah as his wife, resulting in a quarrel between him and Saul's son and successor, Ishbosheth. (2 Samuel 3:7\u20138) The quarrel led to Abner's defection to David, (2 Samuel 3:17\u201321) who was then king of the breakaway Kingdom of Judah. This incident led to the downfall of Ishbosheth and the rise of David as king of a reunited Kingdom of Israel. A famine lasting three years hit Israel during the earlier half of David's reign at Jerusalem. God revealed that this calamity happened because of \"Saul and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites.\" The Gibeonites were not Israelites, but the remnant of the Amorites, which Saul pursued from within Israel. David inquired of the Gibeonites what satisfaction they demanded, and was answered that nothing would compensate for the wrong Saul had done to them but the death of seven of Saul's sons.(2 Samuel 21:1\u20136) David accordingly delivered up to them the two sons of Rizpah and five of the sons of Michal (according to the Masoretic Text; the Septuagint has \"Merab\"), Saul's daughter. These the Gibeonites put to death, and hung up their bodies at the sanctuary at Gibeah (2 Samuel 21:8\u20139). Rizpah thereupon took her place on the rock of Gibeah, and for five months watched the suspended bodies of her children, to prevent them from being devoured by the beasts and birds of prey, (2 Samuel 21:10) till they were at length taken down and buried by David (2 Samuel 21:13) in the family grave at Zelah with the bones of Saul and Jonathan. Only once both restitution had been made for Saul's betrayal of the Gibeonites and an olive branch extended to Rizpah and the house of Saul by giving Saul's sons the honour of burial with their father did God respond to the plea of the land and end the famine (2 Samuel 21:14). British rabbi Jonathan Magonet has described Rizpah as \"every mother who sees her sons killed before their time for reasons of state, be they in time of peace or in war. All that remains is for her to preserve the dignity of their memory and live on to bear witness and call to account the rulers of the world\"."@en . . . "3444"^^ . . . . . . "Rispa"@pt . . . "Rispa (em hebraico: \u05E8\u05B4\u05E6\u05B0\u05E4\u05B8\u05BC\u05D4; trasl.: riz'-pa, em hebraico tiberiano: Ritsp\u00E0h, \"carv\u00E3o\" ou \"pedra quente\") era filha de Ai\u00E1, e uma das concubinas de Saul. Ela era a m\u00E3e de e Mefibosete. Ap\u00F3s a morte de Saul, Abner casou com Rispa, resultando em uma briga entre ele e o filho e sucessor de Saul, Isbosete. A discuss\u00E3o levou a Abner a ir para o lado de Davi que era ent\u00E3o rei do Reino de Jud\u00E1 separatista. Este incidente levou \u00E0 queda de Isbosete e a ascens\u00E3o de Davi como rei do reunido Reino de Israel."@pt . "Rispa \u2013 posta\u0107 biblijna z Drugiej Ksi\u0119gi Samuela, c\u00F3rka Ajji, na\u0142o\u017Cnica kr\u00F3la Saula. Po \u015Bmierci Saula o wsp\u00F3\u0142\u017Cycie z Risp\u0105 zosta\u0142 oskar\u017Cony przez kr\u00F3la Iszbaala dow\u00F3dca jego armii, Abner. Wydarzenie to spowodowa\u0142o przej\u015Bcie Abnera na stron\u0119 kr\u00F3la Dawida."@pl . . . . "Rizpa (riz'-pa, \"batubara\", \"batu panas\") adalah putri dari , dan salah satu gundik Saul. Ia adalah ibu dari Armoni dan Mefiboset (2 Samuel 3:7; 2 Samuel 21:8-11). Setelah kematian Saul, menurut Alkitab, Abner dituduh meniduri Rizpa, mengakibatkan percekcokan antara dirinya dan putra dan penerus Saul, Isyboset. (2 Samuel 3:7-8) Percekcokan tersebut berujung pada pembelotan Abner terhadap Daud, (2 Samuel 3:17-21) yang menjadi raja dari pecahan Kerajaan Yehuda. Peristiwa tersebut berujung pada penggulingan Isyboset dan pengangkatan Daud sebagai Kerajaan Israel yang bersatu kembali. Sebuah bencana kelaparan yang berlangsung selama tiga tahun menerjang Israel selama paruh awal masa kekuasaan Daud di Yerusalem. Keadaan tersebut diyakini terjadi karena \"Saul dan keluarganya melekat hutang darah, karena ia telah membunuh orang-orang Gibeon.\" Orang-orang Gibeon bukanlah orang-orang Israel, namun sisa-sisa dari bangsa Amori, yang dimasukkan oleh Saul ke dalam wilayah Israel. Daud menyelidiki soal apa pengurbanan yang dituntut oleh orang-orang Gibeon, dan menjawab bahwa tiada hal yang perlu diganti rugi dari Saul selain kematian dari tujuh putra Saul. (2 Samuel 21:1-6) Daud kemudian memberikan dua putra Rizpa dan lima putra Merab, putri sulung Saul, yang salah satunya ia namakan Adriel. Mereka dihabisi oleh orang-orang Gibeon, dan menggantung jasad-jasad mereka di tempat pengurbanan yang terletak di . (2 Samuel 21:8-9) Disana, Rizpa menempatkan dirinya di batu Gibeah. Selama lima bulan, ia mengawasi jasad-jasad anaknya yang teronggok, agar tak dimangsa oleh hewan-hewan dan burung pemangsa (2 Samuel 21:10) sampai mereka diturunkan dan dikebumikan oleh Daud (2 Samuel 21:13) di pemakaman keluarga di Zelah dengan tulang-tulang Saul dan . (2 Samuel 21:14). Rabi Inggris menyebut Rizpa sebagai \"setiap ibu yang menyaksikan para putranya dihabisi sebelum waktunya untuk alasan keadaan, entah pada masa damai atau perang. Semua jasad baginya menjadi suatu ingatan dan saksi bisu serta seruan terhadap para penguasa di dunia\"."@in . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rizpa (riz'-pa, \"batubara\", \"batu panas\") adalah putri dari , dan salah satu gundik Saul. Ia adalah ibu dari Armoni dan Mefiboset (2 Samuel 3:7; 2 Samuel 21:8-11). Setelah kematian Saul, menurut Alkitab, Abner dituduh meniduri Rizpa, mengakibatkan percekcokan antara dirinya dan putra dan penerus Saul, Isyboset. (2 Samuel 3:7-8) Percekcokan tersebut berujung pada pembelotan Abner terhadap Daud, (2 Samuel 3:17-21) yang menjadi raja dari pecahan Kerajaan Yehuda. Peristiwa tersebut berujung pada penggulingan Isyboset dan pengangkatan Daud sebagai Kerajaan Israel yang bersatu kembali."@in . . . . . . . . "1124243848"^^ . . . . . "Rizpa ist im Alten Testament eine Nebenfrau Sauls."@de . . . "69329"^^ . . . "Rizpa"@de . . . . . . "Rispa \u2013 posta\u0107 biblijna z Drugiej Ksi\u0119gi Samuela, c\u00F3rka Ajji, na\u0142o\u017Cnica kr\u00F3la Saula. Po \u015Bmierci Saula o wsp\u00F3\u0142\u017Cycie z Risp\u0105 zosta\u0142 oskar\u017Cony przez kr\u00F3la Iszbaala dow\u00F3dca jego armii, Abner. Wydarzenie to spowodowa\u0142o przej\u015Bcie Abnera na stron\u0119 kr\u00F3la Dawida. Dwaj synowie Rispy \u2013 i \u2013 zostali przez Dawida wydani Gibeonitom, kt\u00F3rzy powiesili ich w ramach zado\u015B\u0107uczynienia za prze\u015Bladowania doznane za czas\u00F3w Saula. \u015Amier\u0107 syn\u00F3w Rispy mia\u0142a zako\u0144czy\u0107 trzyletni okres g\u0142odu, b\u0119d\u0105cy kar\u0105 za z\u0142amanie przez Saula zawartego w imi\u0119 Jahwe przymierza z Gibeonitami. Rispa od \u017Cniw do czasu ko\u0144ca suszy strzeg\u0142a cia\u0142 syn\u00F3w przed dzik\u0105 zwierzyn\u0105."@pl . "Rispa"@pl . . . . "Rizpa ist im Alten Testament eine Nebenfrau Sauls."@de . . "Rispa (em hebraico: \u05E8\u05B4\u05E6\u05B0\u05E4\u05B8\u05BC\u05D4; trasl.: riz'-pa, em hebraico tiberiano: Ritsp\u00E0h, \"carv\u00E3o\" ou \"pedra quente\") era filha de Ai\u00E1, e uma das concubinas de Saul. Ela era a m\u00E3e de e Mefibosete. Ap\u00F3s a morte de Saul, Abner casou com Rispa, resultando em uma briga entre ele e o filho e sucessor de Saul, Isbosete. A discuss\u00E3o levou a Abner a ir para o lado de Davi que era ent\u00E3o rei do Reino de Jud\u00E1 separatista. Este incidente levou \u00E0 queda de Isbosete e a ascens\u00E3o de Davi como rei do reunido Reino de Israel. Uma fome que durou tr\u00EAs anos atingiu Israel durante a primeira metade do reinado de Davi em Jerusal\u00E9m. Esta calamidade foi acreditada ter acontecido por causa de \"Saul e da sua casa sanguin\u00E1ria, porque matou os \". Os gibeonitas n\u00E3o eram israelitas, mas o restante dos amoritas, que Saul perseguiu de dentro de Israel. Davi consultou os gibeonitas sobre quais exig\u00EAncias os satisfaziam, e foi respondido de que nada poderia compensar o que Saul tinha feito de errado para eles, mas somente a morte de sete filhos de Saul. Davi concordou em entregar a eles os dois filhos de Rispa e cinco dos filhos de Merabe, filha mais velha de Saul, que ela tivera \u00E0 Adriel. Os gibeonitas os condenaram \u00E0 morte, e penduraram seus corpos no santu\u00E1rio em Gibe\u00E1. Ent\u00E3o Rispa tomou seu lugar sobre a rocha de Gibe\u00E1, e por cinco meses observou os corpos suspensos de seus filhos, para os impedir de ser devorado pelas feras e aves de rapina, at\u00E9 serem finalmente levados para baixo e enterrados por Davi (2 Samuel 21:13). O rabino brit\u00E2nico descreveu Rispa como \"toda m\u00E3e que v\u00EA seus filhos mortos antes do tempo por raz\u00F5es de Estado, sejam eles em tempo de paz ou em guerra. Tudo o que resta para ela \u00E9 preservar a dignidade da sua mem\u00F3ria e viver para testemunhar e pedir contas aos governantes do mundo\"."@pt . .