"Punch and Judy is a chamber opera with music by Harrison Birtwistle and a libretto by Stephen Pruslin, based on the puppet figures of the same names. Birtwistle wrote the score from 1966 to 1967. The opera was first performed at the Aldeburgh Festival, which had commissioned the work, on 8 June 1968, with David Atherton conducting the English Opera Group. The premiere cast included John Cameron as Mr Punch."@en . "Birtwistle in 2008"@en . . . . . "9017525"^^ . . . . . "1968-06-08"^^ . "Punch and Judy"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Punch and Judy (opera)"@en . . . "Punch and Judy \u00E8 un'opera lirica in un atto di Harrison Birtwistle su libretto di .Scritta su commissione del festival di Aldeburgh, l'opera si presenta come una commedia tragica, incentrata sulle vicende di Punch, un uomo folle affetto da seri disturbi della personalit\u00E0."@it . . "Punch and Judy (opera)"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . "7060"^^ . . "Punch and Judy, Comical tragedy or tragical comedy (Punch och Judy, komisk tragedi eller tragisk komedi) \u00E4r en opera i en akt med musik av Harrison Birtwistle och text av efter kasperteaterfigurerna med samma namn."@sv . . . . "1114631043"^^ . . "Punch and Judy"@it . . . . . . . . "Punch and Judy is a chamber opera with music by Harrison Birtwistle and a libretto by Stephen Pruslin, based on the puppet figures of the same names. Birtwistle wrote the score from 1966 to 1967. The opera was first performed at the Aldeburgh Festival, which had commissioned the work, on 8 June 1968, with David Atherton conducting the English Opera Group. The premiere cast included John Cameron as Mr Punch. The work caused great controversy with members of the audience, because of the violence of the plot and the nature of the music. Benjamin Britten was reported to have left the premiere at the interval. The first US performance was in Minneapolis, and the first New York performance took place in 1988. The first performance in Austria was in 1991, by Wien Modern, with Birtwistle supervising the production. Birtwistle directed a revival of the opera at Aldeburgh in June 1991. With reference to the ballet of Igor Stravinsky, Paul Griffiths has characterized Mr Punch as \"the exact contrary of Petrushka: a human being behaving as a puppet\". David Wright has summarized how Birtwistle and Pruslin attempted to treat the characters and music in an archetypal manner to write what they have described as a \"source opera\". Jonathan Cross has published a detailed analysis of the opera."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Punch and Judy"@en . . . "Punch and Judy, Comical tragedy or tragical comedy (Punch och Judy, komisk tragedi eller tragisk komedi) \u00E4r en opera i en akt med musik av Harrison Birtwistle och text av efter kasperteaterfigurerna med samma namn."@sv . . . "Punch y Judy (t\u00EDtulo original en ingl\u00E9s, Punch and Judy) es una \u00F3pera en un acto con m\u00FAsica de Harrison Birtwistle y un libreto de Stephen Pruslin, basada en los t\u00EDteres hom\u00F3nimos. Birtwistle escribi\u00F3 la partitura desde 1966 hasta 1967. La \u00F3pera se estren\u00F3 en el Festival de Aldeburgh, que hab\u00EDa encargado la obra, el 8 de junio de 1968, con dirigiendo al English Opera Group.\u200B En el reparto del estreno estuvieron John Cameron como Mr Punch.\u200B La obra caus\u00F3 gran controversia con miembros del p\u00FAblico, debido a la violencia de la trama y la naturaleza de la m\u00FAsica. Se dice que Benjamin Britten abandon\u00F3 el estreno en el descanso.\u200B Esta \u00F3pera rara vez se representa en la actualidad; en las estad\u00EDsticas de Operabase aparece con s\u00F3lo 3 representaciones en el per\u00EDodo 2005-2010."@es . . . . . . . . "Stephen Pruslin"@en . . . . . "Punch y Judy (t\u00EDtulo original en ingl\u00E9s, Punch and Judy) es una \u00F3pera en un acto con m\u00FAsica de Harrison Birtwistle y un libreto de Stephen Pruslin, basada en los t\u00EDteres hom\u00F3nimos. Birtwistle escribi\u00F3 la partitura desde 1966 hasta 1967. La \u00F3pera se estren\u00F3 en el Festival de Aldeburgh, que hab\u00EDa encargado la obra, el 8 de junio de 1968, con dirigiendo al English Opera Group.\u200B En el reparto del estreno estuvieron John Cameron como Mr Punch.\u200B Esta \u00F3pera rara vez se representa en la actualidad; en las estad\u00EDsticas de Operabase aparece con s\u00F3lo 3 representaciones en el per\u00EDodo 2005-2010."@es . . "Punch and Judy \u00E9s una \u00F2pera en un acte amb m\u00FAsica de Harrison Birtwistle i un llibret de Stephen Pruslin, basada en les titelles hom\u00F2nimes. Birtwistle va escriure la partitura des de 1966 fins a 1967. L'\u00F2pera es va estrenar en el Festival d'Aldeburgh, que havia encarregat l'obra, el 8 de juny de 1968, amb David Atherton dirigint a l'English Opera Group. En el repartiment de l'estrena va cantar John Cameron com Mr Punch. L'obra va causar gran controv\u00E8rsia als membres del p\u00FAblic, a causa de la viol\u00E8ncia de la trama i la naturalesa de la m\u00FAsica. Es diu que Benjamin Britten va abandonar l'estrena en el descans."@ca . . . . . . "Punch and Judy \u00E8 un'opera lirica in un atto di Harrison Birtwistle su libretto di .Scritta su commissione del festival di Aldeburgh, l'opera si presenta come una commedia tragica, incentrata sulle vicende di Punch, un uomo folle affetto da seri disturbi della personalit\u00E0."@it . . . "Punch and Judy \u00E9s una \u00F2pera en un acte amb m\u00FAsica de Harrison Birtwistle i un llibret de Stephen Pruslin, basada en les titelles hom\u00F2nimes. Birtwistle va escriure la partitura des de 1966 fins a 1967. L'\u00F2pera es va estrenar en el Festival d'Aldeburgh, que havia encarregat l'obra, el 8 de juny de 1968, amb David Atherton dirigint a l'English Opera Group. En el repartiment de l'estrena va cantar John Cameron com Mr Punch."@ca . . "Punch y Judy (\u00F3pera)"@es . .