. . . . . . . . . "Prosper Ludwig von Arenberg (28. dubna 1785 \u2013 27. \u00FAnora 1861) byl sedm\u00FD v\u00E9voda z Arenbergu. Jeho otcem byl v\u00E9voda . Spr\u00E1vu rodov\u00E9ho majetku mu jeho slep\u00FD otec p\u0159edal ji\u017E roku 1803. Stejn\u00E9ho roku dos\u00E1hl pov\u00FD\u0161en\u00ED statk\u016F Meppen a Recklinghausen na (p\u016Fvodn\u00ED v\u00E9vodstv\u00ED zaniklo francouzskou anex\u00ED lev\u00E9ho b\u0159ehu R\u00FDna roku 1801). V roce 1806 byl p\u0159inucen vstoupit do R\u00FDnsk\u00E9ho spolku. Pod\u00EDlel se na Napoleonov\u011B ta\u017Een\u00ED proti Prusku a \u0160pan\u011Blsku. Ve \u0161pan\u011Blsku byl roku 1811 zajat Angli\u010Dany a v\u011Bzn\u011Bn a\u017E do roku 1814. Za man\u017Eelku si vybral . D\u011Bdicem v\u00E9vodstv\u00ED a hlavou rodu se po Prosperov\u011B smrti stal jeho syn ."@cs . "Pr\u00F3spero Luis, 7\u00BA Duque de Arenberg (28 de abril de 1785, Enghien - 27 de febrero de 1861) fue duque de Arenberg, un principado del Sacro Imperio Romano Germ\u00E1nico. Tambi\u00E9n fue el 13\u00BA , el 2\u00BA duque de Meppen y el 2\u00BA pr\u00EDncipe de Recklinghausen.\u200B\u200B\u200B En 1801, el duque Luis Engelbert de Arenberg, el padre de Pr\u00F3spero, perdi\u00F3 el anterior ducado de Arenberg en la margen izquierda del Rin pero recibi\u00F3 un ducado mayor en la margen derecha en 1803. En 1808 Arenberg contrajo matrimonio con St\u00E9phanie Tascher de La Pagerie, una sobrina de Jos\u00E9phine de Beauharnais (emperatriz del Imperio franc\u00E9s). A su esposa le fue dado como regalo el , conocido como el h\u00F4tel de La Pagerie en Par\u00EDs en 1808. A \u00E9l se le concedieron nuevos territorios por el marido de Jos\u00E9phine, Napole\u00F3n Bonaparte (ampliando sus posesiones de 413 km\u00B2 a 3388 km\u00B2) y gan\u00F3 los t\u00EDtulos adicionales de duque de Meppen y pr\u00EDncipe de Recklinghausen. Perdi\u00F3 su soberan\u00EDa sobre sus territorios en 1810 cuando Arenberg fue mediatizado a Francia pero retuvo el tratamiento de SAS (Su Alteza Seren\u00EDsima), que todav\u00EDa es utilizado por sus descendientes.\u200B\u200B\u200B Arenberg era coronel en el belga Chevau-L\u00E9gers d'Arenberg que combati\u00F3 en la Guerra Peninsular y fue herido y capturado por los brit\u00E1nicos en la el 28 de octubre de 1811.\u200B Arenberg no tom\u00F3 parte en la campa\u00F1a de Waterloo de 1815 para asistir al baile de la duquesa de Richmond, pero sus contactos entre los brit\u00E1nicos no salvaron sus tierras que fueron perdidas cuando fueron invadidas por los prusianos y hanoverianos. En 1816 se divorci\u00F3 de su primera esposa y contrajo matrimonio de nuevo en 1819 con la Princesa Mar\u00EDa Ludmila de Lobkowicz.\u200B Mar\u00EDa Ludmila y Arenberg tuvieron siete hijos, el tercero y primer var\u00F3n Engelbert Augusto, hered\u00F3 los t\u00EDtulos de su padre convirti\u00E9ndose en el 8\u00BA duque de Arenberg.\u200B\u200B"@es . . . . . . "1057343266"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Prosper Ludwig von Arenberg (* 28. April 1785 in Enghien; \u2020 27. Februar 1861 in Br\u00FCssel), Herzog von Arenberg, Aarschot (Aerschot) und Meppen, F\u00FCrst von Recklinghausen, Graf von der Mark etc. war ein F\u00FCrst des Heiligen R\u00F6mischen Reiches."@de . . "Prosper Ludwig von Arenberg"@de . . . . . . . "Prosper Lodewijk (Edingen, 28 april 1785 - Brussel, 27 februari 1861), 7e hertog van Arenberg, 13e hertog van Aarschot, 2e hertog van Meppen en 2e vorst van Recklinghausen, was van 1803 tot 1810 regerend hertog van Arenberg."@nl . "Prosper Lodewijk (Edingen, 28 april 1785 - Brussel, 27 februari 1861), 7e hertog van Arenberg, 13e hertog van Aarschot, 2e hertog van Meppen en 2e vorst van Recklinghausen, was van 1803 tot 1810 regerend hertog van Arenberg."@nl . "Prospero Luigi d'Arenberg (Enghien, 28 aprile 1785 \u2013 Bruxelles, 27 febbraio 1861) fu duca d'Arenberg, di Aarschot e Meppen, principe di Recklinghausen e conte della Marca, fu anche e colonnello di un reggimento di cavalleggeri dell'esercito belga."@it . . . . "1810"^^ . . . "Pr\u00F3spero Luis de Arenberg"@es . . "18327190"^^ . "Prosper Ludwig von Arenberg (28. dubna 1785 \u2013 27. \u00FAnora 1861) byl sedm\u00FD v\u00E9voda z Arenbergu. Jeho otcem byl v\u00E9voda . Spr\u00E1vu rodov\u00E9ho majetku mu jeho slep\u00FD otec p\u0159edal ji\u017E roku 1803. Stejn\u00E9ho roku dos\u00E1hl pov\u00FD\u0161en\u00ED statk\u016F Meppen a Recklinghausen na (p\u016Fvodn\u00ED v\u00E9vodstv\u00ED zaniklo francouzskou anex\u00ED lev\u00E9ho b\u0159ehu R\u00FDna roku 1801). V roce 1806 byl p\u0159inucen vstoupit do R\u00FDnsk\u00E9ho spolku. Pod\u00EDlel se na Napoleonov\u011B ta\u017Een\u00ED proti Prusku a \u0160pan\u011Blsku. Ve \u0161pan\u011Blsku byl roku 1811 zajat Angli\u010Dany a v\u011Bzn\u011Bn a\u017E do roku 1814. Za man\u017Eelku si vybral . D\u011Bdicem v\u00E9vodstv\u00ED a hlavou rodu se po Prosperov\u011B smrti stal jeho syn ."@cs . . . . . . . "Pr\u00F3spero Luis, 7\u00BA Duque de Arenberg (28 de abril de 1785, Enghien - 27 de febrero de 1861) fue duque de Arenberg, un principado del Sacro Imperio Romano Germ\u00E1nico. Tambi\u00E9n fue el 13\u00BA , el 2\u00BA duque de Meppen y el 2\u00BA pr\u00EDncipe de Recklinghausen.\u200B\u200B\u200B En 1801, el duque Luis Engelbert de Arenberg, el padre de Pr\u00F3spero, perdi\u00F3 el anterior ducado de Arenberg en la margen izquierda del Rin pero recibi\u00F3 un ducado mayor en la margen derecha en 1803. En 1808 Arenberg contrajo matrimonio con St\u00E9phanie Tascher de La Pagerie, una sobrina de Jos\u00E9phine de Beauharnais (emperatriz del Imperio franc\u00E9s)."@es . . . . . . "Prosper Louis, 7th Duke of Arenberg (28 April 1785, Enghien \u2013 27 February 1861) was the Duke of Arenberg, a principality of the Holy Roman Empire. He was also the 13th Duke of Aarschot, 2nd Duke of Meppen and 2nd prince of Recklinghausen. In 1801, Louis Engelbert, Duke of Arenberg, Prosper's father, lost the former Duchy of Arenberg on the left bank of the Rhine but received a larger duchy on the right bank in 1803. In 1808 Arenberg married St\u00E9phanie Tascher de La Pagerie a niece of Jos\u00E9phine de Beauharnais (Empress of the French Empire). His wife was given the present H\u00F4tel de Chimay, known as the H\u00F4tel de La Pagerie in Paris in 1808. He was granted new lands by Jos\u00E9phine's husband Napoleon Bonaparte (expanding his holdings from 413 km2 to 3,388 km2) and gained the additional titles of Duke of Meppen and Prince of Recklinghausen. He lost his sovereignty over his lands in 1810 when Arenberg was mediatised into France but retain the style of HSH (His Serene Highness), which is still used by his descendant. Arenberg was colonel of the Belgian Chevau-L\u00E9gers d'Arenberg which fought in the Peninsular War and was wounded captured by the British at the Battle of Arroyo dos Molinos on 28 October 1811. In England he was on parole, first at Oswestry and then Bridgnorth. After an incident with the Commissary he was ordered by the Transport Board to be taken to the Norman Cross Prison.A number of prisoners had broken parole and daily reporting was being implemented, this was taken to impugn on his honour. After time spent at Norman Cross he agreed to comply with this requirent and parole was agreed. An offer to exchange him was said to have been declined by Napoleon, as the two officers were not of equal rank. He was later provided passports. Arenberg took no part in the 1815 Waterloo Campaign other than to attend the Duchess of Richmond's ball, but his contacts among the British did not save his lands which were lost when they were overrun by the Prussians and the Hanoverians. In 1816 he divorced his first wife and married again in 1819 to Princess Maria-Ludmille de Lobkowicz. Maria-Ludmille and Arenberg had seven children, the third eldest and the first boy Engelbert Auguste, inherited his father's titles becoming the 8th Duke of Arenberg. A younger son, Charles, was the second husband of the former Princess of Serbia J\u00FAlia Hunyady de K\u00E9thely."@en . . . . "5778"^^ . . . . . . . . "Prosper-Louis d'Arenberg (n\u00E9 le 28 avril 1785 au ch\u00E2teau d'Enghien et mort le 27 f\u00E9vrier 1861 au palais d'Egmont, Bruxelles), 7e duc d'Arenberg, est un gentilhomme, militaire et homme politique allemand des XVIIIe et XIXe si\u00E8cles."@fr . . . . . . "Prosper-Louis d'Arenberg"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Prosper Ludwig von Arenberg"@cs . "Prospero Luigi d'Arenberg (Enghien, 28 aprile 1785 \u2013 Bruxelles, 27 febbraio 1861) fu duca d'Arenberg, di Aarschot e Meppen, principe di Recklinghausen e conte della Marca, fu anche e colonnello di un reggimento di cavalleggeri dell'esercito belga."@it . . "Prosper Louis, 7th Duke of Arenberg (28 April 1785, Enghien \u2013 27 February 1861) was the Duke of Arenberg, a principality of the Holy Roman Empire. He was also the 13th Duke of Aarschot, 2nd Duke of Meppen and 2nd prince of Recklinghausen. In 1801, Louis Engelbert, Duke of Arenberg, Prosper's father, lost the former Duchy of Arenberg on the left bank of the Rhine but received a larger duchy on the right bank in 1803. In 1808 Arenberg married St\u00E9phanie Tascher de La Pagerie a niece of Jos\u00E9phine de Beauharnais (Empress of the French Empire)."@en . "Prosper-Louis d'Arenberg (n\u00E9 le 28 avril 1785 au ch\u00E2teau d'Enghien et mort le 27 f\u00E9vrier 1861 au palais d'Egmont, Bruxelles), 7e duc d'Arenberg, est un gentilhomme, militaire et homme politique allemand des XVIIIe et XIXe si\u00E8cles."@fr . . . . . "Prosper Ludwig von Arenberg (* 28. April 1785 in Enghien; \u2020 27. Februar 1861 in Br\u00FCssel), Herzog von Arenberg, Aarschot (Aerschot) und Meppen, F\u00FCrst von Recklinghausen, Graf von der Mark etc. war ein F\u00FCrst des Heiligen R\u00F6mischen Reiches."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Prospero Luigi d'Arenberg"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Prosper Louis, 7th Duke of Arenberg"@en . . . . . . . . "Prosper Lodewijk van Arenberg"@nl . .