. . . . . . . "Proflight Commuter Services"@es . . . "Weekly Flash Fares"@en . "7"^^ . . "PFZ"@en . "PROFLIGHT-ZAMBIA"@en . . "Proflight Zambia, nome commerciale della Proflight Commuter Services Ltd, \u00E8 una compagnia aerea zambiana con sede a Lusaka, orientata per offrire servizi di trasporto aereo d'affari e turistici. Dopo la scomparsa delle due maggiori compagnie aeree nazionali, e , Proflight Zambia gestisce la pi\u00F9 grande flotta dello Zambia, operando voli sia di linea che charter."@it . . . . "Proflight Zambia, nome commerciale della Proflight Commuter Services Ltd, \u00E8 una compagnia aerea zambiana con sede a Lusaka, orientata per offrire servizi di trasporto aereo d'affari e turistici. Dopo la scomparsa delle due maggiori compagnie aeree nazionali, e , Proflight Zambia gestisce la pi\u00F9 grande flotta dello Zambia, operando voli sia di linea che charter."@it . . . . "Proflight Zambia ist eine sambische Fluggesellschaft mit Sitz in Lusaka und Basis auf dem Flughafen Lusaka."@de . . . . . "Proflight Zambia"@nl . "19474428"^^ . . "1123633671"^^ . "8720"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "144"^^ . . "Proflight Zambia"@en . . . . . . . . . "Proflight Commuter Services"@sv . . "Proflight Zambia \u2013 zambijska linia lotnicza z siedzib\u0105 w Lusace. Za\u0142o\u017Cona przez by\u0142ego pilota Zambian Airways, Tony'ego Irwina, jako Proflight Air Sevices. W 1997 uzyska\u0142 pierwsz\u0105 licencj\u0119 na loty do Mfuwe. Wraz z nowymi inwestorami w 2004 utworzono Proflight Commuter Services. 30 czerwca 2009 linia zyska\u0142a autoryzacj\u0119 do wsparcia Zambezi Airlines. W 2010 firma zmieni\u0142a nazw\u0119 na Proflight Zambia. Linia oferuje regularne loty z Lusaki, Livingstone, Chipata, Kasamy, Mansy, Mfuwe, Ndola i Solwezi. Proflight Zambia zatrudnia og\u00F3\u0142em 162 osoby personelu, z kt\u00F3rych ponad 85% to Zambijczycy. W 2009 zaledwie 10% pilot\u00F3w Proflight by\u0142o Zambijczykami, za\u015B w 2011 \u2013 ponad 50%."@pl . . . . . . . . . . "144"^^ . . . . . "Proflight Commuter Services es una aerol\u00EDnea con base en Lusaka, Zambia. La compa\u00F1\u00EDa fue oficialmente transformada en en 2010."@es . "Proflight Zambia"@de . . "Proflight Zambia"@it . . . . . . "P0"@en . . . "Proflight Zambia \u2013 zambijska linia lotnicza z siedzib\u0105 w Lusace. Za\u0142o\u017Cona przez by\u0142ego pilota Zambian Airways, Tony'ego Irwina, jako Proflight Air Sevices. W 1997 uzyska\u0142 pierwsz\u0105 licencj\u0119 na loty do Mfuwe. Wraz z nowymi inwestorami w 2004 utworzono Proflight Commuter Services. 30 czerwca 2009 linia zyska\u0142a autoryzacj\u0119 do wsparcia Zambezi Airlines. W 2010 firma zmieni\u0142a nazw\u0119 na Proflight Zambia. Linia oferuje regularne loty z Lusaki, Livingstone, Chipata, Kasamy, Mansy, Mfuwe, Ndola i Solwezi."@pl . . . "Proflight Zambia, tot 2010 handelend onder de naam Proflight Commuter Service, is een Zambiaanse luchtvaartmaatschappij met haar thuisbasis in Lusaka."@nl . "Proflight Zambia \u00E4r ett privat\u00E4gt flygbolag med bas i Lusaka, Zambia. Den 30 juni 2010 blev Proflight Zambia godk\u00E4nd av f\u00F6r att bilda en allians med det nationella flygbolaget . Alliansen har nu upph\u00F6rt efter att gick i konkurs. Fr\u00E5n och med 2010 anv\u00E4nds enbart namnet Proflight Zambia i officiella sammanhang."@sv . . . . "Procharter Zambia"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Proflight Zambia ist eine sambische Fluggesellschaft mit Sitz in Lusaka und Basis auf dem Flughafen Lusaka."@de . "Proflight Zambia is an airline based in Lusaka, Zambia that serves the business community and tourism industry. It is a trading name of Proflight Commuter Services Ltd. Proflight Zambia operates the largest fleet of aircraft in Zambia, operating both scheduled and charter flights. The airline has been growing rapidly in recent years and is the largest airline in Zambia by routes served and fleet size."@en . "Proflight Zambia is an airline based in Lusaka, Zambia that serves the business community and tourism industry. It is a trading name of Proflight Commuter Services Ltd. Proflight Zambia operates the largest fleet of aircraft in Zambia, operating both scheduled and charter flights. The airline has been growing rapidly in recent years and is the largest airline in Zambia by routes served and fleet size."@en . . "1991"^^ . "Proflight Zambia"@en . . "10"^^ . . . . "Proflight Zambia"@en . "Proflight Zambia logo.png"@en . "P0" . . . . . . "Proflight Zambia"@pl . "Tony Irwin and Capt. Philip Lemba director of government and industrial affairs"@en . "Proflight Zambia \u00E4r ett privat\u00E4gt flygbolag med bas i Lusaka, Zambia. Den 30 juni 2010 blev Proflight Zambia godk\u00E4nd av f\u00F6r att bilda en allians med det nationella flygbolaget . Alliansen har nu upph\u00F6rt efter att gick i konkurs. Fr\u00E5n och med 2010 anv\u00E4nds enbart namnet Proflight Zambia i officiella sammanhang."@sv . "Proflight Commuter Services es una aerol\u00EDnea con base en Lusaka, Zambia. La compa\u00F1\u00EDa fue oficialmente transformada en en 2010."@es . "Proflight Zambia, tot 2010 handelend onder de naam Proflight Commuter Service, is een Zambiaanse luchtvaartmaatschappij met haar thuisbasis in Lusaka."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "PFZ" . . .