. . . "Don Primo Mazzolari (Cremona, 13 gennaio 1890 \u2013 Cremona, 12 aprile 1959) \u00E8 stato un presbitero, scrittore e partigiano italiano.Conosciuto come il parroco di Bozzolo, fu una delle pi\u00F9 significative figure del cattolicesimo italiano nella prima met\u00E0 del Novecento. Il suo pensiero anticip\u00F2 alcune delle istanze dottrinarie e pastorali del Concilio Vaticano II (in particolare relativamente alla \"Chiesa dei poveri\", alla libert\u00E0 religiosa, al pluralismo, al \"dialogo coi lontani\", alla distinzione tra errore ed erranti), tanto da venire definito \"carismatico e profetico\". Sul piano politico, infine, i suoi atteggiamenti e la sua predicazione espressero una decisa opposizione all'ideologia fascista e ad ogni forma di ingiustizia e di violenza (tra l'altro nascose e salv\u00F2, durante la guerra, numerosi ebrei e antifascisti, come, dopo di essa, anche alcune persone coinvolte nel fascismo ingiustamente perseguitate). Primo Mazzolari \u00E8 morto dopo un malore mentre predicava, ed \u00E8 stato sepolto nella chiesa di San Pietro Apostolo a Bozzolo. La sua tomba \u00E8 stata realizzata su un progetto di Giacomo Manz\u00F9."@it . . . . "Verolanuova"@en . "\u039F \u03A0\u03C1\u03AF\u03BC\u03BF \u039C\u03B1\u03C4\u03C3\u03BF\u03BB\u03AC\u03C1\u03B9 (\u03B9\u03C4\u03B1\u03BB\u03B9\u03BA\u03AC: Primo Mazzolari\u200E, \u039A\u03C1\u03B5\u03BC\u03CC\u03BD\u03B1, 13 \u0399\u03B1\u03BD\u03BF\u03C5\u03B1\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5 1890 - \u039C\u03C0\u03CC\u03C4\u03C3\u03BF\u03BB\u03BF , 12 \u0391\u03C0\u03C1\u03B9\u03BB\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5 1959) \u03AE\u03C4\u03B1\u03BD \u0399\u03C4\u03B1\u03BB\u03CC\u03C2 \u03BA\u03BB\u03B7\u03C1\u03B9\u03BA\u03CC\u03C2."@el . . . . . . . "1890-01-13"^^ . . . . "Bishop Giacinto Gaggia"@en . . . . "Primo Mazzolari (Cremona, 13 de enero de 1890 - Bozzolo, 12 de abril de 1959) fue un sacerdote italiano, nacido en Santa Maria del Boschetto (barrio rural de Cremona) en 1890. Es destacado en su pa\u00EDs, Italia, por su f\u00E9rrea oposici\u00F3n al fascismo y al comunismo, fue p\u00E1rroco de Cr\u00E9mona (1945-1959), escribi\u00F3 muchos libros de apolog\u00E9tica y algunos referentes a la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, como: Colabor\u00F3 en la fundaci\u00F3n de la Democracia Cristiana de Italia, junto al Padre Luigi Sturzo y Alcide De Gasperi, y fund\u00F3 en 1949, el peri\u00F3dico Adesso, para evangelizar a los m\u00E1s pobres y al campesinado."@es . . . . . . . . "Italian"@en . . . "Primo Mazzolari (13 January 1890 \u2013 12 April 1959), best known as don Primo, was an Italian priest of the Catholic Church. He was also a partisan and writer who established the review Adesso (\"Now\") in 1949. Known as the priest of Bozzolo, his thoughts anticipated some of the orientations of the Second Vatican Council, especially about the \"Church of the Poor\", religious freedom, and pluralism. In February 1959, Pope John XXIII received him in a private audience and publicly called him \"Tromba dello spirito santo nella Bassa Padana\" (Trumpet of the Holy Spirit in Bassa Padana)."@en . "1959-04-12"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Primo Mazzolari, dit Don Primo, n\u00E9 le 13 janvier 1890 \u00E0 Cr\u00E9mone et mort le 12 avril 1959 \u00E0 Bozzolo, est un pr\u00EAtre catholique italien, r\u00E9sistant, puis fondateur en 1949 de la revue (it) (Maintenant). Connu comme le cur\u00E9 de Bozzolo, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 une personnes du catholicisme italien de la premi\u00E8re moiti\u00E9 du XXe si\u00E8cle. Sa pens\u00E9e anticipait quelques-unes des orientations du concile Vatican II, en particulier en ce qui concerne l'\u00AB \u00C9glise des pauvres \u00BB, la libert\u00E9 religieuse, le pluralisme."@fr . . . . . . "Primo Mazzolari"@it . . . . "1912-08-24"^^ . . "Primo Mazzolari"@fr . "9139"^^ . . "Primo Mazzolari"@en . . . . . . . . "1093069843"^^ . "\u039F \u03A0\u03C1\u03AF\u03BC\u03BF \u039C\u03B1\u03C4\u03C3\u03BF\u03BB\u03AC\u03C1\u03B9 (\u03B9\u03C4\u03B1\u03BB\u03B9\u03BA\u03AC: Primo Mazzolari\u200E, \u039A\u03C1\u03B5\u03BC\u03CC\u03BD\u03B1, 13 \u0399\u03B1\u03BD\u03BF\u03C5\u03B1\u03C1\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5 1890 - \u039C\u03C0\u03CC\u03C4\u03C3\u03BF\u03BB\u03BF , 12 \u0391\u03C0\u03C1\u03B9\u03BB\u03AF\u03BF\u03C5 1959) \u03AE\u03C4\u03B1\u03BD \u0399\u03C4\u03B1\u03BB\u03CC\u03C2 \u03BA\u03BB\u03B7\u03C1\u03B9\u03BA\u03CC\u03C2."@el . . . "Primo Mazzolari (13 January 1890 \u2013 12 April 1959), best known as don Primo, was an Italian priest of the Catholic Church. He was also a partisan and writer who established the review Adesso (\"Now\") in 1949. Known as the priest of Bozzolo, his thoughts anticipated some of the orientations of the Second Vatican Council, especially about the \"Church of the Poor\", religious freedom, and pluralism. From the start of the 1950s, don Primo developed a social doctrine with empathy towards the disadvantaged (where a lot of people depend on charity) and pacifism, which earned him criticism and sanctions from the ecclesiastical authorities and led him to be marginalized in his own parish of Bozzolo. In 1955, with the anonymous publication of Tu non-uccidere (You, don't kill), don Primo attacked the doctrine of just war and the ideology of victory, in the name of nonviolence, to support a Movement \"... of Christian resistance against war ...\" and for justice and peace. It was only at the end of the 1950s, in the last months of his life, that don Primo began to receive the first approval of the ecclesiastical authorities. In November 1957, the archbishop of Milan Montini, future Pope Paul VI, called on him to preach in his diocese. In February 1959, Pope John XXIII received him in a private audience and publicly called him \"Tromba dello spirito santo nella Bassa Padana\" (Trumpet of the Holy Spirit in Bassa Padana). Pope Francis visited Bozzolo and gave a speech and prayed at his tomb, meeting with members of Fondazione (Foundation) Mazzolari and its President, and a scientist who is a professor and member of the Fondazione Mazzolari, as part of a one-day helicopter pilgrimage in Italy, on 20 June 2017, to Bozzolo, and to (to visit the area of Don (Father) Lorenzo Milani."@en . "Bozzolo, Italy"@en . . . . "52295386"^^ . "Primo Mazzolari"@es . "Cremona, Italy"@en . . . . "Primo Mazzolari"@en . . . . . "Primo Mazzolari (Cremona, 13 de enero de 1890 - Bozzolo, 12 de abril de 1959) fue un sacerdote italiano, nacido en Santa Maria del Boschetto (barrio rural de Cremona) en 1890. Es destacado en su pa\u00EDs, Italia, por su f\u00E9rrea oposici\u00F3n al fascismo y al comunismo, fue p\u00E1rroco de Cr\u00E9mona (1945-1959), escribi\u00F3 muchos libros de apolog\u00E9tica y algunos referentes a la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, como: \n* La pi\u00F9 bella aventura (La m\u00E1s linda aventura) (1934) \n* Tempo di credere (Es tiempo de creer) (1941) \n* Anch\u2019io voglio bene al Papa (Yo tambi\u00E9n quiero al Papa) (1942) \n* Impegno con Cristo (Reinando con Cristo) (1943) Colabor\u00F3 en la fundaci\u00F3n de la Democracia Cristiana de Italia, junto al Padre Luigi Sturzo y Alcide De Gasperi, y fund\u00F3 en 1949, el peri\u00F3dico Adesso, para evangelizar a los m\u00E1s pobres y al campesinado. El Padre Mazzolari falleci\u00F3 en Bozzolo, Italia, a la edad de 69 a\u00F1os, actualmente se est\u00E1 tramitando su vida y escritos para su pronta beatificaci\u00F3n. Esta enterrado en la Iglesia de San Pedro Ap\u00F3stol de Bozzolo."@es . "Primo Mazzolari"@en . "200"^^ . . . . . "Primo Mazzolari"@en . . "1890-01-13"^^ . . . . . "The Reverend Father"@en . . "1959-04-12"^^ . . . . "Catholic"@en . "Primo Mazzolari, dit Don Primo, n\u00E9 le 13 janvier 1890 \u00E0 Cr\u00E9mone et mort le 12 avril 1959 \u00E0 Bozzolo, est un pr\u00EAtre catholique italien, r\u00E9sistant, puis fondateur en 1949 de la revue (it) (Maintenant). Connu comme le cur\u00E9 de Bozzolo, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 une personnes du catholicisme italien de la premi\u00E8re moiti\u00E9 du XXe si\u00E8cle. Sa pens\u00E9e anticipait quelques-unes des orientations du concile Vatican II, en particulier en ce qui concerne l'\u00AB \u00C9glise des pauvres \u00BB, la libert\u00E9 religieuse, le pluralisme."@fr . . "Bust that Municipality of Cremona dedicated to father Primo Mazzolari"@en . . . . . . . "\u03A0\u03C1\u03AF\u03BC\u03BF \u039C\u03B1\u03C4\u03C3\u03BF\u03BB\u03AC\u03C1\u03B9"@el . . . . "St Peter's church, Bozzolo"@en . "Don Primo Mazzolari (Cremona, 13 gennaio 1890 \u2013 Cremona, 12 aprile 1959) \u00E8 stato un presbitero, scrittore e partigiano italiano.Conosciuto come il parroco di Bozzolo, fu una delle pi\u00F9 significative figure del cattolicesimo italiano nella prima met\u00E0 del Novecento. Il suo pensiero anticip\u00F2 alcune delle istanze dottrinarie e pastorali del Concilio Vaticano II (in particolare relativamente alla \"Chiesa dei poveri\", alla libert\u00E0 religiosa, al pluralismo, al \"dialogo coi lontani\", alla distinzione tra errore ed erranti), tanto da venire definito \"carismatico e profetico\"."@it . . "1912-08-24"^^ . . . . . . "Primo Mazzolari"@en . . . "Template-Priest.svg"@en . "priest"@en .