. "La Press Complaints Commission (Comisi\u00F3n de Quejas de la Prensa o PCC, en ingl\u00E9s) es una organizaci\u00F3n brit\u00E1nica de autorregulaci\u00F3n para peri\u00F3dicos y revistas impresas, de participaci\u00F3n voluntaria, compuesta por representantes indicados por los principales grupos de medios de comunicaci\u00F3n. La PCC financia sus actividades a trav\u00E9s de una cuota anual que cobra a los peri\u00F3dicos y revistas. No tiene un mandato legal, los peri\u00F3dicos y revistas se adhieren libremente a sus normas, y la industria gr\u00E1fica se autorregula.\u200B"@es . . . . "Press Complaints Commission"@ca . . "Press Complaints Commission"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Le Press Complaints Commission (PCC) est un organisme d'autor\u00E9gulation \u00E0 adh\u00E9sion volontaire pour les journaux et les magazines imprim\u00E9s britanniques compos\u00E9 de repr\u00E9sentants mand\u00E9s par les plus importants groupes de presse. Le PCC finance ses activit\u00E9s par une cotisation annuelle qu'il facture aux journaux et aux magazines. Il n'a aucun mandat l\u00E9gal, tous les journaux et tous les magazines adh\u00E8rent librement \u00E0 ses r\u00E8glements, l'industrie des m\u00E9dias \u00E9crits s'autor\u00E9gulant ainsi."@fr . . . . . . "Press Complaints Commission"@es . "The Press Complaints Commission (PCC) was a voluntary regulatory body for British printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of representatives of the major publishers. The PCC closed on Monday 8 September 2014, and was replaced by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), chaired by Sir Alan Moses. Unlike the UK's only 'Approved Regulator' Independent Monitor for the Press (IMPRESS) who are fully compliant with the recommendations of the Leveson Inquiry, IPSO has refused to seek approval to the Press Recognition Panel (PRP)."@en . . . . . . . . . "Le Press Complaints Commission (PCC) est un organisme d'autor\u00E9gulation \u00E0 adh\u00E9sion volontaire pour les journaux et les magazines imprim\u00E9s britanniques compos\u00E9 de repr\u00E9sentants mand\u00E9s par les plus importants groupes de presse. Le PCC finance ses activit\u00E9s par une cotisation annuelle qu'il facture aux journaux et aux magazines. Il n'a aucun mandat l\u00E9gal, tous les journaux et tous les magazines adh\u00E8rent librement \u00E0 ses r\u00E8glements, l'industrie des m\u00E9dias \u00E9crits s'autor\u00E9gulant ainsi."@fr . . . . . "28016"^^ . "La Press Complaints Commission (Comissi\u00F3 de Queixes de la Premsa, Comissi\u00F3 de Querelles contra la Premsa, o PCC, en angl\u00E8s) \u00E9s una organitzaci\u00F3 brit\u00E0nica d'autoregulaci\u00F3 per a diaris i revistes impreses, de participaci\u00F3 volunt\u00E0ria, composta per representants indicats pels principals grups de mitjans de comunicaci\u00F3. La PCC finan\u00E7a les seves activitats a trav\u00E9s d'una quota anual que cobra als diaris i revistes. No t\u00E9 un mandat legal, els diaris i revistes s'adhereixen lliurement a les seves normes, i la ind\u00FAstria gr\u00E0fica s'autoregula."@ca . "571675"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Press Complaints Commission (PCC) was a voluntary regulatory body for British printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of representatives of the major publishers. The PCC closed on Monday 8 September 2014, and was replaced by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), chaired by Sir Alan Moses. Unlike the UK's only 'Approved Regulator' Independent Monitor for the Press (IMPRESS) who are fully compliant with the recommendations of the Leveson Inquiry, IPSO has refused to seek approval to the Press Recognition Panel (PRP). The PCC was funded by the annual levy it charged newspapers and magazines. It had no legal powers \u2013 all newspapers and magazines voluntarily contributed to the costs of, and adhered to the rulings of, the commission, making the industry self-regulating. The PCC received extensive criticism for its lack of action in the News of the World phone hacking affair, including from MPs and Prime Minister David Cameron, who called for it to be replaced with a new system in July 2011. The Leveson Inquiry was set up and reported in November 2012 but there since has been deadlock over its proposals for self-regulation despite the establishment of a Royal Charter on self-regulation of the press. Lord Hunt was appointed Chairman of the Commission in October 2011.In December 2011 Lord Hunt announced his plans to replace the PCC with a new independent regulator. Hunt also wants to introduce a voluntary, paid-for, 'kitemarking' system for blogs. The kitemark would indicate that the blogger has agreed to strive for accuracy, and to be regulated. Bloggers would lose their kitemark if complaints against them were repeatedly upheld. He plans to start the roll-out by targeting bloggers that cover current affairs. When asked about his proposals in an interview Hunt said \"At the moment, it is like the Wild West out there. We need to appoint a sheriff.\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . "1105642056"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "La Press Complaints Commission (Comisi\u00F3n de Quejas de la Prensa o PCC, en ingl\u00E9s) es una organizaci\u00F3n brit\u00E1nica de autorregulaci\u00F3n para peri\u00F3dicos y revistas impresas, de participaci\u00F3n voluntaria, compuesta por representantes indicados por los principales grupos de medios de comunicaci\u00F3n. La PCC financia sus actividades a trav\u00E9s de una cuota anual que cobra a los peri\u00F3dicos y revistas. No tiene un mandato legal, los peri\u00F3dicos y revistas se adhieren libremente a sus normas, y la industria gr\u00E1fica se autorregula.\u200B En julio de 2011, la PCC ha sido repetidamente criticada por su falta de iniciativa en el esc\u00E1ndalo de phreaking de , incluso por el primer ministro brit\u00E1nico, David Cameron.\u200B En diciembre de 2011, el presidente de la Comisi\u00F3n, , anunci\u00F3 sus planes de reemplazar la PCC con un nuevo \u00F3rgano regulador independiente.\u200B"@es . . . . . "La Press Complaints Commission (Comissi\u00F3 de Queixes de la Premsa, Comissi\u00F3 de Querelles contra la Premsa, o PCC, en angl\u00E8s) \u00E9s una organitzaci\u00F3 brit\u00E0nica d'autoregulaci\u00F3 per a diaris i revistes impreses, de participaci\u00F3 volunt\u00E0ria, composta per representants indicats pels principals grups de mitjans de comunicaci\u00F3. La PCC finan\u00E7a les seves activitats a trav\u00E9s d'una quota anual que cobra als diaris i revistes. No t\u00E9 un mandat legal, els diaris i revistes s'adhereixen lliurement a les seves normes, i la ind\u00FAstria gr\u00E0fica s'autoregula. Al juliol de 2011, la PCC ha estat repetidament criticada per la seva falta d'iniciativa en l'esc\u00E0ndol de les escoltes telef\u00F2niques il\u00B7legals de News International, fins i tot pel primer ministre brit\u00E0nic, David Cameron. El desembre de 2011, el president de la Comissi\u00F3, , va anunciar els seus plans de reempla\u00E7ar la PCC amb un nou \u00F2rgan regulador independent."@ca . "Press Complaints Commission"@en . .