. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ponzio, o Ponce o Pon\u00E7 ma anche catalano Pon\u00E7 Hug, spagnolo Ponce Hugo, occitano Pons Uc, inglese Ponce / Pons Hugh (1264 circa \u2013 1313 circa), \u00E8 stato Conte di Emp\u00FAries (Ampurias) dal 1277 fino alla sua morte e visconte di Bas, dal 1285 al 1291."@it . . . . . "1028517698"^^ . . . . . "Pon\u00E7 Hug IV, Count of Emp\u00FAries"@en . . "Pon\u00E7 V o Pon\u00E7 Hug IV d'Emp\u00FAries (ca. 1264\u20131313) fou comte d'Emp\u00FAries (1277\u20131313) i vescomte de Bas (1285-1291)."@ca . . "Pon\u00E7 V o Pon\u00E7 Hug IV d'Emp\u00FAries (ca. 1264\u20131313) fou comte d'Emp\u00FAries (1277\u20131313) i vescomte de Bas (1285-1291)."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pon\u00E7 V d'Emp\u00FAries"@ca . . . "Pons V or Pons Hugh IV (Spanish: Ponce V or Ponce Hugo IV, Occitan: Pons Uc, Catalan: Pon\u00E7 V or Pon\u00E7 Hug IV) (c.1264 \u2013 1313) was the Count of Emp\u00FAries (Ampurias) from 1277 until his death and viscount of Bas from 1285 to 1291. He was the son and successor of and Sibila de Palau. His mother, widowed, purchased the viscounty of Bas from Peter III of Aragon in 1280. In 1282 Pon\u00E7 Hug participated in the Aragonese Crusade against the crusaders, on the side of Peter III. In 1285 the viscounty of Bas devolved to Pon\u00E7 in reward for his services in 1282 and Peter also compensated him with the rights over Fernando and Castellfollit de Riubreg\u00F3s. Pon\u00E7 served as admiral of the fleet to James I of Sicily and was in Sicily in 1291, when he exchanged Bas with his brother Huguet, also in Sicily that year, on the condition that it would devolve to Pon\u00E7's descendants if Huguet had none. Pon\u00E7 received Castellfollit, , and Montagut in the exchange. He returned with James later that year after he inherited Aragon and Catalonia, but Huguet stayed behind in Siciy. When James signed the Treaty of Anagni with the French and the Papacy, thus putting an end to the War of the Vespers, in 1295, the people of Sicily under James' younger brother Frederick III opposed him. When Frederick heard that James was preparing to go to war with him, he sent a messenger, Mountainer P\u00E9rez de Sosa, to Catalonia in an effort to stir up the barons and cities against James in 1298. Mountainer carried with him an Occitan poem, Ges per guerra no.m chal aver consir, intended as a communication with his supporters in Catalonia. This communiqu\u00E9 seems to have had in mind Pon\u00E7 Hug as a recipient, for the count penned a response (under the title con d'Emppuria), A l'onrat rei Frederic terz vai dir, in which he praised Frederick's tact and diplomacy, but told him bluntly that he would not abandon his sovereign. This poetic transaction is usually dated to January\u2013March, Spring, or August 1296, but Ger\u00F3nimo Zurita in the seventeenth century specifically dated the embassy of Mountainer to 1298. In the subsequent war, Pon\u00E7 and his vassals fought with James' galleys at the Battle of Cape Orlando, while Huguet his brother fought among the ships of Frederick. Many subsequent scholars have assumed that Pon\u00E7 had gone over to the side of his brother, but this is unlikely. Pon\u00E7 later turned against James and rose in revolt, driving his functionaries out of Emp\u00FAries. But the king proved to powerful for his most powerful baron and Pon\u00E7 was ruined and forced to submit in 1306."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Ponce V di Emp\u00FAries"@it . . . . "Pons V or Pons Hugh IV (Spanish: Ponce V or Ponce Hugo IV, Occitan: Pons Uc, Catalan: Pon\u00E7 V or Pon\u00E7 Hug IV) (c.1264 \u2013 1313) was the Count of Emp\u00FAries (Ampurias) from 1277 until his death and viscount of Bas from 1285 to 1291. He was the son and successor of and Sibila de Palau. In the subsequent war, Pon\u00E7 and his vassals fought with James' galleys at the Battle of Cape Orlando, while Huguet his brother fought among the ships of Frederick. Many subsequent scholars have assumed that Pon\u00E7 had gone over to the side of his brother, but this is unlikely."@en . . "Pons V d'Emp\u00FAries"@fr . "Pons V d\u2019Emp\u00FAries ou Pons-Hugues IV d\u2019Emp\u00FAries (v 1264-1313), comte d'Emp\u00FAries (1277-1313) et vicomte de Bas (1285-1291)."@fr . . . . . "Ponce V de Ampurias o Ponce Hugo IV de Ampurias (v 1264-1313), conde de Ampurias (1277-1313) y vizconde de Bas (1285-1291). Hijo de Hugo V de Ampurias y de ,\u200B\u200B hered\u00F3 el condado de Ampurias a la muerte de su padre sucedida en 1277. Su madre, viuda, vendi\u00F3 el vizcondado de Bas al conde-rey Pedro el Grande en 1280. Ponce V particip\u00F3, en 1282, en las luchas de las V\u00EDsperas sicilianas al lado del rey que le compens\u00F3 con la devoluci\u00F3n del vizcondado en 1285, as\u00ED como con los derechos sobre Fernando y Castellfollit de Riubreg\u00F3s."@es . . . "Ponzio, o Ponce o Pon\u00E7 ma anche catalano Pon\u00E7 Hug, spagnolo Ponce Hugo, occitano Pons Uc, inglese Ponce / Pons Hugh (1264 circa \u2013 1313 circa), \u00E8 stato Conte di Emp\u00FAries (Ampurias) dal 1277 fino alla sua morte e visconte di Bas, dal 1285 al 1291."@it . . . . . . "14491395"^^ . . . . . . . . "Ponce V de Ampurias"@es . "Ponce V de Ampurias o Ponce Hugo IV de Ampurias (v 1264-1313), conde de Ampurias (1277-1313) y vizconde de Bas (1285-1291). Hijo de Hugo V de Ampurias y de ,\u200B\u200B hered\u00F3 el condado de Ampurias a la muerte de su padre sucedida en 1277. Su madre, viuda, vendi\u00F3 el vizcondado de Bas al conde-rey Pedro el Grande en 1280. Ponce V particip\u00F3, en 1282, en las luchas de las V\u00EDsperas sicilianas al lado del rey que le compens\u00F3 con la devoluci\u00F3n del vizcondado en 1285, as\u00ED como con los derechos sobre Fernando y Castellfollit de Riubreg\u00F3s. Fue almirante de la flota de Jaime II el Justo como rey de Sicilia, y le acompa\u00F1\u00F3 en su retorno a Catalu\u00F1a en 1291. Cedi\u00F3 el vizcondado de Bas a su hermano Hugo a condici\u00F3n de restituirlo si no ten\u00EDa descendientes leg\u00EDtimos. A cambio adquiri\u00F3 los se\u00F1or\u00EDos de , y Montagut. Contrario a muchos de los intereses reales, ahuyent\u00F3, con las armas, a los funcionarios enviados por el rey de Arag\u00F3n, pero arruinado en 1306, tuvo que someterse. Se cas\u00F3 en 1281 con , VI vizcondesa de Cabrera, uniendo el vizcondado de Cabrera al condado de Ampurias. Tuvo tres hijos \n* Hugo de Ampurias, nombrado heredero pero asesinado en 1309 \n* Ponce VI de Ampurias (v 1290-1322), conde de Ampurias. \n* Blancaflor de Ampurias ( - 1313)"@es . . . . "Pons V d\u2019Emp\u00FAries ou Pons-Hugues IV d\u2019Emp\u00FAries (v 1264-1313), comte d'Emp\u00FAries (1277-1313) et vicomte de Bas (1285-1291)."@fr . . . . . "7710"^^ . . .