. . . "Pierre de Sales Laterri\u00E8re (1743 or 1747 \u2013 14 June 1815), was an adventurer who left France in 1766. He was inspector and director of the ironworking Forges du Saint-Maurice and seigneur of the municipality Les \u00C9boulements in New France (Canada). His sons Marc Pascal and Pierre-Jean both became doctors and important figures in the province."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pierre de Sales Laterri\u00E8re"@fr . . "Pierre de Sales Laterri\u00E8re"@en . . . . . . . . . . "4225"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pierre de Sales Laterri\u00E8re (1743 or 1747 \u2013 14 June 1815), was an adventurer who left France in 1766. He was inspector and director of the ironworking Forges du Saint-Maurice and seigneur of the municipality Les \u00C9boulements in New France (Canada). Sales Laterri\u00E8re was born near Albi, (perhaps) the son of a French count, Jean Pierre De Sales. He was employed as a clerk by Alexandre Dumas at Quebec City. In 1769, he left Quebec City to practice medicine with a doctor at Montmagny. Though he said he had studied medicine in Paris, Laterri\u00E8re probably began practicing medicine with no formal medical training, not uncommon at that time. In 1771, he was employed as an agent for the Saint-Maurice ironworks at Quebec City. In 1775, Laterri\u00E8re was hired as inspector for the ironworks and he moved to Trois-Rivi\u00E8res. In 1776, the director of the ironworks, Christophe P\u00E9lissier (businessman), was arrested by the British for supplying weapons and ammunition to the American army that was advancing towards Quebec. Laterri\u00E8re was given the post of director after P\u00E9lissier fled to the United States. He also began living with P\u00E9lissier's wife, Marie-Catherine Delezenne. Despite public opinion and criticism from the clergy, this free thinker, defender of midwives and freemason lived unmarried with Marie-Catherine until they finally married in 1799, after the death of her first husband. Imprisoned by the British Governor Frederick Haldimand on the day following the American Invasion, he was then exiled in Newfoundland from 1782 to 1783, following a (probably) false charge of treason. He returned to Quebec and settled on a farm at Baie-du-Febvre (later Baieville) where he resumed the practice of medicine. In 1788, following the passing of \"An Act or Ordinance to prevent persons practising physic and surgery within the Province of Quebec,or Midwifery in the towns of Quebec or Montreal, without Licence\" the province of Quebec began to insist on doctors producing their credentials or passing an examination. As Laterri\u00E8re could not produce a medical degree and failed to pass the oral examination he went to study medicine at Harvard University in Massachusetts where a medical school had recently opened and qualified to practice medicine one year later, in 1789. He was Harvard Medical School's first foreign graduate. He returned to Quebec to practice medicine and in 1799, he moved his medical practice to Quebec City. His income from practicing medicine and investments allowed him to purchase the seigneury of Les \u00C9boulements in 1810. He died at Quebec City in 1815. His sons Marc Pascal and Pierre-Jean both became doctors and important figures in the province."@en . . . . . . . . . "1010242946"^^ . . . . . "Pierre Sales de Laterri\u00E8re n\u00E9 dans l'Albigeois (23 septembre 1743 - 14 juin 1815) est un aventurier qui a quitt\u00E9 la France en 1766. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 commis, puis inspecteur et directeur des Forges du Saint-Maurice et seigneur des \u00C9boulements. Il s'illustra au Qu\u00E9bec au lendemain de la Conqu\u00EAte anglaise. Il \u00E9tudie la m\u00E9decine \u00E0 Harvard (Massachusetts). Exer\u00E7ant ensuite dans la r\u00E9gion de Trois-Rivi\u00E8res, puis \u00E0 Qu\u00E9bec, il conna\u00EEt une existence aventureuse et haute en couleur. Bravant l'opinion publique et le clerg\u00E9, ce libre penseur, d\u00E9fenseur des sages-femmes et franc-ma\u00E7on, a v\u00E9cu de longues ann\u00E9es en concubinage avec qu'il finit par \u00E9pouser en 1799, apr\u00E8s la mort de son premier mari. Emprisonn\u00E9 sur ordre du gouverneur Haldimand (1779-1782), par le juge de la Cour des plaids-communs, Ren\u00E9-Ovide Hertel de Rouville, au lendemain de l'invasion am\u00E9ricaine, il s'est ensuite exil\u00E9 \u00E0 Terre-Neuve (1782-1783), \u00E0 la suite d'une fausse accusation de trahison. En 1810, il a acquis la seigneurie des \u00C9boulements. Il a \u00E9crit ses m\u00E9moires. L'un de ses fils, Pierre-Jean de Sales Laterri\u00E8re, est l'auteur de A Political and Historical Account of Lower Canada, un r\u00E9quisitoire en faveur des Canadiens fran\u00E7ais maltrait\u00E9s sous le R\u00E9gime anglais."@fr . . . . . "Pierre Sales de Laterri\u00E8re n\u00E9 dans l'Albigeois (23 septembre 1743 - 14 juin 1815) est un aventurier qui a quitt\u00E9 la France en 1766. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 commis, puis inspecteur et directeur des Forges du Saint-Maurice et seigneur des \u00C9boulements. Il s'illustra au Qu\u00E9bec au lendemain de la Conqu\u00EAte anglaise. Emprisonn\u00E9 sur ordre du gouverneur Haldimand (1779-1782), par le juge de la Cour des plaids-communs, Ren\u00E9-Ovide Hertel de Rouville, au lendemain de l'invasion am\u00E9ricaine, il s'est ensuite exil\u00E9 \u00E0 Terre-Neuve (1782-1783), \u00E0 la suite d'une fausse accusation de trahison. Il a \u00E9crit ses m\u00E9moires."@fr . . . . . . "7165603"^^ . .