. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Perugia was a long-time papal residence during the 13th century. Five popes were elected here: Pope Honorius III (1216\u20131227), Pope Clement IV (1265\u20131268), Pope Honorius IV (1285\u20131287), Pope Celestine V (1294), and Pope Clement V (1305\u20131314). These elections took place in the Palazzo delle Canoniche adjoining the Perugia Cathedral. The Cathedral contained the tombs of Pope Innocent III (1198\u20131216), Pope Urban IV (1261\u20131264), and Pope Martin IV (1281\u20131285). These were destroyed by G\u00E9rard du Puy, the cardinal-nephew of Pope Gregory XI (1370\u20131378)."@en . . . "Perugia Papacy"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Perugia was a long-time papal residence during the 13th century. Five popes were elected here: Pope Honorius III (1216\u20131227), Pope Clement IV (1265\u20131268), Pope Honorius IV (1285\u20131287), Pope Celestine V (1294), and Pope Clement V (1305\u20131314). These elections took place in the Palazzo delle Canoniche adjoining the Perugia Cathedral. The Cathedral contained the tombs of Pope Innocent III (1198\u20131216), Pope Urban IV (1261\u20131264), and Pope Martin IV (1281\u20131285). These were destroyed by G\u00E9rard du Puy, the cardinal-nephew of Pope Gregory XI (1370\u20131378). During du Puy's tenure as papal governor during the War of the Eight Saints he pillaged the Duomo construction site for materials for his private fortress. According to Heywood, due to du Puy's construction, \"so certain did it appear that the Papal Curia was about to be transferred to Perugia that foreign merchants began to negotiate for the hire of shops and warehouses in the city.\" The tomb of Pope Benedict XI (1303\u20131304) is still extant in S. Domenico."@en . . . . . . . "Perusa va ser una resid\u00E8ncia papal durant molt de temps durant el segle xiii. Cinc papes van ser elegits aqu\u00ED: Honori III (1216-1227), Climent IV (1265-1268), Honori IV (1285-1287), Celest\u00ED V (1294) i Climent V (1305-1314). Aquestes eleccions van tenir lloc al Palazzo delle Canoniche al costat de la catedral de Perusa. A la catedral es trobaven les tombes dels Innocenci III (1198-1216), Urb\u00E0 IV (1261-1264) i Mart\u00ED IV (1281-1285). Aquestes van ser destru\u00EFdes per , el cardenal-nebot del papa Gregori XI (1370-1378). Durant el mandat de du Puy com a governador papal durant la va saquejar el lloc de construcci\u00F3 del Duomo per materials per a la seva fortalesa privada. Segons Heywood, a causa de la construcci\u00F3 del du Puy, \u00ABsemblava que semblava que la C\u00FAria papal estava a punt de ser traslladada a Perusa que comerciants estrangers van comen\u00E7ar a negociar per al lloguer de tendes i magatzems a la ciutat\u00BB. La tomba del papa Benet XI (1303-1304) segueix existint a ."@ca . . "Papado de Perugia"@es . . . . . . "933697259"^^ . . . . . "Papat de Perusa"@ca . . . . . "9554"^^ . . . . . . . . "Perusa va ser una resid\u00E8ncia papal durant molt de temps durant el segle xiii. Cinc papes van ser elegits aqu\u00ED: Honori III (1216-1227), Climent IV (1265-1268), Honori IV (1285-1287), Celest\u00ED V (1294) i Climent V (1305-1314). Aquestes eleccions van tenir lloc al Palazzo delle Canoniche al costat de la catedral de Perusa. A la catedral es trobaven les tombes dels Innocenci III (1198-1216), Urb\u00E0 IV (1261-1264) i Mart\u00ED IV (1281-1285). Aquestes van ser destru\u00EFdes per , el cardenal-nebot del papa Gregori XI (1370-1378)."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "26584916"^^ . . . . .