"\u0628\u0627\u0648\u0644 \u0628\u0648\u063A\u0644 (\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062C\u0644\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0629: Paul Bogle)\u200F \u0647\u0648 \u0634\u0645\u0627\u0633 \u062C\u0627\u0645\u0627\u064A\u0643\u064A\u060C \u0648\u0644\u062F \u0641\u064A 1822\u060C \u0648\u062A\u0648\u0641\u064A \u0641\u064A 1 \u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631 1865 \u0628\u0633\u0628\u0628 \u0634\u0646\u0642."@ar . . . . . . . "Hanged"@en . . "Paul Bogle"@en . . . . "1865-10-24"^^ . . . "Paul Bogle (* zwischen 1815 und 1820; \u2020 Oktober 1865) war ein baptistischer Diakon in der Gegend um Morant Bay auf Jamaika. 1865 f\u00FChrte er den Morant-Bay-Aufstand an, nach dessen Ende er gefangen genommen und hingerichtet wurde. Er ist einer der sieben Nationalhelden Jamaikas, sein voller Titel lautet The Right Excellent Paul Bogle."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Paul Bogle, rebelle jama\u00EFcain, est n\u00E9 en 1822 \u00E0 , St.Thomas en Jama\u00EFque, et mort pendu \u00E0 Morant Bay en 1865."@fr . "\"Artistic Impression of Paul Bogle\" in Morant Bay, Jamaica"@en . . . . . "Paul Bogle"@fr . . "Paul Bogle ONHJ (Jamaica, 1822 - 24 de outubro de 1865) foi um rebelde jamaicano bastante influente em sua na\u00E7\u00E3o."@pt . . . "Paul Bogle"@de . . . . . . "Paul Bogle (* zwischen 1815 und 1820; \u2020 Oktober 1865) war ein baptistischer Diakon in der Gegend um Morant Bay auf Jamaika. 1865 f\u00FChrte er den Morant-Bay-Aufstand an, nach dessen Ende er gefangen genommen und hingerichtet wurde. Er ist einer der sieben Nationalhelden Jamaikas, sein voller Titel lautet The Right Excellent Paul Bogle."@de . . . . . . "Paul Bogle (mort el 24 d'octubre de 1865) fou un diaca baptista afrojamaic\u00E0 que \u00E9s considerat un Heroi Nacional de Jamaica. Ell fou un l\u00EDder de la Rebel\u00B7li\u00F3 de Morant Bay que es va fer per demanar la millora de la qualitat de vida dels afrojamaicans. Bogle fou capturat i executat el 24 d'octubre de 1865 per les autoritats colonials brit\u00E0niques."@ca . . . . . . . . "\u30DD\u30FC\u30EB\u30FB\u30DC\u30FC\u30B0\u30EB\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E: Paul Bogle\u30011822\u5E74 - 1865\u5E7410\u670824\u65E5\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30B8\u30E3\u30DE\u30A4\u30AB\u306E\u30D0\u30D7\u30C6\u30B9\u30C8\u6D3E\u52A9\u796D\u3067\u3001\u3002 \u300C\u30E2\u30E9\u30F3\u30C8\u6E7E\u306E\u66B4\u52D5\u300D\uFF08\u30B8\u30E3\u30DE\u30A4\u30AB\u4E8B\u4EF6\uFF09\u3092\u4E3B\u5C0E\u3057\u305F\u3068\u3057\u3066\u3001\u30A4\u30AE\u30EA\u30B9\u5F53\u5C40\uFF08\u5F53\u6642\uFF09\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u62D8\u675F\u3055\u308C\u305F\u5F8C\u3001\u30E2\u30E9\u30F3\u30C8\u30FB\u30D9\u30A4\u3067\u88C1\u5224\u306B\u304B\u3051\u3089\u308C\u3001\u88C1\u5224\u6240\u306F\u30DD\u30FC\u30EB\u30FB\u30DC\u30FC\u30B0\u30EB\u306B\u5BFE\u3057\u6B7B\u5211\uFF08\u7D5E\u9996\u5211\uFF09\u3092\u5BA3\u544A\u3001\u57F7\u884C\u3057\u305F\u3002"@ja . . . . . "\u30DD\u30FC\u30EB\u30FB\u30DC\u30FC\u30B0\u30EB"@ja . . . . . "Paul Bogle"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Paul Bogle"@en . . . . . . . "Paul Bogle"@pt . . . . . . . . . . "Paul Bogle (mort el 24 d'octubre de 1865) fou un diaca baptista afrojamaic\u00E0 que \u00E9s considerat un Heroi Nacional de Jamaica. Ell fou un l\u00EDder de la Rebel\u00B7li\u00F3 de Morant Bay que es va fer per demanar la millora de la qualitat de vida dels afrojamaicans. Bogle fou capturat i executat el 24 d'octubre de 1865 per les autoritats colonials brit\u00E0niques. Bogle havia esdevingut amic i seguidor del pol\u00EDtic i propietari, el baptista George William Gordon que va havia promogut a Bogle fins a diaca de l'esgl\u00E9sia de Stony Gut Baptist el 1864. L'agost de 1865 Gordon va atacar el governador brit\u00E0nic, perqu\u00E8 deia que aquest menyspreava i discriminava els afroamericans. Com que van cr\u00E9ixer la consci\u00E8ncia sobre les injust\u00EDcies socials i les queixes de la gent, va portar a un grup de petits agricultors a 45 milles de Spanish Town, a on volien que els reb\u00E9s el governador, per\u00F2 Eyre els va negar una audi\u00E8ncia. Aix\u00F2 va fer que els habitants del poble de Stony Gut perdessin la confian\u00E7a en el govern i va fer que molts passessin a ser partidaris de Bogle."@ca . . . "Paul Bogle ONHJ (Jamaica, 1822 - 24 de outubro de 1865) foi um rebelde jamaicano bastante influente em sua na\u00E7\u00E3o."@pt . . . . "Leader of the protesters in the Morant Bay rebellion"@en . . . . "1865"^^ . "Paul Bogle"@ca . . . . . . . . . . "Paul Bogle, rebelle jama\u00EFcain, est n\u00E9 en 1822 \u00E0 , St.Thomas en Jama\u00EFque, et mort pendu \u00E0 Morant Bay en 1865."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u0628\u0627\u0648\u0644 \u0628\u0648\u063A\u0644"@ar . . . "718772"^^ . . . . . "1822"^^ . . . "\u0628\u0627\u0648\u0644 \u0628\u0648\u063A\u0644 (\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062C\u0644\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0629: Paul Bogle)\u200F \u0647\u0648 \u0634\u0645\u0627\u0633 \u062C\u0627\u0645\u0627\u064A\u0643\u064A\u060C \u0648\u0644\u062F \u0641\u064A 1822\u060C \u0648\u062A\u0648\u0641\u064A \u0641\u064A 1 \u0623\u0643\u062A\u0648\u0628\u0631 1865 \u0628\u0633\u0628\u0628 \u0634\u0646\u0642."@ar . . . "Jamaican"@en . . . "12487"^^ . . . . "1122855997"^^ . . . . "Paul Bogle (1822\u2013 24 October 1865) was a Jamaican Baptist deacon and activist. He is a National Hero of Jamaica. He was a leader of the 1865 Morant Bay protesters, who marched for justice and fair treatment for all the people in Jamaica. After leading the Morant Bay rebellion, Bogle was captured, tried and convicted by the colonial government (who had declared martial law), and hanged on 24 October 1865 in the Morant Bay court house."@en . . "1865-10-24"^^ . . . . "Paul Bogle (1822\u2013 24 October 1865) was a Jamaican Baptist deacon and activist. He is a National Hero of Jamaica. He was a leader of the 1865 Morant Bay protesters, who marched for justice and fair treatment for all the people in Jamaica. After leading the Morant Bay rebellion, Bogle was captured, tried and convicted by the colonial government (who had declared martial law), and hanged on 24 October 1865 in the Morant Bay court house. Bogle had become a friend of wealthy landowner and fellow Baptist George William Gordon, a bi-racial man who served in the Assembly as one of two representatives from St. Thomas-in-the-East parish. Gordon was instrumental in Bogle being appointed deacon of Stony Gut Baptist Church in 1864. Conditions were hard for black peasants, due to social discrimination, flooding and crop failure, and epidemics. The required payment of poll taxes prevented most of them from voting. In August 1865, Gordon criticised the governor of Jamaica, Edward John Eyre for sanctioning \"everything done by the higher class to the oppression of the negroes\". Bogle concentrated on improving the conditions of the poor. As awareness of social injustices and people's grievances grew, Bogle led a group of small farmers 45 miles to the capital, Spanish Town, hoping to meet with Governor Eyre to discuss their issues, but they were denied an audience. The people of Stony Gut lost confidence and trust in the Government, and Bogle's supporters grew in number in the parish."@en . . "\u30DD\u30FC\u30EB\u30FB\u30DC\u30FC\u30B0\u30EB\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E: Paul Bogle\u30011822\u5E74 - 1865\u5E7410\u670824\u65E5\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30B8\u30E3\u30DE\u30A4\u30AB\u306E\u30D0\u30D7\u30C6\u30B9\u30C8\u6D3E\u52A9\u796D\u3067\u3001\u3002 \u300C\u30E2\u30E9\u30F3\u30C8\u6E7E\u306E\u66B4\u52D5\u300D\uFF08\u30B8\u30E3\u30DE\u30A4\u30AB\u4E8B\u4EF6\uFF09\u3092\u4E3B\u5C0E\u3057\u305F\u3068\u3057\u3066\u3001\u30A4\u30AE\u30EA\u30B9\u5F53\u5C40\uFF08\u5F53\u6642\uFF09\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u62D8\u675F\u3055\u308C\u305F\u5F8C\u3001\u30E2\u30E9\u30F3\u30C8\u30FB\u30D9\u30A4\u3067\u88C1\u5224\u306B\u304B\u3051\u3089\u308C\u3001\u88C1\u5224\u6240\u306F\u30DD\u30FC\u30EB\u30FB\u30DC\u30FC\u30B0\u30EB\u306B\u5BFE\u3057\u6B7B\u5211\uFF08\u7D5E\u9996\u5211\uFF09\u3092\u5BA3\u544A\u3001\u57F7\u884C\u3057\u305F\u3002"@ja . . .