. . "Bacterium herbicola (Geilinger 1921)" . "Pantoea agglomerans"@en . "Erwinia herbicola ( Dye 1964)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . ""@en . . . . . . "ICMP 12534"@en . "CCUG 539"@en . . . "Pantoea agglomerans"@en . "Corynebacterium beticola (Abdou 1969)" . . . "Bacterium herbicola (Geilinger 1921)"@en . . . . "1109267682"^^ . "ATCC 27155"@en . . . . . . . "15535"^^ . "Bacterium herbicola (L\u00F6hnis 1911)"@en . . . . "Bacillus agglomerans (Beijerinck 1888)" . . . "10877790"^^ . "Pseudomonas trifolii (Huss)"@en . "LMG 1286"@en . . . "Corynebacterium beticola (Abdou 1969)"@en . . "Pseudomonas herbicola (Geilinger 1921) de\u2019Rossi 1927)" . . . . . "Pantoea agglomerans"@en . . . "Pantoea agglomerans - Gram (-), woko\u0142orz\u0119se bakterie wyst\u0119puj\u0105ce powszechnie na ro\u015Blinach, izolowane czasami tak\u017Ce od ludzi. Wed\u0142ug starszej klasyfikacji gatunek zaliczany by\u0142 m.in. do rodzaju Erwinia (jako Erwinia herbicola). Bakteria fermentuje w\u0119glowodany, powoli rozk\u0142ada \u017Celatyn\u0119 i nie ma zdolno\u015Bci do dekarboksylacji aminokwas\u00F3w. Izolowana jest cz\u0119sto od pracownik\u00F3w zak\u0142ad\u00F3w zbo\u017Cowych i jest mo\u017Cliwym czynnikiem etiologicznym (jako fitopatogen) (zespo\u0142u toksycznego wywo\u0142anego py\u0142em organicznym)."@pl . . . . . . . . . . "Erwinia herbicola (L\u00F6hnis 1911) Dye 1964)" . "JCM 1236"@en . "Pantoea agglomerans is a Gram-negative bacterium that belongs to the family Erwiniaceae. It was formerly called Enterobacter agglomerans, or Erwinia herbicola and is a ubiquitous bacterium commonly isolated from plant surfaces, seeds, fruit, and animal or human feces and can be found throughout a honeybee's environment. Levan produced by Pantoea agglomerans ZMR7 was reported to decrease the viability of rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) and breast cancer (MDA) cells compared with untreated cancer cells. In addition, it has high antiparasitic activity against the promastigote of Leishmania tropica."@en . . . . "Enterobacter agglomerans (Ewing and Fife 1972)"@en . . "DSM 3493"@en . "Enterobacter agglomerans (Ewing and Fife 1972)" . . "Bacterium herbicola (L\u00F6hnis 1911)" . "NCTC 9381"@en . . . . "Pantoea agglomerans"@en . "Pseudomonas trifolii (Huss)" . . . . . . . "Pseudomonas herbicola ( de\u2019Rossi 1927)"@en . . . . . . "Pantoea agglomerans \u00E9s un bacteri gram negatiu que pertany a la fam\u00EDlia Enterobacteriaceae. Abans es deia Enterobacter agglomerans, \u00E9s un patogen oportunista en els pacientse immunocompromesos, que causa infeccions. Comunament s'a\u00EFlla de la superf\u00EDcie de les plantes, les llavors, fruites (p.e. mandarines i taronges), i femta humana o animal. Aquesta esp\u00E8cie es fa servir com biofertilitzant."@ca . "CIP 57.51"@en . "Pantoea agglomerans - Gram (-), woko\u0142orz\u0119se bakterie wyst\u0119puj\u0105ce powszechnie na ro\u015Blinach, izolowane czasami tak\u017Ce od ludzi. Wed\u0142ug starszej klasyfikacji gatunek zaliczany by\u0142 m.in. do rodzaju Erwinia (jako Erwinia herbicola). Bakteria fermentuje w\u0119glowodany, powoli rozk\u0142ada \u017Celatyn\u0119 i nie ma zdolno\u015Bci do dekarboksylacji aminokwas\u00F3w. Izolowana jest cz\u0119sto od pracownik\u00F3w zak\u0142ad\u00F3w zbo\u017Cowych i jest mo\u017Cliwym czynnikiem etiologicznym (jako fitopatogen) (zespo\u0142u toksycznego wywo\u0142anego py\u0142em organicznym)."@pl . "ICPB 3435"@en . "Pantoea agglomerans"@pl . "Bacillus agglomerans (Beijerinck 1888)"@en . "Pantoea agglomerans \u00E9s un bacteri gram negatiu que pertany a la fam\u00EDlia Enterobacteriaceae. Abans es deia Enterobacter agglomerans, \u00E9s un patogen oportunista en els pacientse immunocompromesos, que causa infeccions. Comunament s'a\u00EFlla de la superf\u00EDcie de les plantes, les llavors, fruites (p.e. mandarines i taronges), i femta humana o animal. \u00C9s dif\u00EDcil diferenciar Pantoea spp. d'altres membres de la seva fam\u00EDlia, com Enterobacter, Klebsiella, i Serratia. Tanmateix, Pantoea no utilitza els amino\u00E0cids lisina, arginina i (Winn, et al.; \"Koneman's Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology\", Sixth Edition, 2006: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins) Aquesta esp\u00E8cie es fa servir com biofertilitzant."@ca . "CDC 1461-67"@en . "Pantoea agglomerans"@ca . . . "Pantoea"@en . "Gavini et al. 1989"@en . . "Pantoea agglomerans is a Gram-negative bacterium that belongs to the family Erwiniaceae. It was formerly called Enterobacter agglomerans, or Erwinia herbicola and is a ubiquitous bacterium commonly isolated from plant surfaces, seeds, fruit, and animal or human feces and can be found throughout a honeybee's environment. Levan produced by Pantoea agglomerans ZMR7 was reported to decrease the viability of rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) and breast cancer (MDA) cells compared with untreated cancer cells. In addition, it has high antiparasitic activity against the promastigote of Leishmania tropica."@en . "CFBP 3845"@en . . .