. . . . "PO"@en . . "Steinbesch/Zimming"@en . . . . . . . . "280"^^ . "10499"^^ . . "POINT(6.5788898468018 49.125831604004)"^^ . . . . . . "1002194267"^^ . . "Damaged Block 2 cloche at Kerfent"@en . "A34"@en . "49.12583 6.57889" . . . . . . . . . . . "Northeast France"@en . . . . . . . . "49.12583160400391"^^ . . . "France"@en . . . "Ouvrage Kerfent"@en . . "France"@en . . . "L'ouvrage du Kerfent est un ouvrage fortifi\u00E9 de la ligne Maginot situ\u00E9 dans le secteur fortifi\u00E9 de Faulquemont, en Moselle, non loin de l'ancien casernement de s\u00FBret\u00E9 de Zimming. Son nom a pour origine un bois situ\u00E9 au nord de la route nationale 3. Avec son voisin le Bambesch, ils d\u00E9fendaient ce passage important d'une \u00E9ventuelle invasion. Il s'agissait l\u00E0 \u00AB du c\u0153ur de la ligne Maginot \u00BB selon le mar\u00E9chal P\u00E9tain. Pourtant, malgr\u00E9 les quinze blocs pr\u00E9vus sur les plans initiaux, cet ouvrage sera s\u00E9rieusement amoindri par les restrictions budg\u00E9taires : seront supprim\u00E9s lors de la construction les blocs d'artillerie, l'entr\u00E9e s\u00E9par\u00E9e, les coffres de d\u00E9fense d'un hypoth\u00E9tique foss\u00E9 antichars\u2026 pour aboutir (en conclusion) \u00E0 l'\u00E9dification d'un simple petit ouvrage d'infanterie. Le gros \u0153uvre (coulage du b\u00E9ton) a \u00E9t\u00E9 termin\u00E9 en 1932."@fr . "156"^^ . . "Concrete, steel, deep excavation"@en . "2"^^ . . . . . . . "6.578889846801758"^^ . . . "Abandoned"@en . . "15357806"^^ . . . "Ouvrage Kerfent"@en . . . . . . . "Ouvrage du Kerfent"@fr . . . . "L'ouvrage du Kerfent est un ouvrage fortifi\u00E9 de la ligne Maginot situ\u00E9 dans le secteur fortifi\u00E9 de Faulquemont, en Moselle, non loin de l'ancien casernement de s\u00FBret\u00E9 de Zimming. Son nom a pour origine un bois situ\u00E9 au nord de la route nationale 3. Avec son voisin le Bambesch, ils d\u00E9fendaient ce passage important d'une \u00E9ventuelle invasion."@fr . . . "Ouvrage Kerfent is a lesser work (petit ouvrage) of the Maginot Line. Located in the Fortified Sector of Faulquemont, the ouvrage consists of three infantry blocks and an observation block, and is located between petits ouvrages Mottemberg and Bambesch, facing Germany. During the Battle of France, Kerfent was attacked by German forces, who captured the position from the rear after a short assault with artillery support. The combat blocks were heavily damaged. During the Cold War, limited repairs were made to allow the underground facilities to be occupied. Between 1958 and 1961 the site was used by the Royal Canadian Air Force as a microwave communications relay station. In the 1970s the ouvrage was sold to the commune of Zimming. The ouvrage is now flooded."@en . . . . . . "Ouvrage Kerfent is a lesser work (petit ouvrage) of the Maginot Line. Located in the Fortified Sector of Faulquemont, the ouvrage consists of three infantry blocks and an observation block, and is located between petits ouvrages Mottemberg and Bambesch, facing Germany. During the Battle of France, Kerfent was attacked by German forces, who captured the position from the rear after a short assault with artillery support. The combat blocks were heavily damaged. During the Cold War, limited repairs were made to allow the underground facilities to be occupied. Between 1958 and 1961 the site was used by the Royal Canadian Air Force as a microwave communications relay station. In the 1970s the ouvrage was sold to the commune of Zimming. The ouvrage is now flooded."@en . "Ouvrage Kerfent"@en . "Commune of Zimming"@en .