. . . . "1988"^^ . "Osaris is a personal digital assistant (PDA) featuring the EPOC operating system (OS) distributed by Oregon Scientific. The Osaris was released in 1999, and at the time priced at \u00A3219.99 (equivalent to \u00A3582 in 2021) to \u00A3279.99 (equivalent to \u00A3741 in 2021). The Osaris contains an 18.432 MHz CL-PS7111 (ARM 710) processor and is powered by two AA size batteries or an external power 6 volt AC adapter, with a 3 volt CR2032 cell providing backup power. The liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a touchscreen, backlit 320 \u00D7 200 pixels with 16 greyscale levels. There are also 10 membrane keys, 5 on each side of the LCD.The Osaris can be linked to a PC via an RS-232 link cable and IrDA (Infrared).The Osaris contains 8 MB of read-only memory (ROM), and, depending on the model, 4 MB, 8 MB or 16 MB random-access memory (RAM). The memory can also be expanded using CompactFlash. \n* Dimensions: 170 \u00D7 90 \u00D7 20 mm \n* Weight: c. 250 g The Osaris is the only PDA to use the EPOC release 4 operating system. It also has the distinction of being the first device to run EPOC (later renamed Symbian OS) that was not built by Psion. It is very similar in ability to the Psion Series 5.The Osaris comes with these programs preinstalled: \n* Agenda: For appointments, things to do, birthdays, anniversaries \n* Data: For names, addresses, or other database use \n* Jotter: For making quick notes \n* Time: For alarms \n* Calc: For simple or scientific calculations \n* World: Shows a map, world times, dialling codes \n* Word: For writing documents, letters \n* Sheet: For tables, spreadsheets, graphs \n* Program: Editor for writing computer programs"@en . . . . . . . . "Osaris jest ma\u0142ym, przeno\u015Bnym komputerem osobistym (PDA) wyposa\u017Conym w system operacyjny EPOC w wersji dystrybuowanej przez . Osaris zosta\u0142 wypuszczony na rynek w 1999 roku, kosztowa\u0142 w\u00F3wczas \u00A3219.99 \u2013 \u00A3279.99. Osaris wyposa\u017Cony zosta\u0142 w procesor 18.432 MHz CL-PS7111 i by\u0142 zasilany dwiema bateriami typu AA b\u0105d\u017A bezpo\u015Brednio z zasilacza (6 V). Wyposa\u017Cony by\u0142 w ekran dotykowy o rozdzielczo\u015Bci 320\u00D7200 pikseli oraz by\u0142 w stanie wy\u015Bwietla\u0107 obraz w 16 odcieniach szaro\u015Bci. Posiada\u0142 r\u00F3wnie\u017C 10 klawiszy dost\u0119pu, po 5 na ka\u017Cd\u0105 stron\u0119 ekranu.Z komputerem urz\u0105dzenie \u0142\u0105czy\u0142o si\u0119 za pomoc\u0105 kabla RS232 lub za pomoc\u0105 IrDA (Podczerwie\u0144).Osaris posiada\u0142 8 MB wbudowanej pami\u0119ci ROM, i w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od modelu, 4 MB, 8 MB lub 16 MB pami\u0119ci RAM. Pami\u0119\u0107 mo\u017Cna by\u0142o rozszerza\u0107 za pomoc\u0105 kart pami\u0119ci Compact Flash."@pl . . "2"^^ . . . "O Osaris \u00E9 um assistente pessoal digital (PDA) produzido pela que utiliza o sistema operacional EPOC, sendo o \u00FAnico dispositivo a rodar a vers\u00E3o 4 do sistema operacional, foi lan\u00E7ado em 1999 com pre\u00E7os variando entre \u00A3219.99 e \u00A3279.99. Cont\u00E9m uma tela LCD monocrom\u00E1tica de 16 n\u00EDveis de cinza com resolu\u00E7\u00E3o de 320x200 pixels, processador ARM 710 de 18.432 MHz, mem\u00F3ria entre 4 e 16 MB de RAM, conex\u00E3o com cabo RS-232 ou sem fio atrav\u00E9s de infravermelho IrDA, possui dimens\u00F5es de 170 \u00D7 90 \u00D7 20 mm e peso de 250 g, utiliza tamb\u00E9m duas pilhas AA."@pt . "Osaris is a personal digital assistant (PDA) featuring the EPOC operating system (OS) distributed by Oregon Scientific. The Osaris was released in 1999, and at the time priced at \u00A3219.99 (equivalent to \u00A3582 in 2021) to \u00A3279.99 (equivalent to \u00A3741 in 2021). The Osaris contains an 18.432 MHz CL-PS7111 (ARM 710) processor and is powered by two AA size batteries or an external power 6 volt AC adapter, with a 3 volt CR2032 cell providing backup power. The liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a touchscreen, backlit 320 \u00D7 200 pixels with 16 greyscale levels. There are also 10 membrane keys, 5 on each side of the LCD.The Osaris can be linked to a PC via an RS-232 link cable and IrDA (Infrared).The Osaris contains 8 MB of read-only memory (ROM), and, depending on the model, 4 MB, 8 MB or 16 MB random-ac"@en . . . . . . . . . "Osaris"@en . . "ARM 710 @ 18.432 MHz"@en . . "O Osaris \u00E9 um assistente pessoal digital (PDA) produzido pela que utiliza o sistema operacional EPOC, sendo o \u00FAnico dispositivo a rodar a vers\u00E3o 4 do sistema operacional, foi lan\u00E7ado em 1999 com pre\u00E7os variando entre \u00A3219.99 e \u00A3279.99. Cont\u00E9m uma tela LCD monocrom\u00E1tica de 16 n\u00EDveis de cinza com resolu\u00E7\u00E3o de 320x200 pixels, processador ARM 710 de 18.432 MHz, mem\u00F3ria entre 4 e 16 MB de RAM, conex\u00E3o com cabo RS-232 ou sem fio atrav\u00E9s de infravermelho IrDA, possui dimens\u00F5es de 170 \u00D7 90 \u00D7 20 mm e peso de 250 g, utiliza tamb\u00E9m duas pilhas AA."@pt . . . . "3304"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Serial 19,200 bit/s RS-232"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Osaris"@pl . "Osaris"@en . "Osaris"@pt . "320"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1080974095"^^ . "Osaris"@en . . . . . "N/A"@en . "250.0"^^ . "Osaris jest ma\u0142ym, przeno\u015Bnym komputerem osobistym (PDA) wyposa\u017Conym w system operacyjny EPOC w wersji dystrybuowanej przez . Osaris zosta\u0142 wypuszczony na rynek w 1999 roku, kosztowa\u0142 w\u00F3wczas \u00A3219.99 \u2013 \u00A3279.99. Osaris wyposa\u017Cony zosta\u0142 w procesor 18.432 MHz CL-PS7111 i by\u0142 zasilany dwiema bateriami typu AA b\u0105d\u017A bezpo\u015Brednio z zasilacza (6 V). Wyposa\u017Cony by\u0142 w ekran dotykowy o rozdzielczo\u015Bci 320\u00D7200 pikseli oraz by\u0142 w stanie wy\u015Bwietla\u0107 obraz w 16 odcieniach szaro\u015Bci. Posiada\u0142 r\u00F3wnie\u017C 10 klawiszy dost\u0119pu, po 5 na ka\u017Cd\u0105 stron\u0119 ekranu.Z komputerem urz\u0105dzenie \u0142\u0105czy\u0142o si\u0119 za pomoc\u0105 kabla RS232 lub za pomoc\u0105 IrDA (Podczerwie\u0144).Osaris posiada\u0142 8 MB wbudowanej pami\u0119ci ROM, i w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od modelu, 4 MB, 8 MB lub 16 MB pami\u0119ci RAM. Pami\u0119\u0107 mo\u017Cna by\u0142o rozszerza\u0107 za pomoc\u0105 kart pami\u0119ci Compact Flash. \n* Wymiary: 170 \u00D7 90 \u00D7 20 mm \n* Waga: 250 g Osaris jest jedynym wyprodukowanym urz\u0105dzeniem wykorzystuj\u0105cym system EPOC release 4 (p\u00F3\u017Aniej nazwany Symbian).Osaris w podstawowej wersji posiada\u0142 nast\u0119puj\u0105ce programy: \n* Agenda: Organizer czasu \n* Data: Program sk\u0142aduj\u0105cy dane \n* Jotter: Notes \n* Time: Budzik \n* Calc: Kalkulator \n* World: Mapy, czas na \u015Bwiecie, numery kierunkowe \n* Word: Edytor tekstu \n* Sheet: Arkusz kalkulacyjny \n* Program: Edytor program\u00F3w"@pl . . . . . "2861901"^^ . "N/A"@en . . . .