. . "Ein Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP, Parlamentsmitglied ohne Wahlkreis) ist ein oppositioneller Parlamentsabgeordneter in Singapur, der zum Abgeordneten ernannt wurde, obwohl er in seinem Wahlkreis unterlegen ist. NCMPs sollen garantieren, dass die Opposition im Parlament angemessen vertreten ist, auch wenn die f\u00FChrende Partei alle oder fast alle Sitze gewinnen konnte. Wenn weniger als zw\u00F6lf Kandidaten der Opposition in der regul\u00E4ren Wahl in das Parlament von Singapur gew\u00E4hlt werden, wird ihre Zahl durch die Ernennung von NCMPs auf zw\u00F6lf aufgestockt. Ernannt werden solche Kandidaten, die zwar in ihrem Wahlkreis einem anderen Kandidaten unterlegen sind, unter den Verlierern aber eines der besten Ergebnisse erzielt haben \u2013 \u00E4hnlich der Lucky-Loser-Regel in manchen Sportarten. Ein Non-constituency Member of Parliament hat seit 2017 die gleichen Rechte wie ein regul\u00E4r gew\u00E4hlter Abgeordneter. Vorher waren NCMPs nicht stimmberechtigt bei Haushaltsabstimmungen, Verfassungs\u00E4nderungen, Vertrauensabstimmungen und Abstimmungen bez\u00FCglich der Amtsenthebung des Pr\u00E4sidenten."@de . . . "Ein Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP, Parlamentsmitglied ohne Wahlkreis) ist ein oppositioneller Parlamentsabgeordneter in Singapur, der zum Abgeordneten ernannt wurde, obwohl er in seinem Wahlkreis unterlegen ist. NCMPs sollen garantieren, dass die Opposition im Parlament angemessen vertreten ist, auch wenn die f\u00FChrende Partei alle oder fast alle Sitze gewinnen konnte."@de . . . . "A Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) is a member of an opposition political party in Singapore who, according to the Constitution and Parliamentary Elections Act, is declared to have been elected a Member of Parliament (MP) without constituency representation, despite having lost in a general election, by virtue of having been one of the best-performing losers. When less than 12 opposition MPs have been elected, the number of NCMPs is the difference to total 12. NCMPs enjoy all of the privileges of ordinary Members of Parliament. The NCMP scheme was introduced in 1984, and was a significant modification of the single-member simple-plurality electoral system traditionally associated with Westminster systems of government. Since the ruling People's Action Party had won all parliamentary seats in the four general elections since independence, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew argued that the NCMP scheme would ensure that opposition voices would be heard in Parliament. According to him, this would be beneficial to Singapore as it would give the younger generation of Singaporeans a chance to see what an opposition can or cannot do. When the first constitutional amendment was made to initiate the NCMP scheme, between three and six NCMPs were allowed in Parliament. In 2010, the Constitution was amended again to allow for a maximum of nine NCMPs in Parliament. With effect from 2017, the maximum number of NCMPs increased from nine to 12, and they were conferred the same voting powers in Parliament as elected MPs. Since its inception, the scheme has been widely criticised. It has been considered undemocratic as it allows candidates who do not have the mandate of the people to air their views in Parliament. Furthermore, members of the opposition have criticized the scheme for creating an unequal playing field in a general election by enabling the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) to argue that the electorate need not vote for opposition candidates as there will already be opposition representation in Parliament. Despite this critique, several opposition politicians have accepted NCMP seats, including 2 different parties like Lee Siew-Choh, J. B. Jeyaretnam and Sylvia Lim from the Workers' Party and also Steve Chia from Singapore Democratic Alliance. NCMPs have raised notable points in Parliament with regards to various public policy issues such as criminal procedure, education, health and social welfare. The 2011 general election brought three NCMPs into Parliament from 2 different political parties: Lina Loh (the wife of Chiam See Tong, the former MP for Potong Pasir Single Member Constituency) of the Singapore People's Party, and Gerald Giam and Yee Jenn Jong of the Workers' Party. The 2015 general election brought in three different NCMPs into Parliament which only consists of one political party: Dennis Tan, Leon Perera and Daniel Goh from the Worker's Party. A NCMP seat was offered to former MP for Punggol East SMC, Lee Li Lian from the Worker's Party but she declined and the seat was eventually accepted by Associate Professor Daniel Goh also from the Worker's Party. The 2020 general election brought in two different NCMPs into Parliament which consists of one political party: Leong Mun Wai & Hazel Poa from the Progress Singapore Party. This also marks the Workers' Party candidates did not enter parliament as NCMPs this time as the offer was made to the Progress Singapore Party as the best performing losers."@en . . "Miembro del Parlamento No Circunscripcional"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "59334"^^ . . "\u6839\u64DA\u300A\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u5171\u548C\u570B\u61B2\u6CD5\u300B\u548C\u300A\u570B\u6703\u9078\u8209\u6CD5\u4EE4\u300B\uFF0C\u5728\u4E2D\uFF0C\u5982\u679C\u7576\u9078\u570B\u6703\u8B70\u54E1\u7684\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u5019\u9078\u4EBA\u5C11\u65BC\u4E0B\u9650\uFF0C\u5C31\u53EF\u4EE5\u6309\u7167\u5F97\u7968\u7387\u7684\u9AD8\u4F4E\uFF0C\u9080\u8ACB\u82E5\u5E72\u540D\u5F97\u7968\u7387\u8D85\u904E15%\uFF0C\u537B\u5728\u5927\u9078\u4E2D\u843D\u6557\u7684\u53CD\u5C0D\u9EE8\u5019\u9078\u4EBA\u52A0\u5165\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u570B\u6703\uFF0C\u5373\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ANon-constituency Member of Parliament\uFF0CNCMP\uFF09\u3002\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u64C1\u6709\u7684\u6B0A\u529B\u8207\u6C11\u9078\u570B\u6703\u8B70\u54E1\u76F8\u7B49\uFF0C\u4E0D\u904E\u7372\u9080\u51FA\u4EFB\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u7684\u5927\u9078\u5019\u9078\u4EBA\u53EF\u4EE5\u62D2\u7D55\u53D7\u59D4\u3002 \u57281984\u5E74\u5F15\u5165\u7684\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u5236\u5EA6\u662F\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u5C0D\u50B3\u7D71\u897F\u654F\u5236\u7684\u91CD\u5927\u4FEE\u8A02\u3002\u81EA\u8A72\u570B\u65BC1965\u5E74\u7368\u7ACB\u4EE5\u4F86\uFF0C\u57F7\u653F\u7684\u4EBA\u6C11\u884C\u52D5\u9EE8\uFF08\u884C\u52D5\u9EE8\uFF09\u5DF2\u5728\u56DB\u6B21\u5927\u9078\u4E2D\u8D0F\u5F97\u570B\u6703\u6240\u6709\u8B70\u5E2D\uFF0C\u56E0\u6B64\u6642\u4EFB\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u7E3D\u7406\u674E\u5149\u8000\u8A8D\u70BA\uFF0C\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u5236\u5EA6\u53EF\u4EE5\u4FDD\u8B49\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u6709\u6A5F\u6703\u5728\u570B\u6703\u767C\u8072\u3002\u64DA\u4ED6\u6240\u8AAA\uFF0C\u9019\u500B\u5236\u5EA6\u6703\u70BA\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u5E36\u4F86\u597D\u8655\uFF0C\u56E0\u70BA\u9019\u500B\u5236\u5EA6\u53EF\u4EE5\u4EE4\u65B0\u4E00\u4EE3\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u4EBA\u6709\u6A5F\u6703\u770B\u5230\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u53EF\u4EE5\u505A\u751A\u9EBC\u3001\u4E0D\u53EF\u4EE5\u505A\u751A\u9EBC\u3002\u6839\u64DA\u5F15\u5165\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u5236\u5EA6\u7684\u7B2C\u4E00\u500B\u61B2\u6CD5\u4FEE\u6B63\u6848\uFF0C\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u4EBA\u6578\u75313\u81F36\u500B\u4E0D\u7B49\u30022016\u5E74\uFF0C\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u518D\u5EA6\u4FEE\u61B2\uFF0C\u628A\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u4EBA\u6578\u7684\u4E0A\u9650\u589E\u52A0\u523012\u5E2D\u3002 \u81EA\u5F15\u5165\u4EE5\u4F86\uFF0C\u8A72\u5236\u5EA6\u4E00\u76F4\u5099\u53D7\u6279\u8A55\uFF1A\u4E00\u3001\u8A72\u5236\u5EA6\u5BB9\u8A31\u672A\u7D93\u4EBA\u6C11\u6388\u6B0A\u7684\u5019\u9078\u4EBA\u5728\u570B\u6703\u767C\u8868\u81EA\u5DF1\u7684\u610F\u898B\uFF0C\u6240\u4EE5\u4EBA\u5011\u8A8D\u70BA\u9019\u500B\u5236\u5EA6\u662F\u4E0D\u6C11\u4E3B\u7684\uFF1B\u4E8C\u3001\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u6279\u8A55\u9019\u500B\u5236\u5EA6\u70BA\u570B\u6703\u5927\u9078\u7DE0\u9020\u4E86\u4E00\u500B\u4E0D\u516C\u5E73\u7684\u7AF6\u722D\u74B0\u5883\uFF0C\u56E0\u70BA\u884C\u52D5\u9EE8\u53EF\u4EE5\u4EE5\u300C\u570B\u6703\u4E00\u5B9A\u6703\u51FA\u73FE\u4E00\u4E9B\u4F86\u81EA\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u7684\u4EE3\u8868\u300D\u70BA\u7531\uFF0C\u4E3B\u5F35\u9078\u6C11\u6C92\u6709\u6295\u7968\u7D66\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u5019\u9078\u4EBA\u7684\u9700\u8981\u3002\u96D6\u7136\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u63D0\u51FA\u4E86\u9019\u7A2E\u6279\u8A55\uFF0C\u4E0D\u904E\u7576\u5730\u4ECD\u6709\u6578\u540D\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u653F\u6CBB\u4EBA\u7269\u63A5\u53D7\u653F\u5E9C\u59D4\u4EFB\uFF0C\u6210\u70BA\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\uFF0C\u7576\u4E2D\u5305\u62EC\u674E\u7D39\u7956\u3001\u60F9\u8036\u52D2\u5357\u3001\u548C\u6797\u745E\u84EE\u3002\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u66FE\u5C31\u5211\u4E8B\u8A34\u8A1F\u7A0B\u5E8F\u3001\u6559\u80B2\u3001\u885B\u751F\u548C\u793E\u6703\u798F\u5229\u7B49\u5404\u5927\u516C\u5171\u653F\u7B56\u554F\u984C\u800C\u5728\u570B\u6703\u4E2D\u63D0\u51FA\u986F\u8457\u7684\u8AD6\u9EDE\u3002 2020\u5E74\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u5927\u9078\u7D50\u675F\u5F8C\uFF0C\u570B\u6703\u5171\u6709\u5169\u540D\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\uFF0C\u4ED6\u5011\u662F\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u524D\u9032\u9EE8\u7684\u6881\u6587\u8F89\u548C\u6F58\u7FA4\u52E4\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ""@en . . . . . . . "\u6839\u64DA\u300A\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u5171\u548C\u570B\u61B2\u6CD5\u300B\u548C\u300A\u570B\u6703\u9078\u8209\u6CD5\u4EE4\u300B\uFF0C\u5728\u4E2D\uFF0C\u5982\u679C\u7576\u9078\u570B\u6703\u8B70\u54E1\u7684\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u5019\u9078\u4EBA\u5C11\u65BC\u4E0B\u9650\uFF0C\u5C31\u53EF\u4EE5\u6309\u7167\u5F97\u7968\u7387\u7684\u9AD8\u4F4E\uFF0C\u9080\u8ACB\u82E5\u5E72\u540D\u5F97\u7968\u7387\u8D85\u904E15%\uFF0C\u537B\u5728\u5927\u9078\u4E2D\u843D\u6557\u7684\u53CD\u5C0D\u9EE8\u5019\u9078\u4EBA\u52A0\u5165\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u570B\u6703\uFF0C\u5373\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ANon-constituency Member of Parliament\uFF0CNCMP\uFF09\u3002\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u64C1\u6709\u7684\u6B0A\u529B\u8207\u6C11\u9078\u570B\u6703\u8B70\u54E1\u76F8\u7B49\uFF0C\u4E0D\u904E\u7372\u9080\u51FA\u4EFB\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u7684\u5927\u9078\u5019\u9078\u4EBA\u53EF\u4EE5\u62D2\u7D55\u53D7\u59D4\u3002 \u57281984\u5E74\u5F15\u5165\u7684\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u5236\u5EA6\u662F\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u5C0D\u50B3\u7D71\u897F\u654F\u5236\u7684\u91CD\u5927\u4FEE\u8A02\u3002\u81EA\u8A72\u570B\u65BC1965\u5E74\u7368\u7ACB\u4EE5\u4F86\uFF0C\u57F7\u653F\u7684\u4EBA\u6C11\u884C\u52D5\u9EE8\uFF08\u884C\u52D5\u9EE8\uFF09\u5DF2\u5728\u56DB\u6B21\u5927\u9078\u4E2D\u8D0F\u5F97\u570B\u6703\u6240\u6709\u8B70\u5E2D\uFF0C\u56E0\u6B64\u6642\u4EFB\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u7E3D\u7406\u674E\u5149\u8000\u8A8D\u70BA\uFF0C\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u5236\u5EA6\u53EF\u4EE5\u4FDD\u8B49\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u6709\u6A5F\u6703\u5728\u570B\u6703\u767C\u8072\u3002\u64DA\u4ED6\u6240\u8AAA\uFF0C\u9019\u500B\u5236\u5EA6\u6703\u70BA\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u5E36\u4F86\u597D\u8655\uFF0C\u56E0\u70BA\u9019\u500B\u5236\u5EA6\u53EF\u4EE5\u4EE4\u65B0\u4E00\u4EE3\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u4EBA\u6709\u6A5F\u6703\u770B\u5230\u53CD\u5C0D\u6D3E\u53EF\u4EE5\u505A\u751A\u9EBC\u3001\u4E0D\u53EF\u4EE5\u505A\u751A\u9EBC\u3002\u6839\u64DA\u5F15\u5165\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u5236\u5EA6\u7684\u7B2C\u4E00\u500B\u61B2\u6CD5\u4FEE\u6B63\u6848\uFF0C\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u4EBA\u6578\u75313\u81F36\u500B\u4E0D\u7B49\u30022016\u5E74\uFF0C\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u518D\u5EA6\u4FEE\u61B2\uFF0C\u628A\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\u4EBA\u6578\u7684\u4E0A\u9650\u589E\u52A0\u523012\u5E2D\u3002 2020\u5E74\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u5927\u9078\u7D50\u675F\u5F8C\uFF0C\u570B\u6703\u5171\u6709\u5169\u540D\u975E\u9078\u5340\u8B70\u54E1\uFF0C\u4ED6\u5011\u662F\u65B0\u52A0\u5761\u524D\u9032\u9EE8\u7684\u6881\u6587\u8F89\u548C\u6F58\u7FA4\u52E4\u3002"@zh . . . . "Un Miembro del Parlamento No Circunscripcional (en ingl\u00E9s: Non-constituency Member of Parliament) o por su abreviatura NCMP es, de acuerdo con la constituci\u00F3n y la Ley de Elecciones Parlamentarias de Singapur,\u200B un candidato miembro de un partido pol\u00EDtico opositor que es declarado como miembro electo del parlamento a pesar de haber sido derrotado en la circunscripci\u00F3n que disput\u00F3 en las elecciones generales, en virtud de haber sido de los candidatos de la jornada electoral con mayor porcentaje de votos fuera de los vencedores. A diferencia de los miembros nominados (NMP), cuyo papel parlamentario est\u00E1 restringido en algunas cuestiones, un NCMP goza de todas las prerrogativas y privilegios de un parlamentario electo. Junto con las circunscripciones de representaci\u00F3n grupal empleadas en las elecciones, se considera a los NCMPs una de las principales caracter\u00EDsticas del sistema pol\u00EDtico de partido dominante de Singapur, cuyo gobierno es encabezado desde 1959 por el Partido de Acci\u00F3n Popular (PAP).\u200B El concepto de NCMP fue introducido en 1984 e implic\u00F3 una alteraci\u00F3n significativa del modelo parlamentario empleado hasta entonces en Singapur, basado en el sistema Westminster. En las elecciones de 1968, 1972, 1976 y 1980, el PAP hab\u00EDa ganado todos los esca\u00F1os en el parlamento, elegidos entonces por medio de circunscripciones uninominales. El nuevo esquema fue defendido por el entonces primer ministro Lee Kuan Yew, que afirm\u00F3 que la presencia de los NCMP garantizar\u00EDa la representaci\u00F3n de las voces opositoras en el parlamento y dar\u00EDa a las generaciones j\u00F3venes la posibilidad de ver c\u00F3mo puede actuar la oposici\u00F3n en un sistema democr\u00E1tico. La primera enmienda constitucional permiti\u00F3 entre tres y seis NCMP. En 2010, la constituci\u00F3n se modific\u00F3 nuevamente para permitir un m\u00E1ximo de nueve NCMPs.\u200B Finalmente, en 2017, el n\u00FAmero m\u00E1ximo de NCMP se increment\u00F3 a doce, y se les otorg\u00F3 los mismos poderes de voto en el parlamento que los parlamentarios elegidos, que hasta entonces no pose\u00EDan.\u200B Desde su creaci\u00F3n, el concepto de los NCMPs ha sido objeto de intenso debate y cr\u00EDticas, tanto de parte de la propia oposici\u00F3n singapurense como dentro del partido gobernante. Los opositores contrarios al esquema sostienen que vuelve desigual el campo de juego de cara a las elecciones, pues permitir\u00EDa al PAP defender que el electorado no tiene la necesidad de votar a los candidatos opositores debido a que estos se ver\u00E1n representados de todas formas en el legislativo. Asimismo, figuras del PAP han cuestionado como antidemocr\u00E1tico que pol\u00EDticos que fueron efectivamente derrotados en una elecci\u00F3n adquieran el derecho a ingresar al Parlamento con los mismos derechos que quienes ganaron. A pesar de esta cr\u00EDtica, varios pol\u00EDticos de la oposici\u00F3n han aceptado ocupar sus esca\u00F1os como NCMPs, incluidos Lee Siew-Choh, J. B. Jeyaretnam, Steve Chia y Sylvia Lim. Los NCMP han planteado puntos notables en el Parlamento con respecto a diversas cuestiones de pol\u00EDtica p\u00FAblica, como procedimientos penales, educaci\u00F3n, salud y bienestar social."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2020-07-16"^^ . . . . . . . . "1123925485"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Parliament"@en . . . . . . . "218"^^ . . . . . . . "Non-constituency Member of Parliament"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Non-constituency Member"@en . . . . "1984-08-22"^^ . . . . . . . "Parliamentary Elections Act"@en . . . . . . . "1889233"^^ . . . . . . . . "2011"^^ . . "S$28,900 annually"@en . . "1999"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Constitution"@en . "\u975E\u9009\u533A\u8BAE\u5458"@zh . . . . . "1985"^^ . . . . . "Non-constituency Member of Parliament"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Five years, non-renewable"@en . . . "A Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) is a member of an opposition political party in Singapore who, according to the Constitution and Parliamentary Elections Act, is declared to have been elected a Member of Parliament (MP) without constituency representation, despite having lost in a general election, by virtue of having been one of the best-performing losers. When less than 12 opposition MPs have been elected, the number of NCMPs is the difference to total 12. NCMPs enjoy all of the privileges of ordinary Members of Parliament."@en . . "Un Miembro del Parlamento No Circunscripcional (en ingl\u00E9s: Non-constituency Member of Parliament) o por su abreviatura NCMP es, de acuerdo con la constituci\u00F3n y la Ley de Elecciones Parlamentarias de Singapur,\u200B un candidato miembro de un partido pol\u00EDtico opositor que es declarado como miembro electo del parlamento a pesar de haber sido derrotado en la circunscripci\u00F3n que disput\u00F3 en las elecciones generales, en virtud de haber sido de los candidatos de la jornada electoral con mayor porcentaje de votos fuera de los vencedores. A diferencia de los miembros nominados (NMP), cuyo papel parlamentario est\u00E1 restringido en algunas cuestiones, un NCMP goza de todas las prerrogativas y privilegios de un parlamentario electo. Junto con las circunscripciones de representaci\u00F3n grupal empleadas en las e"@es . . . .