. . "Nodipecten nodosus \u00E4r en musselart som f\u00F6rst beskrevs av Carl von Linn\u00E9 1758. Nodipecten nodosus ing\u00E5r i sl\u00E4ktet Nodipecten och familjen kammusslor. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life."@sv . "Nodipecten nodosus is een tweekleppigensoort uit de familie van de Pectinidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1758 door Linnaeus."@nl . "6230"^^ . . "Nodipecten nodosus"@nl . . . . . . "Nodipecten nodosus (nomeada, em ingl\u00EAs, lion's paw scallop ou simplesmente lion's paw; na tradu\u00E7\u00E3o para o portugu\u00EAs, \"pata de le\u00E3o\"; no Brasil, denominada leque ou vieira-pata-de-le\u00E3o \u2013 este nome, vieira, segundo o Dicion\u00E1rio Houaiss e o Dicion\u00E1rio Aur\u00E9lio, sendo uma designa\u00E7\u00E3o comum \u00E0 concha do g\u00EAnero Pecten, pertencente \u00E0 mesma fam\u00EDlia, que os romeiros de Santiago usavam presa ao chap\u00E9u \u2013 ; cientificamente denominada Lyropecten nodosus, ou Lyropecten nodosa, um nome incorreto, durante o s\u00E9culo XX) \u00E9 uma esp\u00E9cie de molusco Bivalvia, marinha e litor\u00E2nea, da fam\u00EDlia Pectinidae, classificada por Carolus Linnaeus em 1758; descrita como Ostrea nodosa \u2013 por ele considerada uma ostra \u2013 em seu Systema Naturae. Ocorre em habitats bent\u00F4nicos do oeste do Atl\u00E2ntico, no limite entre as rochas e os fun"@pt . . . . . . . . . . "Nodipecten nodosus"@sv . . . "1040937757"^^ . . . . "31418452"^^ . . ""@en . . . . "Nodipecten nodosus"@pt . . . . "Nodipecten nodosus, or the lion's paw scallop, is a species of bivalve mollusc in the family Pectinidae. It can be found along the Atlantic coast of North America, ranging from Cape Hatteras to the West Indies, including Brazil and Bermuda. Lion's paw scallops are known to be hermaphroditic, so they have both male and female gonads. In external fertilization, an organism will release both eggs and sperm. The lion's paw scallop is an epibenthic bivalve that usually lives on rocks inside of caves or in shaded areas."@en . . . "Nodipecten nodosus, or the lion's paw scallop, is a species of bivalve mollusc in the family Pectinidae. It can be found along the Atlantic coast of North America, ranging from Cape Hatteras to the West Indies, including Brazil and Bermuda. The lion's paw scallop is a species that consists of large scallop shells with ridges and bumps that have a rough texture. The shell is known for its distinct knobs on the ridges. Ranging from red to orange and also purple, the lion's paw scallop ranges in color. The shell\u2019s common name is derived from its appearance, the color, and the knobs giving it some visual similarities to the paw of a lion. As the largest scallop of the Western-Atlantic Ocean, the lion's paw has been commercially fished for human consumption for decades. Indeed, the recent decline of abalone fisheries along with an increase in the shell\u2019s value has led to aquaculture specific to the species. Their high growth rate makes them popular; however, not much is known about the requirements to improve farming. Due to their popularity in commercial fishing, the lion's paw scallops native to Brazil face the risk of extinction. Lion's paw scallops are known to be hermaphroditic, so they have both male and female gonads. In external fertilization, an organism will release both eggs and sperm. The lion's paw shell is valuable to collectors because of its size, vibrant colors, and extremely distinctive features. Because of its large size and it being more common in deeper, rocky waters, it is very rare to find one intact on sandy beaches. The lion's paw scallop is an epibenthic bivalve that usually lives on rocks inside of caves or in shaded areas. Spawning begins when sperm and egg are released into the water column. \"D-shaped\" veligers begin to form 22-24 hours after being fertilized."@en . . . "Nodipecten nodosus is een tweekleppigensoort uit de familie van de Pectinidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1758 door Linnaeus."@nl . "Nodipecten nodosus (nomeada, em ingl\u00EAs, lion's paw scallop ou simplesmente lion's paw; na tradu\u00E7\u00E3o para o portugu\u00EAs, \"pata de le\u00E3o\"; no Brasil, denominada leque ou vieira-pata-de-le\u00E3o \u2013 este nome, vieira, segundo o Dicion\u00E1rio Houaiss e o Dicion\u00E1rio Aur\u00E9lio, sendo uma designa\u00E7\u00E3o comum \u00E0 concha do g\u00EAnero Pecten, pertencente \u00E0 mesma fam\u00EDlia, que os romeiros de Santiago usavam presa ao chap\u00E9u \u2013 ; cientificamente denominada Lyropecten nodosus, ou Lyropecten nodosa, um nome incorreto, durante o s\u00E9culo XX) \u00E9 uma esp\u00E9cie de molusco Bivalvia, marinha e litor\u00E2nea, da fam\u00EDlia Pectinidae, classificada por Carolus Linnaeus em 1758; descrita como Ostrea nodosa \u2013 por ele considerada uma ostra \u2013 em seu Systema Naturae. Ocorre em habitats bent\u00F4nicos do oeste do Atl\u00E2ntico, no limite entre as rochas e os fundos arenosos ou de cascalho, muitas vezes presas nas rochas; mas tamb\u00E9m no interior de pequenas grutas e fendas rochosas; em manchas arenosas ou de algas calc\u00E1rias adjacentes, em \u00E1guas da zona entremar\u00E9s at\u00E9 os 185 metros de profundidade. \u00C9 esp\u00E9cie comest\u00EDvel e usada como mat\u00E9ria-prima para artesanato; podendo ser encontrada nos sambaquis brasileiros, do Esp\u00EDrito Santo at\u00E9 Santa Catarina. Considerada um valioso objeto para o colecionismo conquiliol\u00F3gico e sendo um item muito procurado."@pt . . . . . "nodosus"@en . . . "Nodipecten nodosus"@en . . "Nodipecten"@en . . . . . "Nodipecten nodosus \u00E4r en musselart som f\u00F6rst beskrevs av Carl von Linn\u00E9 1758. Nodipecten nodosus ing\u00E5r i sl\u00E4ktet Nodipecten och familjen kammusslor. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life."@sv . . . . . . . .