. "Neue Gedichte"@en . . . . . . . "German"@en . . "New Poems"@en . . . . . . . . "New Poems (German: Neue Gedichte) is a two-part collection of poems written by Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist Rainer Maria Rilke (1875\u20131926). The first volume, dedicated to Elisabeth and Karl von der Heydt was composed from 1902 to 1907 and was published in the same year by Insel Verlag in Leipzig. The second volume (New Poems: The Other Part), dedicated to Auguste Rodin, was completed in 1908 and published by the same publisher. With the exception of eight poems written in Capri, Rilke composed most of them in Paris and Meudon. At the start of each volume he placed, respectively, Fr\u00FCher Apollo (Early Apollo) and Archa\u00EFscher Torso Apollos (Archaic Torso of Apollo), poems about sculptures of the poet-God."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Die Neuen Gedichte sind eine aus zwei Teilen bestehende Sammlung von Gedichten Rainer Maria Rilkes. Der erste, Elisabeth und Karl von der Heydt gewidmete Band entstand zwischen 1902 und 1907 und erschien im selben Jahr im Insel Verlag in Leipzig, der zweite, Auguste Rodin zugedachte (Der Neuen Gedichte anderer Teil) wurde 1908 fertiggestellt und im selben Verlag ver\u00F6ffentlicht."@de . "Der neuen Gedichte anderer Teil"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2108301"^^ . . . "Novos Poemas (em alem\u00E3o: Neue Gedichte) \u00E9 uma cole\u00E7\u00E3o de dois poemas escritos pelo poeta e romancista bo\u00EAmio-austr\u00EDaco Rainer Maria Rilke (1875\u20131926). O primeiro volume, dedicado a Elisabeth e Karl von der Heydt, foi composto de 1902 a 1907 e foi publicado no mesmo ano pela Insel Verlag em Leipzig. O segundo volume (Novos Poemas: A Outra Parte), dedicado a Auguste Rodin, foi conclu\u00EDdo em 1908 e publicado pela mesma editora. Com exce\u00E7\u00E3o de oito poemas escritos em C\u00E1pri, Rilke comp\u00F4s a maioria deles em Paris e Meudon. No in\u00EDcio de cada volume, colocou, respectivamente, Fr\u00FCher Apollo (Apolo Antigo) e Archa\u00EFscher Torso Apolo (Arcaico Torso de Apolo), poemas sobre esculturas do poeta-Deus. Esses poemas, muitos deles sonetos, geralmente s\u00E3o intensamente focados no visual. Eles mostram Rilke ciente do mundo objetivo e das pessoas entre as quais ele vive. Os poemas s\u00E3o surpreendentemente concentrados: curtos e compactando uma profundidade de experi\u00EAncia em uma pequena b\u00FAssola. Ele os chamou de Dinggedichte, que traduzido literalmente significa \"Poemas-Coisas\", com a inten\u00E7\u00E3o de revelar tanto que os poemas eram sobre \"coisas\" e que os poemas haviam se tornado, t\u00E3o concentrados e inteiros em si mesmos, eles eram coisas (objetos po\u00E9ticos). Juntamente com Os Cadernos de Malte Laurids Brigge, a cole\u00E7\u00E3o \u00E9 considerada a principal obra de seu per\u00EDodo intermedi\u00E1rio, que se destaca claramente da obra anterior e posterior. Marca uma mudan\u00E7a da poesia emotiva da subjetividade e interioridade ext\u00E1ticas, que domina um pouco , em tr\u00EAs partes, para a linguagem objetiva do Dinggedicte. Com essa nova orienta\u00E7\u00E3o po\u00E9tica, influenciada pelas artes visuais e, principalmente, por Rodin, Rilke passou a ser considerado um dos poetas mais importantes do modernismo liter\u00E1rio."@pt . . . . "Novos Poemas (em alem\u00E3o: Neue Gedichte) \u00E9 uma cole\u00E7\u00E3o de dois poemas escritos pelo poeta e romancista bo\u00EAmio-austr\u00EDaco Rainer Maria Rilke (1875\u20131926). O primeiro volume, dedicado a Elisabeth e Karl von der Heydt, foi composto de 1902 a 1907 e foi publicado no mesmo ano pela Insel Verlag em Leipzig. O segundo volume (Novos Poemas: A Outra Parte), dedicado a Auguste Rodin, foi conclu\u00EDdo em 1908 e publicado pela mesma editora. Com exce\u00E7\u00E3o de oito poemas escritos em C\u00E1pri, Rilke comp\u00F4s a maioria deles em Paris e Meudon. No in\u00EDcio de cada volume, colocou, respectivamente, Fr\u00FCher Apollo (Apolo Antigo) e Archa\u00EFscher Torso Apolo (Arcaico Torso de Apolo), poemas sobre esculturas do poeta-Deus."@pt . . "Insel-Verlag" . . . "New Poems"@en . . . "New Poems"@en . . . . . . "14061"^^ . . "Neue Gedichte (Rilke)"@de . . . "Title page from Rilke's 'New Poems', 1907"@en . . . . "Die Neuen Gedichte sind eine aus zwei Teilen bestehende Sammlung von Gedichten Rainer Maria Rilkes. Der erste, Elisabeth und Karl von der Heydt gewidmete Band entstand zwischen 1902 und 1907 und erschien im selben Jahr im Insel Verlag in Leipzig, der zweite, Auguste Rodin zugedachte (Der Neuen Gedichte anderer Teil) wurde 1908 fertiggestellt und im selben Verlag ver\u00F6ffentlicht. Die Sammlung gilt neben dem Malte Laurids Brigge als Hauptwerk seiner mittleren Schaffensphase, das sich deutlich von seiner bisherigen und sp\u00E4ter folgenden Produktion abhebt.Es markiert eine Wende von der gef\u00FChlsbetonten Dichtung ekstatischer Subjektivit\u00E4t und Innerlichkeit, wie sie etwa in seinem dreiteiligen Stunden-Buch vorherrscht, zur objektiveren Sprache der Dinggedichte. Mit dieser neuen poetischen Orientierung, die von der bildenden Kunst vor allem Rodins beeinflusst war, gilt Rilke als einer der bedeutendsten Dichter der literarischen Moderne. Mit Ausnahme von acht auf Capri verfassten Gedichten schrieb Rilke die meisten in Paris und Meudon nieder.An den Anfang beider B\u00E4nde stellte er mit Fr\u00FCher Apollo und Archa\u00EFscher Torso Apollos Verse \u00FCber Skulpturen des Dichtergottes."@de . . . . . . . . "New Poems (German: Neue Gedichte) is a two-part collection of poems written by Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist Rainer Maria Rilke (1875\u20131926). The first volume, dedicated to Elisabeth and Karl von der Heydt was composed from 1902 to 1907 and was published in the same year by Insel Verlag in Leipzig. The second volume (New Poems: The Other Part), dedicated to Auguste Rodin, was completed in 1908 and published by the same publisher. With the exception of eight poems written in Capri, Rilke composed most of them in Paris and Meudon. At the start of each volume he placed, respectively, Fr\u00FCher Apollo (Early Apollo) and Archa\u00EFscher Torso Apollos (Archaic Torso of Apollo), poems about sculptures of the poet-God. These poems, many of them sonnets, are often intensely focused on the visual. They show Rilke aware of the objective world and of the people amongst whom he lives. The poems are astonishingly concentrated: both short, and compacting a profundity of experience into small compass. He called them Dinggedichte, which translated literally means \"Thing-Poems,\" intending to reveal both that the poems were about \"things\" and that the poems had become, so concentrated and whole in themselves were they, things (poetic objects) themselves. Along with The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, the collection is considered to be the main work of his middle period, which clearly stands out from the work preceding and following it. It marks a shift from the emotive poetry of ecstatic subjectivity and interiority, which somewhat dominates his three-part The Book of Hours, to the objective language of the Dinggedicte. With this new poetic orientation, which was influenced by the visual arts and especially Rodin, Rilke came to be considered one of the most important poets of literary modernism."@en . . . . . . . "de"@en . . . . . "Novos Poemas"@pt . . . . . "Neue Gedichte"@en . "1063654608"^^ . . . . . . . .