. . . . . . . . "3322"^^ . . . . . . . "In the card game bridge, Namyats is a conventional agreement to open hands with a long major suit that are too strong for a direct preemptive opening with a 'two-under' transfer bid. When the long suit is in hearts, opener bids 4\u2663, and when in spades, opener bids 4\u2666. Accordingly, the method was originally named 'Four Club and Four Diamond Opening Transfers'; it is also referred to as 'Mitchell Transfers', after the developer of this bidding method, Victor Mitchell. The name 'Namyats' is the surname of Mitchell's bridge partner, Samuel Stayman, spelled backwards. In England, this convention is known as 'South African Texas', a name borrowed from a similar variant on the Texas transfer convention played over 1NT opening bids."@en . . . . . . . . "Namyats to bryd\u017Cowa konwencja licytacyjna opracowana przez ameryka\u0144skiego eksperta Samuela Staymana \u2013 du\u017Co bryd\u017Cowych konwencji nosi nazwisko ich wynalazc\u00F3w, w przypadku Namyats jest to nazwisko Staymana od ty\u0142u. Konwencja ta powsta\u0142a aby u\u0142atwi\u0107 odr\u00F3\u017Cnienie si\u0142y otwar\u0107 blokuj\u0105cych w kolorze starszym na poziomie czterech, polega ona na tym, i\u017C otwarcia 4\u2663 i 4\u2666 pokazuj\u0105 oko\u0142o 8\u00BD-10 lew opartych na d\u0142ugim i solidnym kolorze kierowym lub pikowym, a otwarcia 4\u2665 i 4\u2660 pokazuj\u0105 mniej lew, bardziej przestrzelony kolor i s\u0105 bardziej blokuj\u0105ce ni\u017C konstruktywne."@pl . . . . "1029211105"^^ . . "In the card game bridge, Namyats is a conventional agreement to open hands with a long major suit that are too strong for a direct preemptive opening with a 'two-under' transfer bid. When the long suit is in hearts, opener bids 4\u2663, and when in spades, opener bids 4\u2666. Accordingly, the method was originally named 'Four Club and Four Diamond Opening Transfers'; it is also referred to as 'Mitchell Transfers', after the developer of this bidding method, Victor Mitchell. The name 'Namyats' is the surname of Mitchell's bridge partner, Samuel Stayman, spelled backwards. In England, this convention is known as 'South African Texas', a name borrowed from a similar variant on the Texas transfer convention played over 1NT opening bids. When playing Namyats, a one-suited hand containing a long solid major too strong for a preemptive opening, like \u2660\u20099 \u2665\u2009 A\u2009K\u2009Q\u200910\u20098\u20096\u20095\u20093 \u2666\u20094 \u2663\u2009A\u2009J\u20097, is opened with a 4\u2663 bid. This allows the partnership to explore for slam by deploying a conventional one-step (4\u2666) relay response. When partner has no slam interest a two-step response is made that completes the bidding. Also, a slam can be bid directly over the opening with sufficient strength. The responses to both Namyats openings are summarised in the table. The advantage of Namyats is that it allows the partnership to narrow the range of hands opened in a major suit at the one-level and rebid in a later round. Also, the method may prevent the opponents to enter the bidding despite having a cheap sacrifice against the major suit game indicated by the Namyats opening. Disadvantage is that the 4\u2663 and 4\u2666 bids are no longer available as preempts, although proponents of the method argue that this is hardly a disadvantage as such preempts are rarely invoked for fear of bypassing a making game in notrump. Alternatively, partnerships can describe these hands by adopting the Gambling 3NT convention."@en . . . . . . "Namyats"@en . . . . . "15794353"^^ . . "Namyats"@pl . . . . . "Namyats to bryd\u017Cowa konwencja licytacyjna opracowana przez ameryka\u0144skiego eksperta Samuela Staymana \u2013 du\u017Co bryd\u017Cowych konwencji nosi nazwisko ich wynalazc\u00F3w, w przypadku Namyats jest to nazwisko Staymana od ty\u0142u. Konwencja ta powsta\u0142a aby u\u0142atwi\u0107 odr\u00F3\u017Cnienie si\u0142y otwar\u0107 blokuj\u0105cych w kolorze starszym na poziomie czterech, polega ona na tym, i\u017C otwarcia 4\u2663 i 4\u2666 pokazuj\u0105 oko\u0142o 8\u00BD-10 lew opartych na d\u0142ugim i solidnym kolorze kierowym lub pikowym, a otwarcia 4\u2665 i 4\u2660 pokazuj\u0105 mniej lew, bardziej przestrzelony kolor i s\u0105 bardziej blokuj\u0105ce ni\u017C konstruktywne."@pl .