"My Experiences in the World War is the memoir of John J. Pershing experiences in World War I. Pershing's memoir covers two volumes. They were originally published by the Frederick A. Stokes Company of New York City, and released in 1931. Pershing dedicated the work to The Unknown Soldier. Volume I covers the period from Pershing's selection as commander of the American Expeditionary Forces to the German spring offensive of 1918. Pershing's memoir also contains numerous photos, maps, tables of organization, and other illustrations."@en . . . . . . . "2731"^^ . . "51989616"^^ . . "My Experiences in the World War"@en . . . "Mes souvenirs de la guerre (titre original : My Experiences in the World War) est le titre des m\u00E9moires de John Pershing relatant son exp\u00E9rience de la Premi\u00E8re Guerre mondiale. C'est un ouvrage divis\u00E9 en deux volumes. Il est \u00E9dit\u00E9 \u00E0 l'origine chez l'\u00E9diteur Frederick A. Stokes, de New York, et sortit en 1931. Pershing d\u00E9die son ouvrage au Soldat inconnu. Le premier volume couvre la p\u00E9riode allant de la nomination de Pershing en tant que commandant de l'American Expeditionary Force, \u00E0 l'Offensive allemande du Printemps 1918. Le second se consacre \u00E0 la p\u00E9riode de la coop\u00E9ration des Alli\u00E9s, \u00E0 la suite de l'offensive allemande, jusqu'au 14 novembre 1918, date de la parade militaire des vainqueurs dans Paris. Ses m\u00E9moires contiennent \u00E9galement de nombreuses photos, des cartes, des tableaux, et d'autres illustrations diverses. My Experiences in the World War a re\u00E7u le Prix Pulitzer d'histoire en 1932."@fr . . . . "Mes souvenirs de la guerre"@fr . . . "Mes souvenirs de la guerre (titre original : My Experiences in the World War) est le titre des m\u00E9moires de John Pershing relatant son exp\u00E9rience de la Premi\u00E8re Guerre mondiale. C'est un ouvrage divis\u00E9 en deux volumes. Il est \u00E9dit\u00E9 \u00E0 l'origine chez l'\u00E9diteur Frederick A. Stokes, de New York, et sortit en 1931. Pershing d\u00E9die son ouvrage au Soldat inconnu. Le premier volume couvre la p\u00E9riode allant de la nomination de Pershing en tant que commandant de l'American Expeditionary Force, \u00E0 l'Offensive allemande du Printemps 1918."@fr . . . . . "My Experiences in the World War is the memoir of John J. Pershing experiences in World War I. Pershing's memoir covers two volumes. They were originally published by the Frederick A. Stokes Company of New York City, and released in 1931. Pershing dedicated the work to The Unknown Soldier. Volume I covers the period from Pershing's selection as commander of the American Expeditionary Forces to the German spring offensive of 1918. In the second volume, Pershing covers the period from the Allied cooperation that began at the end of the Spring Offensive until the November 14, 1918 Allied victory parade in Paris. Pershing's memoir also contains numerous photos, maps, tables of organization, and other illustrations. My Experiences in the World War received the 1932 Pulitzer Prize for History."@en . . . . . . . . . . "1090007402"^^ . .