. . . . . "The term multilateral trade negotiations (MTN) initially applied to negotiations between General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) member nations conducted under the auspices of the GATT and aimed at reducing tariff and nontariff trade barriers. In 1995 the World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced the GATT as the administrative body. A current round of multilateral trade negotiations was conducted in the Doha Development Agenda round. Prior to the ongoing Doha Development Round, eight GATT sessions took place: \n* 1st Round: Geneva Round, 1947 \n* 2nd Round: Annecy Round, 1949 \n* 3rd Round: Torquay Round, 1950-51 \n* 4th Round: Geneva Round, 1955-56 \n* 5th Round: Dillon Round, 1960-61 \n* 6th Round: Kennedy Round, 1963-67 \n* 7th Round: Tokyo Round, 1973-79 \n* 8th Round: Uruguay Round, 1986-94 The third WTO Ministerial Conference in Seattle, 1999, was intended to start the Millennium Round of negotiations."@en . "Welthandelsrunden sind ein politisches Element zur Liberalisierung des internationalen Handels. Sie werden seit 1947 im Rahmen des Allgemeinen Zoll- und Handelsabkommens (GATT) und der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) eingesetzt."@de . . "Welthandelsrunde"@de . "Report for Congress: Agriculture: A Glossary of Terms, Programs, and Laws, 2005 Edition"@en . . . . "As negocia\u00E7\u00F5es no \u00E2mbito do antigo GATT e, atualmente, da Organiza\u00E7\u00E3o Mundial do Com\u00E9rcio s\u00E3o chamadas de rodadas (em portugu\u00EAs brasileiro) ou rondas (em portugu\u00EAs europeu). A cada rodada ou ronda \u00E9 lan\u00E7ada uma agenda de temas que a serem discutidos entre os membros da OMC com o objetivo final de estabelecer acordos comerciais. O Artigo XXVIII do GATT prev\u00EA as rodadas como forma de os membros da OMC negociarem e decidirem sobre a diminui\u00E7\u00E3o das tarifas de importa\u00E7\u00E3o e a abertura dos mercados, por exemplo."@pt . . "http://ncseonline.org/nle/crsreports/05jun/97-905.pdf|author= Jasper Womach"@en . "As negocia\u00E7\u00F5es no \u00E2mbito do antigo GATT e, atualmente, da Organiza\u00E7\u00E3o Mundial do Com\u00E9rcio s\u00E3o chamadas de rodadas (em portugu\u00EAs brasileiro) ou rondas (em portugu\u00EAs europeu). A cada rodada ou ronda \u00E9 lan\u00E7ada uma agenda de temas que a serem discutidos entre os membros da OMC com o objetivo final de estabelecer acordos comerciais. O Artigo XXVIII do GATT prev\u00EA as rodadas como forma de os membros da OMC negociarem e decidirem sobre a diminui\u00E7\u00E3o das tarifas de importa\u00E7\u00E3o e a abertura dos mercados, por exemplo. No \u00E2mbito do GATT, de 1947 a 1994, ocorreram oito rodadas de negocia\u00E7\u00E3o; na OMC, em 2001, iniciou- se a Rodada Doha, ainda em curso."@pt . "1098872214"^^ . . . . . . . . "23646940"^^ . "Multilateral trade negotiations"@en . . . "1472"^^ . "Welthandelsrunden sind ein politisches Element zur Liberalisierung des internationalen Handels. Sie werden seit 1947 im Rahmen des Allgemeinen Zoll- und Handelsabkommens (GATT) und der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) eingesetzt. Zwar hat im Lauf der Handelsrunden die Verhandlungsdauer zu- und der Verhandlungsfortschritt abgenommen, allerdings wurden bisher mit jeder neuen Handelsrunde Fortschritte zur Liberalisierung des internationalen Handels erzielt. Somit haben sich die Welthandelsrunden zwar als langsame, jedoch zielorientierte Vereinbarungen zur Reduzierung der verschiedenen Formen von Handelshemmnissen erwiesen."@de . . "Rodadas de negocia\u00E7\u00E3o do com\u00E9rcio internacional"@pt . . . "The term multilateral trade negotiations (MTN) initially applied to negotiations between General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) member nations conducted under the auspices of the GATT and aimed at reducing tariff and nontariff trade barriers. In 1995 the World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced the GATT as the administrative body. A current round of multilateral trade negotiations was conducted in the Doha Development Agenda round. Prior to the ongoing Doha Development Round, eight GATT sessions took place:"@en . . . . . . .