"Micro to powie\u015B\u0107 Michaela Crichtona utrzymana w gatunku technothriller, wydana po\u015Bmiertnie w 2011 roku. Po \u015Bmierci autora w 2008 roku na jego komputerze znaleziono niedoko\u0144czony r\u0119kopis jeszcze niezatytu\u0142owany. Wydawca HarperCollins wybra\u0142 pisarza Richarda Prestona, w celu uzupe\u0142nienia powie\u015Bci z pozostawionych notatek i bada\u0144 Crichtona. Ksi\u0105\u017Cka ostatecznie opublikowana zosta\u0142a w 2011 roku. Amblin Entertainment planuje stworzy\u0107 ekranizacj\u0119 powie\u015Bci. Scenariusz napisa\u0142 Darren Lemke, re\u017Cyseri\u0105 ma si\u0119 zaj\u0105\u0107 Joachim R\u00F8nning."@pl . . . . . . . . "Mikro (kniha)"@cs . . "Mikro (v orig. Micro) je posledn\u00ED rozpracovan\u00FD rom\u00E1n americk\u00E9ho spisovatele Michaela Crichtona (1942 - 2008). V USA vy\u0161el roku 2011, v \u010Cesku pak vydalo knihu s p\u0159ekladem Michala Prokopa nakladatelstv\u00ED Euromedia Group v roce 2013. Autor m\u011Bl d\u00EDlo pouze rozvr\u017Een\u00E9 a zem\u0159el d\u0159\u00EDve, ne\u017E na n\u011Bm mohl za\u010D\u00EDt pracovat. Proto jej prakticky cel\u00E9 napsal a dokon\u010Dil dal\u0161\u00ED americk\u00FD autor ."@cs . "First edition cover"@en . . . "United States"@en . . . . . . . "32182985"^^ . . . . . "Micro (novel)"@en . . "Micro (engl. Micro) ist ein 2011 ver\u00F6ffentlichter Thriller des amerikanischen Schriftstellers Michael Crichton (1942\u20132008). Nach dessen Tod wurde der Roman von Richard Preston vollendet."@de . . . "Mikro (v orig. Micro) je posledn\u00ED rozpracovan\u00FD rom\u00E1n americk\u00E9ho spisovatele Michaela Crichtona (1942 - 2008). V USA vy\u0161el roku 2011, v \u010Cesku pak vydalo knihu s p\u0159ekladem Michala Prokopa nakladatelstv\u00ED Euromedia Group v roce 2013. Autor m\u011Bl d\u00EDlo pouze rozvr\u017Een\u00E9 a zem\u0159el d\u0159\u00EDve, ne\u017E na n\u011Bm mohl za\u010D\u00EDt pracovat. Proto jej prakticky cel\u00E9 napsal a dokon\u010Dil dal\u0161\u00ED americk\u00FD autor ."@cs . . . "1044139636"^^ . . . . . "Micro (titre original : Micro) est un roman (techno-thriller) \u00E9crit par Michael Crichton et Richard Preston, publi\u00E9 le 22 novembre 2011. Il s'agit de la derni\u00E8re \u0153uvre de Michael Crichton et la deuxi\u00E8me publi\u00E9e \u00E0 titre posthume (apr\u00E8s Pirates). Au moment de sa mort, en 2008, Crichton aurait r\u00E9dig\u00E9 le tiers du roman. Apr\u00E8s la d\u00E9couverte de cette premi\u00E8re \u00E9bauche sur son ordinateur personnel, HarperCollins (son \u00E9diteur) demande \u00E0 Richard Preston d'\u00E9crire la suite de l'histoire. Admirateur inconditionnel de Crichton, Preston a imm\u00E9diatement accept\u00E9 cette offre : \u00AB Je souhaitais rendre hommage \u00E0 l'\u0153uvre et \u00E0 l'imagination de l'un des \u00E9crivains les plus visionnaires et cr\u00E9atifs de notre \u00E9poque contemporaine \u00BB. L'agent de Crichton a indiqu\u00E9 qu'il \u00E9tait des plus enthousiastes face \u00E0 son roman. Il aurait eu l'impression de faire tomber de nouvelles barri\u00E8res tout en int\u00E9grant de v\u00E9ritables donn\u00E9es scientifiques."@fr . "2011-11-22"^^ . . . "Micro \u00E8 un romanzo techno-thriller, l'ultimo di Michael Crichton, pubblicato postumo nel 2011. \u00C8 stato ricostruito da Richard Preston sulla base degli appunti lasciati da Crichton."@it . . . . . . "2011-11-22"^^ . . . . . . . . "Micro \u00E8 un romanzo techno-thriller, l'ultimo di Michael Crichton, pubblicato postumo nel 2011. \u00C8 stato ricostruito da Richard Preston sulla base degli appunti lasciati da Crichton."@it . . . . "Micro (engl. Micro) ist ein 2011 ver\u00F6ffentlichter Thriller des amerikanischen Schriftstellers Michael Crichton (1942\u20132008). Nach dessen Tod wurde der Roman von Richard Preston vollendet."@de . . . . . "13660"^^ . . . . . . "Micro (powie\u015B\u0107)"@pl . . . "HarperCollins" . . . "978"^^ . . . "Micro"@en . "978-0-06-087302-8" . "Micro (romanzo)"@it . . . "200"^^ . . . . . . . "Micro (Roman)"@de . . . . . "Micro is a techno-thriller novel by Michael Crichton, the seventeenth under his own name and second to be published after his death, published in 2011. Upon his death in 2008, an untitled, unfinished manuscript was found on his computer, which would become Micro. Publisher HarperCollins chose science writer Richard Preston to complete the novel from Crichton's remaining notes and research, and it was finally published in 2011. Micro followed the historical thriller Pirate Latitudes, which was also found on his computer and published posthumously in 2009."@en . . . . "Micro to powie\u015B\u0107 Michaela Crichtona utrzymana w gatunku technothriller, wydana po\u015Bmiertnie w 2011 roku. Po \u015Bmierci autora w 2008 roku na jego komputerze znaleziono niedoko\u0144czony r\u0119kopis jeszcze niezatytu\u0142owany. Wydawca HarperCollins wybra\u0142 pisarza Richarda Prestona, w celu uzupe\u0142nienia powie\u015Bci z pozostawionych notatek i bada\u0144 Crichtona. Ksi\u0105\u017Cka ostatecznie opublikowana zosta\u0142a w 2011 roku. Amblin Entertainment planuje stworzy\u0107 ekranizacj\u0119 powie\u015Bci. Scenariusz napisa\u0142 Darren Lemke, re\u017Cyseri\u0105 ma si\u0119 zaj\u0105\u0107 Joachim R\u00F8nning."@pl . . . . "English"@en . . . . . . "Micro (titre original : Micro) est un roman (techno-thriller) \u00E9crit par Michael Crichton et Richard Preston, publi\u00E9 le 22 novembre 2011. Il s'agit de la derni\u00E8re \u0153uvre de Michael Crichton et la deuxi\u00E8me publi\u00E9e \u00E0 titre posthume (apr\u00E8s Pirates). L'agent de Crichton a indiqu\u00E9 qu'il \u00E9tait des plus enthousiastes face \u00E0 son roman. Il aurait eu l'impression de faire tomber de nouvelles barri\u00E8res tout en int\u00E9grant de v\u00E9ritables donn\u00E9es scientifiques."@fr . "Science fiction, Adventure, techno-thriller"@en . "Micro (roman)"@fr . . . . . "424"^^ . . . . . . . "Micro"@en . "424"^^ . "Micro is a techno-thriller novel by Michael Crichton, the seventeenth under his own name and second to be published after his death, published in 2011. Upon his death in 2008, an untitled, unfinished manuscript was found on his computer, which would become Micro. Publisher HarperCollins chose science writer Richard Preston to complete the novel from Crichton's remaining notes and research, and it was finally published in 2011. Micro followed the historical thriller Pirate Latitudes, which was also found on his computer and published posthumously in 2009."@en . . . . .