. "Michael Langdon (n\u00E9 le 12 novembre 1920 \u00E0 Wolverhampton - mort le 12 mars 1991 \u00E0 Hove) est un chanteur d'op\u00E9ra britannique, basse. Il a notamment interpr\u00E9t\u00E9 les op\u00E9ras suivants : The Midsummer Marriage, Gloriana, , Billy Budd, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Don Carlos, Arabella et Der Rosenkavalier, Moses, Don Pasquale, Il Seraglio, entre autres. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 la basse principale au Royal Opera House \u00E0 partir de 1951. Il a pris sa retraite en 1977."@fr . . . "\u30DE\u30A4\u30B1\u30EB\u30FB\u30E9\u30F3\u30B0\u30C9\u30F3\uFF08Michael Langdon, 1920\u5E7411\u670812\u65E5 - 1991\u5E743\u670812\u65E5\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30A4\u30AE\u30EA\u30B9\u306E\u30D0\u30B9\u6B4C\u624B\u3002 \u30A6\u30EB\u30F4\u30A1\u30FC\u30CF\u30F3\u30D7\u30C8\u30F3\u306E\u751F\u307E\u308C\u30021948\u5E74\u304B\u3089\u30B3\u30F4\u30A7\u30F3\u30C8\u30AC\u30FC\u30C7\u30F3\u738B\u7ACB\u6B4C\u5287\u5834\u306B\u30B3\u30FC\u30E9\u30B9\u8981\u54E1\u3068\u3057\u3066\u53C2\u52A0\u3057\u30011950\u5E74\u306B\u30DE\u30F3\u30C1\u30A7\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u3067\u30A2\u30FC\u30B5\u30FC\u30FB\u30D6\u30EA\u30B9\u306E\u300A\u30AA\u30EA\u30E5\u30F3\u30DD\u30B9\u306E\u795E\u3005\u300B\u306E\u591C\u8B66\u5F79\u3068\u3057\u3066\u72EC\u5531\u8005\u306E\u7ACB\u5834\u3067\u521D\u821E\u53F0\u3092\u8E0F\u3093\u3060\u30021951\u5E74\u306B\u30D9\u30F3\u30B8\u30E3\u30DF\u30F3\u30FB\u30D6\u30EA\u30C6\u30F3\u306E\u300A\u30D3\u30EA\u30FC\u30FB\u30D0\u30C3\u30C9\u300B\u306E\u30B3\u30F4\u30A7\u30F3\u30C8\u30AC\u30FC\u30C7\u30F3\u738B\u7ACB\u6B4C\u5287\u5834\u3067\u306E\u521D\u6F14\u3067\u30E9\u30C8\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u4E2D\u5C09\u5F79\u3092\u52D9\u3081\u30011955\u5E74\u306E\u30D6\u30EA\u30C6\u30F3\u306E\u300A\u30B0\u30ED\u30EA\u30A2\u30FC\u30CA\u300B\u306E\u521D\u6F14\u306B\u3082\u30CE\u30EA\u30C3\u30B8\u306E\u5224\u4E8B\u5F79\u3067\u51FA\u6F14\u3057\u305F\u30021985\u5E74\u306B\u6B4C\u624B\u6D3B\u52D5\u3092\u5F15\u9000\u3002 \u30DB\u30F4\u306B\u3066\u6B7B\u53BB\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u30DE\u30A4\u30B1\u30EB\u30FB\u30E9\u30F3\u30B0\u30C9\u30F3\uFF08Michael Langdon, 1920\u5E7411\u670812\u65E5 - 1991\u5E743\u670812\u65E5\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30A4\u30AE\u30EA\u30B9\u306E\u30D0\u30B9\u6B4C\u624B\u3002 \u30A6\u30EB\u30F4\u30A1\u30FC\u30CF\u30F3\u30D7\u30C8\u30F3\u306E\u751F\u307E\u308C\u30021948\u5E74\u304B\u3089\u30B3\u30F4\u30A7\u30F3\u30C8\u30AC\u30FC\u30C7\u30F3\u738B\u7ACB\u6B4C\u5287\u5834\u306B\u30B3\u30FC\u30E9\u30B9\u8981\u54E1\u3068\u3057\u3066\u53C2\u52A0\u3057\u30011950\u5E74\u306B\u30DE\u30F3\u30C1\u30A7\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u3067\u30A2\u30FC\u30B5\u30FC\u30FB\u30D6\u30EA\u30B9\u306E\u300A\u30AA\u30EA\u30E5\u30F3\u30DD\u30B9\u306E\u795E\u3005\u300B\u306E\u591C\u8B66\u5F79\u3068\u3057\u3066\u72EC\u5531\u8005\u306E\u7ACB\u5834\u3067\u521D\u821E\u53F0\u3092\u8E0F\u3093\u3060\u30021951\u5E74\u306B\u30D9\u30F3\u30B8\u30E3\u30DF\u30F3\u30FB\u30D6\u30EA\u30C6\u30F3\u306E\u300A\u30D3\u30EA\u30FC\u30FB\u30D0\u30C3\u30C9\u300B\u306E\u30B3\u30F4\u30A7\u30F3\u30C8\u30AC\u30FC\u30C7\u30F3\u738B\u7ACB\u6B4C\u5287\u5834\u3067\u306E\u521D\u6F14\u3067\u30E9\u30C8\u30AF\u30EA\u30D5\u4E2D\u5C09\u5F79\u3092\u52D9\u3081\u30011955\u5E74\u306E\u30D6\u30EA\u30C6\u30F3\u306E\u300A\u30B0\u30ED\u30EA\u30A2\u30FC\u30CA\u300B\u306E\u521D\u6F14\u306B\u3082\u30CE\u30EA\u30C3\u30B8\u306E\u5224\u4E8B\u5F79\u3067\u51FA\u6F14\u3057\u305F\u30021985\u5E74\u306B\u6B4C\u624B\u6D3B\u52D5\u3092\u5F15\u9000\u3002 \u30DB\u30F4\u306B\u3066\u6B7B\u53BB\u3002"@ja . . "Michael Langdon CBE (12 November 1920 \u2013 12 March 1991) was a British bass opera singer. Langdon was born in Wolverhampton. He had six half brothers and sisters, the youngest, Maud being 19 years his senior. His father, Harry (birth name Frank Birtles) was sixty when his youngest son was born. He was blind and after he retired from business, his young son spent much time with him, reading to him, sharing walks and conversation and learning to play the piano. Harry died when Frank was ten. Frank promptly failed the 11 plus, to his teacher's amazement. He excelled at the less academic school he attended. He disliked school and was pleased to leave. He was principal bass at the Royal Opera House from 1951 and sang in most of the great opera houses of the world, most often in the role of Baron Ochs in Der Rosenkavalier during the 1960s and 1970s. His voice has been described as 'basso profundo'. He could reach the lowest noted of that part with ease while going into a falsetto for the highest note in the famous waltz - something he wished he didn't have to do. Other operas in which he sang included The Midsummer Marriage, Gloriana, The Olympians, Billy Budd, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Don Carlos, Arabella, Don Pasquale and The Abduction from the Seraglio. He was founder-director of the National Opera Studio. Lesley Garrett spent a year there during his time. A subarachnoid haemorrhage brought an end to his time there after 10 years. Langdon retired from singing in 1977. His autobiography, Notes From a Low Singer, was published in 1982. His long association with Covent Garden tempted him out of retirement for one final role; he appeared as the Prison Governor Colonel Frank in the 1984 production of Die Fledermaus. He was an avid football fan, supporting Wolverhampton Wanderers all his life. Langdon died in Hove in 1991. He was survived by his wife, Vera. He has two daughters, Christine and Diane. His granddaughter is a successful BBC Radio 1 employee."@en . . "3278"^^ . "Michael Langdon (12 de noviembre de 1920 \u2013 12 de marzo de 1991) fue un bajo, cantante de \u00F3pera, de nacionalidad brit\u00E1nica."@es . . . . . "Michael Langdon"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u30DE\u30A4\u30B1\u30EB\u30FB\u30E9\u30F3\u30B0\u30C9\u30F3"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . "Michael Langdon"@es . . . "18511123"^^ . . . . "Michael Langdon"@en . . . . "Michael Langdon (n\u00E9 le 12 novembre 1920 \u00E0 Wolverhampton - mort le 12 mars 1991 \u00E0 Hove) est un chanteur d'op\u00E9ra britannique, basse. Il a notamment interpr\u00E9t\u00E9 les op\u00E9ras suivants : The Midsummer Marriage, Gloriana, , Billy Budd, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Don Carlos, Arabella et Der Rosenkavalier, Moses, Don Pasquale, Il Seraglio, entre autres. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 la basse principale au Royal Opera House \u00E0 partir de 1951. Il a pris sa retraite en 1977."@fr . "1119767252"^^ . "Michael Langdon (12 de noviembre de 1920 \u2013 12 de marzo de 1991) fue un bajo, cantante de \u00F3pera, de nacionalidad brit\u00E1nica."@es . . . "Michael Langdon CBE (12 November 1920 \u2013 12 March 1991) was a British bass opera singer. Langdon was born in Wolverhampton. He had six half brothers and sisters, the youngest, Maud being 19 years his senior. His father, Harry (birth name Frank Birtles) was sixty when his youngest son was born. He was blind and after he retired from business, his young son spent much time with him, reading to him, sharing walks and conversation and learning to play the piano. Harry died when Frank was ten. Frank promptly failed the 11 plus, to his teacher's amazement. He excelled at the less academic school he attended. He disliked school and was pleased to leave."@en . . . .