. . . . . "\u5927\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30CA"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Major Arcana"@en . . "Os arcanos maiores ou, ainda, triunfos maiores s\u00E3o uma subdivis\u00E3o do tar\u00F4 e, juntamente, com os arcanos menores formam uma das partes integrantes do baralho. Em conjuntos esot\u00E9ricos, os arcanos maiores entram em contrapartida com os menores e retratam situa\u00E7\u00F5es gerais e em que circunst\u00E2ncia encontra-se a alma, o esp\u00EDrito ou o subconsciente humano em determinada situa\u00E7\u00E3o, por isso \u00E9 representado por elementos simb\u00F3licos gerais da cultura humana. Os arcanos maiores s\u00E3o geralmente considerados por leitores de cartas como relativas a quest\u00F5es de maior efeito ou profundo significado, ao contr\u00E1rio dos arcanos menores que se relacionam com o mundo quotidiano e quest\u00F5es de import\u00E2ncia imediata."@pt . . . . "23725"^^ . "1120462599"^^ . "De Grote Arcana is een verzamelnaam voor 22 kaarten, die deel uitmaken van het tarotspel. De benaming is afkomstig van het Latijnse Arcanum wat geheim betekent. Traditioneel bestaat de tarot uit twee groepen: de Grote Arcana en de Kleine Arcana. De term Grote Arcana wordt alleen gebruikt bij esoterische praktijken met tarotkaarten en bij de analyse van de symbolische betekenis (bijvoorbeeld door psychoanalytici). In het Franse kaartspel dat ook Tarot heet, noemt men de 21 genummerde kaarten atouts (troeven) plus de dwaas le mat of l'excuse (de joker)."@nl . . "The Major Arcana are the named or numbered cards in a cartomantic tarot pack, the name being originally given by occultists to the trump cards of a normal tarot pack used for playing card games. There are usually 22 such cards in a standard 78-card pack, typically numbered from 0 to 21 (in card playing packs, there is no 0, the unnumbered card is the Fool). The name is not used by tarot card game players. Prior to the 17th century, tarot cards were solely used for playing games and the Fool and 21 trumps were simply part of a standard card pack used for gaming and gambling. There may have been allegorical and cultural significance attached to them, but beyond that, the trumps originally had no mystical or magical import. With decks designed for card games (Tarot card games), these cards serve as permanent trumps and are distinguished from the remaining cards -- the suit cards -- which are known by occultists as the Minor Arcana. The terms \"Major\" and \"Minor Arcana\" are used in the occult, and divinatory applications of the deck as in practising Esoteric Tarot and originate with Jean-Baptiste Pitois (1811\u20131877), writing under the name Paul Christian. Sir Michael Dummett writes that the Fool and trump cards originally had simple allegorical or esoteric meaning, mostly originating in elite ideology in the Italian courts of the 15th century when it was invented. The occult significance began to emerge in the 18th century when Antoine Court de G\u00E9belin, a Swiss clergyman and Freemason, published Le Monde Primitif. The construction of the occult and divinatory significance of the tarot, and the Major and Minor Arcana, continued on from there. For example, Court de G\u00E9belin claimed an Egyptian, kabbalistic, and divine significance of the tarot trumps; Etteilla created a method of divination using tarot; \u00C9liphas L\u00E9vi worked to break away from the Egyptian nature of the divinatory tarot, bringing it back to the tarot de Marseilles, creating a \"tortuous\" kabbalastic correspondence, and even suggested that the Major Arcana represent stages of life. The Marquis Stanislas de Guaita established the Major Arcana as an initiatory sequence to be used to establish a path of spiritual ascension and evolution. In 1980 Sallie Nichols, a Jungian psychologist, wrote of the tarot as having deep psychological and archetypal significance, even encoding the entire process of Jungian individuation into the tarot trumps. These various interpretations of the Major Arcana developed in stages, all of which continue to exert significant influence on practitioners' explanations of the Major Arcana."@en . . . "Gli arcani maggiori o trionfi sono un gruppo di carte dei tarocchi. Nei mazzi moderni sono ventuno carte, generalmente numerate da 1 a 21, pi\u00F9 il Matto, che nel gioco di carte \u00E8 una carta che ha un ruolo particolare. Nella cartomanzia gli arcani maggiori costituiscono le carte pi\u00F9 dense di significato esoterico."@it . "En les pr\u00E0ctiques ocultistes, els Arcans Majors s\u00F3n els trumfos d'una baralla de tarot. Normalment, hi ha 22 cartes d\u2019aquest tipus en un paquet est\u00E0ndard de 78 cartes, de les quals se'n numeren 21. Abans del segle XVII, els trumfos eren simplement un coll m\u00E9s de la baralla de cartes que es feia servir per jugar. Les seves imatges podien tenir import\u00E0ncia a nivell al\u00B7leg\u00F2ric i cultural, per\u00F2 m\u00E9s enll\u00E0 d'aix\u00F2, tenien poca import\u00E0ncia m\u00EDstica o m\u00E0gica. Quan les baralles s\u2019utilitzen per a jugar, aquest coll serveix com a trumfos permanents i es distingeixen de les cartes restants, els colls d'oros, bastos, copes i espases, que els ocultistes coneixen com a Arcans Menors."@ca . . "Os arcanos maiores ou, ainda, triunfos maiores s\u00E3o uma subdivis\u00E3o do tar\u00F4 e, juntamente, com os arcanos menores formam uma das partes integrantes do baralho. Em conjuntos esot\u00E9ricos, os arcanos maiores entram em contrapartida com os menores e retratam situa\u00E7\u00F5es gerais e em que circunst\u00E2ncia encontra-se a alma, o esp\u00EDrito ou o subconsciente humano em determinada situa\u00E7\u00E3o, por isso \u00E9 representado por elementos simb\u00F3licos gerais da cultura humana. Os arcanos maiores s\u00E3o geralmente considerados por leitores de cartas como relativas a quest\u00F5es de maior efeito ou profundo significado, ao contr\u00E1rio dos arcanos menores que se relacionam com o mundo quotidiano e quest\u00F5es de import\u00E2ncia imediata."@pt . . "Wielkie Arkana"@pl . "106066"^^ . . "En el ocultismo, los arcanos mayores son las 22 cartas de triunfo que componen el tarot. El nombre se usa solo en la lectura del tarot. Los jugadores pueden usar las cartas de tarot para jugar y llamarlo un triunfo y, por lo general, solo muestran un n\u00FAmero romano o ar\u00E1bigo en cada carta, adem\u00E1s de algunas decoraciones que son id\u00E9nticas en todas. Antes del siglo XVII, los triunfos eran simplemente parte de una baraja especial utilizada para juegos y apuestas.\u200B Puede haber tenido un significado aleg\u00F3rico y cultural, pero m\u00E1s all\u00E1 de eso, los triunfos originalmente ten\u00EDan poca importancia m\u00EDstica o m\u00E1gica.\u200B Cuando las barajas se utilizan para los juegos de cartas, estas sirven como permanentes triunfos y se distinguen de las cartas restantes, que son conocidos por los ocultistas como los arcanos menores.\u200B En la lectura del tarot, cada arcano mayor representa una escena, principalmente con una o varias personas, con muchos elementos simb\u00F3licos. En la mayor\u00EDa de las cartas, cada una tiene un n\u00FAmero \u2014generalmente n\u00FAmeros romanos\u2014 y un nombre, aunque no todas tienen ambos y algunas solo tienen una imagen. Las primeras de ellas no estaban nombradas ni numeradas, y solo ten\u00EDan dibujos \u2014probablemente debido al hecho de que una gran cantidad de personas las usaban en la \u00E9poca en que eran analfabetas\u2014."@es . . . . . . . . . "The Major Arcana are the named or numbered cards in a cartomantic tarot pack, the name being originally given by occultists to the trump cards of a normal tarot pack used for playing card games. There are usually 22 such cards in a standard 78-card pack, typically numbered from 0 to 21 (in card playing packs, there is no 0, the unnumbered card is the Fool). The name is not used by tarot card game players. These various interpretations of the Major Arcana developed in stages, all of which continue to exert significant influence on practitioners' explanations of the Major Arcana."@en . . . "Arkana Wielkie (\u0142ac. arcana \u2013 wtajemniczenie, wiedza tajemna) \u2013 grupa kart talii tarota. Autorem terminu arkana wielkie jest , kt\u00F3ry pos\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142 si\u0119 nim do opisania tej grupy kart w ksi\u0105\u017Cce pt. Historie de la Magie, du monde Surnaturel et de la fatalit\u00E9 a travers les Temps et les Peuples (wyd. 1870)."@pl . . . . . . . . "Arkana Wielkie (\u0142ac. arcana \u2013 wtajemniczenie, wiedza tajemna) \u2013 grupa kart talii tarota. Autorem terminu arkana wielkie jest , kt\u00F3ry pos\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142 si\u0119 nim do opisania tej grupy kart w ksi\u0105\u017Cce pt. Historie de la Magie, du monde Surnaturel et de la fatalit\u00E9 a travers les Temps et les Peuples (wyd. 1870)."@pl . . "\u5927\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30CA\uFF08\u3060\u3044\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30CA\u3001major arcana\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30BF\u30ED\u30C3\u30C8\u306E\u4E00\u7D4478\u679A\u306E\u3046\u306122\u679A\u3092\u69CB\u6210\u3059\u308B\u5BD3\u610F\u753B\u304C\u63CF\u304B\u308C\u305F\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3092\u6307\u3059\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . "Arcanos maiores"@pt . . . "Arcanos mayores"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\uB300 \uC544\uB974\uCE74\uB098"@ko . "\uB300 \uC544\uB974\uCE74\uB098(\uD504\uB791\uC2A4\uC5B4: Arcanes majeurs)\uB294 \uD0C0\uB85C\uC758 1\uC870 78\uB9E4 \uAC00\uC6B4\uB370 22\uB9E4\uB97C \uAD6C\uC131\uD558\uB294 \uC6B0\uC758\uD654\uAC00 \uADF8\uB824\uC9C4 \uCE74\uB4DC\uB97C \uAC00\uB9AC\uD0A8\uB2E4."@ko . "De Grote Arcana is een verzamelnaam voor 22 kaarten, die deel uitmaken van het tarotspel. De benaming is afkomstig van het Latijnse Arcanum wat geheim betekent. Traditioneel bestaat de tarot uit twee groepen: de Grote Arcana en de Kleine Arcana. De term Grote Arcana wordt alleen gebruikt bij esoterische praktijken met tarotkaarten en bij de analyse van de symbolische betekenis (bijvoorbeeld door psychoanalytici). In het Franse kaartspel dat ook Tarot heet, noemt men de 21 genummerde kaarten atouts (troeven) plus de dwaas le mat of l'excuse (de joker). Elke kaart van de Grote Arcana heeft een naam en een nummer van 0 (nul) tot 21. Meestal worden Romeinse cijfers gebruikt. Terwijl de Tarot van Marseille bij de Kleine Arcana geen menselijke figuren of taferelen uitbeeldt, toont de Rider-Waite Tarot op elke kaart een menselijke figuur, omgeven door een aantal symbolen uit de astrologie en/of de Hermetische kabbala. Bij de Grote Arcana beelden alle genoemde tarots archetypische taferelen uit, die sinds het verschijnen van de tarot van Marseille niet veel van elkaar verschillen. De kaarten hebben een vaste volgorde, al is er discussie over de plaats van sommige kaarten (zo worden in de Rider-Waite Tarot de kaarten en omgewisseld). De volgorde in onder andere de Rider-Waite Tarot, de Thoth tarot van Aleister Crowley en de meeste recente tarots is als volgt: 1. \n* De Magi\u00EBr 2. \n* De Hogepriesteres of La Papesse 3. \n* De Keizerin 4. \n* De Keizer 5. \n* , of 6. \n* 7. \n* 8. \n* (of 11.) 9. \n* of 10. \n* 11. \n* (of 8.) 12. \n* 13. \n* 14. \n* 15. \n* 16. \n* 17. \n* 18. \n* 19. \n* 20. \n* 21. \n* 22. \n* De Dwaas (krijgt ook het cijfer nul) In de oudste bekende kaarten, de Visconti-Sforza tarots, zijn de kaarten niet genummerd. In de Tarot van Marseille, waarop de moderne tarots gebaseerd zijn, heeft Le Mat (De Dwaas) geen nummer ook al is er een plaats voor voorzien. De dertiende kaart heeft er ook geen naam en verschillende kaarten hebben een andere naam dan in de recentere spelen (vb. La Papesse, Le Pape, La Maison Dieu). Bij de interpretatie van tarotkaarten door waarzeggers, zouden de kaarten van de Grote Arcana iets zeggen over de grote thema's in het leven. De kaarten van de Kleine Arcana daarentegen vertellen iets over het leven van alledag."@nl . . . . . . . "En les pr\u00E0ctiques ocultistes, els Arcans Majors s\u00F3n els trumfos d'una baralla de tarot. Normalment, hi ha 22 cartes d\u2019aquest tipus en un paquet est\u00E0ndard de 78 cartes, de les quals se'n numeren 21. Abans del segle XVII, els trumfos eren simplement un coll m\u00E9s de la baralla de cartes que es feia servir per jugar. Les seves imatges podien tenir import\u00E0ncia a nivell al\u00B7leg\u00F2ric i cultural, per\u00F2 m\u00E9s enll\u00E0 d'aix\u00F2, tenien poca import\u00E0ncia m\u00EDstica o m\u00E0gica. Quan les baralles s\u2019utilitzen per a jugar, aquest coll serveix com a trumfos permanents i es distingeixen de les cartes restants, els colls d'oros, bastos, copes i espases, que els ocultistes coneixen com a Arcans Menors. Els termes \"Arc\u00E0 Major\" i \"Arc\u00E0 Menor\" s'utilitzen en la seva aplicaci\u00F3 ocultista o endevinat\u00F2ria del tarot i s'originen amb Jean-Baptiste Pitois (1811-1877), sota el pseud\u00F2nim Paul Christian. Michael Dummett escriu que els arcans majors tenien, inicialment, un significat al\u00B7leg\u00F2ric o esot\u00E8ric simple i senzill, originat principalment a l'entorn elitista de les corts italianes del segle XV (\u00E8poca en qu\u00E8 es va inventar aquest joc). La import\u00E0ncia ocultista va comen\u00E7ar a emergir al segle xviii quan Antoine Court de G\u00E9belin, un clergue su\u00EDs i francma\u00E7\u00F3, va publicar Le Monde Primitif. La construcci\u00F3 del significat ocult i endevinatori del tarot, i dels Arcans Majors i Menors, s'aixecaria sobre aquesta base. Per exemple, Court de G\u00E9belin defensava la import\u00E0ncia egipcia, cabal\u00EDstica i divina dels trumfos del tarot; Etteilla va crear un m\u00E8tode d\u2019endevinaci\u00F3 mitjan\u00E7ant les cartes del tarot; \u00C9liphas L\u00E9vi va treballar per separar-se de la pretesa naturalesa eg\u00EDpcia del tarot endevinatori, portant-lo de nou al tarot de Marsella, creant una correspond\u00E8ncia cabal\u00EDstica \"tortuosa\" i, fins i tot, va suggerir que els Arcans Majors representessin etapes de la vida. El marqu\u00E8s Stanislas de Guaita va establir els Arcans Majors com una seq\u00FC\u00E8ncia que s'hauria d'utilitzar per establir un cam\u00ED d'ascensi\u00F3 i evoluci\u00F3 espiritual. Finalment, , psic\u00F2loga jungiana, va parlar del profund significat psicol\u00F2gic i arquet\u00EDpic del tarot, fins i tot codificant tot el proc\u00E9s d\u2019individuaci\u00F3 jungiana en els seus trumfos. Aquestes diverses interpretacions dels Arcans Majors es van desenvolupar per etapes, i totes continuen exercint una influ\u00E8ncia significativa en les explicacions dels professionals sobre els Arcans Majors fins als nostres dies."@ca . . . . . . . "\u5927\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30CA\uFF08\u3060\u3044\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30CA\u3001major arcana\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30BF\u30ED\u30C3\u30C8\u306E\u4E00\u7D4478\u679A\u306E\u3046\u306122\u679A\u3092\u69CB\u6210\u3059\u308B\u5BD3\u610F\u753B\u304C\u63CF\u304B\u308C\u305F\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3092\u6307\u3059\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . "Grote Arcana"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u5927\u963F\u723E\u514B\u90A3\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AMajor Arcana\uFF09\u662F\u6307\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u7684\u7D44\u5408\uFF0C\u5728\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u4E2D\u4E00\u822C\u4FD7\u7A31\u70BA\u300C\u5927\u79D8\u5100\u300D\u3001\u300C\u5927\u724C\u300D\u3001\u300C\u738B\u724C\u300D(trump)\uFF0C\u5171\u5305\u542B22\u5F35\u724C\uFF0C\u7DE8\u865F\u75310 - 21\u3002\u963F\u723E\u514B\u90A3\uFF08Arcana\uFF09\u70BA\u4E2D\u53E4\u4E16\u7D00\u7149\u91D1\u8853\u5E2B\u6240\u8FFD\u5C0B\u7684\u5967\u79D8\uFF0C\u5929\u5730\u842C\u7269\u904B\u884C\u7684\u9053\u7406\u30020\u70BA\u611A\u8005\u8D85\u7136\u65BC\u5176\u5B8321\u5F35\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u4E4B\u5916\uFF0C\u90E8\u5206\u5360\u535C\u5E2B\u8A8D\u70BA\u611A\u8005\u65E9\u5DF2\u5177\u5099\u7A7A\u767D\u724C\u7684\u529F\u80FD\uFF0C\u6B64\u6D3E\u8A8D\u70BA\u518D\u52A0\u5165\u7A7A\u767D\u724C\u7684\u884C\u70BA\u662F\u4E0D\u667A\u7684\u3001\u591A\u9918\u7684\u3001\u7834\u58DE\u5E73\u8861\u7684\u884C\u70BA\u3002 \u99AC\u8CFD\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u4E00\u822C\u6703\u4EE5VIII\u70BA\u6B63\u7FA9\uFF0CXI\u70BA\u529B\u91CF\u3002\u53EA\u662F\u5049\u7279\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u57FA\u65BC\u897F\u65B9\u795E\u79D8\u5B78\u4E2D\u7684\u5360\u661F\u8853\u539F\u5247\u628A\u5169\u5F35\u724C\u6389\u8F49\uFF0C\u56E0\u70BA\u6B63\u7FA9\u6240\u4EE3\u8868\u7684\u662F\u5929\u79E4\u5EA7\u800C\u529B\u91CF\u6240\u4EE3\u8868\u7684\u662F\u7345\u5B50\u5EA7\uFF0C\u660E\u986F\u5730\u7345\u5B50\u5EA7\u61C9\u653E\u5728\u5929\u79E4\u5EA7\u524D\u7684\uFF0C\u5728\u66F4\u6539\u9806\u5E8F\u5F8C\u7684\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u88AB\u8A8D\u70BA\u66F4\u7B26\u5408\u661F\u76F8\u9031\u671F\u767C\u5C55\uFF0C\u53CA\u5F8C\u5F88\u591A\u65B0\u51FA\u73FE\u7684\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u4EA6\u8DDF\u96A8\u9019\u7A2E\u6392\u5217\u3002\u4F46\u99AC\u8CFD\u724C\u6216\u6258\u7279\u724C\u5247\u8A8D\u70BA\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u672C\u8EAB\u4E5F\u6C92\u6709\u9806\u8457\u9019\u7A2E\u661F\u5EA7\u9031\u671F\uFF0C\u5982\u6392\u5217\u65BC\u5169\u724C\u4E4B\u9593\u7684\u547D\u904B\u4E4B\u8F2A\u6240\u4EE3\u8868\u7684\u5C31\u662F\u6728\u661F\uFF0C\u6240\u4EE5\u5373\u4F7F\u4E0D\u662F\u8DDF\u5F9E\u661F\u5EA7\u9806\u5E8F\u4E5F\u4E0D\u662F\u4EC0\u9EBC\u554F\u984C\u3002\u8207\u5C0F\u963F\u723E\u514B\u90A3\u7684\u61C9\u7528\u53CA\u76F8\u5C0D\u95DC\u4FC2\uFF0C\u53EF\u5C0D\u61C9\u4E16\u754C\u4E00\u5207\u7684\u73FE\u8C61\u3002"@zh . . . "Arcans majors"@ca . . . "\u5927\u963F\u723E\u514B\u90A3\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AMajor Arcana\uFF09\u662F\u6307\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u7684\u7D44\u5408\uFF0C\u5728\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u4E2D\u4E00\u822C\u4FD7\u7A31\u70BA\u300C\u5927\u79D8\u5100\u300D\u3001\u300C\u5927\u724C\u300D\u3001\u300C\u738B\u724C\u300D(trump)\uFF0C\u5171\u5305\u542B22\u5F35\u724C\uFF0C\u7DE8\u865F\u75310 - 21\u3002\u963F\u723E\u514B\u90A3\uFF08Arcana\uFF09\u70BA\u4E2D\u53E4\u4E16\u7D00\u7149\u91D1\u8853\u5E2B\u6240\u8FFD\u5C0B\u7684\u5967\u79D8\uFF0C\u5929\u5730\u842C\u7269\u904B\u884C\u7684\u9053\u7406\u30020\u70BA\u611A\u8005\u8D85\u7136\u65BC\u5176\u5B8321\u5F35\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u4E4B\u5916\uFF0C\u90E8\u5206\u5360\u535C\u5E2B\u8A8D\u70BA\u611A\u8005\u65E9\u5DF2\u5177\u5099\u7A7A\u767D\u724C\u7684\u529F\u80FD\uFF0C\u6B64\u6D3E\u8A8D\u70BA\u518D\u52A0\u5165\u7A7A\u767D\u724C\u7684\u884C\u70BA\u662F\u4E0D\u667A\u7684\u3001\u591A\u9918\u7684\u3001\u7834\u58DE\u5E73\u8861\u7684\u884C\u70BA\u3002 \u99AC\u8CFD\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u4E00\u822C\u6703\u4EE5VIII\u70BA\u6B63\u7FA9\uFF0CXI\u70BA\u529B\u91CF\u3002\u53EA\u662F\u5049\u7279\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u57FA\u65BC\u897F\u65B9\u795E\u79D8\u5B78\u4E2D\u7684\u5360\u661F\u8853\u539F\u5247\u628A\u5169\u5F35\u724C\u6389\u8F49\uFF0C\u56E0\u70BA\u6B63\u7FA9\u6240\u4EE3\u8868\u7684\u662F\u5929\u79E4\u5EA7\u800C\u529B\u91CF\u6240\u4EE3\u8868\u7684\u662F\u7345\u5B50\u5EA7\uFF0C\u660E\u986F\u5730\u7345\u5B50\u5EA7\u61C9\u653E\u5728\u5929\u79E4\u5EA7\u524D\u7684\uFF0C\u5728\u66F4\u6539\u9806\u5E8F\u5F8C\u7684\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u88AB\u8A8D\u70BA\u66F4\u7B26\u5408\u661F\u76F8\u9031\u671F\u767C\u5C55\uFF0C\u53CA\u5F8C\u5F88\u591A\u65B0\u51FA\u73FE\u7684\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u4EA6\u8DDF\u96A8\u9019\u7A2E\u6392\u5217\u3002\u4F46\u99AC\u8CFD\u724C\u6216\u6258\u7279\u724C\u5247\u8A8D\u70BA\u5854\u7F85\u724C\u672C\u8EAB\u4E5F\u6C92\u6709\u9806\u8457\u9019\u7A2E\u661F\u5EA7\u9031\u671F\uFF0C\u5982\u6392\u5217\u65BC\u5169\u724C\u4E4B\u9593\u7684\u547D\u904B\u4E4B\u8F2A\u6240\u4EE3\u8868\u7684\u5C31\u662F\u6728\u661F\uFF0C\u6240\u4EE5\u5373\u4F7F\u4E0D\u662F\u8DDF\u5F9E\u661F\u5EA7\u9806\u5E8F\u4E5F\u4E0D\u662F\u4EC0\u9EBC\u554F\u984C\u3002\u8207\u5C0F\u963F\u723E\u514B\u90A3\u7684\u61C9\u7528\u53CA\u76F8\u5C0D\u95DC\u4FC2\uFF0C\u53EF\u5C0D\u61C9\u4E16\u754C\u4E00\u5207\u7684\u73FE\u8C61\u3002"@zh . . . . . "\uB300 \uC544\uB974\uCE74\uB098(\uD504\uB791\uC2A4\uC5B4: Arcanes majeurs)\uB294 \uD0C0\uB85C\uC758 1\uC870 78\uB9E4 \uAC00\uC6B4\uB370 22\uB9E4\uB97C \uAD6C\uC131\uD558\uB294 \uC6B0\uC758\uD654\uAC00 \uADF8\uB824\uC9C4 \uCE74\uB4DC\uB97C \uAC00\uB9AC\uD0A8\uB2E4."@ko . "En el ocultismo, los arcanos mayores son las 22 cartas de triunfo que componen el tarot. El nombre se usa solo en la lectura del tarot. Los jugadores pueden usar las cartas de tarot para jugar y llamarlo un triunfo y, por lo general, solo muestran un n\u00FAmero romano o ar\u00E1bigo en cada carta, adem\u00E1s de algunas decoraciones que son id\u00E9nticas en todas. Las primeras de ellas no estaban nombradas ni numeradas, y solo ten\u00EDan dibujos \u2014probablemente debido al hecho de que una gran cantidad de personas las usaban en la \u00E9poca en que eran analfabetas\u2014."@es . . "\u5927\u963F\u723E\u514B\u90A3"@zh . . . . "Gli arcani maggiori o trionfi sono un gruppo di carte dei tarocchi. Nei mazzi moderni sono ventuno carte, generalmente numerate da 1 a 21, pi\u00F9 il Matto, che nel gioco di carte \u00E8 una carta che ha un ruolo particolare. Nella cartomanzia gli arcani maggiori costituiscono le carte pi\u00F9 dense di significato esoterico."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Arcani maggiori"@it . .