"Lucy Orta"@fr . "Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, England"@en . . . . . "1966"^^ . . . . . . "25089602"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "6716"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lucy Orta"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lucy Orta (* 1966 in Royal Sutton Coldfield) ist eine britische bildende K\u00FCnstlerin. Orta wandte sich nach dem Abschluss einer Modedesignausbildung der bildenden Kunst zu und gr\u00FCndete 1991 mit ihrem Partner Jorge Orta 1992 das Studio Orta in Paris und im Jahr 2000 Les Moulins in Boissy-le-Ch\u00E2tel \u00F6stlich von Paris im D\u00E9partement Seine-et-Marne. Es besteht aus vier jahrelang sorgf\u00E4ltig restaurierten ehemaligen Industriegeb\u00E4uden entlang eines acht km langen Abschnitts des Grand Morin. Zu den Standorten geh\u00F6ren Moulin Sainte-Marie, Moulin de Boissy, Moulin la Vacherie und La Laiterie. Les Moulins, das K\u00FCnstlerateliers, Werkst\u00E4tten, B\u00FChnenr\u00E4ume sowie Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsorte umfasst, dient der Schaffung und Pr\u00E4sentation neuer Formen zeitgen\u00F6ssischer Kunst. Zum Studio geh\u00F6rt au\u00DFerdem ein rund 20 Hektar gro\u00DFer Skulpturenpark. 2001 erhielt sie den Visual Arta Award der Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts. In Anerkennung ihrer innovativen sozial motivierten Arbeit wurde sie zur Leiterin von Man & Humanity ernannt, einem wegweisenden Masterstudiengang zur F\u00F6rderung von sozialem und nachhaltigem Design, den sie 2002 zusammen mit Lidewij Edelkoort an der Design Academy Eindhoven gr\u00FCndete. Seit 2002 ist sie Professorin am London College of Fashion. An der University of the Arts London hat sie den Lehrstuhl f\u00FCr Kunst und Umwelt inne, ist Mitglied des Centre for Sustainable Fashion und installierte das Art for the Environment Artist in Residency Program. F\u00FCr ihren akademischen Beitrag zur bildenden Kunst verliehen ihr die Nottingham Trent University den Ehrentitel Honorary Master of Arts und die University of Brighton den Honorary Doctor of Letters."@de . . . . . . . "1097737407"^^ . "Lucy Orta"@en . . "Lucy Orta (Sutton Coldfield, Anglaterra, 1966) \u00E9s una artista visual anglesa que viu i treballa entre Londres i Par\u00EDs, on resideix des de 1991. Despr\u00E9s de graduar-se amb una llicenciatura en disseny de moda i peces de punt, va comen\u00E7ar la seva carrera art\u00EDstica el 1991. La seva obra escult\u00F2rica investiga els l\u00EDmits entre el cos i l'arquitectura, i l'exploraci\u00F3 dels factors socials comuns com ara la comunicaci\u00F3 i la identitat. Produeix les seves obres en escultura, art p\u00FAblic, v\u00EDdeo i fotografia. Treballa molt sovint amb Jorge Orta, i entre els dos han creat l'estudi Orta."@ca . . . . . . "Lucy Orta (born 1966 in Sutton Coldfield, Great Britain) is an English contemporary visual artist living and working between London and Paris where she has resided since 1991. After graduating with an honours degree in fashion-knitwear design, Orta began practising as a visual artist in 1991. Her sculptural work investigates the boundaries between the body and architecture, exploring their common social factors such as communication and identity. Orta's most emblematic works include: Refuge Wear and Body Architecture (1992\u20131998), portable architecture, lightweight and autonomous structures representing issues of survival. Nexus Architecture (1994\u20132002) are participative interventions in which a variable number of people wear suits connected to each other, shaping modular and collective str"@en . . . . . . . . . "United Nations Environment Programme Green Leaf Award for Sculpture"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lucy Orta (* 1966 in Royal Sutton Coldfield) ist eine britische bildende K\u00FCnstlerin. Orta wandte sich nach dem Abschluss einer Modedesignausbildung der bildenden Kunst zu und gr\u00FCndete 1991 mit ihrem Partner Jorge Orta 1992 das Studio Orta in Paris und im Jahr 2000 Les Moulins in Boissy-le-Ch\u00E2tel \u00F6stlich von Paris im D\u00E9partement Seine-et-Marne. Es besteht aus vier jahrelang sorgf\u00E4ltig restaurierten ehemaligen Industriegeb\u00E4uden entlang eines acht km langen Abschnitts des Grand Morin. Zu den Standorten geh\u00F6ren Moulin Sainte-Marie, Moulin de Boissy, Moulin la Vacherie und La Laiterie. Les Moulins, das K\u00FCnstlerateliers, Werkst\u00E4tten, B\u00FChnenr\u00E4ume sowie Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsorte umfasst, dient der Schaffung und Pr\u00E4sentation neuer Formen zeitgen\u00F6ssischer Kunst. Zum Studio geh\u00F6rt au\u00DFerdem"@de . "Lucy Orta"@de . . . . . "Lucy Orta"@en . . . . . . . . . "Lucy Orta (born 1966 in Sutton Coldfield, Great Britain) is an English contemporary visual artist living and working between London and Paris where she has resided since 1991. After graduating with an honours degree in fashion-knitwear design, Orta began practising as a visual artist in 1991. Her sculptural work investigates the boundaries between the body and architecture, exploring their common social factors such as communication and identity. Orta's most emblematic works include: Refuge Wear and Body Architecture (1992\u20131998), portable architecture, lightweight and autonomous structures representing issues of survival. Nexus Architecture (1994\u20132002) are participative interventions in which a variable number of people wear suits connected to each other, shaping modular and collective structures, which visualise the concept of social link. Urban Life Guards (2004\u2013ongoing) are wearable objects that reflect on the body as a metaphorical supportive structure. Orta\u2019s work has been the focus of major survey exhibitions at the Wiener Secession Vienna (1999); USF Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa (2001), for which she received the Andy Warhol Foundation grant; and Barbican Art Gallery, London (2005). She has participated in international art biennales in Venice, Italy; Havana, Cuba; Johannesburg, South Africa; Athens, Greece; and the Gwangju Biennale in Gwangju, South Korea and was an invited speaker at TED x WWF in 2013. In 1993, Orta founded Les Moulins together with her partner Jorge Orta, member of the scientific council of the \u00C9cole Nationale Sup\u00E9rieure d'Architecture de Versailles -ENSAV- with whom she now collaborates. Their major artworks include: Connector, OrtaWater, 70 x 7 The Meal, Antarctica, and Spirits. Lucy and Jorge Orta are currently restoring a complex of artist studios and residencies on former industrial buildings sites situated along the Grand Morin river in Marne La Vall\u00E9e as a living extension of their practice: \u201CThe staging of a social bond \u201D( Pierre Restany, Process of Transformation. Ed. JM Place Paris 1996). Their collaborative work. which often deals with environmental sustainability and urgent humanitarian crises, has been the focus of major exhibitions at the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa Venice, Italy (2005); Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (2006); Galleria Continua, San Gimignano/ Beijing / Le Moulin (2007); Biennale del fin del Mundo, Antarctica (2007); Hangar Bicocca spazio d'arte, Milan (2008), Natural History Museum, London (2010); Shanghai Biennale (2012); MAXXI \u2013 National Museum of the 21st Century Arts, Rome (2012); Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield (2013); and Parc de la Villette, Paris (2014). In 2013 they were awarded the inaugural Terrace Wires commission in London, with the monumental artwork Meteoros. In 2007 Lucy and Jorge Orta received the Green Leaf Award for Sculpture, for artistic excellence with an environmental message, presented by the United Nations Environment Programme in partnership with the Natural World Museum, at the Nobel Peace Centre Oslo, Norway. Orta holds a BA (hons) and an honorary Master of Fine Arts both from the School of Art and Design at Nottingham Trent University. She is currently Chair of Art and the Environment at University of the Arts London. Orta was the inaugural Rootstein Hopkins Chair at London College of Fashion from 2002 to 2007, and former Head of the Man & Humanity Master in Industrial Design for the Design Academy Eindhoven, a pioneering master program that stimulates socially driven and sustainable design solutions, alternative systems and products, which she co-founded in 2002."@en . . "Lucy Orta, n\u00E9e en 1966 \u00E0 Royal Sutton Coldfield, est une plasticienne britannique active en France \u00E0 partir de 1991."@fr . "Lucy Orta, n\u00E9e en 1966 \u00E0 Royal Sutton Coldfield, est une plasticienne britannique active en France \u00E0 partir de 1991."@fr . . . "Lucy Orta (Sutton Coldfield, Anglaterra, 1966) \u00E9s una artista visual anglesa que viu i treballa entre Londres i Par\u00EDs, on resideix des de 1991. Despr\u00E9s de graduar-se amb una llicenciatura en disseny de moda i peces de punt, va comen\u00E7ar la seva carrera art\u00EDstica el 1991. La seva obra escult\u00F2rica investiga els l\u00EDmits entre el cos i l'arquitectura, i l'exploraci\u00F3 dels factors socials comuns com ara la comunicaci\u00F3 i la identitat. Produeix les seves obres en escultura, art p\u00FAblic, v\u00EDdeo i fotografia. Treballa molt sovint amb Jorge Orta, i entre els dos han creat l'estudi Orta."@ca . . "Lucy Orta"@ca . . . . . . . . . "English"@en . .