"Louis \u00C9tienne Ravaz or Louis Ravaz (Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas, Is\u00E8re, 1863 \u2014 Montpellier, 1937) was a specialist of ampelography and one of the creators of modern viticulture. In 1892, he founded the grape research station of Cognac (French: Station viticole de Cognac), that he directed for several years. He was professor of viticulture (and from 1919 director) at the National School of Agriculture of Montpellier (\u00C9cole nationale d\u2019agriculture de Montpellier). He contributed to the diffusion of the use of the American varieties in the regions affected by French blight (Phylloxera) and investigated the pathologies of the grapevine. He published several works on viticulture. With Pierre Viala, he described the causes of the black-rot disease of grapevine and founded the \"Revue de viticulture\""@en . "49992597"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Louis Ravaz (Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas, Is\u00E8re, 1863 \u2014 Montpellier, 1937) foi um agr\u00F3nomo, especialista em ampelografia e um dos criadores da moderna viticultura. Em 1892 fundou a Esta\u00E7\u00E3o Vit\u00EDcola de Cognac (Station viticole de Cognac), que dirigiu durante alguns anos. Foi professor de viticultura (e a partir de 1919 director) da Escola Nacional de Agricultura de Montpellier (\u00C9cole nationale d\u2019agriculture de Montpellier). Contribuiu para a difus\u00E3o do uso da videira americana nas regi\u00F5es atingidas pela filoxera e investigou as patologias da vinha. Publicou diversas obras sobre viticultura. Com Pierre Viala descobriu as causas do da videira e fundou a \"Revue de viticulture\"."@pt . . . . . "Louis \u00C9tienne Ravaz or Louis Ravaz (Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas, Is\u00E8re, 1863 \u2014 Montpellier, 1937) was a specialist of ampelography and one of the creators of modern viticulture. In 1892, he founded the grape research station of Cognac (French: Station viticole de Cognac), that he directed for several years. He was professor of viticulture (and from 1919 director) at the National School of Agriculture of Montpellier (\u00C9cole nationale d\u2019agriculture de Montpellier). He contributed to the diffusion of the use of the American varieties in the regions affected by French blight (Phylloxera) and investigated the pathologies of the grapevine. He published several works on viticulture. With Pierre Viala, he described the causes of the black-rot disease of grapevine and founded the \"Revue de viticulture\". He was the taxon author of: \n* Guignardia Viala & Ravaz, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 8: 63 (1892)"@en . . . "Louis Ravaz"@pt . "1081440031"^^ . . . . . . "Louis Ravaz (Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas, Is\u00E8re, 1863 \u2014 Montpellier, 1937) foi um agr\u00F3nomo, especialista em ampelografia e um dos criadores da moderna viticultura. Em 1892 fundou a Esta\u00E7\u00E3o Vit\u00EDcola de Cognac (Station viticole de Cognac), que dirigiu durante alguns anos. Foi professor de viticultura (e a partir de 1919 director) da Escola Nacional de Agricultura de Montpellier (\u00C9cole nationale d\u2019agriculture de Montpellier). Contribuiu para a difus\u00E3o do uso da videira americana nas regi\u00F5es atingidas pela filoxera e investigou as patologias da vinha. Publicou diversas obras sobre viticultura. Com Pierre Viala descobriu as causas do da videira e fundou a \"Revue de viticulture\"."@pt . . . . . . . "Louis \u00C9tienne Ravaz"@en . . . "1730"^^ . . . . . . . . . .