. . . "Public"@en . "POINT(-0.17944444715977 51.470001220703)"^^ . "H\u00E9liport de Londres"@fr . . . "L'H\u00E9liport de Londres (code OACI : EGLW), pr\u00E9c\u00E9demment appel\u00E9 Battersea et actuellement officiellement connu comme le NetJets London Heliport fait office d'unique h\u00E9liport pour la capitale anglaise. L'\u00E9tablissement, qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 inaugur\u00E9 en 1959, est situ\u00E9 dans Battersea, sur la rive sud de la Tamise, \u00E0 5,6 km au sud-ouest du pont de Westminster et entre Wandsworth Bridge et le pont ferroviaire de Battersea. La gare la plus proche se trouve \u00E0 Clapham Junction, et la plus proche station de m\u00E9tro est Fulham Broadway."@fr . . . . "London Heliport (ICAO: EGLW), previously called Battersea Heliport and currently known officially as the Edmiston London Heliport for sponsorship reasons, is London's only licensed heliport. The facility, which was built by W. & C. French and opened on 23 April 1959, is located in Battersea on the south bank of the River Thames, 3 NM (5.6 km; 3.5 mi) southwest of Westminster Bridge and between Wandsworth Bridge and Battersea Railway Bridge. Prior to the official opening, the first aircraft to land at the heliport on 8 April 1959, was a Westland Widgeon Series 2, owned by Westland Aircraft. The heliport, once owned by Westland and then Harrods, is a very small site, making use of a jetty to provide a helipad for take-off and landing, and onshore parking for three to four aircraft, depending upon their size. The heliport provides landing, parking and refuelling services between 08:00 and 21:00 (flights are permitted between 07:00 and 23:00), albeit parking is normally restricted to smaller helicopter categories. Flight conditions and procedures at the heliport prescribe a circuit height 1,000 ft (305 m) above the Thames, in an extended figure-of-eight over the water, to seek to minimise noise pollution for residents in the area and to constrain flight operations to over the river, away from the built-up area. Ground running of rotors is restricted to a maximum of five minutes for the same reason. In 2003 London Heliport was acquired by Weston Homes. In 2012 it was bought by the Reuben Brothers, who also own Oxford Airport, for \u00A335 million. Edmiston announced in August 2019 that they would be taking over the title sponsorship of the heliport with a restyling of the interior & exterior areas as well as repainting the helicopter landing apron. The nearest main line railway station is Clapham Junction and the nearest London Underground station is Fulham Broadway."@en . "5.4864"^^ . "United Kingdom Greater London"@en . . . "705556"^^ . . . . . "London Heliport"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "EGLW"@en . . "1031397714"^^ . "51.47 -0.17944444444444446" . . . "L'H\u00E9liport de Londres (code OACI : EGLW), pr\u00E9c\u00E9demment appel\u00E9 Battersea et actuellement officiellement connu comme le NetJets London Heliport fait office d'unique h\u00E9liport pour la capitale anglaise. L'\u00E9tablissement, qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 inaugur\u00E9 en 1959, est situ\u00E9 dans Battersea, sur la rive sud de la Tamise, \u00E0 5,6 km au sud-ouest du pont de Westminster et entre Wandsworth Bridge et le pont ferroviaire de Battersea. L'h\u00E9liport est un tr\u00E8s petit site et permet l'utilisation d'une jet\u00E9e pour un d\u00E9collage et un atterrissage, ainsi que le parking pour trois \u00E0 quatre appareils, en fonction de leur taille. L'h\u00E9liport est ouvert entre 08:00 et 21:00 (les vols sont autoris\u00E9s entre 07:00 et 23:00), et le stationnement est normalement limit\u00E9 \u00E0 de petits h\u00E9licopt\u00E8res. La gare la plus proche se trouve \u00E0 Clapham Junction, et la plus proche station de m\u00E9tro est Fulham Broadway."@fr . . . . "London Heliport"@en . . "Location in Greater London"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "38"^^ . . . . . . . . . "London Heliport (ICAO: EGLW), previously called Battersea Heliport and currently known officially as the Edmiston London Heliport for sponsorship reasons, is London's only licensed heliport. The facility, which was built by W. & C. French and opened on 23 April 1959, is located in Battersea on the south bank of the River Thames, 3 NM (5.6 km; 3.5 mi) southwest of Westminster Bridge and between Wandsworth Bridge and Battersea Railway Bridge. Prior to the official opening, the first aircraft to land at the heliport on 8 April 1959, was a Westland Widgeon Series 2, owned by Westland Aircraft."@en . "EGLW" . . . "125"^^ . . . . . . . . "Der London Heliport (auch: London\u2019s Vertical Gateway) ist ein Hubschrauberlandeplatz in London, gelegen am S\u00FCdufer der Themse."@de . . . "02/20" . . . . . . . "Battersea, London, England"@en . . "EGLW"@en . "38.1"^^ . . "2"^^ . "-0.1794444471597672"^^ . . . "London Heliport"@en . . . . . . . . . "The London Airport Ltd."@en . . "7216"^^ . . "51.47000122070312"^^ . . . . "38.0"^^ . "Der London Heliport (auch: London\u2019s Vertical Gateway) ist ein Hubschrauberlandeplatz in London, gelegen am S\u00FCdufer der Themse."@de . "18"^^ . . . "Concrete" . . . . "London Heliport"@en . "Sources: UK AIP at NATS"@en . "Y"@en . . . . .