"Liaison 4"@fr . . . . . . "922665646"^^ . "2468"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "La liaison 4 est une liaison de donn\u00E9es tactiques extr\u00EAmement sommaire qui \u00E9tait destin\u00E9e \u00E0 \u00E9changer des informations avec les avions de chasse. Aux \u00C9tats-Unis, elle est connue sous la terminologie TADIL-C. Le contenu de sa messagerie et le protocole d'\u00E9mission sont d\u00E9finis par le STANAG 5504. Sa mise en \u0153uvre op\u00E9rationnelle est d\u00E9finie dans le document OTAN ADatP-4 En 2010, la liaison 4 \u00E9tait tomb\u00E9e en d\u00E9su\u00E9tude, supplant\u00E9e par la liaison 16."@fr . . "Link 4 is a non-secure data link used for providing vector commands to USAF and other NATO fighter aircraft. It is a netted, time division link operating in the UHF band at 5,000 bits per second. There are 2 separate \"Link 4s\": Link 4A and Link 4C."@en . "Il Link 4 \u00E8 uno dei primi Data Link tattici (collegamento di dati tattici) che sono stati sviluppati, per cui \u00E8 estremamente semplice rispetto a quelli pi\u00F9 recenti. \u00C8 stato progettato per lo scambio di informazioni con e tra jet da combattimento. Negli Stati Uniti \u00E8 noto come TADIL-C. Il contenuto della sua messaggistica e il protocollo di trasmissione sono definiti dallo STANAG 5504, mentre la sua implementazione operativa \u00E8 definita nel documento NATO ADatP-4. Nel 2010 il Link 4 \u00E8 caduto in disuso, essendo stato soppiantato dal Link 16."@it . . . . . . . . . . . "15487120"^^ . . . . . . . . "La liaison 4 est une liaison de donn\u00E9es tactiques extr\u00EAmement sommaire qui \u00E9tait destin\u00E9e \u00E0 \u00E9changer des informations avec les avions de chasse. Aux \u00C9tats-Unis, elle est connue sous la terminologie TADIL-C. Le contenu de sa messagerie et le protocole d'\u00E9mission sont d\u00E9finis par le STANAG 5504. Sa mise en \u0153uvre op\u00E9rationnelle est d\u00E9finie dans le document OTAN ADatP-4 En 2010, la liaison 4 \u00E9tait tomb\u00E9e en d\u00E9su\u00E9tude, supplant\u00E9e par la liaison 16."@fr . . . "Il Link 4 \u00E8 uno dei primi Data Link tattici (collegamento di dati tattici) che sono stati sviluppati, per cui \u00E8 estremamente semplice rispetto a quelli pi\u00F9 recenti. \u00C8 stato progettato per lo scambio di informazioni con e tra jet da combattimento. Negli Stati Uniti \u00E8 noto come TADIL-C. Il contenuto della sua messaggistica e il protocollo di trasmissione sono definiti dallo STANAG 5504, mentre la sua implementazione operativa \u00E8 definita nel documento NATO ADatP-4. Nel 2010 il Link 4 \u00E8 caduto in disuso, essendo stato soppiantato dal Link 16."@it . . . "Link 4 is a non-secure data link used for providing vector commands to USAF and other NATO fighter aircraft. It is a netted, time division link operating in the UHF band at 5,000 bits per second. There are 2 separate \"Link 4s\": Link 4A and Link 4C. Link 4A TADIL C is one of several Tactical Data Links now in operation in the United States Armed Services and forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Link-4A plays an important role by providing digital surface-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-air tactical communications. Originally designated Link-4, this link was designed to replace voice communications for the control of tactical aircraft. The use of Link-4 has since been expanded to include communication of digital data between surface and airborne platforms. First installed in the late 1950s, Link-4A has achieved a reputation for being reliable. But Link-4A's transmissions are not secure, nor are they jam-resistant. However, Link-4A is easy to operate and maintain without serious or long-term connectivity problems. Link 4C is a fighter-to-fighter data link which is intended to complement Link 4A although the two links do not communicate directly with each other. Link 4C uses F-series messages and provides some measure of ECM resistance. Link 4C is fitted to the F-14 only and the F-14 cannot communicate on Link 4A and 4C simultaneously. Up to 4 fighters may participate in a single Link 4C net. It is planned that Link 16 will assume Link 4A's role in AIC and ATC operations and Link 4C's role in fighter-to-fighter operations. However Link 16 is not currently capable of replacing Link 4A's ACLS function and it is likely that controlled aircraft will remain equipped with Link 4A to perform carrier landings. Message standards are defined in STANAG 5504 while standard operating procedures are laid down in ADatP 4."@en . . "Link 4"@it . "Link 4"@en . . .